424 research outputs found

    Boundary behavior of analytic functions of two variables via generalized models

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    We describe a generalization of the notion of a Hilbert space model of a function in the Schur class of the bidisc. This generalization is well adapted to the investigation of boundary behavior at a mild singularity of the function on the 2-torus. We prove the existence of a generalized model with certain properties corresponding to such a singularity and use this result to solve two function-theoretic problems. The first of these is to characterise the directional derivatives of a function in the Schur class at a singular point on the torus for which the Carath\'eodory condition holds. The second is to obtain a representation theorem for functions in the two-variable Pick class analogous to the refined Nevanlinna representation of functions in the one-variable Pick class.Comment: 30 page

    The complex geomety of a domain related to ΞΌ\mu-synthesis

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    We describe the basic complex geometry and function theory of the {\em pentablock} P\mathcal{P}, which is the bounded domain in C3\mathbb{C}^3 given by P={(a21,trA,det⁑A):A=[aij]i,j=12∈B} \mathcal{P}= \{(a_{21}, \mathrm{tr} A, \det A): A= \begin{bmatrix} a_{ij}\end{bmatrix}_{i,j=1}^2 \in \mathbb{B}\} where B\mathbb{B} denotes the open unit ball in the space of 2Γ—22\times 2 complex matrices. We prove several characterizations of the domain. We describe its distinguished boundary and exhibit a 44-parameter group of automorphisms of P\mathcal{P}. We show that P\mathcal{P} is intimately connected with the problem of ΞΌ\mu-synthesis for a certain cost function ΞΌ\mu on the space of 2Γ—22\times 2 matrices defined in connection with robust stabilization by control engineers. We demonstrate connections between the function theories of P\mathcal{P} and B\mathbb{B}. We show that P\mathcal{P} is polynomially convex and starlike.Comment: 36 pages, 2 figures. This version contains corrections of some inaccuracies and an expanded argument for Proposition 12.

    Carath\'eodory extremal functions on the symmetrized bidisc

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    We show how realization theory can be used to find the solutions of the Carath\'eodory extremal problem on the symmetrized bidisc G=def{(z+w,zw):∣z∣<1,β€‰βˆ£w∣<1}. G \stackrel{\rm{def}}{=} \{(z+w,zw):|z|<1, \, |w|<1\}. We show that, generically, solutions are unique up to composition with automorphisms of the disc. We also obtain formulae for large classes of extremal functions for the Carath\'eodory problems for tangents of non-generic types.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure. This version contains some minor changes. It is to appear in a volume of Operator Theory: Advamces and Applications, Birkhause

    A Caratheodory theorem for the bidisk via Hilbert space methods

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    If \ph is an analytic function bounded by 1 on the bidisk \D^2 and \tau\in\tb is a point at which \ph has an angular gradient \nabla\ph(\tau) then \nabla\ph(\la) \to \nabla\ph(\tau) as \la\to\tau nontangentially in \D^2. This is an analog for the bidisk of a classical theorem of Carath\'eodory for the disk. For \ph as above, if \tau\in\tb is such that the lim inf⁑\liminf of (1-|\ph(\la)|)/(1-\|\la\|) as \la\to\tau is finite then the directional derivative D_{-\de}\ph(\tau) exists for all appropriate directions \de\in\C^2. Moreover, one can associate with \ph and Ο„\tau an analytic function hh in the Pick class such that the value of the directional derivative can be expressed in terms of hh

    Facial behaviour of analytic functions on the bidisk

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    We prove that if Ο•\phi is an analytic function bounded by 1 on the bidisk and Ο„\tau is a point in a face of the bidisk at which Ο•\phi satisfies Caratheodory's condition then both Ο•\phi and the angular gradient βˆ‡Ο•\nabla\phi exist and are constant on the face. Moreover, the class of all Ο•\phi with prescribed Ο•(Ο„)\phi(\tau) and βˆ‡Ο•(Ο„)\nabla\phi(\tau) can be parametrized in terms of a function in the two-variable Pick class. As an application we solve an interpolation problem with nodes that lie on faces of the bidisk.Comment: 18 pages. We have replaced an erroneous proof of Theorem 5.4(1) by a valid proo

    Nevanlinna representations in several variables

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    We generalize two integral representation formulae of Nevanlinna to functions of several variables. We show that for a large class of analytic functions that have non-negative imaginary part on the upper polyhalfplane there are representation formulae in terms of densely defined self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space. We introduce three types of structured resolvent of a self-adjoint operator and identify four different types of representation in terms of these resolvents. We relate the types of representation that a function admits to its growth at infinity.Comment: 37 pages. In this version we have added some references and expanded the introductio

    Operator monotone functions and L\"owner functions of several variables

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    We prove generalizations of L\"owner's results on matrix monotone functions to several variables. We give a characterization of when a function of dd variables is locally monotone on dd-tuples of commuting self-adjoint nn-by-nn matrices. We prove a generalization to several variables of Nevanlinna's theorem describing analytic functions that map the upper half-plane to itself and satisfy a growth condition. We use this to characterize all rational functions of two variables that are operator monotone

    The boundary Carath\'{e}odory-Fej\'{e}r interpolation problem

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    We give an elementary proof of a solvability criterion for the {\em boundary Carath\'{e}odory-Fej\'{e}r problem}: given a point x∈Rx \in \R and, a finite set of target values, to construct a function ff in the Pick class such that the first few derivatives of ff take on the prescribed target values at xx. We also derive a linear fractional parametrization of the set of solutions of the interpolation problem. The proofs are based on a reduction method due to Julia and Nevanlinna.Comment: 30 pages. We have slightly improved the presentatio

    Extremal holomorphic maps and the symmetrised bidisc

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    We introduce the class of nn-extremal holomorphic maps, a class that generalises both finite Blaschke products and complex geodesics, and apply the notion to the finite interpolation problem for analytic functions from the open unit disc into the symmetrised bidisc Ξ“\Gamma. We show that a well-known necessary condition for the solvability of such an interpolation problem is not sufficient whenever the number of interpolation nodes is 3 or greater. We introduce a sequence CΞ½,Ξ½β‰₯0,\mathcal{C}_\nu, \nu \geq 0, of necessary conditions for solvability, prove that they are of strictly increasing strength and show that Cnβˆ’3\mathcal{C}_{n-3} is insufficient for the solvability of an nn-point problem for nβ‰₯3n\geq 3. We propose the conjecture that condition Cnβˆ’2\mathcal{C}_{n-2} is necessary and sufficient for the solvability of an nn-point interpolation problem for Ξ“\Gamma and we explore the implications of this conjecture. We introduce a classification of rational Ξ“\Gamma-inner functions, that is, analytic functions from the disc into Ξ“\Gamma whose radial limits at almost all points on the unit circle lie in the distinguished boundary of Ξ“\Gamma. The classes are related to nn-extremality and the conditions CΞ½\mathcal{C}_\nu; we prove numerous strict inclusions between the classes.Comment: 40 page
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