1,658 research outputs found

    Reciprocal associations between youth's responses to interpersonal stress and depression: the moderating role of sex

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    This study examined reciprocal associations between responses to interpersonal stress and depression in youth. Specifically, it tested the hypothesis that depression predicts fewer effortful, planful responses to peer stress and more involuntary, dysregulated responses over time, and that these types of responses then predict future depression. In addition, sex differences in these reciprocal associations were explored. Youth (M age = 12.41; SD = 1.19; 86 girls, 81 boys) and their maternal caregivers completed semi-structured interviews and questionnaires at three annual waves. Path analyses were conducted to examine associations between responses to stress and depression. Multi-group comparison analyses revealed sex differences in these associations; in girls, maladaptive interpersonal stress responses predicted depression, whereas in boys, depression predicted maladaptive interpersonal stress responses. These findings indicate that engaging in adaptive responses to stressful interpersonal situations may be more important for girls??? than boys??? psychological well-being, and that boys??? stress responses may be more susceptible than girls??? to their mood states. Findings are discussed with regard to interventions designed to prevent the onset and persistence of depression

    The efficiency of multi-target drugs: the network approach might help drug design

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    Despite considerable progress in genome- and proteome-based high-throughput screening methods and rational drug design, the number of successful single target drugs did not increase appreciably during the past decade. Network models suggest that partial inhibition of a surprisingly small number of targets can be more efficient than the complete inhibition of a single target. This and the success stories of multi-target drugs and combinatorial therapies led us to suggest that systematic drug design strategies should be directed against multiple targets. We propose that the final effect of partial, but multiple drug actions might often surpass that of complete drug action at a single target. The future success of this novel drug design paradigm will depend not only on a new generation of computer models to identify the correct multiple hits and their multi-fitting, low-affinity drug candidates but also on more efficient in vivo testing.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 1 box, 38 reference

    MADServer: An Architecture for Opportunistic Mobile Advanced Delivery

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    Rapid increases in cellular data traffic demand creative alternative delivery vectors for data. Despite the conceptual attractiveness of mobile data offloading, no concrete web server architectures integrate intelligent offloading in a production-ready and easily deployable manner without relying on vast infrastructural changes to carriers’ networks. Delay-tolerant networking technology offers the means to do just this. We introduce MADServer, a novel DTN-based architecture for mobile data offloading that splits web con- tent among multiple independent delivery vectors based on user and data context. It enables intelligent data offload- ing, caching, and querying solutions which can be incorporated in a manner that still satisfies user expectations for timely delivery. At the same time, it allows for users who have poor or expensive connections to the cellular network to leverage multi-hop opportunistic routing to send and receive data. We also present a preliminary implementation of MADServer and provide real-world performance evaluations

    Path Planning Optimization with Flexible Remote Sensing Application

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    The purpose of the path planning optimization is to find the most favorable route between starting and arrival points based on defined criteria and target functions. The change in the characteristics of each route becomes complicated when there is an increase in the number of intermediate points. This study predominately analyses the monitoring of a limited area. The author demonstrates how the path of the autonomous systems will change in different conditions and further introduces the possibility of using mobile remote sensing systems. The test is performed firstly in 2D flat area, then 3D spaces, and then—taking a forest fire as an example—the ideal conditions changed to reality. The study reveals findings on efficiency, based both on professional and economic considerations. The utilization of remote sensing technologies was found to optimize the observation of the given area generating new problems, such as what is the size of the monitored area at a given moment and how can we increase it for the higher effectiveness. An increase in the size of the monitored area results into an efficient and functional autonomous system albeit generating a shorter and modified path. Mobile autonomous systems therefore can be replaced by stable systems; simultaneously under real conditions, they can be more efficient than stable ones


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    The actual paper comes with an approach regarding the sustainable development in today’s world and the global economy. The way of proceeding is the following: the main causes of the current economic crisis are analyzed and it is demonstrated that applyingsustainable development, global economy, crisis, environmental technologies

    Immured women. Representations of family relationship in balkan slavic oral narrative poetry.

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    In dit boek wordt de rol van familieverhoudingen gedefinieerd in Balkanslavische mondelinge poezie waarin de dramatis personae meestal worden voorgesteld als familieleden. Als theoretisch uitgangspunt geldt de semiotische opvatting van cultuur als tekensysteem. Dit systeem regelt de overdracht van informatie en voorziet in een mechanisme om deze te coderen en decoderen. .... Zie: Samenvatting

    A birtokpolitika közösségi jogi problémái

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    Megkülönböztetve egymástól a KAP és a birtokpolitikára vonatkozó közösségi jogi rendelkezéseket, arra a következtetésre jutok, hogy túlzás, illetve nem helytálló Tanka Endre megállapítása, mely szerint az uniós jog a birtokpolitikában „maga a politikaâ€, „a tagállami jogalkotás annak végrehajtására szűkülâ€, és a birtokpolitikában a közösségi jog „a belsÅ‘ jogot csaknem kiszorítjaâ€, hiszen a tagállam dönthet úgy, hogy semmilyen korlátozást nem léptet életbe a földpiacon, valamint a közösségi joggal összeegyeztetett igen szigorú, Tanka Endre szavaival élve értékalapú birtokpolitikát, polgári demokratikus földreformot is bevezethet. Alapelv szerint a birtokpolitikában a tÅ‘ke szabad mozgásának korlátozása tilos – minden tagállam esetében –, de az Európai Bíróság által elismert közérdekbÅ‘l, az arányosság és a szükségesség jogelvének betartásával mégis korlátozható, feltéve, hogy az adott rendelkezések nem a más tagállamok polgárainak hátrányos megkülönböztetésére irányulnak. A földkérdésben véleményem szerint nem vezet elÅ‘re a nemzeti szuverenitás kontra közösségi jog problematika elÅ‘térbe helyezése, megoldás inkább attól várható, hogy megvizsgálják azt, hogy milyen, a közösségi joggal összeegyeztethetÅ‘ szabályozással lehet a célokat megvalósítani. ------------------------------------------ Making a distinction between Community law provisions on CAP and on land policy, I conclude that the observations by Endre Tanka, such as the Union law on land policy being “policy itselfâ€, that “legislation in the Member States is limited to the implementation thereofâ€, and that Community law “nearly precludes any national legislation†on land policy, are exaggerated or incorrect, as Member States may choose not to apply any restriction to the land market, or may even choose to introduce a very strict land policy – to quote Endre Tanka, a value-based land policy, or a democratic land reform. In principle, the free movement of capital may not be restricted under land policy – in any Member State –, but restrictions may still be introduced if they serve public interests accepted by the European Court of Justice and are in line with the legal principles of proportionality and adequacy, provided that such provisions are not intended to discriminate against citizens of the other Member States. In my opinion, focusing on the issue of national sovereignty versus Community law will not bring us closer to a solution. It would be more useful to look into potential regulations which are compatible with Community law and would still help attain the desired goals.kettÅ‘s jogalap, külföldiek tulajdonszerzése, hatósági engedélyezés, moratórium, mozgástér, dual legal basis, land ownership of foreigners, official permit procedures, moratorium, room to maneuver, Agricultural and Food Policy, Land Economics/Use,

    Browder-Novikov theory for maps of degree d > 1:I

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