97 research outputs found

    Preliminary Experience with Small Animal SPECT Imaging on Clinical Gamma Cameras

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    The traditional lack of techniques suitable for in vivo imaging has induced a great interest in molecular imaging for preclinical research. Nevertheless, its use spreads slowly due to the difficulties in justifying the high cost of the current dedicated preclinical scanners. An alternative for lowering the costs is to repurpose old clinical gamma cameras to be used for preclinical imaging. In this paper we assess the performance of a portable device, that is, working coupled to a single-head clinical gamma camera, and we present our preliminary experience in several small animal applications. Our findings, based on phantom experiments and animal studies, provided an image quality, in terms of contrast-noise trade-off, comparable to dedicated preclinical pinhole-based scanners. We feel that our portable device offers an opportunity for recycling the widespread availability of clinical gamma cameras in nuclear medicine departments to be used in small animal SPECT imaging and we hope that it can contribute to spreading the use of preclinical imaging within institutions on tight budgets.This work was supported in part by public Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias ISCIII PS09/01206 and PI11/01806. P. Aguiar was awarded a public fellowship from Xunta de Galicia, POS-A/2013/001S

    Geant4-GATE Simulation of a Large Plastic Scintillator for Muon Radiography

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    Envisaging the possibility of using large-area plastic scintillator slabs as robust detectors for high spatial resolution muon radiography, and prior to prototype development, we study expected basic performance by Monte Carlo simulation. We present preliminary results for a scalable square footprint detector unit of similar to 1 m(2), defining a representative simulation model volume of 50 cm x 50 cm, with reflective surfaces and a light readout by direct coupling of 4 small PMTs (in a square arrangement) at one face of the scintillator slab. Light detection efficiency is calculated for several light collection configurations, considering different values of surface roughness, reflectivity, optical coupling index and scintillator thickness. Values maximizing photon detection have been identified. The light response function of 2.5-3.5 cm diameter PMTs for the proposed configuration has been determined. A detector intrinsic spatial resolution of the order of 1 cm is estimated for muon interactions at the center region of the detector module, using a simple centroid positioning algorithm (Anger logic)

    Preliminary experience with small animal SPECT imaging on clinical gamma cameras

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    The traditional lack of techniques suitable for in vivo imaging has induced a great interest in molecular imaging for preclinical research. Nevertheless, its use spreads slowly due to the difficulties in justifying the high cost of the current dedicated preclinical scanners. An alternative for lowering the costs is to repurpose old clinical gamma cameras to be used for preclinical imaging. In this paper we assess the performance of a portable device, that is, working coupled to a single-head clinical gamma camera, and we present our preliminary experience in several small animal applications. Our findings, based on phantom experiments and animal studies, provided an image quality, in terms of contrast-noise trade-off, comparable to dedicated preclinical pinhole-based scanners. We feel that our portable device offers an opportunity for recycling the widespread availability of clinical gamma cameras in nuclear medicine departments to be used in small animal SPECT imaging and we hope that it can contribute to spreading the use of preclinical imaging within institutions on tight budgets

    Improved image quality in pinhole SPECT by accurate modeling of the point spread function in low magnification systems

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    PURPOSE: Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) has become an important noninvasive imaging technique in small-animal research. Due to the high resolution required in small-animal SPECT systems, the spatially variant system response needs to be included in the reconstruction algorithm. Accurate modeling of the system response should result in a major improvement in the quality of reconstructed images. The aim of this study was to quantitatively assess the impact that an accurate modeling of spatially variant collimator/detector response has on image-quality parameters, using a low magnification SPECT system equipped with a pinhole collimator and a small gamma camera. METHODS: Three methods were used to model the point spread function (PSF). For the first, only the geometrical pinhole aperture was included in the PSF. For the second, the septal penetration through the pinhole collimator was added. In the third method, the measured intrinsic detector response was incorporated. Tomographic spatial resolution was evaluated and contrast, recovery coefficients, contrast-to-noise ratio, and noise were quantified using a custom-built NEMA NU 4-2008 image-quality phantom. RESULTS: A high correlation was found between the experimental data corresponding to intrinsic detector response and the fitted values obtained by means of an asymmetric Gaussian distribution. For all PSF models, resolution improved as the distance from the point source to the center of the field of view increased and when the acquisition radius diminished. An improvement of resolution was observed after a minimum of five iterations when the PSF modeling included more corrections. Contrast, recovery coefficients, and contrast-to-noise ratio were better for the same level of noise in the image when more accurate models were included. Ring-type artifacts were observed when the number of iterations exceeded 12. CONCLUSIONS: Accurate modeling of the PSF improves resolution, contrast, and recovery coefficients in the reconstructed images. To avoid the appearance of ring-type artifacts, the number of iterations should be limited. In low magnification systems, the intrinsic detector PSF plays a major role in improvement of the image-quality parameters.Gobierno de EspañaCDTI-CENIT (AMIT project)Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII

    A Systematic Review of PET Textural Analysis and Radiomics in Cancer

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    Background: Although many works have supported the utility of PET radiomics, several authors have raised concerns over the robustness and replicability of the results. This study aimed to perform a systematic review on the topic of PET radiomics and the used methodologies. Methods: PubMed was searched up to 15 October 2020. Original research articles based on human data specifying at least one tumor type and PET image were included, excluding those that apply only first-order statistics and those including fewer than 20 patients. Each publication, cancer type, objective and several methodological parameters (number of patients and features, validation approach, among other things) were extracted. Results: A total of 290 studies were included. Lung (28%) and head and neck (24%) were the most studied cancers. The most common objective was prognosis/treatment response (46%), followed by diagnosis/staging (21%), tumor characterization (18%) and technical evaluations (15%). The average number of patients included was 114 (median = 71; range 20–1419), and the average number of high-order features calculated per study was 31 (median = 26, range 1–286). Conclusions: PET radiomics is a promising field, but the number of patients in most publications is insufficient, and very few papers perform in-depth validations. The role of standardization initiatives will be crucial in the upcoming yearsThis research was partially funded by DTS17/00138 (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) and ED431F 2017/04 project (GAIN-Xunta de Galicia)S

    Analytical, experimental, and Monte Carlo system response matrix for pinhole SPECT reconstruction

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    Purpose: To assess the performance of two approaches to the system response matrix (SRM) calculation in pinhole single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) reconstruction. Methods: Evaluation was performed using experimental data from a low magnification pinhole SPECT system that consisted of a rotating flat detector with a monolithic scintillator crystal. The SRM was computed following two approaches, which were based on Monte Carlo simulations (MC-SRM) and analytical techniques in combination with an experimental characterization (AE-SRM). The spatial response of the system, obtained by using the two approaches, was compared with experimental data. The effect of the MC-SRM and AE-SRM approaches on the reconstructed image was assessed in terms of image contrast, signal-to-noise ratio, image quality, and spatial resolution. To this end, acquisitions were carried out using a hot cylinder phantom (consisting of five fillable rods with diameters of 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 mm and a uniform cylindrical chamber) and a custom-made Derenzo phantom, with center-to-center distances between adjacent rods of 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0 mm. Results: Good agreement was found for the spatial response of the system between measured data and results derived from MC-SRM and AE-SRM. Only minor differences for point sources at distances smaller than the radius of rotation and large incidence angles were found. Assessment of the effect on the reconstructed image showed a similar contrast for both approaches, with values higher than 0.9 for rod diameters greater than 1 mm and higher than 0.8 for rod diameter of 1 mm. The comparison in terms of image quality showed that all rods in the different sections of a custom-made Derenzo phantom could be distinguished. The spatial resolution (FWHM) was 0.7 mm at iteration 100 using both approaches. The SNR was lower for reconstructed images using MC-SRM than for those reconstructed using AE-SRM, indicating that AE-SRM deals better with the projection noise than MC-SRM. Conclusions: The authors' findings show that both approaches provide good solutions to the problem of calculating the SRM in pinhole SPECT reconstruction. The AE-SRM was faster to create and handle the projection noise better than MC-SRM. Nevertheless, the AE-SRM required a tedious experimental characterization of the intrinsic detector response. Creation of the MC-SRM required longer computation time and handled the projection noise worse than the AE-SRM.Nevertheless, the MC-SRM inherently incorporates extensive modeling of the system and therefore experimental characterization was not required

    Clinicopathological characteristics of infiltrating lobular breast carcinoma in elderly women: Preliminary results

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    This study was conducted to investigate the clinicopathological parameters in elderly women (aged >70 years) with infiltrating lobular carcinoma (ILC) of the breast and compare the results with those obtained from younger patients (aged 55-70 years). The study sample included a total of 46 women with ILCs, 10 aged >70 and 36 aged 55-70 years. The parameters analysed were tumor size, histological grade (HG), axillary lymph node involvement, distant metastasis and immunohistochemical expression of estrogen, progesterone and androgen receptors, Ki67, p53 and B cell lymphoma 2. Compared to women aged 55-70 years, ILCs in women aged >70 years were commonly of larger size (P=0.068) and were more frequently HG3 (P=0.024). There were no statistically significant differences in the other parameters analysed. Furthermore, we were unable to determine differences in cancer recurrence and mortality in the two patient subgroups during our follow-up. In conclusion, our preliminary results, based on the limited number of cases included in this study, indicate that i) ILCs in women aged >70 years tended to be larger compared to those in women aged 55-70 years and were more frequently of grade 3; and ii) there were no significant differences in terms of recurrence and mortality between the two patient subgroups during our follow-up

    Prediction of Alzheimer's disease dementia with MRI beyond the short-term: Implications for the design of predictive models

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) volumetric measures have become a standard tool for the detection of in-cipientAlzheimer'sDisease(AD)dementiainmildcognitiveimpairment(MCI).Focusedonprovidinganearlierand more accurate diagnosis, sophisticated MRI machine learning algorithms have been developed over therecentyears,mostofthemlearningtheirnon-diseasepatternsfromMCIthatremainedstableover2–3years.Inthis work, we analyzed whether these stable MCI over short-term periods are actually appropriate trainingexamples of non-disease patterns. To this aim, we compared the diagnosis of MCI patients at 2 and 5years offollow-up and investigated its impact on the predictive performance of baseline volumetric MRI measures pri-marily involved in AD, i.e., hippocampal and entorhinal cortex volumes. Predictive power was evaluated interms ofthe areaunder the ROCcurve(AUC), sensitivity,andspecificity inatrialsample of248 MCIpatientsfollowed-up over 5years. We further compared the sensitivity in those MCI that converted before 2years andthose that converted after 2years. Our results indicate that 23% of the stable MCI at 2years progressed in thenextthreeyearsandthatMRIvolumetricmeasuresaregoodpredictorsofconversiontoADdementiaevenatthemid-term, showing a better specificity and AUC as follow-up time increases. The combination of hippocampusand entorhinal cortex yielded an AUC that was significantly higher for the 5-year follow-up (AUC=73% at2yearsvs.AUC=84%at5years),aswellasforspecificity(56%vs.71%).Sensitivityshowedanon-significantslightdecrease(81%vs.78%).Remarkably,theperformanceofthismodelwascomparabletomachinelearningmodels at the same follow-up times. MRI correctly identified most of the patients that converted after 2years(with sensitivity>60%), and these patients showed a similar degree of abnormalities to those that convertedbefore 2years. This implies that most of the MCI patients that remained stable over short periods and subse-quentlyprogressedtoADdementiahadevidentatrophiesatbaseline.Therefore,machinelearningmodelsthatuse these patients to learn non-disease patterns are including an important fraction of patients with evidentpathological changes related to the disease, something that might result in reduced performance and lack ofbiological interpretability.This work was partially supported by the project PI16/01416(ISCIIIco-fundedFEDER) and RYC-2015/17430 (RamónyCajal,Pablo Aguiar). Data collection and sharing for this project was funded by the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI)(National Institutes of Health Grant U01AG024904) and DODADNI (Department of Defense award number W81XWH-12-2-0012)S

    CA15.3 Serum Concentrations in Older Women with Infiltrating Ductal Carcinomas of the Breast

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    Breast cancer is currently becoming a disease of the elderly. We have studied the relation between CA 15.3 serum concentrations and clinical-pathological parameters in 69 women with IDC aged over 70 years (76.3 ± 4.2; range: 71–88; median 76). A group of 205 women with the same tumor but aged <70 years (62.8 ± 4.0; range: 55–70; median 63) was also considered for comparison. Tumor size, axillary lymph node involvement, distant metastasis and histological grade were taken account. Serum CA 15.3 was determined by luminescence assay. CA 15.3 serum concentrations ranged between 6 and 85 U/mL (median 22.9 U/mL), and were higher only in patients with greater (qualitative and quantitative; p: 0.041) tumor size. Our results show that in women with IDCs, and aged over 70 years, serum CA 15.3 serum concentrations are associated exclusively with a greater tumor size, being these findings different to those described in women with the same subtype of tumor considered as a whole or with lower age.This work was supported by grant PI11/01806 from ISCIII (Spain)S

    Spill-in counts in the quantification of 18 F-florbetapir on Aβ-negative subjects: the effect of including white matter in the reference region

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    Background: We aim to provide a systematic study of the impact of white matter (WM) spill-in on the calculation of standardized uptake value ratios (SUVRs) on Aβnegative subjects, and we study the effect of including WM in the reference region as a compensation. In addition, different partial volume correction (PVC) methods are applied and evaluated. Methods: We evaluated magnetic resonance imaging and 18F-AV-45 positron emission tomography data from 122 cognitively normal (CN) patients recruited at the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Cortex SUVRs were obtained by using the cerebellar grey matter (CGM) (SUVRCGM) and the whole cerebellum (SUVRWC) as reference regions. The correlations between the different SUVRs and the WM uptake (WM-SUVRCGM) were studied in patients, and in a well-controlled framework based on Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. Activity maps for the MC simulation were derived from ADNI patients by using a voxel-wise iterative process (BrainViset). Ten WM uptakes covering the spectrum of WM values obtained from patient data were simulated for different patients. Three different PVC methods were tested (a) the regional voxel-based (RBV), (b) the iterative Yang (iY), and (c) a simplified analytical correction derived from our MC simulation. Results: WM-SUVRCGM followed a normal distribution with an average of 1.79 and a standard deviation of 0.243 (13.6%). SUVRCGM was linearly correlated to WM-SUVRCGM (r = 0.82, linear fit slope = 0.28). SUVRWC was linearly correlated to WM-SUVRCGM (r = 0.64, linear fit slope = 0.13). Our MC results showed that these correlations are compatible with those produced by isolated spill-in effect (slopes of 0.23 and 0.11). The impact of the spill-in was mitigated by using PVC for SUVRCGM (slopes of 0.06 and 0.07 for iY and RBV), while SUVRWC showed a negative correlation with SUVRCGM after PVC. The proposed analytical correction also reduced the observed correlations when applied to patient data (r = 0.27 for SUVRCGM, r = 0.18 for SUVRWC). Conclusions: There is a high correlation between WM uptake and the measured SUVR due to spill-in effect, and that this effect is reduced when including WM in the reference region. We also evaluated the performance of PVC, and we proposed an analytical correction that can be applied to preprocessed data.This work was partially supported by the project PI16/01416 (ISCIII co-funded FEDER) and RYC-2015/17430(Ramón y Cajal, PA)S