127 research outputs found

    Caracterización bioquímica de una endo- β –mananasa de la broca del café Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari)(Coleoptera:Scolytinae)

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    La broca del café Hypothenemus hampei, es el insecto más perjudicial para las plantaciones de café en el mundo. Se reproduce y alimenta exclusivamente la semilla de café, compuesta por carbohidratos que se encuentran disponibles en forma de polisacáridos o azucares libres. El componente polisacárido está representado por galactomananos (25%), arabinogalactanos (17%), y celulosa (8%). Para poder asimilar estas moléculas complejas la broca requiere de un sistema hidrolítico que le permite transformarlas en moléculas simples que le aportan la energía necesaria para llevar a cabo su ciclo biológico. La enzima endo-1,4-β-mananasa identificada en el tracto digestivo del insecto, se encarga de la hidrolisis del galactomanano. La inhibición especifica de esta enzima inhabilita al insecto para degradar este polisacárido y causa importantes efectos en la nutrición. En este trabajo se propuso la caracterización bioquímica de esta enzima y la evaluación de cinco compuestos, potencialmente inhibidores de la enzima. Los resultados obtenidos son un acercamiento importante para el control de este perjudicial insecto./Abstract. The coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei, is the most important pest afflicting coffee crops worldwide. Reproduces and feeds exclusively on the mature endosperm of the coffee seed, consisting of carbohydrates available in the form of polysaccharides or sugars. The polysaccharide component is represented by galactomannans (25%), arabinogalactans (17%) and cellulose (8%). In order to assimilate these complex molecules the insect requires a hydrolytic system that allows transform them into simple molecules that provide the energy necessary to carry out their life cycle. The enzyme endo-1 ,4-β-mannanase identified in the insect's mid gut is responsible for the hydrolysis of galactomannan. The specific inhibition of this enzyme disables the insect to degrade this polysaccharide and causes a major impact on nutrition. This paper proposed the biochemical characterization of this enzyme and evaluation of five compounds, potential inhibitors of the enzyme. The results are an important approach for controlling the harmful insect.Maestrí

    Relación entre el Funcionamiento Ejecutivo y la Teoría de la Mente, repercusión en la intervención en niños/as con TEA: una revisión sistemática.

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    Aunque los déficits en teoría de la mente y función ejecutiva han sido estudiados, la posibilidad de que estas dos teorías guarden relación con el trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) está aún en investigación. El presente estudio examina la existencia de dicha relación y la operatividad de la misma de cara a una mejora en la intervención en las aulas con niños y niñas con diagnóstico TEA. Se ha trabajado con artículos que evalúan en niños/as tanto la capacidad de inferir los estados mentales de los demás (teoría de la mente) como los componentes del funcionamiento ejecutivo y que persiguen arrojar luz a la relación entre los mismos. Los resultados demuestran la veracidad de la relación entre los dos dominios cognitivos y señalan al funcionamiento ejecutivo como posible mediador de la teoría de la mente en el autismo.Although deficits in theory of mind and executive function have been treated, the possibility that these two theories are related in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is still under investigation. The present study examined the existence of such a relationship and operation of the same in the face of improved classroom intervention in children with ASD diagnosis. We have worked with items that assess children both the ability to infer the mental states of others (Theory of Mind) as components of executive functioning and pursuing shed light on the relationship between them. The results demonstrate the truth of the relationship between the two cognitive domains and pointing to executive functioning as a possible mediator of theory of mind in autism.Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Grado en Educación Primari

    Endobolome, a New Concept for Determining the Influence of Microbiota Disrupting Chemicals (MDC) in Relation to Specific Endocrine Pathogenesis

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    This work was carried out within the frame of GP/EFSA/ENCO/380 2018/03/G04: OBEMIRISK: Knowledge platform for assessing the risk of Bisphenols on gut microbiota and its role in obesogenic phenotype: looking for biomarkers. This research was also funded by Spanish State Research Agency (SRA) EIN2019-103431, EIN2019-103082 and Proyecto cofinanciado FEDER-Consejeria de Salud y Familias, Junta de Andalucia PE-0250-2019.The results presented in this article constitute part of YG-O doctoral thesis, performed in the Nutrition and Food Sciences Doctorate Program of the University of Granada.Endogenous steroid hormones and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC) interact with gut microbiota through different pathways. We suggest the use of the term “endobolome” when referring to the group of gut microbiota genes and pathways involved in the metabolism of steroid hormones and EDC. States of dysbiosis and reduced diversity of the gut microbiota may impact and modify the endobolome resulting at long-term in the development of certain pathophysiological conditions. The endobolome might play a central role in the gut microbiota as seen by the amount of potentially endobolome-mediated diseases and thereby it can be considered an useful diagnostic tool and therapeutic target for future functional research strategies that envisage the use of next generation of probiotics. In addition, we propose that EDC and other xenobiotics that alter the gut microbial composition and its metabolic capacities should be categorized into a subgroup termed “microbiota disrupting chemicals” (MDC). This will help to distinguish the role of contaminants from other microbiota natural modifiers such as those contained or released from diet, environment, physical activity and stress. These MDC might have the ability to promote specific changes in the microbiota that can ultimately result in common intestinal and chronic or long-term systemic diseases in the host. The risk of developing certain disorders associated with gut microbiota changes should be established by determining both the effects of the MDC on gut microbiota and the impact of microbiota changes on chemicals metabolism and host susceptibility. In any case, further animal controlled experiments, clinical trials and large epidemiological studies are required in order to establish the concatenated impact of the MDC-microbiota-host health axis.OBEMIRISK: Knowledge platform for assessing the risk of Bisphenols on gut microbiota and its role in obesogenic phenotype: looking for biomarkers GP/EFSA/ENCO/380 2018/03/G04Spanish State Research Agency (SRA) EIN2019-103431 EIN2019-103082Junta de Andalucia PE-0250-201

    Sun-protective Properties of Technical Sportswear Fabrics 100% Polyester: The Influence of Moisture and Sweat on Protection against Different Biological Effects of Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation

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    The use of technical sportswear is now widespread, but the degree of protection these fabrics offer against UV radiation is not known. We have analyzed the capacity of different types of technical sportswear fabrics to protect against different UV biological effects. A sample of 34 100% polyester t-shirts from different manufactures was classified by color, fabric structure, cover factor, and due to different tonalities, dark, and clear color. Ultraviolet protection factor was calculated according to UNE-EN13758. The protection factor for other biological effects as pre-vitamin D3 production, non-melanoma skin cancer, photoimmunosuppression, and photoaging was analyzed. The effects of moisture and sweat in protection were also evaluated. From the analyzed sample garments, more than 75% achieved an excellent protection value (protection factor 40–50+). Higher values were found in double-layer type (P < 0.05). Cover factor was the main determinant of biological protection factors with correlation coefficients of 0.81 for UPF (erythema), 0.77 for NMSC, and 0.63 for photoimmunosuppression. Water or sweat humidity saturation increased biological protection factors over a 20% (P < 0.05). The 83% of the fabrics analyzed showed less than 5% of transmittance with labeling as UVA protective elements. No effect of fabric color was found related to biological protection factors. The 100% polyester sports T-shirts of the analyzed sample offer general protection against UV for different biological effects that can be increased by humidity but no affected by fabric color.This research is part of the project funded by the State Programs of Generation of Knowledge and Scientific and Technological Strengthening of the System from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Grant/Award Number: PID2020-117224RB-100. This work is part of the research of the Institute of Biomedicine of Málaga (IBIMA) and the Junta de Andalucía working group CTS-162. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA

    An Unusual Case of Solar Urticaria Exacerbated by Clothing: Confirmation Through Phototesting

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    This work has been supported by the project no. PID2020-117224RB-100of Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. // Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA

    La sombra como valor de incidencia de radiación ultravioleta solar para la prevención del cáncer de piel

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    Introducción: Cada día se ofrecen mejores soluciones informativas a la población en general para educar sobre la prevención frente a la sobreexposición a la radiación ultravioleta solar. El comportamiento del arco solar a lo largo del período del día nos puede dar una información muy importante ya que la incidencia del índice UV en un punto determinada varía a lo largo del ciclo diario, y esta puede ser seguida indirectamente basándonos en el efecto que produce el cambio de longitud de la sombra de un objeto que esté situado al sol. Objetivo: El objetivo del presente trabajo es el de crear una diana solar de Indice UV basada en la longitud de sombra que ofrece un objeto expuesto al sol. Material y métodos. Se ha construido un dispositivo de seguimiento de la longitud de la sombra. El dispositivo se colocó en el tejado de edificio y la variación diaria de la longitud de la sombra de la varilla se siguío con una cámara web conectada al ordenador y junto a ella se colocó un sensor de índice UV para hacer el seguimiento dicho índice a intervalos de 15 min durante tres meses. A continuación las medidas de longitud de sombra se correlacionaron con el índice UV. Resultados y discusión: Se han obtenido valores de franjas de índice UV con los niveles de Indice UV bajo cuando la distancia de la sombra es mayor a 1.25 la longitud del objeto que realiza la sombra, de índice UV medio (por debajo de 6) cuando la relación distancia sombra/ longitud objeto está entre 0.75 y 1.25 y de índice UV alto cuando la relación está comprendida entre 0.65/0.75. De esta forma se puede configurar una plantilla con los colores similares a la recomendación de la OMS para los distintos niveles de índice UV y la proyección de la sombra de un objeto sobre dicha plantilla coloreada nos indicará en cada momento el riesgo de exposición solar a partir de la distancia de la sombra del objeto proyectada.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Standardization of a new photodiagnosis method based on LEDs for patients with solar urticaria sensitive to visible light

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    Standard methods for photodiagnosis of solar urticaria are based in exposure of patient skin to different polychromatic UV and visible sources where minimal urticarial doses for different spectral bands (UVB and UVA) are established. Classical photodiagnosis devices are based in solar simulation and use of UVB and UVA enhanced fluorescent lamps. In case of visible US photodiagnosis, US patient skin is exposed for 15 min to a slight projector, provided with halogen lamp, at a distance of 15 cms and presence of erythema and/or wheals is determined as positive reaction. Slights projector is from several years almost out of market due to use of new projection digital technologies and new visible light emerging technologies are good candidates for their substitution as photodiagnosis tool. The objective of the present work is to analyze photodiagnosis of visible light solar urticaria with using a LED device in comparison to normal slight projector exposure protocol. A total of twenty patients, from 7 different photodiagnosis units have participated in the study. Patients, with SU positive to visible light (with or without to UV radiation) following the standard photodiagnosis protocols were included in the study. Slight projector used in all photodiagnosis units were of similar characteristics and irradiance at 15 cm distance, as well as total dose of visible light after 15 min were calculated for each halogen lamp device. LED exposure was performed in parallel in a closed zone of the back of the patients. For LED photodiagnosis a prototype from University of Málaga (Spain) has been developed consisting in a black box provided with 4 holes of 12 mm diameter in which each hole white warm of a LED of 1 W is emitted. Thus, each LEDs dose is controlled independently and the device allows establishing, as well as for UVB and UVA normal protocols a MUD also under visible light. In that case, maximal visible light dose is reached in less than 5 min compared to 15 min under exposure to slight projector. All patients were positive to LED warm visible light with presence of erythema and / or wheals in parallel to the exposure to the slight projector. A MUD to visible light has been established with significant variations between patients which reveals different grade to visible light sensibilization. In conclusion, a new technology of illumination based in LEDs can be used in photodiagnosis of SU.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Medidas in vivo del grado de fotoprotección del pelo

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    Introducción: Es conocido que la disminución o ausencia de pelo en cuero cabelludo favorece la exposición excesiva del mismo a las radiaciones lumínicas. Por otra parte, el cuero cabelludo fotoexpuesto de forma crónica por disminución o pérdida de masa capilar favorece la aparición de lesiones precancerosas y debe ser tenido en cuenta como campo de cancerización para la prevención y el tratamiento de cáncer de piel. Se han realizado trabajos que demuestran el grado de protección lumínica que ofrece el pelo, sin embargo en la actualidad no existen datos de fotoprotección del pelo realizado por métodos in vivo. Objetivos: Calcular el factor de protección solar que ofrece el pelo en base a la densidad capilar en condiciones naturales. Material y métodos: Se estimó el grado de transmitancia a la luz ultravioleta mediante el uso de un mini sensor de radiacíon UV que se colocó a la altura del cuero cabelludo bajo la masa capilar en 3 localizaciones diferentes (fronto-parietal, centroparietal y occipital):y se comparó con medidas en superficie en una serie de 25 voluntarios. El grado de atenuación de la luz UV se ponderó por el espectro de acción eritemático y se calculó el factor de protección solar capilar. Además se han tenido en cuenta las siguientes variables: sexo; edad; y tipo de pelo (color, longitud y forma). Resultados: Se observó una disminución de la transmitancia espectral UV a medida que se aumenta la masa capilar. Se caracterizó el factor de protección capilar (FPC) en función de la densidad del pelo y se observó que el aumento de la densidad capilar confiere un incremento exponencial del factor de fotoprotección. Conclusiones: El pelo confiere fotoprotección de amplio espectro siendo el grado de fotoprotección del pelo dependiente principalmente de la densidad capilar.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Sun exposure and protection habits in transplant athletes: an international survey

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    Background: Transplant recipients are particularly prone to the development of skin cancer, and overexposure to UV radiation during outdoor activities increases the risk of carcinogenesis. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze sun-related behaviors and knowledge in transplant athletes, examine the equency of sunburns, and explore associations with a history of skin cancer. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study. Participants (n = 170) in the XXI World Transplant Games from >50 countries completed a questionnaire on sun protection habits and knowledge, type of transplant, immunosuppressive therapy, and personal history of skin cancer. Results: The most common transplanted organs were the kidney (n = 79), the liver (n = 33), and the heart (n = 31). Overall, 61.3% of athletes had been doing sport for >15 years and 79.5% spent >1–2 h a day outdoors. Fifteen % of athletes had a history of skin cancer. The prevalence of sunburn in the previous year was 28.9%, higher in athletes aged <50 years (37.2%); without a primary school education (58.3%), not taking cyclosporin (32.6%), and athletes who played basketball (75%). The main sun protection measures used were sunscreen (68.9%) and sunglasses (67.3%). Use of a hat or cap was the only measure significantly associated with a reduced prevalence of sunburn. Conclusions: Despite high awareness that sun exposure increases the risk of skin cancer, sunburn was common in transplant athletes. Efforts should be made to strengthen multidisciplinary sun protection education strategies and ensure periodic dermatologic follow-up to prevent sun-induced skin cancer in this population.This work has been supported by the project no. PID2020-117224RB-100 of State Programs of Generation of Knowledge and Scientific and Technological Strengthening of the System from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. This is part of the research of the Institute of Biomedicine of Málaga (IBIMA) and the Junta de Andalucía working group CTS-162. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA

    Solid lipid nanoparticles to improve bioaccessibility and permeability of orally administered maslinic acid

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    Maslinic acid (MA) is a plant-derived, low water-soluble compound with antitumor activity. We have formulated MA in the form of solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) with three different shell compositions: Poloxamer 407 (PMA), dicarboxylic acid-Poloxamer 407 (PCMA), and HA-coated PCMA (PCMA-HA). These SLNs improved the solubility of MA up to 7.5mg/mL, are stable in a wide range of pH, and increase the bioaccessibility of MA after in vitro gastrointestinal (GI) digestion. Gastrointestinal digested SLNs afforded MA delivery across in vitro gut barrier models (21 days old Caco-2 and mucus-producing Caco-2/HT29-MTX co-cultures). The cellular fraction of Caco-2/HT29-MTX co-cultures retained more MA from GI digested PCMA-HA than the Caco-2 monolayers. The concentration of MA reached in the basolateral chamber inhibited growth of pancreatic cancer cells, BxPC3. Finally, confocal microscopy images provided evidence that Nile Red incorporated in MA SLNs was capable of crossing Caco-2 monolayers to be taken up by basolaterally located BxPC3 cells. We have demonstrated that SLNs can be used as nanocarriers of hydrophobic antitumor compounds and that these SLNs are suitable for oral consumption and delivery of the bioactive across the gut barrier.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MCIN/AEI/FEDER) RTI2018-101309-B-C21 RTI2018-101309-B-C22European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO-short term fellowships) 8475Enterprise Ireland (Career-FIT)European Commission 713654MF2018-0151 Food-BIBSScience Foundation IrelandDepartment of Agriculture, Food and Marine on behalf of the Government of Ireland 16/RC/3835European Commission European Commission Joint Research Centre European Regional Development Funds of the Junta de AndaluciaSpanish Governmen