475 research outputs found

    A decision support system for disaster prevention in Urban Areas

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    This paper presents the use of Human Behavior Modeling for Disaster Relief and Emergency Management. The authors propose an innovative MS2G (Modeling, Interoperable Simulation and Serious Game) using Intelligent Agents to reproduce a complex scenario used for Verification, Validation and Accreditation of the approach. The case study is inspired to South Sudan situation and to the necessity to provide accommodations, food, health care services, security and administrative support to a large number of IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) over a wide area. The simulator includes camp preparation and installation, air dr ops, logistics network creation while the model includes populations, entities and units as well as different equipment (e.g. cargo planes, helicopters, ground units, etc.

    Virtual and augmented reality as enablers for improving the service on distributed assets

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    The evolution of Augment and Virtual Reality is enabling new solutions. This paper addresses creation of applications to support service and maintenance of distributed systems. Indeed this approach could be applied to devices provided as service for industrial and individual use and could introduce new capabilities in terms of training for operators, control and remote service support. The paper presents a case study devoted to lead the introduction of these innovative solutions in industrial and health care system

    Autonomous systems for operations in critical environments

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    This paper proposes an environment devoted to simulate the use of autonomous systems in the context of space exploratory missions and operations; this research focuses on supporting engineering of autonomous systems and of their innovative artificial intelligences through interoperable simulation. The proposed approach enables also development of training and educational solutions for use of robots and autonomous systems in space critical environments. The paper addresses different application areas including robotic inventory and warehouse solutions, intelligent space guard systems, drones for supporting extravehicular activities and for managing accidents and health emergencies. The paper investigates the potential of autonomous systems as well as their capability to interoperate with other systems and with humans, especially in critical environments. Finally, the paper presents the existing researches for interoperable simulators devoted to address these challenging topics within Simulation Exploratory Experience initiative

    Divergent responses of serum testosterone and cortisol in athlete men after a marathon race

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    Physical exercise alters homeostasis, as it requires prompt mobilization of metabolic sources. In this study, we measured serum testosterone (T) and cortisol (C) levels and the muscle-wastage enzymes CK, CKMB and LDH in 20 healthy male athletes (ages 25 to 40 years) in response to a marathon race (42.2 km). Venous blood samples were drawn in 3 different periods: (i) in the morning, 48 h before the competition (control), (ii) at the end of the race (end), and (iii) in the next morning, 20 h after the race (recovery). At the end, T was significantly lower (from 673 to 303 ng/dl) and C higher (from 20.3 to 42.5 µg/dl) as compared to the control period. At recovery, both were virtually identical to control levels. CK, CKMB and LDH were significantly higher at the end of the competition and even higher in the recovering period (except for CKMB), characterizing muscle wastage. CK and LDH disclosed a significant negative correlation with T (-0.412 and -0.546, respectively), whereas CKMB correlated positively with C (0.4521). We conclude that the inverse correlation observed between T and C levels, and the pattern of CK, CKMB and LDH increase, allow us to confirm that a marathon race may cause a marked physical stress, resulting in a distinct hormonal imbalance and severe cellular damage.O exercício físico altera a homeostase, pois requer rápida mobilização de fontes metabólicas. Neste estudo, analisamos a resposta dos níveis séricos de testosterona (T) e cortisol (C) e das enzimas de desgaste muscular CK, CKMB e LDH, em 20 atletas masculinos sadios (25 a 40 anos), participantes de uma maratona (42,2 km). Coletas de sangue venoso foram feitas em 3 períodos: (i) pela manhã, 48 h antes da maratona (controle), (ii) logo após o término da corrida (final) e (iii) na manhã seguinte, 20 h após a realização da prova (recuperação). Ao final, T estava significantemente mais baixa (de 673 para 303 ng/dl) e C mais elevado (de 20,3 para 42,5 µg/dl) que no período controle. Na recuperação, ambos praticamente retornaram aos níveis basais. CK, CKMB e LDH estavam significantemente mais elevadas ao final da corrida e mais ainda na recuperação (exceto a CKMB), caracterizando o desgaste muscular. Enquanto CK e LDH apresentaram significante correlação negativa com a T (-0,412 e -0,546, respectivamente), CKMB correlacionou-se positivamente com o C (0,4521). Concluímos que a correlação inversa entre T e C, e o comportamento das enzimas CK, CKMB e LDH, permite comprovar que uma corrida de maratona causa intenso stress físico, provocando desequilíbrio hormonal e lesão celular severa.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Medicina Centro de Medicina da Atividade Física e do EsporteUNIFESP, Depto. de Medicina Centro de Medicina da Atividade Física e do EsporteSciEL

    Low-pressure versus standard-pressure pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    Introduction: It has been previously demonstrated that the rise of intra-abdominal pressures and prolonged exposure to such pressures can produce changes in the cardiovascular and pulmonary dynamic which, though potentially well tolerated in the majority of healthy patients with adequate cardiopulmonary reserve, may be less well tolerated when cardiopulmonary reserve is poor. Nevertheless, theoretically lowering intra-abdominal pressure could reduce the impact of pneumoperitoneum on the blood circulation of intra-abdominal organs as well as cardiopulmonary function. However, the evidence remains weak, and as such, the debate remains unresolved. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to demonstrate the current knowledge around the effect of pneumoperitoneum at different pressures levels during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Materials and methods: This systematic review and meta-analysis were reported according to the recommendations of the 2020 updated Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, and the Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions. Results: This systematic review and meta-analysis included 44 randomized controlled trials that compared different pressures of pneumoperitoneum in the setting of elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Length of hospital, conversion rate, and complications rate were not significantly different, whereas statistically significant differences were observed in post-operative pain and analgesic consumption. According to the GRADE criteria, overall quality of evidence was high for intra-operative bile spillage (critical outcome), overall complications (critical outcome), shoulder pain (critical outcome), and overall post-operative pain (critical outcome). Overall quality of evidence was moderate for conversion to open surgery (critical outcome), post-operative pain at 1 day (critical outcome), post-operative pain at 3 days (important outcome), and bleeding (critical outcome). Overall quality of evidence was low for operative time (important outcome), length of hospital stay (important outcome), post-operative pain at 12 h (critical outcome), and was very low for post-operative pain at 1 h (critical outcome), post-operative pain at 4 h (critical outcome), post-operative pain at 8 h (critical outcome), and post-operative pain at 2 days (critical outcome). Conclusions: This review allowed us to draw conclusive results from the use of low-pressure pneumoperitoneum with an adequate quality of evidence

    Early improvement of glycaemic control after virus clearance in patients with chronic hepatitis C and severe liver fibrosis: a cohort study

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    HCV has been recognized as the cause of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) since 1990. CHC is associated with progressive liver damage and extrahepatic conditions. Direct antiviral agents (DAAs), approved in 2014, have shown effectiveness in eradicating HCV in most patients. However, little is known about the effect of viral eradication on hepatic and extra-hepatic damage. We performed a historical cohort study of patients with HCV-related liver diseases who achieved SVR from March 2015 to October 2016 at INMI Lazzaro Spallanzani liver Unit in Rome (Italy). Repeated measures of glycaemia were analysed through a multilevel analysis framework to assess short time kinetics of blood glucose level at different times after therapy and for different levels of HCV viremia. The analysis included 205 patients. A model assessing temporal kinetics and variation of glycaemia according to HCV viremia provided evidence that blood glucose levels significantly dropped in patients with diabetes achieving SVR. Most of the variations occurred at 3-5 weeks of therapy (-17.96 mg/dL; p<0.001) and in coincidence with HCV clearance (-13.92 mg/dL; p<0.001). A weak, non-statistically significant reduction was observed in normoglycemic patients. Our study provides evidence that DAAs therapy may significantly improve glycaemic control in patients with CHC achieving SVR even when liver diseases are already established

    impact of frequency and severity of rhinitis on lung function in children and adolescents without asthma

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    Introducción. Se han observado alteraciones espirométricas en pacientes con rinitis, sin asma, proporcionales al grado clínico de la rinitis establecido por la guía Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA). Recientemente se ha validado una nueva clasificación de la rinitis como ARIA modificada (ARIAm), que disocia la forma moderada de la grave. Se desconoce el impacto de la rinitis sobre la función pulmonar considerando su frecuencia y gravedad por separado. Objetivos. Determinar las posibles alteraciones de la función pulmonar y su potencial reversibilidad al broncodilatador en niños y adolescentes con rinitis alérgica y no alérgica sin asma, de acuerdo a su frecuencia (intermitente y persistente) y gravedad (leve, moderada y grave) establecida según ARIAm. Población y métodos. Estudio observacional, analítico de corte transversal, que incluyó pacientes de ambos sexos, entre 5 y 18 años, con rinitis alérgica y no alérgica, sin asma. Se realizó espirometría por curva flujo-volumen y se analizó la existencia de anormalidades en la función pulmonar y la respuesta broncodilatadora en relación con el grado de rinitis por ARIAm ajustando un modelo logístico. Se consideró un valor de p<0,05 para establecer significación estadística. Resultados. Se incluyeron 189 pacientes. En 42 (22,2%) se observó al menos un parámetro alterado en la función pulmonar. Los pacientes con rinitis persistente exhibieron mayor afectación de la función pulmonar que los de grado intermitente (p=0,0257). El defecto funcional fue más frecuente en las formas grave y moderada que en el grado leve (p=0,0052) y fue independiente de la condición de atopia (p=0,1574 para frecuencia y p =0,5378 para gravedad). No se encontró diferencia en la reversibilidad al broncodilatador entre los grupos (p=0,1859 y p=0,0575, respectivamente). Conclusiones. La alteración de la función pulmonar se asoció con rinitis persistente. Fue más prevalente en las formas moderada y grave pero no existieron diferencias significativas entre ambas. El defecto funcional se demostró tanto en rinitis alérgica como no alérgica.Background: Subclinical spirometric abnormalities have been observed in patients with rhinitis without asthma, proportional to the clinical grade established by Allergic Rhinitis and Its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) guideline. Recently has been validated a new criteria of rhinitis classification designed as ARIA modified (ARIAm), which allow to discrimination moderate to severe grades. Rhinitis impact on lung function according to frequency and severity considering separately is unknown. Objectives: To investigate possible subclinical alterations in lung function and bronchodilator reversibility in children and adolescents with allergic and non-allergic rhinitis without asthma, according to the frequency and severity criteria of rhinitis classified by ARIAm. Methods: In an observational cross sectional study we included children and adolescents aged 5 to 18 years with symptoms of allergic and non-allergic rhinitis without asthma. Spirometry was performed by flow-volume curve and we analyzed the abnormalities in respiratory function and bronchodilator response in relation to clinical grade of rhinitis by ARIAm using an adjusted logistic model. A p value Results: We studied 189 patients; 42 (22.2%) had some spirometric abnormalities. Patients with persistent rhinitis had greater impairment of lung function compared to intermittently grade (p = 0.0257). The functional defect was more frequent in rhinitis severe and moderate than mild grade (p = 0.0052) and was independent of atopy status both frequency (p = 0.1574) and severity (p=0.5378). There was no difference in bronchodilator reversibility between groups (p = 0.1859 and p = 0.0575 respectively). Conclusion: Impaired lung function was associated with persistent rhinitis. It was more prevalent in moderate and severe rhinitis, but there wasn’t a significant difference between them. The functional defect was demonstrated in both allergic and nonallergic rhinitis.Fil: Saranz, Ricardo J.. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Clínica Universitaria Reina Fabiola; ArgentinaFil: Lozano, Alejandro. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Clínica Universitaria Reina Fabiola; ArgentinaFil: Lozano, Natalia A.. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Clínica Universitaria Reina Fabiola; ArgentinaFil: Bovina Martijena, María del Pilar. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Clínica Universitaria Reina Fabiola; ArgentinaFil: Sasia, Laura V.. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Clínica Universitaria Reina Fabiola; ArgentinaFil: Berardi, Yanina V.. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Clínica Universitaria Reina Fabiola; ArgentinaFil: Agresta, María Fernanda. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina; ArgentinaFil: Ianiero, Luciano. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina; ArgentinaFil: Ponzio, Marina Flavia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Fisiología Humana y Física Biomédica. Cátedra de Fisiología Humana; Argentin

    Surgical site infection after caesarean section. Space for post-discharge surveillance improvements and reliable comparisons

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    Surgical site infections (SSI) after caesarean section (CS) represent a substantial health system concern. Surveying SSI has been associated with a reduction in SSI incidence. We report the findings of three (2008, 2011 and 2013) regional active SSI surveillances after CS in community hospital of the Latium region determining the incidence of SSI. Each CS was surveyed for SSI occurrence by trained staff up to 30 post-operative days, and association of SSI with relevant characteristics was assessed using binomial logistic regression. A total of 3,685 CS were included in the study. A complete 30 day post-operation follow-up was achieved in over 94% of procedures. Overall 145 SSI were observed (3.9% cumulative incidence) of which 131 (90.3%) were superficial and 14 (9.7%) complex (deep or organ/space) SSI; overall 129 SSI (of which 89.9% superficial) were diagnosed post-discharge. Only higher NNIS score was significantly associated with SSI occurrence in the regression analysis. Our work provides the first regional data on CS-associated SSI incidence, highlighting the need for a post-discharge surveillance which should assure 30 days post-operation to not miss data on complex SSI, as well as being less labour intensive

    Compliance with evidence-based clinical guidelines in the management of acute biliary pancreatitis: the MANCTRA-1 study protocol

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    Despite existing evidence-based practice guidelines for the management of biliary acute pancreatitis (AP), the clinical compliance with recommendations is overall poor. Studies in this field have identified significant discrepancies between evidence-based recommendations and daily clinical practice. The most commonly reported gaps between clinical practice and AP guidelines include the indications for CT scan, need and timing of artificial nutritional support, indications for antibiotics, and surgical/endoscopic management of biliary AP. The MANCTRA-1 (coMpliAnce with evideNce-based cliniCal guidelines in the managemenT of acute biliaRy pancreAtitis) study is aiming to identify the areas for quality improvement that will require new implementation strategies. The study primary objective is to evaluate which items of the current AP guidelines are commonly disregarded and if they correlate with negative clinical outcomes according to the different clinical presentations of the disease. We attempt to summarize the main areas of sub-optimal care due to the lack of compliance with current guidelines to provide the basis for introducing a number of bundles in AP patients' management to be implemented during the next years. The MANCTRA-1 study is an international multicenter, retrospective cohort study with the purpose to assess the outcomes of patients admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of biliary AP and the compliance of surgeons worldwide to the most up-to-dated international guidelines on biliary AP. ClinicalTrials.Gov ID Number: NCT04747990, Date: February 23, 2021. Protocol Version V2.2