183 research outputs found

    Nucleophile aromatische Substitution - ein neuer Weg zur Synthese von Biphenylen

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    Die wichtigsten Methoden zur Darstellung von Biphenylen sind die ĂĽber radikalische oder metallorganische Zwischenstufen verlaufenden Ullmann- und Gomberg-Reaktionen; daneben werden Biaryle bei der Benzidinumlagerung und der oxidativen Dimerisierung sowie bei Reaktionen uber Arin-Zwischenstufen gebildet. Bei der Umsetzung von Aminobenzolen (1) mit reaktiven Halogenaromaten (2) ist uns jetzt eine polare Aryl-Aryl-VerknĂĽpfung durch nucleophile aromatische Substitution zu den Biphenylen (4) bis (6) gelungen

    Nucleophilic aromatic substitution : a new synthetic route to biphenyls

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    The most important methods for preparation of biphenyls are the Ullmann and Gomberg reactions, which involve radical or organometallic intermediates; furthermore, biaryls are formed by benzidine rearrangement and oxidative dimerization, as well as in the course of reactions involving aryne intermediates

    O "olhar museolĂłgico" de Franklin Cascaes

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    O objetivo deste artigo não é fazer uma crítica a visão de Cascaes sobre o que é um museu, mas demonstrar que havia uma preocupação do artista no que concerne ao campo museológico. Apresentar também de que maneira questões como documentação, preservação e conservação da sua obra aparecem em seus cadernos, direta ou indiretamente

    Subcortical connections of the perirhinal, postrhinal, and entorhinal cortices of the rat. I. afferents: SUBCORTICAL AFFERENTS OF PERIRHINAL, POSTRHINAL, AND ENTORHINAL CORTICES

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    In this study we characterized the subcortical afferents for the rat PER areas 35 and 36, POR, and the lateral and medial entorhinal areas (LEA and MEA). We analyzed 33 retrograde tract-tracing experiments distributed across the five regions. For each experiment, we estimated the total numbers, percentages, and densities of labeled cells in 36 subcortical structures and nuclei distributed across septum, basal ganglia, claustrum, amygdala, olfactory structures, thalamus, and hypothalamus. We found that the complement of subcortical inputs differs across the five regions, especially the PER and POR. The PER receives input from the reuniens, suprageniculate, and medial geniculate thalamic nuclei as well as the amygdala. Overall, the subcortical inputs to the PER are consistent with a role in perception, multimodal processing, and the formation of associations that include the motivational significance of individual items and objects. Subcortical inputs to the POR were dominated by the dorsal thalamus, particularly the lateral posterior nucleus, a region implicated in visuospatial attention. The complement of subcortical inputs to the POR is consistent with a role in representing and monitoring the local spatial context. We also report that, in addition to the PER, the LEA and the medial band of the MEA also receive strong amygdala input. In contrast, subcortical input to the POR and the MEA lateral band includes much less amygdala input and is dominated by dorsal thalamic nuclei, particularly nuclei involved in spatial information processing. Like the cortical inputs, the patterns of subcortical inputs to these regions are consistent both with the view that the dorsal hippocampus is important for spatial cognition and the ventral hippocampus is important for affective cognition, and the view that they provide considerable functional integration. We conclude that the patterns of subcortical inputs to the PER, POR, and the entorhinal LEA and MEA provide further evidence for functional differentiation in the medial temporal lobe

    The topology of connections between rat prefrontal, motor and sensory cortices

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    The connections of prefrontal cortex (PFC) were investigated in the rat brain to determine the order and location of input and output connections to motor and somatosensory cortex. Retrograde (100 nl Fluoro-Gold) and anterograde (100 nl Biotinylated Dextran Amines, BDA; Fluorescein and Texas Red) neuronanatomical tracers were injected into the subdivisions of the PFC (prelimbic, ventral orbital, ventrolateral orbital, dorsolateral orbital) and their projections studied. We found clear evidence for organized input projections from the motor and somatosensory cortices to the PFC, with distinct areas of motor and cingulate cortex projecting in an ordered arrangement to the subdivisions of PFC. As injection location of retrograde tracer was moved from medial to lateral in PFC, we observed an ordered arrangement of projections occurring in sensory-motor cortex. There was a significant effect of retrograde injection location on the position of labelled cells occurring in sensory-motor cortex (dorsoventral, anterior-posterior and mediolateral axes p < 0.001). The arrangement of output projections from PFC also displayed a significant ordered projection to sensory-motor cortex (dorsoventral p < 0.001, anterior-posterior p = 0.002 and mediolateral axes p < 0.001)

    Reversal of social deficits by subchronic oxytocin in two autism mouse models

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    Social deficits are a hallmark feature of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related developmental syndromes. Although there is no standard treatment for social dysfunction, clinical studies have identified oxytocin as a potential therapeutic with prosocial efficacy. We have previously reported that peripheral oxytocin treatment can increase sociability and ameliorate repetitive stereotypy in adolescent mice from the C58/J model of ASD-like behavior. In the present study, we determined that prosocial oxytocin effects were not limited to the adolescent period, since C58/J mice, tested in adulthood, demonstrated significant social preference up to 2 weeks following subchronic oxytocin treatment. Oxytocin was also evaluated in adult mice with underexpression of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor NR1 subunit (encoded by Grin1), a genetic model of autism- and schizophrenia- like behavior. Subchronic oxytocin had striking prosocial efficacy in male Grin1 knockdown mice; in contrast, chronic regimens with clozapine (66 mg/kg/day) or risperidone (2 mg/kg/day) failed to reverse deficits in sociability. Neither the subchronic oxytocin regimen, nor chronic treatment with clozapine or risperidone, reversed impaired prepulse inhibition in the Grin1 knockdown mice. Overall, these studies demonstrate oxytocin can enhance sociability in mouse models with divergent genotypes and behavioral profiles, adding to the evidence that this neurohormone could have therapeutic prosocial efficacy across a spectrum of developmental disorders

    Facilitation of Serotonin Signaling by SSRIs is Attenuated by Social Isolation

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    Hypofunction of the serotonergic system is often associated with major depression and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are commonly prescribed to treat these disorders, and require 3–6 weeks of chronic treatment before improvements in the symptoms are observed. SSRIs inhibit serotonin's transporter, and in doing so, increase extracellular serotonin concentrations. Thus, efficacy of SSRIs likely depends upon the brain's adaptive response to sustained increases in serotonin levels. Individual responsiveness to SSRI treatment may depend on a variety of factors that influence these changes, including ongoing stress. Social isolation is a passive, naturalistic form of chronic mild stress that can model depression in rodents. In this study, we examined how 20-day treatment with the SSRI citalopram (CIT) alters marble-burying (MB), open field behavior, and serotonin signaling in single- vs pair-housed animals. We used in vivo voltammetry to measure electrically evoked serotonin, comparing release rate, net overflow, and clearance. Pair-housed mice were significantly more responsive to CIT treatment, exhibiting reduced MB and facilitation of serotonin release that positively correlated with the frequency of electrical stimulation. These effects of CIT treatment were attenuated in single-housed mice. Notably, although CIT treatment enhanced serotonin release in pair-housed mice, it did not significantly alter uptake rate. In summary, we report that chronic SSRI treatment facilitates serotonin release in a frequency-dependent manner, and this effect is blocked by social isolation. These findings suggest that the efficacy of SSRIs in treating depression and OCD may depend on ongoing stressors during treatment

    Synthesis, structure, and spectral behavior of donor acceptor substituted biphenyls

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    Reaction of the activated halonitrobenzenes 2a-f with the bis- and tris(dialkylamino)benzenes 1a-e affords, via a direct nucleophilic substitution, the highly substituted biphenyls 3a-o; the lesser substituted biphenyls 5 and 6 were prepared by an Ullmann reaction. All these biphenyls are deeply colored; the dark red color can be assigned to an intramolecular charge transfer. A crystal structure determination was carried out for 2,4,6-tripyrrolidino-2',4',6'-trinitrobiphenyl (3a): space group C2/c, a = 16.071 (2) A, b = 14.545 (1) A, c = 20.177 (2) A, {3 = 91.361 (9)°, Z = 8 (temperature &#8776; 120 K). The dihedral angle between the two arene rings was found to be only 52.5°, despite the four bulky substituents in the o,o'-positions. With this far-from-orthogonal torsional angle about the biphenyl linkage, the strong intramolecular charge transfer from the &#960; system of the donor into the &#960; system of the acceptor arene becomes easily understandable. A PPP calculation with the torsional angles taken from the X-ray structure analysis satisfactorily reproduces the experimental absorption spectrum of 3a. The shift of the long-wavelength absorption between the individual biphenyls 3a-o, 5, and 6 likewise is accounted for satisfactorily by the calculation; it depends primarily on the intrinsic donor strength of the different NR2 moieties (pyrrolidino > dimethylamino > piperidino > morpholino). The IH NMR spectra (in dilute solution) likewise mirror this gradation in Nr2 donor capacity; they also show that steric hindrance at the biphenyl linkage is mainly the result of interaction between the o-dialkylamino groups and the C6 skeleton of the acceptor arene. This is borne out by the crystal structure analysis

    Disruption of social approach by MK-801, amphetamine, and fluoxetine in adolescent C57BL/6J mice

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    Autism is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder, diagnosed on the basis of core behavioral symptoms. Although the mechanistic basis for the disorder is not yet known, genetic analyses have suggested a role for abnormal excitatory/inhibitory signaling systems in brain, including dysregulation of glutamatergic neurotransmission. In mice, the constitutive knockdown of NMDA receptors leads to social deficits, repetitive behavior, and self-injurious responses that reflect aspects of the autism clinical profile. However, social phenotypes differ with age: mice with reduced NMDA-receptor function exhibit hypersociability in adolescence, but markedly deficient sociability in adulthood. The present studies determined whether acute disruption of NMDA neurotransmission leads to exaggerated social approach, similar to that observed with constitutive disruption, in adolescent C57BL/6J mice. The effects of MK-801, an NMDA receptor antagonist, were compared with amphetamine, a dopamine agonist, and fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, on performance in a three-chamber choice task. Results showed that acute treatment with MK-801 led to social approach deficits at doses without effects on entry numbers. Amphetamine also decreased social preference, but increased number of entries at every dose. Fluoxetine (10 mg/kg) had selective effects on social novelty preference. Withdrawal from a chronic ethanol regimen decreased activity, but did not attenuate sociability. Low doses of MK-801 and amphetamine were also evaluated in a marble-burying assay for repetitive behavior. MK-801, at a dose that did not disrupt sociability or alter entries, led to a profound reduction in marble-burying. Overall, these findings demonstrate that moderate alteration of NMDA, dopamine, or serotonin function can attenuate social preference in wild type mice

    Repetitive behavior profile and supersensitivity to amphetamine in the C58/J mouse model of autism

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    Restricted repetitive behaviors are core symptoms of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). The range of symptoms encompassed by the repetitive behavior domain includes lower-order stereotypy and self-injury, and higher-order indices of circumscribed interests and cognitive rigidity. Heterogeneity in clinical ASD profiles suggests that specific manifestations of repetitive behavior reflect differential neuropathology. The present studies utilized a set of phenotyping tasks to determine a repetitive behavior profile for the C58/J mouse strain, a model of ASD core symptoms. In an observational screen, C58/J demonstrated overt motor stereotypy, but not over-grooming, a commonly-used measure for mouse repetitive behavior. Amphetamine did not exacerbate motor stereotypy, but had enhanced stimulant effects on locomotion and rearing in C58/J, compared to C57BL/6J. Both C58/J and Grin1 knockdown mice, another model of ASD-like behavior, had marked deficits in marble-burying. In a nose poke task for higher-order repetitive behavior, C58/J had reduced holeboard exploration and preference for non-social, versus social, olfactory stimuli, but did not demonstrate cognitive rigidity following familiarization to an appetitive stimulus. Analysis of available high-density genotype data indicated specific regions of divergence between C58/J and two highly-sociable strains with common genetic lineage. Strain genome comparisons identified autism candidate genes, including Cntnap2 and Slc6a4, located within regions divergent in C58/J. However, Grin1, Nlgn1, Sapap3, and Slitrk5, genes linked to repetitive over-grooming, were not in regions of divergence. These studies suggest that specific repetitive phenotypes can be used to distinguish ASD mouse models, with implications for divergent underlying mechanisms for different repetitive behavior profiles
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