436 research outputs found

    Wild canids as sentinels of ecological health: a conservation medicine perspective

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    The extinction of species across the globe is accelerating, directly or indirectly due to human activities. Biological impoverishment, habitat fragmentation, climate change, increasing toxification, and the rapid global movement of people and other living organisms have worked synergistically to diminish ecosystem function. This has resulted in unprecedented levels of disease emergence, driven by human-induced environmental degradation, which poses a threat to the survival and health of biodiversity. The emerging discipline of conservation medicine addresses these concerns through the following entities: humans; global climate; habitat destruction and alteration; biodiversity, including wildlife populations; domestic animals; and pathogens, parasites and pollutants. Furthermore, conservation medicine focuses on explicit linkages between these entities. As a crisis discipline, the usefulness of conservation medicine ultimately will depend on its applicability to solving problems. The perspectives and scientific findings of conservation medicine provide input into biomedical education; and policy and management of ecosystems, habitats and imperiled species. A sentinel species is one that has presented itself, or has been selected, to provide insight into the state (health) of an ecosystem, based on user-defined (e.g., researchers, conservationists or policymakers) objectives (e.g., disease, parasites, toxics, climate change, habitat destruction), coupled with the utility and vulnerability of this species to the perceived stress. The scientific information generated by the sentinel species should empower stakeholders and decision-makers to take mitigative action or support predictive capabilities; the "utility" of the species selected should consider its value and relevance to conservationists and to society at large (e.g., education and outreach; social sciences). Wild canids may serve as excellent sentinel species of emerging canine vector-borne diseases. Several canine vector-borne diseases or antibodies to these pathogens have been identified in wild canids including visceral leishmaniosis, Lyme disease, heartworm, hepatozoonosis and anaplasmosis to name a few. These reports are relatively recent as they relate to wildlife-domestic animal interactions, globalisation, translocations, habitat fragmentation and climate change. These pathogens and their relationship to wild canids are described herein. Further research needs to be performed to elucidate the role of the 36 extant species of wild canids in the epidemiology of canine vector-borne diseases

    Chapter 3: One Health, One Medicine

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    In recognition that the health of humans, animals, and the environment is linked, One Health seeks to increase communication and collaboration across the disciplines in order to promote, improve, and defend the health of all species on the planet. This strategy may seem simple, but unfortunately it will not be easy to implement. The explosion of medical knowledge in the 20th century led to academic, governmental, and industrial silos of specialization; these silos fostered a compartmentalized approach to health and disease. Building bridges across these silos will require leadership, joint educational programs, financial support, and other strategies that promote transdisciplinary efforts. Before the 20th century, physicians typically worked with veterinary medical colleagues and others to improve the health of humans and animals. This chapter will describe the historical developments in medicine and veterinary medicine leading to the current status quo. It will provide examples of why the status quo is problematic and will highlight the challenges in changing the present paradigm. It will conclude with recommendations on how to implement a One Health approach in the future

    Gauging support for macroecological patterns in helminth parasites

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    © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Aim: To explore spatial patterns of helminth parasite diversity, and to investigate three main macroecological patterns – (a) latitude–diversity relationships, (b) positive scaling between parasite and host diversity, and (c) species–area relationships – using a largely underutilized global database of helminth parasite occurrence records. Location: Global. Methods: We examined the London Natural History Museum’s collection of helminth parasite occurrence records, consisting of over 18,000 unique host species and 27,000 unique helminth parasite species distributed across over 350 distinct terrestrial and aquatic localities. Results: We find support for latitudinal gradients in parasite diversity and a strong relationship between host and parasite diversity at the global scale. Helminth species diversity–area relationships were not detectable as a function of host body mass, but larger geographic areas supported higher parasite richness, potentially mediated through higher host richness. Main conclusions: Our findings indicate that helminth parasites may obey some of the macroecological relationships found in free-living species, suggesting that parasites may offer further support for the generality of these patterns, while offering interesting counterexamples for others. We conclude with a discussion of future directions and potential challenges in the newly emerging macroecology of infectious disease

    Change detection of buildings from satellite imagery and lidar data

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    Geospatial objects change over time and this necessitates periodic updating of the cartography that represents them. Currently, this updating is done manually, by interpreting aerial photographs, but this is an expensive and time-consuming process. While several kinds of geospatial objects are recognized, this article focuses on buildings. Specifically, we propose a novel automatic approach for detecting buildings that uses satellite imagery and laser scanner data as a tool for updating buildings for a vector geospatial database. We apply the support vector machine (SVM) classification algorithm to a joint satellite and laser data set for the extraction of buildings. SVM training is automatically carried out from the vector geospatial database. For visualization purposes, the changes are presented using a variation of the traffic-light map. The different colours assist human operators in performing the final cartographic updating. Most of the important changes were detected by the proposed method. The method not only detects changes, but also identifies inaccuracies in the cartography of the vector database. Small houses and low buildings surrounded by high trees present significant problems with regard to automatic detection compared to large houses and taller buildings. In addition to visual evaluation, this study was checked for completeness and correctness using numerical evaluation and receiver operating characteristic curves. The high values obtained for these parameters confirmed the efficacy of the method

    Operationalizing One Health Employing Social-Ecological Systems Theory: Lessons From the Greater Mekong Sub-region

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    The idea of the interdependency of the health of humans, animals, and ecosystems emerged from the interplay of theory and concepts from medicine, public health and ecology among leading thinkers in these fields during the last century. The rationale for One Health and its focus on the “human, animal, and environmental interface” stems from this legacy and points to transdisciplinary, ecological and complex systems approaches as central to One Health practice. Demonstration of One Health's efficacy, its wider adoption and continual improvement require explicit operational criteria and evaluation metrics on this basis. Social-Ecological Systems Theory with its unique conception of resilience (SESR) currently offers the most well-developed framework for understanding these approaches and development of performance standards. This paper describes operational criteria for One Health developed accordingly, including a protocol currently being tested for vector borne disease interventions. Wider adoption of One Health is most likely to occur as One Health practitioners gain an increasing familiarity with ecological and complex systems concepts in practice employing a transdisciplinary process. Two areas in which this inevitably will be required for significant further progress, and where the beginnings of a foundation for building upon exist, include: (1) Emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases, and (2) successful implementation of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The former includes the challenge of stemming the threat of new microbial pathogens, anti-microbial resistant variants of existing pathogens, as well as resurgence of malaria and other recalcitrant diseases. The applicability of SESR in this regard is illustrated with two case examples from the Greater Mekong Subregion, Avian Influenza (H5N1) and Liver Fluke (Opisthorchis viverrini). Each is shown to represent a science and policy challenge suggestive of an avoidable social-ecological system pathology that similarly has challenged sustainable development. Thus, SESR framing arguably is highly applicable to the SDGs, which, to a large extent, require consideration of human-animal-environmental health linkages. Further elaboration of these One Health operational criteria and metrics could contribute to the achievement of many of the SDGs

    Land Use and West Nile Virus Seroprevalence in Wild Mammals

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    We examined West Nile virus (WNV) seroprevalence in wild mammals along a forest-to-urban gradient in the US mid-Atlantic region. WNV antibody prevalence increased with age, urbanization, and date of capture for juveniles and varied significantly between species. These findings suggest several requirements for using mammals as indicators of transmission

    Paediatric Barcelona Olfactory Test-6 (pBOT-6): Validation of a Combined Odour Identification and Threshold Screening Test in Healthy Spanish Children and Adolescents

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    Background: Few odour tests have been created for children. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to develop and validate a simple and quick olfactory test, suitable for the evaluation of odour identification and threshold in a Spanish paediatric population, the paediatric Barcelona Olfactory Test-6 (pBOT-6).The pBOT-6 consisted in a set of 6 odorants for a forced-choice identification test (IT), and a 6 dilutions phenyl ethyl alcohol geometric series for the threshold test (TT). The pBOT-6 was compared with the U-sniff test (a validated international paediatric smell test) in 131 Spanish healthy volunteers aged 6-17 years. A Bland-Altman plot was used to determine the agreement between two tests. Reliability was analyzed in fifteenvolunteers using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Normative data was obtained and 8 children diagnosed with subjective smell loss were tested for validation.Bland-Altman analysis demonstrated a minimal bias of -1.71% with upper and lower limit of agreement of -31.1% and 27.6%, respectively. The ICC was 0.83 (95% CI 0.6-0.96) for the IT and 0.73 (95% CI 0.36-0.9) for the TT, showing excellent and good consistency between measurements over time. Mean pBOT-6 scores were significantly higher in healthy volunteers compared with patients with smell loss. Discrimination between normosmia and smell loss was achieved with a sensitivity of 96.9% and a specificity of 100%.The pBOT-6 offers an effectiveand fast method useful in clinical routine to distinguish, with high sensitivity and specificity, between paediatric patients with normosmia and those with smell dysfunction

    Association between combinations of genetic polymorphisms and epidemiopathogenic forms of bovine paratuberculosis

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    [EN] Control of major mycobacterial diseases affecting livestock is a challenging issue that requires different approaches. The use of genetic markers for improving resistance to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in cattle has been explored as a promising population strategy We performed paratuberculosis epidemiopathogenic phenotypic and genotypic characterization involving 24 SNPs in six candidate genes (NOD2, CD209, SLC11A1, SP110, TLR2 and TLR4) on 502 slaughtered Friesian cows. In the current study, we investigate whether recently proposed paratuberculosis (PTB) epidemiopathogenic (EP) forms (apparently free-AF, latent-LAT and patent-PAT) could be associated with some combination of these 24 SNPs. Best EP form grouping was obtained using a combination of 5 SNPs in four genes (CD209: rs210748127; SLC11A1: rs110090506; SP110: rs136859213 and rs110480812; and TLR2: rs41830058). These groups were defined according to the level of infection progression risk to patent epidemiopathogenic forms and showed the following distributions: LOWIN (low) with 39 (8%) cases (94.9% AF/5.1% LAT/0% PAT); LATIN (low) with 17 (3%) cases (5.9% AF/94.1% LAT/0% PAT); AVERIN (average) with 413 (82%) cases (52.1% AF/38.5% LAT/9.4% PAT) and PATIN (patent) with 33 (7%) cases (36.4% AF/24.2% LAT/39.4% PAT). Age of slaughter was significantly higher for LATIN (88.3 months) compared to AVERIN (65.3 months; p = 0.0007) and PATIN (59.1 months; p = 0.0004), and for LOWIN (73.9 months) compared to PATIN (p = 0.0233), and nearly significant compared to AVERIN (p = 0.0572) These results suggest that some selected genetic polymorphisms have a potential use as markers of PTB EP forms and thus add a new tool for the control of this widespread infectionSIThis work was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (projects AGL2006-14315-C02 and RTA2014-00009), Basque Government (GV/EJ) (SAIOTEK program: SA-2010/00102), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and European Social Fund (ESF) is also gratefully acknowledged. Patricia V azquez was holder of a graduate fellowship award (FPI) (BES-2007-17170) from the Spanish MINEC

    Comunica-Media: Uso de la grabación de clases, el screencast y la videoconferencia en el aula

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    A medida que la tecnología mejora y se extiende entre los usuarios es conveniente y necesario que los sistemas educativos se adapten y aprovechen lo que estas nuevas tecnologías pueden ofrecer. Así se puede motivar más a los alumnos y profesores ofreciéndoles contenidos más completos e interactivos. En esta comunicación se presenta el proyecto Comunica-Media del Servicio de Innovación Educativa de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). El objetivo principal de este proyecto es promover y evaluar el uso de la grabación de clases, la videoconferencia y el screencast en seis diferentes escuelas y asignaturas de la UPM

    The One Health Approach to Toxoplasmosis: Epidemiology, Control, and Prevention Strategies

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    One Health is a collaborative, interdisciplinary effort that seeks optimal health for people, animals, plants, and the environment. Toxoplasmosis, caused by Toxoplasma gondii, is an intracellular protozoan infection distributed worldwide, with a heteroxenous life cycle that practically affects all homeotherms and in which felines act as definitive reservoirs. Herein, we review the natural history of T. gondii, its transmission and impacts in humans, domestic animals, wildlife both terrestrial and aquatic, and ecosystems. The epidemiology, prevention, and control strategies are reviewed, with the objective of facilitating awareness of this disease and promoting transdisciplinary collaborations, integrative research, and capacity building among universities, government agencies, NGOs, policy makers, practicing physicians, veterinarians, and the general public