789 research outputs found

    Casassas, David, La Ciudad en Llamas. La vigencia del Republicanismo comercial de Adam Smith, Madrid, Montesinos, 2011. 465 págs. ISBN 978-84-92616-74-9

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    Fil: Aguirre, Julio Leónidas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Efectos del sistema electoral en la dinámica del sistema de partidos a nivel sub-nacional : el caso de la provincia de Mendoza

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    En este trabajo se estudia la relación entre los sistemas electoral y de partidos en la provincia de Mendoza, desde la vuelta de la democracia hasta nuestros días (1983-2017). Para ello se propone una primera aproximación descriptiva a la cuestión, con el objeto de exponer una perspectiva teórica que posibilite argumentar qué tipo de efectos esperamos que el sistema electoral mendocino tenga sobre el sistema de partidos y, posteriormente, la evidencia que nos permita una primera evaluación de tales argumentos. El trabajo se organiza de la siguiente manera: primero, se revisan brevemente algunas dimensiones de los sistemas electorales y de partidos que la teoría institucionalista considera importantes para el estudio de su comportamiento general. Luego se avanza en el análisis de la normativa que constituye el régimen electoral provincial y se infiere de la misma de qué modo esperamos que éste condicione al sistema de partidos. En tercer lugar, se presenta un análisis sobre los resultados electorales que nos permite evaluar los sesgos del sistema electoral y la dinámica del sistema de partidos con el propósito de observar los efectos del primero sobre el segundo. Por último, el trabajo termina con algunas breves reflexiones finales.Fil: Aguirre, Julio Leónidas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y SocialesFil: Guerreto, Mario Guillermo. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociale

    Variedades de Capitalismo: Una aproximación al estudio comparado del Capitalismo y sus aplicaciones para América Latina

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    En las últimas décadas se ha consolidado un programa de investigación denominado Capitalismo Comparado (CC). Este programa de investigación parte de la siguiente premisa: contrariamente a la hipótesis de la convergencia, el desarrollo real del capitalismo ha devenido en una amplia variedad de sistemas institucionales que, a nivel nacional, generan diversos resultados en materia económica, política y social. El enfoque denominado Variedades de Capitalismo (VC) es uno de los más discutidos dentro de los análisis de CC. En este trabajo se presenta el enfoque de VC, sus características, sus principales aportes al estudio CC, sus principales críticas y sus ventajas y limitaciones para el análisis del capitalismo en América Latina.In the past decades a research program named as Comparative Capitalism (CC) has grown intensely. It´s core theoretical assumption is that, contrary to the stand of convergence hypothesis, the development of capitalist economies lead to the diversification of the national institutional schemes that regulate economic relations, resulting in different economic, political and social outputs. One of the most notable theories within the CC literature is the Varieties of Capitalism approach (VC). In this working paper we present VC, its main characteristics, its principal innovations within CC literature, the most notable critics made to VC and the benefits and limits it presents to the study of Latin America´s capitalism.Fil: Aguirre, Julio Leonidas. Centro Interdisciplinario para el Estudio de Políticas Públicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Lo Vuolo, Rubén. Centro Interdisciplinario para el Estudio de Políticas Públicas; Argentin

    Sin estudio y sin trabajo: El Programa de Respaldo a Estudiantes Argentinos: PROG.R.ES.AR

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    El pasado 22 de enero, la Presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner anunció el lanzamiento del “Programa de Respaldo a Estudiantes Argentinos”: PROG.R.ES.AR. A través de este programa el gobierno nacional reconoció explícitamente la problemática de los jóvenes que no estudian ni participan en el mercado de empleo (los llamados “Ni-Ni”). Este documento de coyuntura busca, por un lado, repasar la evidencia sobre los “Ni-Ni” en la Argentina, y las problemáticas de deserción escolar y desempleo en jóvenes de 18 a 24 años. Y, por otro lado, realizar una descripción de las reglas operativas del PROGRESAR para analizar los desafíos del programa en relación al cumplimiento de sus objetivos declarados.Last January 22nd, President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner announced the creation of the “Support Program for Argentinian Students: PROGRESAR”. Through this program the national government has recognized the issue of young people who do not study and do not work (commonly called “Ni-Ni”). In this paper we review the evidence about the “Ni-Ni”, school dropout, and youth unemployment in Argentina. Then we made a description of PROGRESAR operational rules in order to analyze the challenges within the program, and the feasibility for the fulfillment of its objectives.Fil: Aguirre, Julio Leonidas. Centro Interdisciplinario para el Estudio de Políticas Públicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Marzonetto, Gabriela Lucía. Centro Interdisciplinario para el Estudio de Políticas Públicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Pesca Demersal en Chile: Eficiencia Técnica y Escalas de Operación.

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    Este trabajo presenta estimaciones de eficiencia técnica en faenas de pesca de barcos industriales que operaron en la década 1990-2000, en la pesquería de merluza común. Se comparan los resultados de dos algoritmos que estiman modelos de fronteras estocásticas de producción, uno con efectos fijos y otro conefectos aleatorios. Entre los resultados obtenidos se destaca: (a) Se obtiene una elevada y significativa correlación entre los rankings de eficiencias estimadas con uno y otro algoritmo. (b) El algoritmo con efectos fijos genera mayores scores de eficiencia y distribuciones de eficiencia con mayor dispersión. (c)Ambos algoritmos estiman mayores eficiencias para barcos con mayor tamaño y potencia de motor. Mientras que barcos de menor tamaño presentan mayor dispersión en sus eficiencias estimadas. Esto último insinúa la presencia de mayor heterogeneidad tecnológica en este último grupo de barcos. (d) Por otro lado, estimadores consistentes señalan la presencia de rendimientos marginales decrecientes ante aumentos en el nivel del esfuerzo de pesca de cada barco. (e) Lo anterior es consistente con resultados que insinúan la presencia de efectos congestión, asociados a la escala de operación pesquera del total de la flota industrial en estudio. (f) Se confirma la relevancia empírica de la forma funcional Translog. Con ello, estimaciones punto para los valores de elasticidades captura-insumo en general dependen de la escala agregada de operación pesquera y/o de la abundancia del stock de peces bajo explotación.Fronteras estocásticas, eficiencia técnica, estimación de panel, pesca demersal en Chile, pesquería de merluza común (merluccius gayi).

    Disuación de entrada, subastas repetidas y divisibilidad del objeto en venta

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    This paper analyzes entry deterrence strategies at sequential multi-unit English-type repeated auctions, motivated by entry deterrence observed at a series of yearly auctions of fishing rights occurring since the early 1990s in the Chilean Sea Bass industrial fishery. It analyzes parametric configurations under which incumbent firms may have followed non-cooperative entry deterrence strategies or else may have colluded for that purpose. A two-stage competition model is developed. In the first stage there occurs sequential auctioning of multiple fishing rights; in the second stage, production rights are used to compete in a homogeneous-good Cournot market. The analysis focuses on the relationship between the number of incumbents, sources of competitive advantage for them (relative to potential entrants) and the number and productive size of the multiple production rights in sale. The core of the analysis lies in answering how does the divisibility of the object(s) in sale affect the possibilities of incumbent firms for deterring the entry of new rivals.Collusion; Entry Deterrence; Repeated Auctions; Free Riding.

    Auctions, Entry Deterrence and Divisibility of the Object for Sale

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    This paper analyzes entry deterrence strategies at sequential multi-unit English-type repeated auctions, based on entry deterrence observed at a series of yearly auctions of fishing rights occurring since the early 1990s in the Chilean sea bass fishery. It analyzes parametric configurations under which incumbent firms could have followed non-cooperative deterrence strategies or else may have colluded for that purpose. A two-stage competition model is developed. In the first stage there occurs sequential auctioning of multiple fishing rights; in the second stage, production rights are used to compete in a homogeneous-good Cournot market. The analysis focuses on the relationship between the number of incumbents, sources of competitive advantage for them, and the number and size of the rights for sale. The core of the analysis lies in answering how the divisibility of the object(s) for sale affects the possibilities of incumbents to deter new rivals’ entry.

    Middle Miocene (Serravallian) rhodoliths and coralline algal debris in carbonate ramps (Betic Cordillera, S Spain)

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    Serravallian (middle Miocene) coralline algal assemblages at the southern margin of the Guadalquivir Basin (southern Spain) occur as rhodoliths preserved in situ or very close to their growth habitats (autochthonous–parautochthonous assemblages) and also as reworked remains (allochthonous assemblages). The former assemblages consist of spherical rhodoliths built up by encrusting to warty plants and also of large fragments of branches, whereas the latter are mostly unrecognizable small fragments occurring in channeled packstone–grainstone beds. In both cases, the most abundant components are members of the order Hapalidiales (Mesophyllum roveretoi, Mesophyllum sp., Lithothamnion ramosissimum, and less frequently Phymatolithon group calcareum and Lithothamnion group corallioides). Laminar growths of Lithoporella minus and branches of Spongites group fruticulosus and Sporolithon sp. occur very rarely. There are also anecdotal records of Subterraniphyllum thomasii, extending its upper stratigraphic range up to the Serravallian in the western Tethys. The autochthonous–parautochthonous coralline algal assemblages formed in a middle ramp, at several tens of meters of water depth, as suggested by the dominance of Hapalidiales. The allochthonous assemblages represent fragments of coralline algae derived from the middle ramp and redeposited in deeper settings, most likely the outer ramp, due to storm-generated currents.Instituto de Salud Carlos III Spanish Government PGC2018-099391-B-100Junta de Andalucia RNM-19

    Trough cross-bedded rhodolith limestones in the Atlantic-linked Ronda Basin (Messinian, Southern Spain)

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    Rhodolith limestones occur in the upper part of the Miocene infill of the Ronda Basin in southern Spain. This basin was an embayment at the southern margin of the Atlantic-linked Guadalquivir Basin, the foreland basin of the Betic Cordillera. Messinian rhodolith limestones crop out in the mesa of the Roman settlement Acinipo. They mostly consist of trough cross-bedded rhodolith rudstones, which change basinward to large-scale planar cross-bedded rhodolith rudstones, which in turn pass laterally to planar cross-bedded and flatbedded bryozoan rudstones. Rhodoliths in rudstones are generally broken, exhibiting several phases of breakage and restarted growth of coralline algae. Many rhodoliths also show asymmetrical growth. The rudstone matrix is a packstone with fragments of coralline algae, bryozoans, calcitic bivalves, echinoids, and foraminifers. Large lithoclasts from the basement, heavily bored by bivalves, are common in the rhodolith rudstone, especially in the most massive type. Rhodolith characteristics and sedimentary structures suggest that trough cross-bedded rhodolith rudstones accumulated in submarine dunes moved by storm surges in a littoral wedge at the western side of a small bay (the Ruinas de Acinipo bay) in the Ronda Basin. Large-scale planar cross-bedded coralline algal and bryozoan rudstones formed in the foresets of the wedge progradation below the storm-wave base. The dominance of Lithophyllaceae and Hapalidiales, with scarce representatives of Corallinaceae in the coralline algal assemblages, reflects that Ronda and Guadalquivir basins opened to the Atlantic Ocean.Spanish Government PGC 2018-099391-B-I0

    Coralline Algae at the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Southern Pyrenees (N Spain)

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    During the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum, ~55.6 Ma, the Earth experienced the warmest event of the last 66Ma due to amassive release of CO2. This event lasted for ~100 thousands of years with the consequent ocean acidification (estimated pH = 7.8-7.6). In this paper, we analyze the effects of this global environmental shift on coralline algal assemblages in the Campo and Serraduy sections, in the south-central Pyrenees (Huesca, N Spain), where the PETM is recorded within coastal-to-shallow marine carbonate and siliciclastic deposits. In both sections, coralline algae occur mostly as fragments, although rhodoliths and crusts coating other organisms are also frequent. Rhodoliths occur either dispersed or locally forming dense concentrations (rhodolith beds). Distichoplax biserialis and geniculate forms (mostly Jania nummulitica) of the order Corallinales dominated the algal assemblages followed by Sporolithales and Hapalidiales. Other representatives of Corallinales, namely Spongites, Lithoporella as well as Neogoniolithon, Karpathia, and Hydrolithon, are less abundant. Species composition does not change throughout the Paleocene/Eocene boundary but the relative abundance of coralline algae as components of the carbonate sediments underwent a reduction. They were abundant during the late Thanetian but became rare during the early Ypresian. This abundance decrease is due to a drastic change in the local paleoenvironmental conditions immediately after the boundary. A hardground at the top of the Thanetian carbonates was followed by continental sedimentation. After that,marine sedimentation resumed in shallow, very restricted lagoon and peritidal settings, where muddy carbonates rich in benthic foraminifera, e.g., milioliids (with abundant Alveolina) and soritids, and eventually stromatolites were deposited. These initial restricted conditions were unfavorable for coralline algae. Adverse conditions continued to the end of the study sections although coralline algae reappeared and were locally frequent in some beds, where they occurred associated with corals. In Serraduy, the marine reflooding was also accompanied by significant terrigenous supply, precluding algal development. Therefore, the observed changes in coralline algal assemblages during the PETM in the Pyrenees were most likely related to local paleoenvironmental shifts rather than to global oceanic or atmospheric alterations.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacioon PGC2018-099391-B-100Junta de Andalucia RNM-190Basque Government Research Programme PGC2018-099391-B-100 IT930-1