3 research outputs found

    Sistem Pendaratan Otomatis pada Quadcopter menggunakan Sliding Mode Controller

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    A quadcopter has a very nonlinear system characteristic that is influenced by unexpected disturbances such as the influence of wind that reflected off the ground when taking off or landing. Therefore, a robust control strategy is needed to improve the quadcopter performance. In this study, the control strategy is used to resolve outdoor automatic landing problems in a stable manner using the Sliding Mode Control (SMC) algorithm. The quadcopter has six degrees of freedom (6-DoF) with only four independent inputs, this makes it impossible to control 6-DoF directly and simultaneously. To handle this, the proposed structure is a multilevel control structure, inner loop dan outer loop controller. The Inner loop controls the rotational dynamics subsystem (3-DoF), while the outer loop controls the translational dynamics subsystem (3-DoF) which is designed in conjunction with the generation of attitude angle set-point. With the concept of automatics landing can reduce the risk of accidents on a quadcopter. The SMC technique on an automatics quadcopter landing shows the results with an error in roll of ± 0.05 radians, pitch ± 0.03 radians, yaw less than 0.3 radians, and translational movements the z-axis is ± 0.2 meters

    Kontrol Kestabilan Kapal Autonomous Submarine Surface Vehicle Dengan Metode Fuzzy logic

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    The Autonomous Submarine Surface Vehicle is a type of unmanned underwater vehicle. When the ship performs maneuvers, there are large Pitch and Roll motions. This research aims to control the stability of the Autonomous Submarine Surface Vehicle with Fuzzy. The first process is taking Pitch and Roll data followed by the Fuzzification process to change input data with firm values into Fuzzy values. The next stage is Inference by using the rules (if – then) and the Deffuzification process to change the results of the inference stage into output values. The last is the process of stabilizing the ship with a Thruster dc motor. When the system is activated, it has a time of 0.518 seconds faster to steady state than the deactivated system with a roll tilt of (plus) 11°. On the roll tilt of (plus) 20° the highest PWM rotation is 1600µs with a time of 9,342 seconds to steady state and the roll tilt is (plus) 11° with the highest PWM of 1500µs with a time of 4,335 seconds. Based on this research, the Fuzzy Method can control the stability of the Autonomous Submarine Surface Vehicle ship. &nbsp