265 research outputs found

    Analysis of microdifferentiation in a Spanish cellar population of Drosophila melanogaster.

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    L'Escola de Cecs, Sordmuts i Anormals de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona (1911-1939): Una experiència truncada

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    Les dècades dels anys vint i trenta a Barcelona, però també a altres parts de Catalunya i Espanya, es van caracteritzar per una gran efervescència de la renovació pedagògica que ha estat a bastament estudiada. Però potser no ho ha estat tant la influència que aquesta vitalitat pedagògica va tenir en l'educació de la infància amb discapacitat. Aquest article es proposa resseguir una experiència rellevant, l'Escola de Cecs, Sordmuts i Anormals de Barcelona, que l'any 1919 es va instal·lar a Vil·la Joana, alhora que experimentava una important reforma, i la creació del Laboratori annex d'Estudis i Investigacions. En aquells moments l'Escola passà a ser una institució molt vinculada a la renovació pedagògica que vivia el país i a tenir-hi una projecció que arribà més enllà de les seves fronteres. Aquest article recupera la història d'aquesta Escola, des dels seus orígens l'any 1800 fins que el final de la Guerra Civil truncà aquella renovació. Les fonts documentals amb les quals treballem permeten no només una reconstrucció institucional de la vida del centre, sinó entrar amb detall en el seu funcionament intern i pedagògic, sense estalviar-nos els conflictes interns ni els greus esdeveniments viscuts durant la guerra.The 1920s and 1930s in Barcelona, but also in other parts of Catalonia and Spain, were characterized by the great effervescence of an educational reform that has been extensively studied. Nonetheless, the influence of this vitality may not have been that great regarding the education of children with disabilities. This article proposes to follow a relevant experience, the College for the Deaf-mute, Blind and Abnormal of Barcelona, which in 1919 settled in Vil·la Joana while experiencing an important reform and the creation of the annexed Laboratory of Studies and Research. At that time the school was moved to an institution closely linked to educational reform lived in the country, having a presence in it and beyond its borders. This paper traces the history of this school, since its origins in 1800 until the end of the Civil War that truncates that renovation. The documentary sources we work with not only allow institutional reconstruction of the life of the centre, but also go in detail in its internal functioning and teaching, without avoiding all internal conflicts or serious events experienced during the war.Las décadas de los años 20 y 30 en Barcelona, pero también en otras partes de Cataluña y España, se caracterizaron por una gran efervescencia de la renovación pedagógica que ha sido ampliamente estudiada. Pero tal vez lo ha sido menos la influencia que esta vitalidad pedagógica tuvo en la educación de la infancia con discapacidad. Este artículo se propone reseñar una experiencia relevante, la Escuela de Ciegos, Sordomudos y Anormales de Barcelona, que el año 1919 se instaló en Vil·la Joana, al mismo tiempo que experimentaba una importante reforma, y la creación del Laboratorio anexo de Estudios e Investigaciones. A partir de entonces la Escuela pasó a ser una institución muy vinculada a la renovación pedagógica que vivía el país y a tener una proyección más allá de sus fronteras. Este artículo recupera la historia de esta Escuela, desde sus orígenes en 1800 hasta que el final de la Guerra Civil trunca esa renovación. Las fuentes documentales con las que trabajamos permiten, no sólo una reconstrucción institucional de la vida del centro, sino entrar con detalle en su funcionamiento interno y pedagógico, sin ahorrarnos los conflictos internos ni los graves acontecimientos vividos durante la guerra

    Planning the Follow-Up of Patients with Stable Chronic Coronary Artery Disease

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    Enfermedad arterial coronaria crónica; Análisis longitudinal; Planificar el seguimientoMalaltia arterial coronària crònica; Anàlisi longitudinal; Planificar el seguimentChronic coronary artery disease; Longitudinal analysis; Planning the follow-upCardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death among Europeans, Americans, and around the world. In addition, the prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) is increasing, with the highest number of hospital visits, hospital readmissions for patients with decompensated heart failure, and a high economic cost. It is, therefore, a priority to try to plan the follow-up of patients with stable chronic CAD (scCAD) in relation to the published data, experience, and new technology that we have today. Planning the follow-up of patients with scCAD goes beyond the information provided by clinical management guidelines. It requires understanding the importance of a cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis in the clinical history of scCAD, because it has an impact on the cost of healthcare in relation to mortality, economic factors, and the burden of medical consultations. Using the data provided in this work facilitates and standardizes the clinical follow-up of patients with scCAD, and following the marked line makes the work for the clinical physician much easier, by including most clinical possibilities and actions to consider. The follow-up intervals vary according to the clinical situation of each patient and can be highly variable. In addition, the ability to properly study patients with imaging techniques, to stratify at different levels of risk, helps plan the intervals during follow-up. Given the complexity of coronary artery disease and the diversity of clinical cases, more studies are required in the future focused on improving the planning of follow-up for patients with scCAD. The perspective and future direction are related to the valuable utility of integrated imaging techniques in clinical follow-up.This research received no external funding

    Vall d’Hebron Risk Score II for myocardial infarction and cardiac death

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    Malaltia de l'artèria coronària; Factors de risc; Tomografia per emissió computeritzada de fotó únicEnfermedad arterial coronaria; Factores de riesgo; Tomografía por emisión computarizada de fotón únicoCoronary artery disease; Risk factors; Tomography, emission-computed, single-photonObjectives The aim of this study was to create a new Vall d’Hebron Risk Score-II (VH-RS-II) for non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI) and/or cardiac death (CD), excluding patients with coronary revascularisation (CR) during the follow-up. Methods We analysed 5215 consecutive patients underwent gated single photon emission CT (SPECT); 2960 patients (age 64.2±11, male 58.1%) had no previous MI and/or CR, and 2255 patients (age 63.3±11, male 81.9%) had previous MI and/or CR. During a follow-up of 4.3±2.6 years, the cardiac event (MI and CD) was evaluated. This study was reviewed and approved by the ethics committee of our institution (number form trial register, PR(AG)168.2012). To obtain the predictor model, multivariate Cox regression analysis and multivariate logistic regression analysis were used. RS-VH-II was validated with 679 patients. Results In patients without previous MI and/or CR, age (HR: 1.01; p<0.001), diabetes (HR: 2.1, p=0.001), metabolic equivalent (METs) (HR: 0.89, p=0.038), ST segment depression (HR: 1.4, p=0.011), ejection fraction (EF) (HR: 0.97, p<0.001) and summed stress score (HR: 1.2, p<0.001) were the independent predictors of CE (C-statistic: 0.8). In patients with previous MI and/or CR, age (HR: 1.06, p<0.001), male (HR: 1.9, p=0.047), smoker (HR: 1.5, p=0.047), METs (HR: 0.8, p<0.001), ST segment depression (HR: 1.4, p=0.002), EF (HR: 0.96; p<0.001) and summed difference score (HR: 1.03, p=0.06) were the independent predictors of CE (C-statistic:0.8). Conclusion The VH-RS-II obtained from different clinical exercise and gated SPECT variables allow the risk stratification for MI and CD in patients with or without previous MI and/or CR in due form

    Some hadı̄ths about the conquest of Alexandria by a Muslim group from al-Andalus

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    Bu makale İskenderiye’nin Endülüslü Müslüman bir grup tarafından fethini ele alır. İlgili bağlamda bu fethin ve ona ilişkin hadislerin detaylı bir şekilde incelenmesini amaçlar. Yazar öncelikle konuyla alakalı tarihi dokümanlar aracılığıyla söz konusu fethin detaylı bir hikâyesini sunar; ardından günümüze ulaşmış en eski fiten eserlerinden biri olan Nuʿaym b. Hammâd’ın Kitâbu’l-Fiten’indeki bu fetihle alakalı dokuz hadise yer verir. Eskatolojik karakterli bu hadisleri ele alırken ilk olarak içerik yönünden bir karşılaştırma yaparak burada dile getirilen kehanetlerin esasında eşzamanlı yaşanan bazı olaylardan hareketle yapılmış tahminler olabileceğini iddia eder. Bunun yanı sıra içerik bakımından bu hadislerin hem birbirleriyle hem de tarihi gerçeklerle uyuşmayan birçok yönü olduğunu ortaya koyar. Daha sonra birtakım tarihlendirme yöntemleri (tpq ve taq) uygulayarak bu hadislerin ortaya çıkış tarihlerine dair bazı tespitlerde bulunur. Bu tespitler sonucunda söz konusu hadislerin tamamının Nuʿaym tarafından uydurulmadığını, onun yalnızca İskenderiye fethine dair hadisleri toplamakla yetindiğini kaydeder. Yazara göre bu uydurma faaliyetinin esas sorumluları yüksek ihtimalle isimleri eskatolojik hadislerde çokça geçen üçüncü tabakadan bazı ravilerdir. Bununla birlikte Nuʿaym’ın burada esas sorumlu tutulması gereken husus bu hadislerin aktarımıyla ilgilidir; zira Nuʿaym rivayet zincirindeki kopukluğu tedlis yaparak gidermeye çalışmıştır.This article discusses the conquest of Alexandria by a Muslim group from al-Andalus. In the relevant context, it aims to examine this conquest and the hadı̄ths related to it in detail. The author firstly presents a detailed story of this conquest through relevant historical documents, then he cites nine hadı̄ths that related to this conquest in the Nuʿaym Ibn Ḥammād’s Kitāb al-Fitan which one of the oldest eschatological books that extant. While discussing these eschatological hadı̄ths, he first makes a comparison in terms of content and claims that the prophecies expressed here actually may be predictions based on some simultaneous events. In addition, he reveals that there are many aspects of these hadı̄ths that are inconsistent with each other and with historical facts in terms of content. Then, by applying some dating methods (tpq and taq), he makes some determinations about the emergence dates of these hadı̄ths. As a result of these determinations, he records that all the hadı̄ths in question were not fabricated by Nuʿaym and he was just content to collect the hadı̄ths about the conquest of Alexandria. According to the author, the main responsible of this fabrication are probably some narrators from the third generation, whose names are frequently mentioned in eschatological hadı̄ths; however, the issue that Nuʿaym is responsible for here is related to the transmission of these hadı̄ths; because Nuʿaym tried to eliminate the disconnection in the chain of narration by doing tadlı̄s

    Infección experimental de linfadenitis caseosa en ovinos

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    Se llevó a cabo un estudio experimental con Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis comparándose las rutas de infección intravenosa y subcutánea con la finalidad de contribuir a esclarecer la patogénesis de la linfadenitis caseosa. Se utilizaron tres grupos,

    Comparative Population Genetics of the Immunity Gene, Relish: Is Adaptive Evolution Idiosyncratic?

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    The frequency of adaptive evolution acting on common loci in distant lineages remains an outstanding question in evolutionary biology. We asked whether the immunity factor, Relish, a gene with a history of directional selection in Drosophila simulans, shows evidence of a similar selective history in other Drosophila species. We found only weak evidence of recurrent adaptive protein evolution at the Relish locus in three sister species pairs, suggesting that this key component of the insect immune system has an idiosyncratic evolutionary history in Drosophila

    Phenotyping Type 2 Diabetes in Terms of Myocardial Insulin Resistance and Its Potential Cardiovascular Consequences: A New Strategy Based on 18F-FDG PET/CT

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    Cardiovascular risk; Myocardial insulin resistance; Type 2 diabetesRisc cardiovascular; Resistència miocàrdica a la insulina; Diabetis tipus 2Riesgo cardiovascular; Resistencia miocárdica a la insulina; Diabetes tipo 2Background: Systemic insulin resistance is generally postulated as an independent risk factor of cardiovascular events in type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, the role of myocardial insulin resistance (mIR) remains to be clarified. Methods: Two 18F-FDG PET/CT scans were performed on forty-three T2D patients at baseline and after hyperinsulinemic–euglycemic clamp (HEC). Myocardial insulin sensitivity (mIS) was determined by measuring the increment in myocardial 18F-FDG uptake after HEC. Coronary artery calcium scoring (CACs) and myocardial radiodensity (mRD) were assessed by CT. Results: After HEC, seventeen patients exhibited a strikingly enhancement of myocardial 18F-FDG uptake and twenty-six a marginal increase, thus revealing mIS and mIR, respectively. Patients with mIR showed higher mRD (HU: 38.95 [33.81–44.06] vs. 30.82 [21.48–38.02]; p = 0.03) and CACs > 400 (AU: 52% vs. 29%; p = 0.002) than patients with mIS. In addition, HOMA-IR and mIS only showed a correlation in those patients with mIR. Conclusions: 18F-FDG PET combined with HEC is a reliable method for identifying patients with mIR. This subgroup of patients was found to be specifically at high risk of developing cardiovascular events and showed myocardial structural changes. Moreover, the gold-standard HOMA-IR index was only associated with mIR in this subgroup of patients. Our results open up a new avenue for stratifying patients with cardiovascular risk in T2D.This research was funded by the Carlos III Health Institute and the European Regional Development Fund (PI16/02064 and PI20/01588) and AGAUR (2017SGR1303 and 2017SGR1144)

    Patterns of neutral diversity under general models of selective sweeps

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    Two major sources of stochasticity in the dynamics of neutral alleles result from resampling of finite populations (genetic drift) and the random genetic background of nearby selected alleles on which the neutral alleles are found (linked selection). There is now good evidence that linked selection plays an important role in shaping polymorphism levels in a number of species. One of the best investigated models of linked selection is the recurrent full sweep model, in which newly arisen selected alleles fix rapidly. However, the bulk of selected alleles that sweep into the population may not be destined for rapid fixation. Here we develop a general model of recurrent selective sweeps in a coalescent framework, one that generalizes the recurrent full sweep model to the case where selected alleles do not sweep to fixation. We show that in a large population, only the initial rapid increase of a selected allele affects the genealogy at partially linked sites, which under fairly general assumptions are unaffected by the subsequent fate of the selected allele. We also apply the theory to a simple model to investigate the impact of recurrent partial sweeps on levels of neutral diversity, and find that for a given reduction in diversity, the impact of recurrent partial sweeps on the frequency spectrum at neutral sites is determined primarily by the frequencies achieved by the selected alleles. Consequently, recurrent sweeps of selected alleles to low frequencies can have a profound effect on levels of diversity but can leave the frequency spectrum relatively unperturbed. In fact, the limiting coalescent model under a high rate of sweeps to low frequency is identical to the standard neutral model. The general model of selective sweeps we describe goes some way towards providing a more flexible framework to describe genomic patterns of diversity than is currently available.Comment: 44 pages. 5 figure