2,167 research outputs found
Twenty-four collections from eight samplesites of the central region of the state Quintana Roo, Mexico, were sampledduring 1986. A total of 223 species wereidentified, of wich 118 species areRhodophyta, 27 Phaeophyta and 78Chlorophyta. 134 species (59 %)represented new recorded for centralQuintana Roo. The floristic list include dataon reproductive state, substrate andephyfitism. The families Rhodomelaceae,Corallinaceae, Ceramiaceae (Rhodophyta),Dictyotaceae (Phaeophyta), Caulerpaceaeand Udoteaceae (Chlorophyta) were themost representated in both number ofspecies and frequency of occurrence in thesampl ing sites.Se llevaron a cabo 24 muestreos de algasmarinas bentónicas en ocho sitios de la regióncentral del estado de Quintana Roo, México,durante 1986. Se determinaron 223 especies,de las cuales 118 son Rhodophyta, 27Phaeophyta y 78 Chlorophyta. 134 especies(59%) se citan por primera vez para el área deestudio. Se presenta una lista florística,incluye la ocurrencia de las especies, estadioreproductivo, sustrato y epifitismo asociadoa ellas. Las familias Rhodomelaceae,Corallinaceae, Ceramiaceae (Rhodophyta),Dictyotaceae (Phaeophyta), Caulerpaceae yUdoteaceae (Cplorophyta) fueron las másrepresentativas en cuanto a número deespecies y frecuencia en los sitios demuestreo
El género Porphyra (Bangiaceae, Rhodophyta) en la costa Pacífico de México. II. Porphyra thuretii Setchell et Dawson
Occurrence and seasonality of Porphyra thuretii Setchell et Dawson (Bangiaceae, Rhodophyta) is recorded for the Pacific coast of Mexico, based on sampling conducted in 1997, 2001 and 2002, and those deposited in national and foreign herbaria. P. thuretii is reported for first time for the coast of Sinaloa, México. We describe details of morfpho-anatomic characters and reproductive structures of the thallus, as well as its habitat and geographic distribution.Se registra la presencia y estacionalidad de Porphyra thuretii Setchell et Dawson (Bangiaceae, Rhodophyta)para la costa del Pacífico de México, con base en material recolectado durante 1997, 2001 y 2002, y deejemplares depositados en herbarios nacionales y extranjeros. Se registra por primera vez a P. thuretii para la costa del estado de Sinaloa, México. Se describen en forma detallada los caracteres morfo-anatómicos yestructuras reproductoras de los talos; así como su hábitat y distribución geográfica
Based on samples collected on the westerncoast of Baja California during 1990, 1996 and1997. Prasinocladus ascus Proskauer,Feldmannia hemispherica (Saunders)Hollenberg, Spongonema tomentosum(Hudson) Kutzing, Prasinocladus ascusProskauer and Prasinocladus marinus(Cyenkowski) Waern, are reported for the firsttime for the Mexican Pacific coast. Themorphology, reproductive stage, habitat andgeographic distribution are presented for eachspecies.Con base en el material recolectado en lacosta occidental del estado de Baja California,durante 1990, 1996 y 1997. Se citan por primeravez a Feldmannia hemispherica (Saunders)Hollenberg, Spongonema tomentosum(Hudson) Kutzing, Prasinocladus ascusProskauer y Prasinocladus marinus(Cyenkowski) Waern, para la costa del Pacíficode México. Cada especie se presenta condatos relativos a su morfología, estadioreproductivo, hábitat y distribucióngeográfica
El género Porphyra (Bangiaceae, Rhodophyta) en la costa Pacífico de México. III. Porphyra gardneri (G. M. Smith et Hollenberg) Hawkes
The occurrence and seasonality of Porphyra gardneri (G. M. Smith et Hollenberg) Hawkes (Bangiaceae,Rhodophyta) is recorded for the Pacific coast of México on the basis of field trips to the western coast of Baja California, conducted in 1992, 1995, 2001, 2002, 2003. Specimens previously deposited in various herbaria were also examined. Populations from Islas de Todos Santos, Caminitos and La Bufadora, are new records of P. gardneri from western Baja California and they represent the southern limit of this species along the Pacific coast of North America. The small size, low frequency and epiphytic character of P. gardneri could be the reasons for its poor presence in floristic studies previously done in Baja California. We describe in detail the vegetative and reproductive structures on the thallus as well as the habitat and geographic distribution of the species.Se registra la presencia y estacionalidad de Porphyra gardneri (G. M. Smith et Hollenberg) Hawkes(Bangiaceae, Rhodophyta) para la costa del Pacífico de México, con base en material recolectado en la costa occidental de Baja California, durante 1992, 1995, 2001, 2002 y 2003; además de ejemplares depositados en herbarios. Las poblaciones localizadas en las Islas de Todos Santos, Caminitos y La Bufadora, representan poblaciones nuevas de P. gardneri para la costa occidental de Baja California y además, definen el límite sur de ésta especie en el Pacífico de Norteamérica. La escasa presencia, tamaño y carácter epifítico de las plantas de P. gardneri, probablemente sean las causas del porque no se haya registrado con una mayor frecuencia, ya que la mayoría de los especímenes recolectados consisten de talos pequeños. Se describen en detalle los caracteres morfo-anatómicos y estructuras reproductoras de los talos; así como su hábitat y distribución geográfica de la especie
Adenosine Monophosphate (AMP)-Activated Protein Kinase: A New Target for Nutraceutical Compounds
Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is an important energy sensor which is activated by increases in adenosine monophosphate (AMP)/adenosine triphosphate (ATP) ratio and/or adenosine diphosphate (ADP)/ATP ratio, and increases different metabolic pathways such as fatty acid oxidation, glucose transport and mitochondrial biogenesis. In this sense, AMPK maintains cellular energy homeostasis by induction of catabolism and inhibition of ATP-consuming biosynthetic pathways to preserve ATP levels. Several studies indicate a reduction of AMPK sensitivity to cellular stress during aging and this could impair the downstream signaling and the maintenance of the cellular energy balance and the stress resistance. However, several diseases have been related with an AMPK dysfunction. Alterations in AMPK signaling decrease mitochondrial biogenesis, increase cellular stress and induce inflammation, which are typical events of the aging process and have been associated to several pathological processes. In this sense, in the last few years AMPK has been identified as a very interesting target and different nutraceutical compounds are being studied for an interesting potential effect on AMPK induction. In this review, we will evaluate the interaction of the different nutraceutical compounds to induce the AMPK phosphorylation and the applications in diseases such as cancer, type II diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases or cardiovascular diseases
Effect of Bay Leaves Essential Oil Concentration on the Properties of Biodegradable Carboxymethyl Cellulose-Based Edible Films
Films containing bay leaves essential oils (BEOs) were prepared and evaluated for edible packaging applications. The BEOs were extracted by the Soxhlet method, using ethanol or methanol as organic solvent. Then, films were prepared by “solvent casting” technique using carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), with different concentrations for the as-obtained BEOs (from 1% to 30% wt.). The resulting films were characterized to evaluate their physical (thickness, moisture content, water solubility and water vapor permeability), optical (transparency and UV-light barrier), mechanical (tensile strength and elongation at break), antioxidant and antimicrobiological properties Attractive films were obtained for food active packaging applications, as they presented a high antioxidant activity (up to 99%) and total phenolic content, and good barrier properties against water vapor (50% improved of CMC) in the case of CMC-film containing 15% wt. ethanolic extract. Related to optical properties, UV-light barrier effect was increased (almost 100% of protection) avoiding typical lipids oxidation in food systems. High water solubility (93%) was also found, ensuring also their biodegradability. Moreover, it was demonstrated that developed films inhibit microorganisms’ growth (Escherichia coli and Candida glabrata), this avoiding an early food oxidation
Trauma quality indicators: internationally approved core factors for trauma management quality evaluation
ntroduction: Quality in medical care must be measured in order to be improved. Trauma management is part of
health care, and by definition, it must be checked constantly. The only way to measure quality and outcomes is to
systematically accrue data and analyze them.
Material and methods: A systematic revision of the literature about quality indicators in trauma associated to an
international consensus conference
Results: An internationally approved base core set of 82 trauma quality indicators was obtained: Indicators were
divided into 6 fields: prevention, structure, process, outcome, post-traumatic management, and society integrational
Conclusion: Present trauma quality indicator core set represents the result of an international effort aiming to
provide a useful tool in quality evaluation and improvement. Further improvement may only be possible through
international trauma registry development. This will allow for huge international data accrual permitting to evaluate
results and compare outcomes
Scheduler para sistemas operativos en tiempo real
En un sistema operativo, la parte más importante que realiza la toma de decisiones de qué tarea es la siguiente en ejecutarse, es el scheduler. El scheduler debe ser exacto a la hora de otorgar tiempo de ejecución a las tareas para no afectar a las demás en su tiempo de ejecución, y así poder tener un scheduler estable y evitar la latencia en el sistema operativo. El presente trabajo propone la implementación de un scheduler en un microcontrolador ATSAMV71Q21 y una tarjeta de desarrollo SAM V71, ambos de ATMEL, mediante la propiedad de los números binarios, ya que la secuencia de los números binarios es repetitiva, se toma ventaja de ello para poder realizar seis tareas, tres independientes y tres dependientes. Cada una de estas tareas se ejecuta en su debido tiempo mediante un contador que se incrementa cada 500 microsegundos. Este contador es controlado por un temporizador del sistema, configurado para que genere interrupciones y cada interrupción pueda incrementar el contador, el cual dirá qué tarea es la que sigue en ejecutarse. Al ser el temporizador del sistema independiente de los demás periféricos del microcontrolador, se tiene una interrupción exacta, y así se genera una activación de la tarea en el tiempo calculado, lo que da como resultado un scheduler bastante estable y confiable.In an operating system, the most important component in charge of deciding which task runs next, is the scheduler. The scheduler must be precise at the time of granting the execution time for the tasks in order to not to affect other tasks in their execution time, and thus, have a stable scheduler and avoid latency in the operating system. The present work explains the implementation of a scheduler in an ATSAMV71Q21 microcontroller and a SAMV71 development card, both from ATMEL, by means of the property of the binary numbers, since the sequence of binary numbers is repetitive, the objective is to perform 6 tasks, 3 independent and 3 dependent. Each of these tasks is executed in due time by a counter that increases every 500 microseconds. This counter is controlled by a system timer, configured to generate interruptions and each interruption can increase the counter, which will tell us which task is still running. Since the timer of the system is independent of the other peripherals of the microcontroller, there is an exact interruption and thus, an activation of the task in the calculated time is generated, obtaining a stable and reliable scheduler.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologí
Effect of La3+/Sr2+ ordering on the magnetic properties of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 by first principles calculations
In this work, using DFT + U formalism, we investigate the effect of order-disorder in the A-site occupation byLa3+and Sr2+on the stability of the ferromagnetic order in La2/3Sr1/3MnO3with−Rc3symmetry. To date, adetailed theoretical discussion of such phenomenon, using a combination of different representations of theelectronic structure, is still missing in the Literature. We employed structural models consisting of 120 atomsupercells constructed according to the precise stoichiometry of the compound. Two configurations, describingrandomized and ordered occupation of the La3+/Sr2+ions, were evaluated. We demonstrate that the ferro-magnetic arrangement of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3with randomly distributed La3+and Sr2+ions is more stable. In suchconfiguration wefind that the Mn3+and Mn4+ions are not distinguished, favoring the double-exchange me-chanism, enhanced by the higher degree of covalence in the MneO bonds near the Fermi level between thespin-upMn-egorbitals and the O-porbitals
El género Porphyra (Bangiaceae, Rhodophyta) en la costa del Pacífico de México. IV. Porphyra pendula E.Y. Dawson
The occurrence and seasonality of Porphyra pendula E.Y. Dawson (Bangiaceae, Rhodophyta) in its macroscopic phase, is reported for the Pacific coast of Mexico, based on sampling conducted during November 2002 to May 2003, and specimens housed in national and foreign herbaria. We describe in detail the vegetative and reproductive structure of the thallus, as well as its habitat and geographic distribution of the species. The specimens of P. pendula from Isla Carmen, Los Planes and Calerita, represent newly reported populations from the Gulf of California. Based on data obtained from herbarium specimens and observations of a population in Calerita, Baja California Sur, we concluded that P. pendula, in its macroscopic phase, is a seasonal species occurring from January to March (winter to the beginning of spring).Se registra la presencia y estacionalidad de la fase macroscópica de Porphyra pendula E.Y. Dawson (Bangiaceae, Rhodophyta) para la costa del Pacífico de México, con base en material recolectado durante el periodo de noviembre del 2002 a mayo del 2003 y un análisis de ejemplares depositados en herbarios nacionales y extranjeros. Se describen en forma detallada los caracteres morfo-anatómicos y estructuras reproductoras de los talos; así como su hábitat y distribución geográfica. Los especímenes de P. pendula de Isla Carmen, Los Planes y Calerita representan poblaciones nuevas de ésta especie en el Golfo de California. Considerando la revisión de especimenes de herbario y el seguimiento de una población en Calerita, Baja California Sur, se determinó que la estacionalidad de P. pendula en su fase macroscópica es de enero a marzo (invierno-principios de primavera)
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