5 research outputs found

    Habitat preference of Roan Antelope (Hippotragus equinus, Desmarest, 1840) In Kainji Lake National Park, Nigeria

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    The habitat preference of Roan Antelope was assessed during wet and dry seasons in Borgu sector of Kainji Lake National Park (KLNP) from the month of May 2007 to April 2009. In each of the habitat types, Roans were sighted and counted. Total enumerations of woody plants above one meter in height were carried out taking records of plant species in three (10m x 10m) plots. The collected data were pooled together. The result showed a total of Thirty five plant species and their distribution. The following plant species; Combretum spp, Detarium microcarpum, Grewia mollis and Gardenia spp. occurred in the six habitats types of Roan antelope. Burkea africana, Kigelia africana, Lannea acida, Maytenus senegalensis occurred in five habitat types. In the wet season, 37 Roans were counted in Burkea – Detarium habitat. In the dry seasons, 34 Roans were counted in Burkea – Detarium habitat. The most preferred habitat for Roan Antelope irrespective of season was Burkea – Detarium with 36 Roan antelope as the highest average number observed in the study

    Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus desmarest1804) food plants and feeding habits in the Kainji Lake National Park, Nigeria

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    The habitat changes in Borgu sector of Kainji lake National Park affects the food plants and feeding habits of roan antelope. The changes which are usually seasonal variation in climate and the effect of uncontrolled bush burning by poachers. The objectives of the study were to determine the food plants and feeding habits of Roan Antelope. A total of 97 observations were made consisting of 48 in the wet season (May – October) and 49 in the dry season, while the animals were feeding. Observations were made with the naked eyes and where distances were far, binocular was used in observing food plants and feeding habits (graze /browse) of Roan. The result on food plants and feeding habits of roan showed that eight forage plants were fed upon by roan from four different families (Poaceae, Rubiaceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Verbenaceae.The forage species were; Hyparrhenia rufa, H.cyanescens, Andropogon tectorum, A.gayanus, Gardenia aquala, G. ternifolia, Afzelia africana and Vitex doniana. The poaceae family was dominant with four species. Rubiaceae had two species while Caesalpiniaceae and Verbenaceae had a single species each. The study further revealed that roan preferred Andropogon gayanus (28.9%) and Hyparrhenia rufa (21.6%) both in wet and dry seasons. Roans were observed to graze on leaves of Hyparrhenia rufa, H.cyanescens, Andropogon tectorum and Andropogon gayanus. Furthermore, Roans were observed to browse on fruit / leaf part of Gardenia aquala, leaf part of G. ternifolia, tender leafy part of Azelia africana and fruits of Vitex doniana

    Anthropogenic Activities Threatening the Management of Ecotourism Resources in Old Oyo National Park, Nigeria

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    Abundant fauna and flora resources in Nigeria are being threatened due to the increasing rate of anthropogenic activities across the protected areas in the country. This study examined anthropogenic activities threatening the natural resources considered to be of ecotourism value in Old Oyo National Park. Primary data were collected through administration of a set of questionnaire on the respondents. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Result of the analysis showed that human activities had negative impacts on the Park resources. Recommendations were made on the need to engage in aggressive afforestation, conservation education and provision of fund to support sustainable livelihood practices.Keywords: natural resources, anthropogenic, sustainable livelihood, ecotourism, impacts, National Par

    Appraisal of the national response to the caries epidemic in children in Nigeria

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