16 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT: Adolescence is a time of growth or the transition from childhood to time up, this is known by the term puberty, this occurs at 9-15 years age. Symptoms arising in puberty is menstruation. Vulva hygiene is an act which by woman to keep the health and cleanliness of her vulva area. The patterns and habits of students in Semarang SMP 25 do not yet controlled by vulva hygiene school parties, while the school has been doing its job to provide reproductive health education about vulva hygiene, but has never carried out an evaluation of the knowledge students to do vulva hygiene during menstruation.The purpose of this research is to know the level of vulva hygiene practice upon knowledge of menstruation.Population studies 128 respondents, with sampling stratified random sampling, so retrieved 97 respondents. Engineering data collection using primary data and secondary data. The research results of 97 students of class VIII SMP 25 Semarang in obtaining results from the 72 respondents (74,2%) in both the category and the category quite 25 respondents (16%).Conclusions in this study is that most students of class VIII in SMP 25 Semarang have good knowledge about the practice (74,2%) vulva hygiene during menstruation. The advice of the author is respondents are expected to apply the vulva hygiene while mestruating regularly and properly.Keywords: knowledge, adolescence, vulva hygieneABSTRAK: Masa remaja adalah masa pertumbuhan atau peralihan dari masa kanak-kanak ke masa ke atas, hal ini dikenal dengan istilah pubertas, ini terjadi pada usia 9-15 tahun. Gejala yang timbul saat pubertas adalah menstruasi. Vulva hygiene adalah tindakan yang dilakukan oleh wanita untuk menjaga kesehatan dan kebersihan area vulvanya. Pola dan kebiasaan siswa di SMP Negeri 25 Semarang belum dikendalikan oleh pihak sekolah kebersihan vulva, sementara sekolah telah melakukan tugasnya untuk memberikan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi tentang kebersihan vulva, tetapi belum pernah melakukan evaluasi terhadap pengetahuan siswa untuk melakukan kebersihan vulva selama menstruasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat praktik kebersihan vulva pada pengetahuan menstruasi. Studi populasi 128 responden, dengan pengambilan sampel stratified random sampling, sehingga diambil 97 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian 97 siswa kelas VIII SMP 25 Semarang dalam memperoleh hasil dari 72 responden (74,2%) baik dalam kategori maupun kategori cukup 25 responden (16%). Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa sebagian besar siswa kelas VIII di SMP 25 Semarang memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang praktik (74,2%) kebersihan vulva selama menstruasi. Saran dari penulis adalah responden diharapkan untuk menerapkan kebersihan vulva saat berjajar secara teratur dan benar.Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan, Remaja, Kebersihan Vulv

    Perbedaan Sistem Pelayanan Medis Dokter dengan Standar INA-CBGs (Studi Kualitatif Pasien Ketuban Pecah Dini di RS X)

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    BPJS (Social Insurance Administration Agency) Health will pay the irst-level health facilities with capitation. For advanced level referral health facilities, Health BPJS pay package system Indonesia Case Base Groups (INA-CBGs). INA-CBGs system is a classiication of patient care episode that designed to create classes that are relatively homogeneous in terms of resources used and contained patients with similar clinical characteristics. Hospitals will receive payments based on the average amount spent on a group diagnosis.This was qualitative study. The informants were 6, devided into 3 person as main informants and 3 triangulation informant, they were selected by snowball sampling techniques. The indepth interview data was transcripted in March 2016 then analyzed by the content analysis.Diferent diagnoses and medical procedures for standard medical services of doctors in hospitals with INA-CBGs standards, for example, premature infarction (KPD) should be performed by Sectio Caesarea (SC) up to 6 hours while INA-CBGs for early SC delivery within 24 hours. The hospital needs to increase the number of coding teams, hospital veriiers, and BPJS officer, and monitor and evaluate doctors, medical records, and hospital internal veriiers by clinical micro system under SIM-RS and coding units.Keywords: medical diagnosis, INA-CBGs, Premature rupture of membranes


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    Caesarean sectio action was a surgical activity carried out through the slicing of the abdominal wall which will later be used to remove the fetus. Based on the results of the initial survey, it shows that the percentage rate in one year in caesarean sectio at Tugurejo Regional Hospital Semarang is 29%, it shows that the percentage of caesarean sectio measures has not met the WHO standard of 5-15% in one year. Caesarean sectio was performed based on medical indications, in Semarang Tugurejo Regional Hospital there were 39 indications of malpresentations that were carried out by sectional caesarean actions 2018. The research design wass descriptive study with an observation method on the DRM and the patient claim result sheet for Caesarean section. Data collection techniques using documentation. Data sources use secondary data. Data samples were 39 cases of caesarean sectio with indication of malpresentation. Data analysis uses univariate or percentage techniques. The results of the study were the rates of INA-CBGs in caesarean sectio patients affected by primary diagnoses, secondary diagnoses, and actions that can affect the INA-CBGs code on severity level or severity of patients, and the class of patient care while supporting examinations do not affect INA-CBGs rates in a manner live.Keywords: Causing, difference, tariffs INA-CBGs, Sectio Caesarean,Malpresentation

    Hubungan perilaku hidup sehat orang tua balita dengan literasi KMS (Kartu Menuju Sehat) sebagai sumber informasi tumbuh kembang balita

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    Masa tumbuh kembang anak adalah suatu masa dimana anak tersebut mencapai tinggi badan, berat badan, dan perkembangan dari sisi motorik kasar serta halus secara optimal. Masa tumbuh kembang anak ada di usia 0-5 tahun, usia keemasan (the golden ages period). Hal ini penting, karena termasuk dalam 1000 hari kehidupan pertama. Dalam rangka pemenuhan gizi balita, maka dibentuklah Posyandu sebagai sarana untuk memantau tumbuh kembang anak serta tempat untuk memberikan pemberian makanan tambahan dan pemberian vitamin. Untuk itu  maka penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan literasi KMS dengan perilaku sehat orang tua balita.Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kuantitatif yaitu menggunakan kuesioner untuk mengetahui budaya perilaku hidup sehat orang tua, dan literasi buku KMS. Selanjutnya dilakukan dilakukan pelatihan literasi buku KMS dan perilaku hidup sehat. Hasil kuesioner dianalisis secara kuantitatif.Hasil penelitian bahwa Sig literasi KMS pada perilaku hidup sehat orang tua = 0,000 < 0,05 dan Sig perilaku hidup sehat orang tua pada literasi KMS =0,000 < 0,05 sehingga Ho ditolak artinya Ada korelasi/ hubungan antara Literasi KMS dan Perilaku hidup sehat orang tua.Ibu dengan balita dianjurkan untuk memperbarui data di KMS setiap bulan dengan membawa balita ke posyandu untuk ditimbang. Dengan memantau pertumbuhan anak melalui KMS ini, dokter dapat menentukan apakah seorang anak tumbuh normal, atau mengalami gangguan pertumbuhan sehingga dapat didagnosis dan ditangani lebih dini. Kata Kunci: KMS, Perilaku Sehat Orang Tua, Balita, Posyand


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    Hospital claims towards BPJS Health were demands for compensation for services provided by hospital through its workforce, both doctors, nurses, pharmacists and others for BPJS Health participants who seek treatment or are treated at hospital. Claims were made by hospitals or other health facilities through claims administration process. Claims returned are claims that have been verified but have not been able to be paid by BPJS Health due to incomplete claim documents. This study purpose was to determine causes of returning BPJS Health claim files to outpatient physiotherapy cases. Research type was qualitative with descriptive design. Research was conducted in January 2020. Data were obtained by in-depth interviews, processing and research data analysis used content analysis. Results showed that coding accuracy was cause of inconsistency due to provision of action codes, completeness of medical diagnosis files, and completeness of medical action files. The conclusion was BPJS Health claim files in outpatient installation for physiotherapy cases will be returned to hospital if it is incomplete


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    Semarang Smart City merupakan perbaikan layanan di semua sektor termasuk sektor kesehatan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dengan dikembangkannya sistem informasi kesehatan. Menurut APJII, jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia untuk tenaga kesehatan masih sangat rendah sebesar 0,1%. Keberhasilan penerapan teknologi dan informasi perlu diimbangi dengan kemampuan yang dimiliki petugas kesehatan. Maka perlu kita mengetahui hubungan jenis kelamin, usia dan tingkat pendidikan dengan penggunaan internet pada tenaga kesehatan di PuskesmasKota Semarang. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan uji statistik chisquare. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah tenaga kesehatan (medis dan penunjang medis) di Puskesmas Kota Semarang. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 397 responden. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitianmenunjukan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara jeniskelamin dengan perilaku penggunaan internet dengan mobilephone (pv=0,021) dan komputer (pv=0,028), terdapat hubungan yang signifikat pula tingkat pendidikan dengan perilaku penggunaan internet dengan mobile phone (pv=0,004) dan komputer (pv=0,000), namun tidak ada hubungan yang signifikanantara usia dengan penggunaan internet dengan mobile phone (pv=0,841) dan komputer (pv=0,136). Ketersediaan internet dikantor dapat dimanfaatkan sebagaimana mestinya untuk mendukung pelayanan kesehatan bukan untuk mengakses hiburan yang dapat berdampak pada produktifitas kerja. Selain itu, diperlukan upaya peningkatan literasi teknologi informasikomunikasi pada tenaga kesehatan


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    Latar Belakang: Berdasarkan pengamatan awal masih ditemukan petugas selain rekam medis atau selain petugas filing yang masuk ke ruang filing. Pada pintu filing yang menuju ke bagian pendaftaran pintu tidak terkunci. Melindungi keamanan serta kerahasiaan ruang filing sangat diperlukan agar terhindar dari kejahatan, kecelakaan dan lainnya.Tujuan: mendeskripsikan keamanan dan kerahasiaan dokumen rekam medis diruang filing RS Roemani Muhammadiyah Semarang.Metode: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan metode observasi dan wawancara.Hasil: Penelitian menunjukan dari segi aspek fisik sudah aman, sampul dokumen RM terbuat dari bahan kertas Art Karton 230gr. Ruangan filing tidak tersedia APAR, kamfer dan tracer. Petugas masih melakukan aktifitas makan dan minum di ruang filing. Pintu ke-2 tidak terkunci dan masih ada selain petugas rekam medis yang masuk ke ruang filing.Kesimpulan: Sebaiknya pihak rumah sakit melengkapi ruang filing dengan APAR, tracer, kamfer dan melakukan pemeliharaan kebersihan di ruang filing. Untuk menjaga kerahasiaan rekam medis pasien sebaiknya rumah sakit dengan tegas melarang selain petugas filing untuk masuk ke ruang filing


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    Background: Toddlers and children under 12 are still easily sick, particularly during the COVID-19 epidemic. The high number of COVID-19 cases in toddlers and children in Central Java Province must be monitored to prevent transmission to toddlers and children still susceptible to the disease. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to map the spread of COVID-19 cases in toddlers aged 0-5 years and children aged 6-11 years in the province of Central Java using the K-means cluster Methods: This was a descriptive observational study with a cross-sectional design. Data on COVID-19 cases in children 6-11 years and toddlers 0-5 years from 35 cities in Central Java in 2020-2021 were analyzed using the K-means cluster. The K-means cluster was used to cluster low, medium, and high cases and then map the spread of COVID-19. Results: Semarang, Semarang Regency, Boyolali, Klaten, Surakarta, and Banyumas became high cluster areas in cases of COVID-19 toddlers and children in 2021. Based on the mapping data, COVID-19 spread in young children and toddlers in 2020 and 2021 followed a nearly identical pattern. The high zone of COVID-19 in toddlers and children mostly had a higher total population, healthcare facilities, and population density than the medium and low zones. Conclusion: Semarang City, Semarang Regency, Boyolali, Klaten, Surakarta, and Banyumas should be looking for COVID-19 cases in toddlers and young children

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penyesuaian Nutrisi Makanan Berdasar Rekam Medis Pasien Berbasis Forward Chaining

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    Fulfilling nutrition for patients certainly does not only pay attention to the last illness they suffered, but nutritionists also need to pay attention to the patient's medical history. Providing certain foods to support the body's recovery after treatment for certain diseases may not necessarily be in accordance with the history of previous illnesses. Fulfilling nutritional intake according to certain disease conditions is not easy, especially if the patient has a medical history with a variety of diseases, so nutritionists need to be more selective in providing nutritional intake from a number of alternative foods that will be provided. A management decision system based on artificial intelligence is able to choose a food balance that is balanced with the various complaints experienced by patients. The method used in the food management information system for medical records uses the forward chaining method, namely by determining forward, in this case, food nutritional information that is suitable for the patient, by reading the facts that have been arranged as a representation to produce a conclusion. The accuracy value resulting from comparing manual nutrient selection and using forward chaining was 86

    Penyebab Pending dan Dispute Klaim Kasus Covid-19 Di Rumah Sakit Tipe B Jawa Tengah 2021

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    Cases of returning claims for Covid-19 patient care costs from BPJS Health often occur due to administrative and service problems. The number of claim submissions in 2021 was 282 pending files and 67 dispute files. This study analyzes the causes of pending and dispute claims for Covid-19 patient care costs at the Central Java Type B Hospital. The research method is descriptive by observing all (98) pending files and dispute claims for covid-19 cases in 2021. Data collection methods through documentation. Data analysis was carried out using the univariate analysis method. The results of the study show that there are still many obstacles in the service process. Therefore, it needs to be regulated by the provisions of service regulations. As for the claims process, health facilities find it difficult due to dynamic regulatory changes during the pandemic. BPJS health requires certainty in the policy of determining the end of the pandemic period. If Covid-19 benefits are transferred to JKN in the post-pandemic period, the source of financing may not only be done through the conversion of contributions, but there is also an option for assistance funds from the government