94 research outputs found

    Development and Validation of a Specific Stability Indicating High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method for Valsartan

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    A stability-indicating HPLC assay method has been developed and validated for valsartan in bulk drug and pharmaceutical dosage forms. An isocratic RP-HPLC was achieved on Waters 2695 using Symmetry C18 (250mm × 4.6mm × 5μ) column with the mobile phase consisting of 0.02 mM sodium dihydrogen ortho-phosphate, pH adjusted to 2.5 using ortho-phosphoric acid (solvent A), and acetonitrile (solvent B) in the ratio of 58:42 %v/v. The stress testing of valsartan was carried out under acidic, alkaline, oxidative, thermal, and photolytic conditions. Valsartan was well resolved from its degradation products. The proposed method was validated as per ICH guidelines. The method was found to be suitable for the quality control of valsartan in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage forms as well as the stability-indicating studies

    The PANChSHEEEL Formative report: An integrated health, education, engineering and environmental (HEEE) intervention to optimise infant feeding practices through schools and Anganwadi networks in India

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    The Participatory Approach for Nutrition in Children: Strengthening Health Education Engineering and Environment Linkages (PANChSHEEEL) project was an interdisciplinary study, designed to explore HEEE (Health, Education, Engineering and Environment) factors that influence Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices and nutrition in India. The study aimed to develop a socio-culturally appropriate, tailored, innovative and integrated cross-sector HEEE intervention package to address malnutrition by supporting optimal Infant and Young Child feeding (IYCF) practices for children in rural India focussing primarily on the period of 6-24 months. The project established an international collaboration between University College London (UCL), Save the Children, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi in order to develop an effective intervention at a key stage of an infant’s cognitive and physical development. A multi-stakeholder panel was developed, with members of the local village community, health workers, school teachers, Angadwadi workers (midwives), community researchers and local community champions becoming key actors for bringing about meaningful change. This holistic, multi-sector and bottom-up approach facilitated a more organic intervention to address “what” and “how” infants were being fed. This report focuses on the methodology and findings of the project

    Development and Preclinical Investigation of Physically Cross-Linked and pH-Sensitive Polymeric Gels as Potential Vaginal Contraceptives

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    This study explored the development of cross-linked gels to potentially provide a physical barrier to vaginal sperm transport for contraception. Two types of gels were formulated, a physically cross-linked iota-carrageenan (Ci) phenylboronic acid functionalized hydroxylpropylmethyacrylate copolymer (PBA)-based (Ci-PBA) gel, designed to block vaginal sperm transport. The second gel was pH-shifting cross-linked Ci-polyvinyl alcohol-boric acid (Ci-PVA-BA) gel, designed to modulate its properties in forming a viscoelastic, weakly cross-linked transient network (due to Ci gelling properties) on vaginal application (at acidic pH of ~3.5-4.5) to a more elastic, densely cross-linked (due to borate-diol cross-linking) gel network at basic pH of 7-8 of seminal fluid, thereby acting as a physical barrier to motile sperm. The gels were characterized for dynamic rheology, physicochemical properties, and impact on sperm functionality (motility, viability, penetration). The rheology data confirmed that the Ci-PBA gel was formed by ionic interactions whereas Ci-PVA-BA gel was chemically cross-linked and became more elastic at basic pH. Based on the screening data, lead gels were selected for in vitro sperm functionality testing. The in vitro results confirmed that the Ci-PBA and Ci-PVA-BA gels created a barrier at the sperm-gel interface, providing sperm blocking properties. For preclinical proof-of-concept, the Ci-PBA gels were applied vaginally and tested for contraceptive efficacy in rabbits, demonstrating only partial efficacy (40-60%). Overall, the in vitro and in vivo results support the development and further optimization of cross-linked gels using commercially available materials as vaginal contraceptives

    Perspectives of the Apiaceae Hepatoprotective Effects - A Review

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    The liver has the crucial role in the regulation of various physiological processes and in the excretion of endogenous waste metabolites and xenobiotics. Liver structure impairment can be caused by various factors including microorganisms, autoimmune diseases, chemicals, alcohol and drugs. The plant kingdom is full of liver protective chemicals such as phenols, coumarins, lignans, essential oils, monoterpenes, carotenoids, glycosides, flavonoids, organic acids, lipids, alkaloids and xanthenes. Apiaceae plants are usually used as a vegetable or as a spice, but their other functional properties are also very important. This review highlights the significance of caraway, dill, cumin, aniseed, fennel, coriander, celery, lovage, angelica, parsley and carrot, which are popular vegetables and spices, but possess hepatoprotective potential. These plants can be used for medicinal applications to patients who suffer from liver damage

    Applications endovascular hemostasis treatment of pulmonary hemorrhage

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    Рентгеноэндоваскулярная эмболизация бронхиальных артерий (РЭБА) выполнена у 222 больных по поводу легочного кровотечения (ЛК) различной природы. Стойкий гемостаз достигнут у 198 (89,9%) больных. Показана возможность эндоваскулярного гемостаза у больных при распространенном раке легкого, осложненном ЛК. Гемостаз оказался неэффективным у 24 (10,8%) больных. Умерли 5 (2,2%) больных вследствие нерезектабельного рака легкого. Проанализированы причины неэффективного гемостаза.Rentgenoendovascular embolization of bronchial arteries was performed in 222 patients about pulmonary hemorrhage (PH) of different nature. Resistant hemostasis was achieved in 198 (89.9%) patients. The possibility of endovascular hemostasis in patients in advanced lung cancer complicated by PH. Hemostasis was ineffective in 24 (10.8%) patients. Died 5 (2.2%) patients due to unresectable lung cancer. The reasons for ineffective hemostasis were analysed

    Possibilities of Videothoracoscopic Operations in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Exudative Pleurisies with Unknown Etiology

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    В современных условиях наиболее достоверную причину плеврального выпота неясной этиологии можно установить в результате биопсии плевры под визуальным контролем проводимой в ходе видеоторакоскопической операции (ВТО). Диагностическая ценность ВТО в дифференциальной диагностике экссудативных плевритов (ЭП) не вызывает сомнений среди торакальных хирургов, однако не является общепринятой среди врачей общеклинической сети. Накопленный в клинике опыт проведения ВТО для дифференциальной диагностики природы ЭП позволяет поделиться нам в астоящем сообщении.In this work, detail study of the problems of modern methods for the treatment of exudative pleurisy with different etiologies, as well as the metastatic pleurisies, with the use of videothoracoscopy biopsies of parietal pleura and the lungs is performed. This method is used in the treatment of 2454 patients. Details of the method used in the operative intervention have been shown, along with the peculiarities in the postoperative period. Accent attention in the pleurodesis, as aim for the palliative implication in the metastatic pleurisies, impacts with the use of chemical and physical methods, evaluation of their effectiveness, comparative characteristics are given. Lethality in 5 (0.2%) patients were seen

    Gender Based Within-Household Inequality in Childhood Immunization in India: Changes over Time and across Regions

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    Background and Objectives: Despite India’s substantial economic growth in the past two decades, girls in India are discriminated against in access to preventive healthcare including immunizations. Surprisingly, no study has assessed the contribution of gender based within-household discrimination to the overall inequality in immunization status of Indian children. This study therefore has two objectives: to estimate the gender based within-household inequality (GWHI) in immunization status of Indian children and to examine the inter-regional and inter-temporal variations in the GWHI. Data and Methods: The present study used households with a pair of male-female siblings (aged 1–5 years) from two rounds of National Family Health Survey (NFHS, 1992–93 and 2005–06). The overall inequality in the immunization status (after controlling for age and birth order) of children was decomposed into within-households and between-households components using Mean log deviation to obtain the GWHI component. The analysis was conducted at the all-India level as well as for six specified geographical regions and at two time points (1992–93 and 2005–06). Household fixed-effects models for immunization status of children were also estimated. Results and Conclusions: Findings from household fixed effects analysis indicated that the immunization scores of girls were significantly lower than that of boys. The inequality decompositions revealed that, at the all-India level, the absolute level of GWHI in immunization status decreased from 0.035 in 1992–93 to 0.023 in 2005–06. However, as a percentage o

    The Use of Video Thoracoscopic Operations in the Treatment of Acute Purulent Pleurisies

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    Современный опыт развития малоинвазивной торакальной хирургии позволяет считать видеоторакоскопические операции (ВТО) методом выбора в лечении острой эмпиемы плевры (ОЭП). Визуальный контроль в сочетании с эндоскопической санацией плевральной полости и вскрытие мелких субплевральных абсцессов способствуют раннему расправлению легкого и ликвидации гнойного процесса в плевральной полости, что предотвращает переход процесса в хроническую форму. Накопленный опыт выполнения ВТО при лечении ОЭП позволяет поделиться им в настоящем сообщении.The experience of the modern approach to the surgical treatment for the acute purulent pleurisies, with the use of endoscopic techniques in 391 patients is shown. The operative interventions are performed under general anesthesia as well using local anesthesia. The details of the methods, stages of operations, indications and adverse indications are mentioned. Special attention to the treatment of purulent pleurisy having lung-pleural fistula is given. Complications were 7.2%, lethality – 0.25%

    The Role of Videothoracoscopy in Diagnostic and Treatment of Different Etiology Pleural Effusion

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    Высокие диагностические возможности видеоторакоскопии (ВТ) в дифференциальной диагностике экссудативных плевритов (ЭП) были продемонстрированы еще в начале 90-х годов XX века. Однако в обще клинической практике этот метод до сих пор не нашел должного применения, что объясняется как дороговизной видеоторакоскопической туры, так и рутинными подходами врачей к дифференциальной диагностике ЭП. Накопленный в клинике опыт ВТ в диагностике и лечении ЭП позволил поделиться им в настоящем сообщении.We present the experience of videothoracoscopical operations in 662 patients with pleural effusion. The videothoracoscopical operations allowed morphological verification of pleural defects by 100 percent. Different videothoracoscopical methods were used in different forms of pleurisies. So, 652 (99.3%) patients were discharged from the hospital. Mortality was noticed in 5 cases due to generalization of the main diseases. Complications were in 6.1%. Average hospitalization period was 5–6 days