172 research outputs found

    A Bibliometric Analysis of the Top 100 Cited Articles on Hepatic Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

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    The purpose of this study is to guide the readers to the impact of the articles published on hepatic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We searched Scopus using 10 different search terms for hepatic MRI. The selected studies were thoroughly reviewed by two independent authors and any disagreement was sorted out by mutual consensus. The list of articles and journals was downloaded into an excel spreadsheet. Only the top 100 cited articles were selected by mutual consensus among all the authors. These articles were further read in the full-text form and were further categorized into subgroups. Three authors independently reviewed the top 100 selected articles, and subsequently data was extracted from them and analyzed. Our study showed that the highest number of top 100 cited articles on hepatic MRI were from Radiology (30 articles) followed by European Radiology (14 articles). The American Journal of Roentgenology, Radiographics, and Journal of Magnetic Resonance had seven articles each. The United States had the highest number of articles by region. Nineteen other journals contributed only one article each to the list of top 100 cited articles. The contribution of authors to the top 100 cited articles was reviewed; all the authors contributing with more than two articles to the highly cited articles are given in Table 3 in the supplementary material. The maximum number of articles were published during 2009 (14 articles), and for a five-year period, the maximum contribution was made during 2008-2013 (44 articles). Our analysis gives an insight on the frequency of citations of top articles on hepatic MRI, categorizes the subtopics, the timeline of the publications, and contributions from different geographic distributions

    Development of Cloud Computing and Security Issues

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    In past three decades, the computing world is based on the Internet, featured by the rapid development and application of computer technology. The cloud computing model is one of the very important  shapes of a new era. This technology based on the distributed  computing, parallel computing, grid computing, Virtualization technologies, property- based remote attestation technologies, etc.  The cloud computing market and development are growing rapidly and bringing up numerous challenges and big  security issues of the today's world. Some  issues concern on the cloud computing is  the security and confidentiality of user data in terms of its location, relocation, availability and security. In this paper we will focus on the basic way of cloud computing development, growths and common security issues arising from the usage of cloud services. Keywords: Cloud computing, Security, Saas, Cloud Security, Internet

    A comparative study of two different numerical schemes for the simulation of nonlinear dynamics of heated falling thin films

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    In this research, an attempt is made to characterise qualitatively the stability and dynamics of an inclined thin liquid film under the influence of instabilities due to thermo-capillarity and evaporative effects as well as van der Waals intermolecular forces, by employing the implicit finite difference method. The results are compared with solutions obtained by the Fourier spectral method. Flow in thin films of a Newtonian liquid on an inclined plane with an adjacent passive gas layer, is well represented by the Navier-Stokes equations, equation of continuity and associated boundary conditions. Long-wave (lubrication) approximation is applied to simplify the governing equations to arrive at a nonlinear partial differential equation, called equation of evolution (EOE). The spatio-temporal evolution of the interfacial instability in the film caused by internal and/or external effects are studied by numerically solving the EOE using the implicit finite difference method. The results of the numerical simulations of our thin film model are compared with those of a similar problem solved using Fourier spectral method from the literature. Simulations show remarkable agreement in the film dynamics predicted by these two methods. The film rupture times obtained using our implicit finite difference scheme closely match with the values obtained from the Fourier spectral method within less than 1% error. This implies that the implicit finite difference method can be satisfactorily employed for the efficient numerical simulation of the thin film flows, and to decipher its nonlinear dynamics reliably


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of the capital structure of the Sugar Industry in Pakistan. This study reviews different theories related to the capital structure to formulate testable propositions concerning the determinants of the capital structure of the sugar industry of Pakistan. Panel data econometric techniques such as fixed effects and random effects are used to investigate the most significant factors that affect the capital structure choice of sugar firms listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange for the period 2009-2018. The results of the study suggest that variables such as firm size, financial flexibility, asset structure, profitability, liquidity, growth, risk, and affect all measures of the capital structure of Pakistan corporations. Short-term debt is found to represent an important financing source for corporations in Pakistan. Firm size and current ratio have a negative and significant relationship with Capital Structure ratios. Long term debt, Working Capital, Asset Structure, asset utilization, Effective tax rate, Financial Flexibility, Growth opportunity, Risk Volatility have a positive and significant relationship with Capital Structure ratios. Due to the existence of a negative relationship between profitability and capital structure, investors must consider capital structure before making investment decisions

    Empyema thoracic presenting as low back ache

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    AbstractA 24 years old female was presented with a 2 weeks history of fever (high grade), cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain right side and low back ache. Patient prefers to lie towards right side. CECT thorax reveals empyema thoracic with paravertebral extension. Patient was put on IV antibiotic according to culture and sensitivity. Clinical and Radiological improvement was evident after 1 week

    A new framework for integrated climate finance and inclusive responses to sustainable development in Malaysia

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    With Malaysia’s commitment to both mitigation and adaptation, the 21st Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change in Paris, 2015, will be both an opportunity to showcase best practices and a forum to promote international ownership of climate challenge before it becomes a catastrophe. Our experience with weather extremes is that the best time to intervene is at the risk level via prevention and preparedness, compared to any wait-and-see approach. As the Honourable Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, elaborated during the recent 11th Malaysia Plan presentation to the parliament, ‘such an approach has to be seen as part of adopting green growth and increasing our commitment to long-term sustainability’. Malaysia is also aware that this requires policy support, technological interventions and financial commitment. It is for this reason the Malaysia’s pledge at the Copenhagen COP-15 was to reduce its carbon emission by 40% from 2005 levels by 2020, subject to technology transfer and financial support by developed countries. Having achieved a 33% reduction in the last five years, Malaysia is convinced that it can reach the 40% target following an inclusive partnership framework for action

    Pengalaman keluarga dalam proses disengagement pada mantan narapidana terorisme

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    INDONESIA: Disengagement merupakan keputusan seseorang untuk tidak terlibat dalam aksi kekerasan maupun teror yang banyak dilakukan oleh radikal teroris. Dalam memutus mata rantai aliran radikal terorisme dengan kelompoknya secara umum tidaklah mudah, namun proses Disengagement sendiri mudah untuk dilakukan karena terfokus pada upaya perubahan sikap, Disengagement mantan narapidana pelaku teror dapat diukur dari peningkatan hubungan sosial individu. Indikator yang cukup signifikan yaitu membenahi hubungan keluarga, maupun hubungan dengan orang lain di lingkungan terdekat dan rasa memiliki serta kontribusinya pada masyarakat. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yaitu, untuk mengetahui pengalaman keluarga dalam proses Disengagement pada mantan narapidana terorisme. untuk mengetahui apa saja faktor pendukung dalam proses Disengagement pada mantan narapidana terorisme. untuk mengetahui apa saja faktor penghambat dalam proses Disengagement pada mantan narapidana terorisme. Penelitian ini memiliki 2 subjek, subjek 1 adalah ibu mantan napi, dan subjek 2 adalah istri mantan napi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengalaman keluarga dalam proses Disengagement terhadap mantan napiter cenderung berhasil, peran keluarga menentukan upaya Disengagement seorang napiter. Penerimaan keluarga dan masyarakat memberikan factor protektif bagi proses lepasnya napiter dari kelompoknya. Dukungan istri, anak dan anggota keluarga lainnya akan mengubah pandangan dan tekanan emosi dalam mencari kebenaran. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya beberapa faktor yang memepengaruhi seorang mantan napiter ingin melepaskan diri dari kelompoknya seperti: adanya pengaruh negative akibat bergabung dengan kelompok, adanya tekanan dari kelompok, ketakutan terhadap hukum/penegak hukum. Hubungan emosional yang terjalin dengan keluarga juga sangat penting untuk menentukan keberhasilan Disengagement. Sehingga mantan napiter yang meninggalkan kelompok lamanya bisa membangun identitas baru agar dapat mngintegrasikan diri ke dalam masyarakat. ENGLISH: Disengagement is a person's decision not to be involved in acts of violence or terror that are mostly carried out by radical terrorists. In breaking the radical flow of terrorism with the group in general is not easy, but the Disengagement process itself already needs to be done because it focuses on efforts to change attitudes, Disengagement and terror convicts can be measured by the increase in individual social relationships. Significant indicators are fixing family relationships, wanting to kill with other people in the closest environment and a sense of belonging and contribution to society. This study has a purpose, namely, to determine the family's experience in the Disengagement process of ex-terrorism convicts, to find out what are the supporting factors in the Disengagement process for ex-terrorism convicts, to find out what are the inhibiting factors in the Disengagement process for ex-terrorism convicts. This study has 2 subjects, subject 1 is an ex-convict's mother, and subject 2 is the wife of a former convict. This research is a qualitative research with case study method. The results of this study indicate that the family experience is that the prisoner's Disengagement process tends to be successful, the role of the family determines the Disengagement effort of a prisoner. The acceptance of the community's family provides a protective factor in the release process of the group dance convict. The support of his wife, children and other family members will change views and emotional stress in seeking the truth. The results of this study indicate that there are several factors that influence an ex-convict to break away from his group, such as: the negative influence due to joining the group, the pressure from the group, the fear of law enforcement. The emotional relationship that exists with the family is also very important to determine the success of Disengagement. So that prisoners who leave their old groups can build a new identity in order to integrate themselves into society. ARABIC: فك الارتباط هو قرار الشخص بعدم التورط في أعمال عنف أو إرهاب ينفذها في الغالب إرهابيون متطرفون.ليس من السهل كسر سلسلة الإرهاب الراديكالي مع الجماعة بشكل عام ، لكن عملية فك الارتباط نفسها سهلة لأنها الأفضل في تغيير المواقف ، يمكن قياس فك ارتباط المحكوم عليهم السابقين بارتكاب جرائم الإرهاب بزيادة العلاقات الاجتماعية الفردية. تعمل المؤشرات المهمة على تحسين العلاقات الأسرية ، وكذلك العلاقات مع الأشخاص الآخرين في أقرب بيئة والشعور بالانتماء والمساهمة في المجتمع. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على تجربة الأسرة في عملية فك ارتباط المحكوم عليهم بالإرهاب السابقين والوقوف على العوامل الداعمة في عملية فك الارتباط لمدانين سابقين بالإرهاب ،لمعرفة ما هي العوامل المعوقة في عملية فك الارتباط للمتهمين السابقين بالإرهاب وتتكون هذه الدراسة من موضوعين الموضوع الأول والدة محكوم عليه سابقًا والموضوع الثاني زوجة المحكوم عليهم السابقين. هذا البحث هو بحث نوعي مع طريقة دراسة الحالة. تشير نتائج هذه الدراسة إلى أن التجارب العائلية في عملية فك الارتباط ضد المحكوم عليهم السابقين تميل إلى النجاح. يحدد دور الأسرة جهد فك الارتباط الذي يقوم به النزيل.يوفر قبول الأسرة والمجتمع عاملاً وقائيًا لإطلاق سراح السجناء من مجموعاتهم.سيغير دعم زوجته وأطفاله وأفراد أسرته الآخرين وجهات النظر والضغط العاطفي في البحث عن الحقيقة. تشير نتائج هذه الدراسة إلى أن هناك عدة عوامل تؤثر على محكوم عليه سابقًا في الرغبة في زيادة هروبه من جماعته مثل: التأثير السلبي بسبب الانضمام للمجموعة ، ضغط المجموعة ،الخوف من إنفاذ القانون. العلاقة العاطفية الموجودة مع العائلة مهمة جدًا أيضًا لتحديد نجاح فك الارتباط.حتى يتمكن المحكوم عليهم السابقون الذين تركوا مجموعاتهم القديمة بناء هوية جديدة من أجل الاندماج في المجتم


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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Strategi Pendamping Lokal Desa dalam Percepatan Pembangunan Desa Di Kecamatan Sape Kabupaten Bima Tahun 2019” dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui strategi Pendamping Lokal Desa (PLD) dalam percepatan pembangunan Desa di Kecamatan Sape Kabupaten Bima tahun 2019 dan faktor penghambat strategi Pendamping Lokal Desa (PLD) dalam percepatan pembangunan Desa di Kecamatan Sape Kabupaten Bima tahun 2019. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif-kualitatif. Dengan tekhnik pengumpulan data yang meliputi wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Tekhnik Penentuan narasumber dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tekhnik purposive sampling dengan jumlah informan dan narasumber sebanyak 4 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi Pendamping Lokal Desa (PLD) dalam percepatan pembangunan Desa di Kecamatan Sape Kabupaten Bima tahun 2019 masih belum maksimal, karena disebabkan oleh kurangnya koordinasi antara pemerintah Desa dan pemerintah Kabupaten, sehingga mengakibatkan berbagai program yang sudah direncanakan terlambat dilaksanakan karena tidak sesuai dengan program prioritas pemerintah Kabupaten