31 research outputs found

    Isolation and characterization of a copalyl diphosphate synthase gene promoter from Salvia miltiorrhiza

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    The promoter, 5' UTR, and 34-nt 5' fragments of protein encoding region of the Salvia miltiorrhiza copalyl diphosphate synthase gene were cloned and characterized. No tandem repeats, miRNA binding sites, or CpNpG islands were observed in the promoter, 5' UTR, or protein encoding fragments. The entire isolated promoter and 5' UTR is 2235 bp long and contains repetitions of many cis-active elements, recognized by homologous transcription factors, found in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plant species. A pyrimidine-rich fragment with only 6 non-pyrimidine bases was localized in the 33-nt stretch from nt 2185 to 2217 in the 5' UTR. The observed cis-active sequences are potential binding sites for trans-factors that could regulate spatio-temporal CPS gene expression in response to biotic and abiotic stress conditions. Obtained results are initially verified by in silico and co-expression studies based on A. thaliana microarray data.The quantitative RT-PCR analysis confirmed that the entire 2269-bp copalyl diphosphate synthase gene fragment has the promoter activity.Quantitative RT-PCR analysis was used to study changes in CPS promoter activity occurring in response to the application of four selected biotic and abiotic regulatory factors; auxin, gibberellin, salicylic acid, and high-salt concentration

    Phototropin interactions with SUMO proteins

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    The disruption of the sumoylation pathway affects processes controlled by the two phototropins (phots) of Arabidopsis thaliana, phot1 and phot2. Phots, plant UVA/blue light photoreceptors, regulate growth responses and fast movements aimed at optimizing photosynthesis, such as phototropism, chloroplast relocations and stomatal opening. Sumoylation is a posttranslational modification, consisting of the addition of a SUMO (SMALL UBIQUITIN-RELATED MODIFIER) protein to a lysine residue in the target protein. In addition to affecting the stability of proteins, it regulates their activity, interactions and subcellular localization. We examined physiological responses controlled by phots, phototropism and chloroplast movements, in sumoylation pathway mutants. Chloroplast accumulation in response to both continuous and pulse light was enhanced in the E3 ligase siz1 mutant, in a manner dependent on phot2. A significant decrease in phot2 protein abundance was observed in this mutant after blue light treatment both in seedlings and mature leaves. Using plant transient expression and yeast two-hybrid assays, we found that phots interacted with SUMO proteins mainly through their N-terminal parts, which contain the photosensory LOV domains. The covalent modification in phots by SUMO was verified using an Arabidopsis sumoylation system reconstituted in bacteria followed by the mass spectrometry analysis. Lys 297 was identified as the main target of SUMO3 in the phot2 molecule. Finally, sumoylation of phot2 was detected in Arabidopsis mature leaves upon light or heat stress treatment

    Normative Values for Heart Rate Variability Parameters in School-Aged Children: Simple Approach Considering Differences in Average Heart Rate

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    Background: Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis is a clinical tool frequently used to characterize cardiac autonomic status. The aim of this study was to establish normative values for short-term HRV parameters by considering their main determinants in school-aged children.Methods: Five-minute electrocardiograms were taken from 312 non-athlete children (153 boys) at age of 6 to 13 years for computation of conventional time- and frequency-domain HRV parameters. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate, age, body mass index, and sex were considered as their potential determinants. Multiple regression analysis revealed that HR was the principal predictor of all standard HRV indices. To develop their universal normative limits, standard HRV parameters were corrected for prevailing HR.Results: The HRV correction for HR yielded the parameters which became independent on both sex and HR, and only poorly dependent on age (with small effect size). Normal ranges were calculated for both time- and frequency-domain indices (the latter computed with either fast Fourier transform and autoregressive method). To facilitate recalculation of standard HRV parameters into corrected ones, a calculator was created and attached as a Supplementary Material that can be downloaded and used for both research and clinical purposes.Conclusion: This study provides HRV normative values for school-aged children which have been developed independently of their major determinants. The calculator accessible in the Supplementary Material can considerably simplify determination if HRV parameters accommodate within normal limits

    Evaluation of ABCC1 gene expression, encoding MRP1, in patients with depression

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    Introduction: According to the World Health Organization, depression is the most common mental disorder. Over 350 million people suffer from this disease, making it the fourth most important health problem in the world. Multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1), encoded by ABCC1 gene is co–creating the blood– brain barrier and blood–cerebrospinal fluid barrier. Changes in the expression of ABCC1 can influence the bioavailability of antidepressants, and thereby, determine the efficacy of the treatment. The aim of the study was to evaluate ABCC1 gene expression in patients with depression. Material and methods: We analyzed 32 samples of RNA isolated from the leukocytes of peripheral blood, derived from Babinski Hospital patients suffering from recurrent depressive episodes. The investigated gene expression was assessed using the technique of Real–time PCR. Results: On the basis of qualitative analysis, ABCC1 gene expression has been shown in 30 samples, and the GAPDH gene expression in 32 samples. All 32 samples were quantitatively analyzed. The level of ABCC1 gene expression relative to GAPDH gene was variable among all 32 cases. An average, positive and significant correlation (r = 0.3988) between age of the patients and the relative expression level of ABCC1 has been shown. Conclusions: The relative level of gene expression increases with the age of the patients with depression. The obtained results require confirmation in a larger group of patients.Wstęp: Według Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia depresja jest najczęściej występującym zaburzeniem psychicznym. Ponad 350 milionów ludzi na całym świecie cierpi na tę chorobę, co czyni ją czwartym z najważniejszych obecnie problemów zdrowotnych. Białko oporności wielolekowej 1 (MRP1), kodowane przez gen ABCC1, jest elementem współtworzącym barierę krew–mózg oraz krew–płyn mózgowo–rdzeniowy. Zmiana ekspresji genu ABCC1 może wpłynąć na biodostępność leków antydepresyjnych, a tym samym na skuteczność farmakoterapii. Celem pracy była ocena ekspresji genu ABCC1 u pacjentów chorych na depresję. Materiał i metody: Badaniu poddano 32 próby RNA wyizolowane z leukocytów krwi obwodowej pacjentów chorych na depresję, leczonych w szpitalu im. Babińskiego w Łodzi. Ekspresja badanego genu została oceniona przy użyciu techniki Real–time PCR. Wyniki: Na podstawie analizy jakościowej wykazano ekspresję genu ABCC1 w 30 próbach, a genu referencyjnego GAPDH w 32 próbach. Wszystkie 32 próby poddano analizie ilościowej. Poziom ekspresji genu ABCC1 względem genu GAPDH we wszystkich 32 przypadkach był wysoce zróżnicowany. Wykazano przeciętną, dodatnią, istotną statystycznie korelację (r = 0,398 pomiędzy wiekiem pacjentów, a względnym poziom ekspresji genu ABCC1. Wnioski: Względny poziom ekspresji genu ABCC1 jest tym wyższy, im wyższy jest wiek pacjentów w grupie badanej. Uzyskane w pracy wyniki badań wymagają potwierdzenia na większej grupie pacjentów

    Does the expression of the ACVR2A gene affect the development of colorectal cancer?

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    Abstract Colorectal cancer has become a serious problem, especially in highly developed countries. As reported by the World Health Organization, the number of colon cancer cases in the world in 2012 amounted to 1.36 million. It is the second most common cancer in females (614,000 cases, 9.2% of the total) and the third in males (746,000 cases, 10.0% of the total) worldwide. It is believed that TGFβ pathway elements are involved in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer. This study assessed one of these elements, the ACVR2A gene. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the ACVR2A gene in 84 patients with colorectal cancer was performed. There was no statistically significant association between ACVR2A gene expression and age, gender, histological type, grading of tumor, vascular invasion, and presence of lymphocytes in tumor tissue. No association was observed between the ACVR2A gene expression level and the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes and distant metastases. In this study, larger tumors (T3 and T4) were characterized by higher ACVR2A expression compared to smaller tumors (T1 and T2). This may indicate an association between ACVR2A expression and the severity of pathological changes in the tumor growth process

    Prognostic Significance of HMGA1 Expression in Lung Cancer Based on Bioinformatics Analysis

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    High-mobility group protein 1 (HMGA1) participates in the processes of DNA transcription, replication, recombination, and repair. The HMGA1 gene is expressed abundantly during embryogenesis and is reactivated during carcinogenesis. HMGA1 gene expression has been associated with a high degree of malignancy, metastatic tendency, and poor survival in breast, colon, ovary, and pancreatic cancers. However, its prognostic significance in lung cancer remains unclear. Using publicly available data, HMGA1 was shown to be overexpressed in both small and non-small lung tumors, with higher expression compared to both the adjacent non-malignant lung tissues and non-tumor lung tissues of healthy individuals. Elevated HMGA1 expression could result from lowered HMGA1 methylation and was connected with some clinicopathological features like sex, age, and stage of the disease. The high HMGA1 expression level was connected with shorter overall and first progression survival time among lung adenocarcinoma patients, but not lung squamous cell carcinoma patients. HMGA1 could interact with proteins involved in cellular senescence and cell cycle control (TP53, RB1, RPS6KB1, and CDK1), transcription regulation (EP400 and HMGA2), chromatin assembly and remodeling (LMNB1), and cholesterol and isoprene biosynthesis (HMGCR and INSIG1). Taken together, HMGA1 overexpression could be an essential element of lung carcinogenesis and a prognostic feature in lung cancer

    BQ123 Stimulates Skeletal Muscle Antioxidant Defense via Nrf2 Activation in LPS-Treated Rats

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    Little is understood of skeletal muscle tissue in terms of oxidative stress and inflammation. Endothelin-1 is an endogenous, vasoconstrictive peptide which can induce overproduction of reactive oxygen species and proinflammatory cytokines. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether BQ123, an endothelin-A receptor antagonist, influences the level of TNF-α, IL-6, SOD-1, HO-1, Nrf2 mRNA, and NF-κB subunit RelA/p65 mRNA in the femoral muscle obtained from endotoxemic rats. Male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups (n=6) and received iv (1) saline (control), (2) LPS (15 mg/kg), (3) BQ123 (1 mg/kg), (4) BQ123 (1 mg/kg), and LPS (15 mg/kg, resp.) 30 min later. Injection of LPS led to significant increase in levels of RelA/p65 mRNA, TNF-α, and IL-6, while content of SOD-1, HO-1, and Nrf2 mRNA was unchanged. Administration of BQ123 prior to LPS challenge resulted in a significant reduction in RelA/p65 mRNA, TNF-α, and IL-6 levels, as well as markedly elevated concentrations of SOD-1, HO-1, and Nrf2 mRNA. BQ123 appears to enhance antioxidant defense and prevent production of TNF-α and IL-6 in skeletal muscle of LPS-treated rat. In conclusion, endothelin-A receptor antagonism exerts significant impact on the skeletal muscle favouring anti-inflammatory effects and protection against oxidative stress

    Isolation of <i>Salvia miltiorrhiza</i> Kaurene Synthase-like (<i>KSL)</i> Gene Promoter and Its Regulation by Ethephon and Yeast Extract

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    The presented study describes the regulation of the promoter region of the Salvia miltiorrhiza kaurene synthase-like gene (SmKSL) by ethylene and yeast extract. The isolated fragment is 897 bp and is composed of a promoter (763 bp), 5′UTR (109 bp), and a short CDS (25 bp). The initial in silico analysis revealed the presence of numerous putative cis-active sites for trans-factors responding to different stress conditions. However, this study examines the influence of ethylene and yeast extract on SmKSL gene expression and tanshinone biosynthesis regulation. The results of 72h RT-PCR indicate an antagonistic interaction between ethylene, provided as ethephon (0.05, 0.10, 0.25, and 0.50 mM), and yeast extract (0.5%) on SmKSL gene expression in callus cultures of S. miltiorrhiza. A similar antagonistic effect was observed on total tanshinone concentration for up to 60 days. Ethylene provided as ethephon (0.05, 0.10, 0.25, and 0.50 mM) is a weak inducer of total tanshinone biosynthesis, increasing them only up to the maximum value of 0.67 ± 0.04 mg g−1 DW (60-day induction with 0.50 mM ethephon). Among the tanshinones elicited by ethephon, cryptotanshinone (52.21%) dominates, followed by dihydrotanshinone (45.00%) and tanshinone IIA (3.79%). In contrast, the 0.5% yeast extract strongly increases the total tanshinone concentration up to a maximum value of 13.30 ± 1.09 mg g−1 DW, observed after 50 days of induction. Yeast extract and ethylene appear to activate different fragments of the tanshinone biosynthesis route; hence the primary tanshinones induced by yeast extract were cryptotanshinone (81.42%), followed by dihydrotanshinone (17.06%) and tanshinone IIA (1.52%)

    Abscisic acid and blue light signaling pathways in chloroplast movements in Arabidopsis mesophyll

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    Abscisic acid (ABA) and phototropins act antagonistically to control stomatal movements. Here, we investigated the role of ABA in phototropin-directed chloroplast movements in mesophyll cells of Arabidopsis thaliana. We analyzed the expression of phototropins at mRNA and protein level under the influence of ABA. PHOT1 mRNA level was decreased by ABA in the dark while it was insensitive to ABA in light. PHOT2 mRNA level was independent of the hormone treatment. The levels of phototropin proteins were down-regulated by ABA, both in darkness and light. No impact of exogenous ABA on amplitudes and kinetics of chloroplast movements was detected. Chloroplast responses in wild type Arabidopsis and three mutants, abi4, abi2 (abscisic acid insensitive4, 2) and aba1 (abscisic acid1), were measured to account for endogenous ABA signaling. The chloroplast responses were slightly reduced in abi2 and aba1 mutants in strong light. To further investigate the effect, abi2 and aba1 mutants were supplemented with exogenous ABA. In the aba1 mutant, the reaction was rescued but in abi2 it was unaffected. Our results show that ABA is not directly involved in phototropin-controlled chloroplast responses in mature leaves of Arabidopsis. However, the disturbance of ABA biosynthesis and signaling in mutants affects some elements of the chloroplast movement mechanism. In line with its role as a stress hormone, ABA appears to enhance plant sensitivity to light and promote the chloroplast avoidance response