2,100 research outputs found
Pengaruh Fluktuasi Harga Minyak pada Ekspor Minyak Mentah Negara-Negara Wilayah OPEC (Periode 1970 – 2005)
This research pressures to export demand of opec crude oil. It concern primarily on the impact of price oil shock toward OPEC crude oil export. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) is not proven accurately to analyze volatile phenomenon of OPEC export demand of crude oil. Otherwise, General Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic (GARH) and specifically Exponential GARCH give practical and logical model to be applied. It shows that structural break occur in price oil variable and then impact to volatile of crude oil export. Several important world events create structural break and this “bad news” has significant impact to instability of oil price. This result gives also that nominal crude oil price adjusted for exchange rates and demand export of Non-OPEC crude oil have negative impact, and OPEC proven crude oil reserve and Exports of refined products by OPEC have positive impact to OPEC crude oil export
Sistem Pembinaan Halaqah terhadap Kecerdasan Emosional Santri di Markaz Tahfidz Alquran Al-birr
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas daya ingat hafalan quran pondok pesantren dan emosional quetient para alumni setelah kembali kemasyarakat”dan untuk mengetahui Penelitian ini adalah merupakan penelitian (Field Research). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dengan jalan mengadakan penelitian secara langsung kelokasi yang menjadi tempat penelitian. Untuk melengkapi data penelitian digunakan instrnment penelitian observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, sehingga data terkumpul dan dianalisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa,“Sistem Pembinaan Halaqah di Markaz Tahfidz Alquran Al-birr sudah diterapkan dan sudah menjadi program tahfidz Al-birr Malino yang diterapkan sejak dulu dan berjalan sampai saat ini” dimana dalam sistem pembinaan dalam menghafal Alquran yaitu, “sistem tahsin, sistem privat dan sistem mandiri” dan “faktor-faktor yang mendukung yaitu, mampu memahami ilmu tajwid dan mudah melafaskannya, kemauan santri itu sendiri, berkat dorongan dan motivasi orangtua, serta tidak jauh dari bimbingan ustdaz/pembina tahfidz”Kata Kunci: Pembinaan Halaqah, Kecerdasan Emosional The purpose of this study is to investigate the recall memorizing the Quran of students at boarding school and graduated emotional quotient after returning the society "and to know it. This is a research study (Field Research). The method used is to use the data collection methods used to conduct the research directly to location as the place to study. To complement the research data used instrument observational studies, interviews, documentation, so that the data is collected and analyzed. The results showed that the "System Development Halaqah in Markaz Tahfidz Qur\u27an Al-birr has been implemented and is already a program Tahfidz Al-birr Malino applied since the first and walked up to the moment" in which the coaching system in memorizing the Qur\u27an that, "the system tahsin, system of private and self-contained system "and" the factors that support that is, able to understand the science of tajwid and easy to pronounce it, the willingness of the students themselves, thanks to the encouragement and motivation of parents, and not far from the guidance ustdaz / builder Tahfidz
Recent Advances in Biofuel Cell and Emerging Hybrid System
The present paper reviews the recent development of biofuel cell. Due to its renewable nature and milder operating conditions compared to conventional fuel cell, the electrochemical system has been extensively studied. However, major problems associated with this type of electrochemical system remain an intimidating challenge, the utmost being the low power output and stability of biocatalyst being used. Various attempts have been made to overcome these problems, some are reviewed here. The authors suggest a new direction in solving these problems by using hybrid system i.e. metal biofuel cell. The new hybrid system developed is of lower cost, less complex, higher OCV and greater power output
Pengaruh Elemen Corporate Social Responsibility Terhadap Rentabilitas
The aim/ the objective of this research is for study the effect of the Corporate Social Responsibilities elemen disclosure to one of the financial soundness ratio. this research uses the CSR disclosure index as a measure based on GRI indicators version 3.1. The sample are 23 companies from consumer good's listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in the period 2009 to 2011 until total company for the samples are 46 companies. While the analysis method which is used to examine the effect of CSR disclosure on the profitability ratio is using multiple linier regression analysis, classical assumption test and test hypotheses. The result of this research that indicate a significant effect of CSR toward ROE as an analitycal tool of profitability when tested simultaneously. And if tested partially based on elements of CSR, the only of social and environmental performance that significantly impact ROE. Meanwhile, ROE not impact on the labor, human rights and product performance
Peta Pengembangan Sapi Potong di Kabupaten Banjarnegara
The main issue of the last years in Indonesian livestock production systems is declining beef cattle population. The problem always recurs. Another problems that emerge are restrictively of animal husbandry land, climate uncertainty, the lack of livestock technological adoption, and also insignificant economic of scale in livestock production. Therefore, en effort to develop beef cattle is optimize potency of endowment capabilities. Banjarnegara District is a region that could be identified to have the potencies. For the first stage is a requirement to make potencies mapping analysis to strive for developing of beef cattle. The mapping is based on expert judgment method. It is grouping of potencies areas layers is determined by some indicators which is classified into natural or physical resources (included into pasturage, superior grass, dried rice stalks, marginal terrain, rainfall, livestock density, and human population density), human resources (experience of cow breeding, and education of breeder), infrastructure condition and availability (livestock market, transportation, and feed livestock), and also social endowment (breeder association). The potencies mapping analyses shows that fattening or cultivation of beef cattle is majority of dairy farming of cow breeder Bajarnegara District, than dairy cattle. The suitable areas to the cultivation are in the place that there are potencial and sufficient of grass feeding. There are Subdistrict of Wanayasa, Punggelan, Kalibening, Bawang, Pandanarum, Purwanegara, Pagedongan, Banjarmangu, and Madukara
Struktur Pasar Dan Pola Distribusi Beras Sebagai Komoditas Penyumbang Inflasi Utama Di Kabupaten Banyumas
Studi kasus ini berfokus pada kmoditas beras yang dipasarkan di wilayah kabuapten Banyumas. Nasalah yang diangkat dalam artikel hasil penelitian ini terkait dengan tren harga komoditas di Banyumas yang tidak stabil dibandingkan dengan wilayah lain di Priopinsi Jawa Tengah. Di samping itu, pada pergerakan struktur inflasi, inflasi bersumber dari bahan makanan memiliki peran utama dibandingkan dengan sektor dan komoditas beras merupakan komoditas yang dihitung sebagai penyumbang inflasi paling utama di sektor bersumber dari bahan makanan tersebut. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa struktur pasar beras di wilayah Purwokerto berada pada struktur pasar dengan tipe oligopoli ketat di level pedagang besar dan cenderung menjadi oligopoli longgar pada pedagang yang lebih kecil. Terkait dengan pola distribusinya, teridentifikasi beras terdistribusi dari petani dan pedagang gabah sampai menjadi beras yang diterima konsumen akhir melewati jalur penggilingan beras, pedagang besar dan pedagang pengecer. Hasil pengujian pada determinan yang paling menentukan formasi pergerakan harga beras menunjukkan bahwa hubungan transaksi dari level petani sampai pedagang besar memberikan dampak dominan pada harga beras akhir, jika dibandingkan pada hubungan transaksi antara pedagang besar dengan level pengecer, maupun antara pedagang pengecer dengan konsumen akhir
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