4,312 research outputs found

    Pharmacokinetic Study of Nifedipine in Healthy Adult Male Human Volunteers

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    Purpose: To evaluate the pharmacokinetics of nifedipine in healthy adult Pakistani subjects. Methods: Each of six fasting volunteers received 20 mg nifedipine (2 x Adalat® 10 mg capsules) orally once and then another one week later. Their blood samples were obtained at regular time intervals and analysed by HPLC. Using the non-compartmental approach, plasma levels of nifedipine were employed to compute their individual disposition kinetics, including Cmax (maximum plasma concentration), Tmax(time to reach maximum plasma concentration), MRT (mean residence time), AUC0-∞ (area under curve), AUMC0-∞ (area under first moment curve) and Ka (absorption rate constant). Results: The suggested therapeutic level of nifedipine for the treatment of hypertension (15-35 ng.mL-1) was achieved in all six volunteers within 0.25 h after dose administration, and maintained for more than 6 h. Tmax was 1.58 h and Cmax varied from 140 – 300 ng.mL-1. Mean absorption rate constant was 2.22 h-1 while mean absorption half-life was 0.43 h. The mean elimination rate constant was 0.16 h-1 while 5.7 h was recorded for terminal half-life. AUC0-¥, AUMC0-¥ and MRT were 1879.86 ng.h.mL-1, 8244.04ng.h2.mL-1 and 4.2 h, respectively. Conclusion: This study confirms the rapid absorption of nifedipine in humans. AUC was similar to thatpreviously reported for Nigerians but slightly lower than that stated in the literature for other south Asian races. Further studies on large segments of the local population using the non-compartmental model forkinetic analysis is recommended

    Genetic diversity among some productive genotypes of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)

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    This research was done at Vegetable Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Jammu during spring and summer seasons, 2007- 2009. D2-statistics revealed that β-carotene contributed maximally towards the genetic divergence followed by ascorbic acid, total soluble solids, alcohol insoluble solids, pericarp thickness, lycopene content and polygalacturonase activity. The 60 genotypes were grouped into 20 clusters. Fourteen (14) clusters were monogenotypic and cluster I possessed highest number of genotypes numbering 25. Out of 20 clusters, cluster VII is promising for minimum polygalacturonase activity and high average fruit weight, cluster VIII had highest number of locules per fruit, fruit yield per plant and yield per hectare and cluster XVII was superior for ascorbic acid. However, cluster XX was found promising for lycopene content, β-carotene and number of fruits per plants. The highest inter cluster D2 values were estimated between clusters XII and XX, followed by clusters XI and XX, clusters VII and XX, and clusters XV and XX, indicating that there is enough scope for the improvement of tomato crop by hybridization and selection.Key words: Genetic variability, genetic gain, heritability, tomato

    Evaluation of acute toxicity and anti-inflammatory effects of Baccharoides schimperi (DC.) in experimental animals

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    Background: Steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most commonly used to treat inflammation, and shown to have severe side effects. In this study, we aimed at evaluating the anti-inflammatory and acute toxicity effects of Baccharoides schimperi (DC.) in order to get new anti-inflammatory agents of natural origin.Materials and methods: The aerial part of the plant was dried under shade, ground and extracted with 96% alcohol (BSE). It was further fractionated in sequence to n-hexane (BSH), chloroform (BSC) and methanol (BSM) soluble fractions. Acute toxicity was evaluated by oral administration of plant and hind paw induced-edema method in rats was used for the anti-inflammatory evaluation.Results: The BSE was found safe up to the dose level of 3 g/kg b.w. and showed LD50 value 7.250 g/kg body weight (b.w.) in mice. BSE showed significant anti-inflammatory effect (62.91%) at 500 mg/kg b.w. Further the n-hexane, chloroform and methanol fractions of BSE were tested for antiinflammatory activity. The n-hexane fraction (BSH) exhibits significant activity (64.87%) at 400 mg/kg b.w. The methanol fraction (BSM) showed dose dependent activity, highest activity (60.42%) was observed at higher  dose 400 of mg/kg b.w. In chloroform fraction (BSC) no significant activitywas observed.Conclusion: The results of the study revealed that the plant is safe to the experimental model and recommended as a potential source of antiinflammatory agent.Key words: Acute toxicity, anti-inflammatory activity, Baccharoide schimperi (DC.


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    Objective: The present study was carried out to assess the in vitro anthelmintic activity of Abutilon theophrasti stem extracts. Methods: Simple maceration was employed for extraction. Solvents such as methanol, water, and hexane were used. Egg hatch test (EHT) and larval motility test were employed to check the anthelmintic activity of crude extracts. Concentrations of 500, 250, 125, 62.5, and 31.25 mg/ml were made. Levamisole and distilled water served as control, respectively. Results: All selected extracts displayed concentration-dependent inhibition except aqueous extracts. At higher concentration (500 mg/ml), stem extracts (methanol, aqueous, and ethanol) showed 74.39%, 72.5 and 70.03% of efficacy in EHT, respectively (p≤0.05). Meanwhile, inhibition of larval motility was seen higher with inhibition percentage of 79.79, 75.65, and 71.28 by methanolic, aqueous, and hexane extracts, respectively (p≤ 0.05). Conclusion: The presents study suggests active principles having anthelmintic efficacy in Abutilon theopharsti stem

    Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors on Utilizing Mobile Health Technology for TB in Indonesia: A Qualitative Pilot Study

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    Tuberculosis (TB) infections remain a global health burden with a high incidence rate in South-East Asia, including Indonesia. TB control strategy is founded on early case detection and complete treatment to minimize transmission and prevent the emergence of drug resistance. However, many patients face challenges to comply with daily medication, causing many to adhere inconsistently or stop prematurely. Technological solutions could enhance adherence to treatment and support national screening and follow-up policies. These include telephone video communication, enabling health professionals to watch patients take their medication, address patients' concerns, and provide advice and support. This manuscript describes the outcome of a qualitative pilot study, based on a series of focus group discussions to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors, on the potential utilization of mobile technology for health purposes with a particular focus on TB treatment follow-up. The findings illustrate that general knowledge of mobile health technologies, of their legal framework of operations, and of their exact potential within the healthcare system is incomplete or poor. The novel findings are as follows: (a) the willingness of participants to learn about these technologies, (b) the open and welcoming attitude toward receiving such information even within frontline community settings, and (c) the willingness to back a government-supported, healthcare-driven set of such initiatives. Potential implementation barriers have also been highlighted. This study is an important first step toward understanding the attitudes and behaviors on utilizing mobile health technology for TB in Indonesia

    A molecular phylogeny of selected species of Genus Prunus L. (Rosaceae) from Pakistan using the TRN-L & TRN-F spacer DNA

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    The genus Prunus L. is an important plant for fruit production and it includes plums, apricots, cherries, almonds and peaches that are sources of food for the local people. The family Rosaceae is not yet published in Flora of Pakistan and there is a lot of taxonomic work that is yet to be done for the proper classification and placement of different genera under different sub-families. Prunus is found in almost all the four provinces of Pakistan including Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (former NWFP), Sindh and Baluchistan which includes Azad Kashmir region. In the present study, the genus Prunus was studied in detail to find out the phylogenetic relationship among the 12 species of Prunus selected from different regions of Pakistan and GenBank using the maximum parsimony analysis of sequence polymorphism in chloroplast TRN-L and TRN-F spacer DNA. The results for the TRN-L and TRN-F primers confirm the work done by early phylogenetists including Potter and Bortiri with additions to new species from Pakistan including Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb. (Syn. Prunus amygdalus) and Prunus cornuta (Wall. ex. Royle) Steudel. which are indigenous to Pakistan.Key Words: Prunus, chloroplast, TRN-L, TRN-F, Pakistan

    The influence of perfusion solution on renal graft viability assessment

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    BACKGROUND: Kidneys from donors after cardiac or circulatory death are exposed to extended periods of both warm ischemia and intra-arterial cooling before organ recovery. Marshall’s hypertonic citrate (HOC) and Bretschneider’s histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate (HTK) preservation solutions are cheap, low viscosity preservation solutions used clinically for organ flushing. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of these two solutions both on parameters used in clinical practice to assess organ viability prior to transplantation and histological evidence of ischemic injury after reperfusion. METHODS: Rodent kidneys were exposed to post-mortem warm ischemia, extended intra-arterial cooling (IAC) (up to 2 h) with preservation solution and reperfusion with either Krebs-Hensleit or whole blood in a transplant model. Control kidneys were either reperfused directly after retrieval or stored in 0.9% saline. Biochemical, immunological and histological parameters were assessed using glutathione-S-transferase (GST) enzymatic assays, polymerase chain reaction and mitochondrial electron microscopy respectively. Vascular function was assessed by supplementing the Krebs-Hensleit perfusion solution with phenylephrine to stimulate smooth muscle contraction followed by acetylcholine to trigger endothelial dependent relaxation. RESULTS: When compared with kidneys reperfused directly post mortem, 2 h of IAC significantly reduced smooth muscle contractile function, endothelial function and upregulated vascular cellular adhesion molecule type 1 (VCAM-1) independent of the preservation solution. However, GST release, vascular resistance, weight gain and histological mitochondrial injury were dependent on the preservation solution used. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that initial machine perfusion viability tests, including ischemic vascular resistance and GST, are dependent on the perfusion solution used during in situ cooling. HTK-perfused kidneys will be heavier, have higher GST readings and yet reduced mitochondrial ischemic injury when compared with HOC-perfused kidneys. Clinicians should be aware of this when deciding which kidneys to transplant or discard

    Web-based and paper-based examinations:Lessons learnt during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown

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    Objectives: This study describes the process of remote assessment in medical education during the COVID-19 lockdown and shares data-driven experiences in resolving emerging concerns. Methods: We analysed the data of end-of-course paper-based exams (PBEs) and web-based exams (WBEs) conducted during the academic year 2019/2020. Twelve end-of-block exams were included. There were four exams each for the first-, second-, and third-year students. Eight exams were conducted as PBEs, and four were administered as WBEs. We compared the mean scores of PBEs and WBEs between exams and batches. Additionally, we compared the PBE and WBE scores obtained by 10 high-performance and 10 lowest-achieving students. Results: Variations were found in the scores of students from each of the three batches in PBEs or WBEs. In a few instances, the difference was statistically significant. No specific trend or pattern was detected in the difference between the scores of PBEs and WBEs. The mean score for the WBEs was intermediate among the means of PBEs for the first- and second-year students, but lower for the third-year students. Individual students’ marks in different exams consistently showed a positive correlation. The correlation was always high for PBEs (r = 0.782, 0.847). Conclusion: The present study showed that average and individual scores in WBEs and PBEs are comparable. Although there were some variations between the results of the two assessment modalities, no remarkable trend or pattern was observed. WBEs offer an ideal approach for formative assessment, progress testing, and the low-weight, but frequent, nature of continuous assessment.</p

    Enzymatic and biochemical characterization of Bungarus sindanus snake venom acetylcholinesterase

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    This study analyses venom from the elapid krait snake Bungarus sindanus, which contains a high level of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. The enzyme showed optimum activity at alkaline pH (8.5) and 45ºC. Krait venom AChE was inhibited by substrate. Inhibition was significantly reduced by using a high ionic strength buffer; low ionic strength buffer (10 mM PO4 pH 7.5) inhibited the enzyme by 1. 5mM AcSCh, while high ionic strength buffer (62 mM PO4 pH 7.5) inhibited it by 1 mM AcSCh. Venom acetylcholinesterase was also found to be thermally stable at 45ºC; it only lost 5% of its activity after incubation at 45ºC for 40 minutes. The Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) for acetylthiocholine iodide hydrolysis was found to be 0.068 mM. Krait venom acetylcholinesterase was also inhibited by ZnCl2, CdCl2, and HgCl2 in a concentrationdependent manner. Due to the elevated levels of AChE with high catalytic activity and because it is more stable than any other sources, Bungarus sindanus venom is highly valuable for biochemical studies of this enzyme
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