75 research outputs found


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    [EN] The objective is to establish a relationship between project design and designer will analyze the history, focusing on software design. Studying the BIM (Building Information Modeling), as a tool to design, that allows controlling and representing complex shapes, this will evolve the architectural form. It will analyze the connectivity of BIM technology, the development of implementation projects and the requirements of existing legislation, which involves simulating virtual buildings. The article draws conclusions on how to plan and control over the project.[ES] El objetivo será establecer una relación entre el dibujo del proyecto y proyectista, se analizarán los antecedentes, centrándolo en el software de dibujo. Estudiar el BIM (BuildingInformation Modeling), como herramienta para proyectar, que permite controlar y representar formas complejas, lo que hará evolucionar la forma arquitectónica. Se analizará la conectividad de la tecnología BIM, con el desarrollo de los proyectos de ejecución y las exigencias de las actuales normativas, que conlleva la simulación de edificios virtuales. En el artículo se llega a conclusiones sobre la forma de proyectar y el control sobre el proyecto.Agustín Hernández, L. (2011). HACIA EL PROYECTO DIGITAL. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 16(18):270-279. doi:10.4995/ega.2011.1112SWORD270279161


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    [EN] This paper presents the photogrammetric reconstruction of a Gothic building, a tower with an approximate height of 45 meters and an approximately octagonal (chamfered square) plan, from 280 photographs taken with a drone and distances measured manually. Due to the number of photographs, the reconstruction work was done in several parts or chunks, corresponding to the photographs of the different drone flights, which were combined to create a single mesh. For sizing the model, by not having topographical heights distances but manually measured distances, CAD drawing and triangulation were used for the creation of a coordinate system and obtainment of a set of coordinates. Subsequently, copies of the model were used to obtain meshes of different resolutions, as well as to generate orthophotos of the chamfers, rotating the model 45 degrees. Based on the three-dimensional model four types of 2D documents were obtained: orthophotos, automatic elevations in raster format, automatic elevations in CAD format and manually redrawn elevations; in all four cases for both facades as chamfers.[ES] En esta comunicación se presenta un trabajo de reconstrucción fotogramétrica de una construcción gótica, una torre de 45 metros de altura y planta aproximadamente octogonal (cuadrada con chaflanes), a partir de 280 fotografías tomadas con un dron y de distancias medidas manualmente. Debido al número de fotografías, se trabajó en varias partes o grupos de trabajo, correspondientes a los distintos paquetes de fotografías de distintos vuelos, que fueron combinados para la creación de una malla única. Para el dimensionado del modelo, al no contar con cotas topográficas sino distancias, fue necesario recurrir al dibujado en CAD y a la triangulación que hicieran posible la creación de un sistema y la obtención de un conjunto de coordenadas. Posteriormente se utilizaron copias del modelo para la obtención de mallas de diferentes resoluciones, así como para la generación de ortofotos de los chaflanes, girando el modelo 45º. A partir del modelo tridimensional se obtuvieron cuatro tipos de documentos 2D: ortofotos, alzados automáticos en formato de imagen, alzados automáticos en formato CAD y alzados redibujados manualmente; en los cuatro casos tanto para las fachadas como para los chaflanes.Agustin Hernandez, L.; Fernández Morales, A. (2016). RECONSTRUCCIÓN FOTOGRAMÉTRICA DE LA TORRE GÓTICA DE LA IGLESIA DE SANTA MARIA DE ALCAÑIZ. En 8th International congress on archaeology, computer graphics, cultural heritage and innovation. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 396-399. https://doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica8.2015.3717OCS39639

    Historiographical mapping and analysis in the study of the evolution of urban form: the case of the city of Teruel

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    [EN] he concern for the conservation of historical cities has been a recurring theme throughout recent history, and in view of the changing theories, there is one approach that is considered irrefutable: the need to preserve the memory of the city, its past, our heritage, through knowledge, so that it can become part of our collective knowledge and thereby endure over time. In this context, studies on the evolution of urban morphology are established as essential, where graphic expression, and especially mapping, must be presented as a source and means of dissemination of data.This paper addresses the methodological process that has been proposed for analysing and developing urban historiographical mapping, as a fundamental phase in studies on the evolution of urban form, being applied to the city of Teruel. Thanks to this process, the importance of following a rigorous graphic process to assess the accuracy of the documentation is found, which has become possible through the use of Geographic Information Systems[ES] La preocupación por la conservación de las ciudades históricas es un tema recurrente a lo largo de la historia reciente, y, frente a las cambiantes teorías un planteamiento se presenta como irrefutable: la necesidad de conservar la memoria de la ciudad, su pasado, nuestro patrimonio, a través del conocimiento, para que forme parte del saber colectivo y, con ello, perdure en el tiempo. En este contexto se establecen como imprescindibles los estudios sobre la evolución de la morfología urbana.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo establecer un marco metodológico válido para el análisis y elaboración de cartografías historiográficas urbanas, como fase fundamental en los estudios sobre la evolución de la forma urbana, mediante su aplicación al caso de la ciudad de Teruel. Gracias a ello, se ha constatado la importancia de seguir un riguroso proceso gráfico con el que poder evaluar la precisión de la documentación utilizada, posible gracias al empleo de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica.Sancho Mir, M.; Agustín Hernández, L.; Llopis Verdú, J. (2017). Análisis y generación de cartografías historiográficas en el estudio de la evolución de la forma urbana: el caso de la ciudad de Teruel. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 22(30):180-189. doi:10.4995/ega.2017.7845SWORD1801892230Baiocchi, V. and Lelo, K., 2005. Georeferencing the historical maps of Rome between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In CIPA 2005 XX International Symposium-International cooperation to save the world's cultural heritage. Torino. pp. 114-118.Chías, Pilar and Abad, Tomás, 2008. A GIS in Ancient Cartography. In 3rd International Workshop–ICA Commission on Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage. Barcelona. pp. 290-296.García, C. C. (2016). La cartografía histórica como método de estudio morfológico del paisaje tradicional de Campanar. EGA. Revista de expresión gráfica arquitectónica, 21(27), 254. doi:10.4995/ega.2016.4745Ponz, Antonio, 1785. Viage de Espa-a, en el que se da noticia de las cosas mas apreciables, y dignas de saberse, que hay en ella. Tomo XIII. Madrid: D. Joachín Ibarra Impresor de Cámara de S.M

    El análisis del paisaje urbano a través del dibujo

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    Póster presentado en la sesión dedicada a Ámbitos, Innovación y Calidad, en las IV Jornadas Internacionales sobre Investigación en Arquitectura y Urbanismo.La ponencia se centra en el dibujo como una herramienta de investigación, y plantea su papel fundamental en el análisis del territorio y la ciudad. Éste radica en su carácter instrumental y transdisciplinar, capaz de contemplar información procedente de los ámbitos geográfico, histórico, de planeamiento, etc. En primer lugar se definen las acciones posibles a desarrollar en un análisis basado en el dibujo. A continuación, abordamos los criterios gráficos empleados a lo largo de la historia y en la actualidad, así como la repercusión del uso de las herramientas digitales como el SIG. Por último, se contempla la representación de la edificación dentro de un análisis urbanístico, tomando como referencia el trabajo de investigación desarrollado en la Universidad de Zaragoza dentro del Grupo "Paisajes urbanos y proyecto contemporáneo".Agustin Hernandez, L.; Fernández Morales, A.; Peinado Checa, ZJ. (2012). El análisis del paisaje urbano a través del dibujo. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1494

    Elimination of hepatitis C: positioning document of the Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver (AEEH)

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    Hepatitis C; Diagnóstico descentralizado; Tratamiento antiviral; Población vulnerableHepatitis C; Decentralised diagnosis; Antiviral treatment; Vulnerable populationHepatitis C; Diagnòstic descentralitzat; Tractament antiviral; Població vulnerableLa Asociación Española para el Estudio del Hígado (AEEH) está convencida de que la eliminación de la hepatitis C en España es posible siempre y cuando seamos capaces de emplear los recursos y las herramientas necesarias para la misma. Este documento refleja la posición de la AEEH respecto a la eliminación del virus de la hepatitis C (VHC), estableciendo una amplia serie de recomendaciones que se pueden agrupar en cinco categorías: 1) cribado del VHC en función de la edad, de la existencia de factores de riesgo clásicos de adquisición de la infección, búsqueda activa de pacientes diagnosticados con anterioridad y desarrollo de estrategias de microeliminación en poblaciones vulnerables; 2) simplificación del diagnóstico del VHC (diagnóstico en un solo paso y diagnóstico en el punto de atención del paciente); 3) simplificación del tratamiento de los pacientes y mejora de los circuitos asistenciales; 4) medidas de política sanitaria, y, finalmente, 5) establecimiento de indicadores de eliminación del VHC.The Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver (AEEH) is convinced that the elimination of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in Spain is possible as long as we are able to use the resources and tools necessary for it. This document reflects the position of the AEEH regarding the elimination of HCV, establishing a wide range of recommendations that can be grouped into five categories: 1) Screening of HCV according to age, of the existence of classic acquisition risk factors of infection, active search of previously diagnosed patients and development of microelimination strategies in vulnerable populations; 2) Simplification of HCV diagnosis (onestep diagnosis and diagnosis at the point of patient care); 3) Simplification of patient treatment and improvement of care circuits; 4) Health policy measures, and, finally, 5) Establishment of HCV elimination indicators

    A distal to proximal gradient of human choroid plexus development, with antagonistic expression of Glut1 and AQP1 in mature cells vs. calbindin and PCNA in proliferative cells

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    The choroid plexuses (ChP) are highly vascularized tissues suspended from each of the cerebral ventricles. Their main function is to secret CSF that fills the ventricles and the subarachnoid spaces, forming a crucial system for the development and maintenance of the CNS. However, despite the essential role of the ChP–CSF system to regulate the CNS in a global manner, it still remains one of the most understudied areas in neurobiology. Here we define by immunohistochemistry the expression of different proteins involved in the maturation and functionality of the ChP from the late embryological period to maturity. We found an opposite gradient of expression between AQP1 and Glut1 that define functional maturation in the ChP periphery, and PCNA and calbindin, present in the ChP roof zone with proliferative activity. We conclude that the maturation of the ChP matures from distal to proximal, starting in the areas nearest to the cortex, expressing in the distal, mature areas AQP1 and Glut1 (related to ChP functionality to support cortex development), and in the proximal immature areas (ChP root) calbindin and PCNA related to progenitor activity and proliferation

    Effectiveness of xylanase and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as feed additives on gas emissions from agricultural calf farms

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    Worldwide, agricultural farming systems, such as livestock production, face the increasing challenge of maintaining future global demand for meat and dairy products because of an expected increase in population (Wiedemann et al., 2017). The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 2006) expects that an increase in purchasing power for food from animal sources raises the yearly demand to 465 and 1.043 million t for meat and milk products. Besides, the FAO estimates the growth of global population to reach 9.6 billion by the y 2050 (FAO, 2016), with a doubled purchasing power for meat and dairy products. To meet this rise in demand, agricultural systems need to devise a means to adapt to the probability of dangerous climate change and become more resilient, productive and sustainable (FAO, 2016)The aim of the present study was to evaluate the potential of supplementing calves’ diets with exogenous enzymes (xylanase; XYL) and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae [SC]) on the sustainable control of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) productions in agricultural calves farming. Three different levels of supplemented diets of XYL (0, 3 and 6 mg/g of dry matter (DM)), SC (0, 2 and 4 mg/g of DM) and mixture of XYL and SC (0, 2 mL XYL þ 2 mg SC, 6 mL XYL þ 4 mg SC/g of DM) were tested. Asymptotic gas production (GP) consistently decreased by each of the additives with the lowest value at the high dose of XYL þ SC mixture (P < 0.05) compared with the control and the low dose of XYL þ SC mixture. Methane production was reduced by additives inclusion (P < 0.05) when compared with the control treatment with no additive. Xylanase þ SC at all doses increased CO2 production (P < 0.05) whereas the high dose had the most statistically significant (P < 0.05) reduction in GP and CH4 production compared with control, XYL and SC additives at different doses. Interaction between additive and rumen liquor was observed for rate of GP (P ¼ 0.027) and initial delay before GP (P < 0.001). Inclusion of XYL, SC, and XYL þ SC mixture had less asymptotic GP while XYL þ SC mixture had the lowest initial delay (39%) before GP began. The XYL þ SC had the lowest rate of CH4 production (9%) and highest asymptotic CO2 production (81%). The findings of this study indicate that inclusion of XYL or SC additives can improve rumen fermentation and reduce greenhouse gases production. The study also established that the mixture of XYL and SC is more efficient in reducing gas and CH4 emissions for cleaner environmental production conditions in calf farming

    Anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory bioactive hits from Coriaria intermedia Matsum. stem and Dracontomelon dao (Blanco) Merr. & Rolfe bark through bioassay-guided fractionation and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

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    Women have been found to be at a higher risk of morbidity and mortality from type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and asthma. α-Glucosidase inhibitors have been used to treat T2DM, and arachidonic acid 15-lipoxygenase (ALOX15) inhibitors have been suggested to be used as treatments for asthma and T2DM. Compounds that inhibit both enzymes may be studied as potential treatments for people with both T2DM and asthma. This study aimed to determine potential anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory bioactive hits from Coriaria intermedia Matsum. stem and Dracontomelon dao (Blanco) Merr. &amp; Rolfe bark. A bioassay-guided fractionation framework was used to generate bioactive fractions from C. intermedia stem and D. dao bark. Subsequently, dereplication through ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) and database searching was performed to putatively identify the components of one bioactive fraction from each plant. Seven compounds were putatively identified from the C. intermedia stem active fraction, and six of these compounds were putatively identified from this plant for the first time. Nine compounds were putatively identified from the D. dao bark active fraction, and seven of these compounds were putatively identified from this plant for the first time. One putative compound from the C. intermedia stem active fraction (corilagin) has been previously reported to have inhibitory activity against both α-glucosidase and 15-lipoxygenase-1. It is suggested that further studies on the potential of corilagin as an anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory treatment should be pursued based on its several beneficial pharmacological activities and its low reported toxicity

    Response to Neutrons and γ-rays of Two Liquid Scintillators

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    UltimaGoldTM AB and OptiphaseTrisafe are two liquid scintillators made by Perkin Elmer and EG &amp; G Company respectively. Both are commercially promoted as scintillation detectors for α and β particles. In this work, the responses to γ-rays and neutrons of UltimaGoldTM AB and OptiphaseTriSafe liquid scintillators, without and with reflector, have been measured aiming to use these scintillators as γ-rays and neutron detectors. Responses to γ-rays and neutrons were measured as pulse shape spectra in a multichannel analyzer. Scintillators were exposed to gamma rays produced by 137Cs, 54Mn, 22Na and 60Co sources. The response to neutrons was obtained with a 241AmBe neutron source that was measured to 25 and 50 cm from the scintillators. The pulse height spectra due to gamma rays are shifted to larger channels as the photon energy increases and these responses are different from the response due to neutrons. Thus, UltimaGoldTM AB and OptiphaseTrisafe can be used to detect γ-rays and neutrons