4 research outputs found

    Bladder Rupture Presented with Acute Abdominal Pain and Renal Dysfunction: A Postpartum Emergency Case Report

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    Background:Spontaneous bladder rupture is a rare condition, and almost all the reported cases in the world have been preceded by bladder dysfunction, radiotherapy, urinary tract obstruction, pelvic surgery, inflammation, and malignancy. Case report: In this study, we present the case of a 39-year-old woman (G: 4, P: 1, Ab: 2) who was in week 38 of pregnancy and attended our hospital with the onset of labor pain. She gave birth to a 3200 g infant through normal vaginal delivery.   The patient attended with severe abdominal pain and oliguria four days after delivery. Ultrasonography showed massive abdominal fluid and bladder rupture. Conclusion: Regarding the rareness of bladder rupture during vaginal delivery, we introduced a case of bladder rupture following delivery.  This case is important for midwives and gynecologists to gain more information about normal vaginal delivery complications to accelerate diagnostic and therapeutic interventions

    Depression and Anxiety Disorders among Patients with Psoriasis: A Hospital-Based Case-Control Study

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    Background. Psoriasis is a common, genetically determined inflammatory and proliferative disease of the skin. Psychological stress can exacerbate the disease. This study sought to investigate the depression and anxiety disorders among patients with psoriasis and control group. Method. In this hospital-based case-control study, One hundred patients with psoriasis (case) referred to the dermatology department and 100 patients with otolaryngology problems and dermatological healthy volunteers (control) who referred to the Otolaryngology Department of Bouali Sina Hospital in Sari, Iran, in 2007 were studied. Demographic characteristics were recorded. Beck Depression Inventory and Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Scale I-II were administered to the patients in both groups. Data were analyzed using SPSS statistical software and descriptive statistical tests. Results. From One-hundred patients in each group, 44 (45%) were men. Depression score was 67% and 12% in psoriatic patients and control, respectively. The Beck depression scores of patients with psoriasis were significantly higher than scores of the control group (<0.05). Based on Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Scale, anxiety was found in 45% of patients in case group and 18% of controls. Conclusion. The results revealed that psoriatic patients reported significantly higher degrees of depression and anxiety than controls. In addition, psoriatic women were more depressed than psoriatic men

    Effect of letrozole on spermogram parameters and hormonal profile in infertile men: A clinical trial study

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    Objective. There is no reliable treatment for men with idiopathic infertility, but the relationship between severe sperm production and the ratio of estrogen to testosterone levels has been shown. Aromatase is an enzyme that plays an important role in converting testosterone to estradiol and androstenedione to estrogen. Aromatase inhibitors can increase testosterone and androgen production without increasing the amount of estrogen in circulation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of aromatase inhibitor letrozole on the male infertility

    Prevalence and Causes of Mortality in Preterm Infants in Sari Imam Khomeini Hospital, 2019

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    Background and purpose: Neonatal period is a very important and vulnerable period that causes physiological adaptations to the ectopic environment. Undoubtedly, the first step in reducing infant mortality is to identify associated factors. The main cause of infant mortality is preterm birth. This study aimed at investigating the prevalence and factors associated with preterm infant death. Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study, 150 infants were classified into four groups: 24-28 weeks, 28-32 weeks, 32-34 weeks, and 34-37 weeks. Infant mortality rate and related factors were compared between the groups. Data analysis was performed in SPSS V20. Results: Findings showed a significant relationship between infant mortality and gestational age (P<00.01). There were no significant relationships between infant mortality and neonatal gender (P= 0.264), type of pregnancy (P= 0.548), type of maternity delivery (P= 0.999), and causes of preterm delivery (P = 0.770). Conclusion: The most important factor in reducing infant mortality is preventing preterm birth which requires more effective interventions on prenatal care and treatment of complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Prenatal levels of care programs, establishing neonatal intensive care centers, and appropriate premature neonatal care equipment are also necessary in preventing infant mortality