410 research outputs found

    Sistem Kalibrasi Untuk Mengevaluasi Unjuk Kerja Analiser

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    Hubungan Volume Lalu Lintas, Kecepatan Tempuh, Derajat Kejenuhan, Kerapatan dan Arus Lalu Lintas, pada Jalur Khusus Sepeda Motor (Jksm) di Jembatan Suramadu

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    Pada akhir tahun 2013 populasi sepeda motor mencapai 85,45 juta unit dengan komposisi sepeda motor di jalan rata-rata mencapai hingga 70% (AISI, 2014). Dalam rangka memfasilitasi sepeda motor, maka terbitlah PP Nomor 44 Tahun 2009 yang menyatakan bahwa ”Jalan tol dapat dilengkapi jalur jalan tol khusus bagi kendaraan bermotor roda dua yang secara fisik terpisah dari jalur jalan tol yang diperuntukkan bagi kendaraan bermotor roda empat atau lebih”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh antara volume lalu lintas, kecepatan tempuh, kerapatan, arus lalu lintas, dan derajat kejenuhan pada JKSM di jalan tol dengan metode analisis adalah regresi linier. Survei dilakukan pada lokasi JKSM Suramadu dengan mengumpulkan data kecepatan tempuh dan volume sepeda motor. Hasil analisis menunjukkan pengaruh volume terhadap kecepatan tempuh tidak terlalu signifikan dan bersifat negatif dengan nilai -0,324. Pengaruh bertambahnya kerapatan terhadap kecepatan tempuh di JKSM arah Madura adalah sebesar -0,460 sedangkan arah Surabaya sebesar -0,523 keduanya bersifat bertolak belakang. Pada JKSM arah Madura besarnya pengaruh faktor kerapatan terhadap arus sangat signifikan, yaitu sebesar 0,941 sedangkan pada arah Surabaya sebesar 0,966. Faktor pengaruh arus terhadap kecepatan tempuh di JKSM arah Madura adalah sebesar -0,195, sedangkan untuk arah Surabaya yaitu sebesar -0,391 keduanya bersifat bertolak belakang

    Assessment of flexible features in the design of event centres in Minna, Niger state Nigeria

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    Flexibility overtime has been known to enhance the peculiarity of a space, making spaces adaptable to multipurpose use, without altering the functional requirements. The design features and techniques that allow for changing situations in the use and operation of spaces are the focus of this paper. Components such as walls, floors and roofs are the design features that affect space in any building. Event centres being hubs for cultural and social activities, attract an unpredictable population, hence the need for flexible venues for event centres which are fast becoming stable and developing features of any city. The study assessed available event centres and the design features used to achieve flexibility, examining their adaptation to inadequacy of event spaces in selected event centres in Minna Niger state. Observation schedules was used as instrument to obtain data, the data collected was then analysed using Microsoft excel. It was observed from the study that all event centres had adaptability as their flexible design approach and this is as a result of the use of large open spaces, however 80% of event centres in Minna, Niger state failed to have flexible design features. The 20% that provided few of these features used curtain as flexible design elements. The paper recommended that design features for flexibility such as moveable walls, retractable roofs and sitting should be used in event centre designs to achieve an effective flexible design.Keywords: Adaptation, Design features, Event centre, Flexibilit

    Diseminasi Resistor Standar 1 Kω Ke Standar Kerja

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    Dissemination of calibration value of standard resistor to working standard in Research Center for Metrology LIPI has been done. It aims to get the calibration result and the uncertainty estimation that are valid and traceable to SI on the working standard. The desimination was performed by implementing calibration value of 1 kΩ standard resistor to reference resistor and then to working standard. The value that had been disseminated to working standard, reference multimeter, had been compared to the measurement value made by KRISS (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science) through a degree of equivalence criteria. The error numbers based on the degree of equivalence criteria between Metrology-LIPI and KRISS for the resistors measurement of 100Ω, 10Ω, and 1Ω were 0.51, 0.73, and 0.87 respectively. Based on those error numbers, Metrology-LIPI measurement results had the measuring value agreement with KRISS measurement results. Moreover, Its had validated calibration result and the uncertainty estimation of reference resistor and working standard in Metrology LIP

    Penggunaan Alat Peraga sebagai Upaya untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar dalam Memahami Konsep Bentuk Aljabar pada Siswa Kelas VIII di SMPN 2 Pasirwangi

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    The results showed the existence of differences in the ability to understand the form of algebraic operations/between the lesson that students using props with which do not use props (t hitung > t tabel, price thitung =3,486, price ttabel = 2,686). Test results showed that the normalized gain an average increase in the learning outcomes of the experimental class is middle category (g= 0,619 ) and control class is low category (g = 0,415). Based on the supporting data in the form of observation and question form, assisted learning props more enjoyable and easy to understand

    Полиморфизм вставки/делеции гена АПФ связан с глиобластомой у населения Ирана: исследование случай-контроль

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    Background. The insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene has recently been reported to be associated with the pathogenesis and development of human cancers.This study aimed to assess the potential association between ACE (I/D) polymorphism and glioblastoma in an Iranian population.Material and Methods. This case-control study was conducted on 80 patients with glioblastoma and 80 healthy blood donors as controls. Gap-polymerase chain reaction (Gap-PCR) was used to determine the ACE (I/D) genotypes. PCR products were separated and measured by electrophoresis on a 2 % agarose gel.Results. Analysis of demographic data showed a significant difference in the family history of cancer between the case and control groups (p=0.03). The distribution of ACE gene variants including II, ID, and DD genotypes was also calculated, and significant differences were seen in the DD genotype (p=0.03) and D allele (p=0.04) between the glioblastoma cases and controls.Conclusion. ACE gene polymorphism was associated with glioblastoma in the study population. Further studies are needed to approve this finding.Актуальность. Недавно сообщалось, что инсерционно-делеционный (I/D) полиморфизм гена ангиотензин-превращающего фермента (АПФ) связан с патогенезом и развитием рака человека.Целью исследования была оценка потенциальной связи между I/D полиморфизмом гена АПФ и глиобластомой у населения Ирана.Материал и методы. В исследовании случай-контроль участвовали 80 пациентов с глиобластомой и 80 здоровых доноров в качестве группы контроля. Полимеразная цепная реакция (Gap-PCR) использовалась для определения генотипов I/D полиморфизма гена AПФ. ПЦР-продукты разделяли и измеряли электрофорезом в 2 % агарозном геле.Результаты. Анализ демографических данных показал значительную разницу в семейной истории рака между основной и контрольной группами (p=0,03). Было рассчитано распределение вариантов гена АПФ, включая генотипы II, ID и DD, и были обнаружены значительные различия в генотипе DD (p=0,03) и аллеле D (p=0,04) между группой больных с глиобластомой и контрольной группой.Заключение. Полиморфизм гена AПФ был связан с глиобластомой в исследуемой популяции. Необходимы дальнейшие исследования, чтобы подтвердить эти данные


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    The study examined President Muhammadu Buhari's anti-corruption initiative. The historical method was chosen because it entails a methodical analysis of secondary sources. Data analysis showed, among other things, that the administration of President Buhari's lacks a fundamental understanding of what drives corruption in Nigeria. The study finds that the fight against corruption seems to be more concentrated on punishing offenders than on addressing the socioeconomic factors that contribute to corruption. It is argued that the anti-corruption campaign was biased toward the prosecution of individuals from the Peoples Democratic Party, the former ruling party, who were viewed as opposition (PDP). The following recommendations are listed for this study based on the nature and character of President Buhari's Anti-Graft War and the conclusions drawn from. To combat corruption, social justice, equity, a reenergized socialization process, and a consistent rise in the standard of living of Nigerians particularly of civil servants and other public employees are required. The anti-graft organizations should also see to it that those who engage in corrupt behavior are swiftly prosecuted. There shouldn't be any holy cows, and there shouldn't be two sets of laws with different penalties for different groups of people. Audits of government organizations should be performed as needed. Almost no government agency conducts audits when they are required. Audit reports are routine and unimportant because they are not made public until three to four years after the incident. In addition, regardless of a person's ethnic background or political ties, there should be fairness and equity in the distribution of national resources, incomes, and the implementation of development projects and employment opportunities for all Nigerians. Nigeria needs leaders with a track record of moral rectitude, discipline, and dependabilit

    Autonomous mobile robot teams

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    This paper describes autonomous mobile robot teams performing tasks in unstructured environments. The behavior and the intelligence of the group is distributed, and the system does not include a central command base or leader. The novel concept of the Tropism-Based Cognitive Architecture is introduced, which is used by the robots in order to produce behavior transforming their sensory information to proper action. The results of a number of simulation experiments are presented. These experiments include worlds where the robot teams must locate, decompose, and gather objects, and defend themselves against hostile predators, while navigating around stationary and mobile obstacles

    Efficacy of Probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: a Double Blind Placebo-controlled Randomized Trial

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    AIM: to evaluate potential improvement effect for probiotic E. coliNissle 1917 in the management of refractory IBS in an Iranian population. METHODS: a double blind placebo controlled approach has been used in the current clinical trial. 139 confirmed IBS patients were included into the study, and were given probiotic E.coli Nissle 1917 for 6 weeks. 11 items Birmingham IBS Symptom Questionnairehas been used for evaluation of changes in the symptoms every 2 weeks. CONCLUSION: probiotic therapy with E.coli Nissle 1917 was not able to induce significant improvement in the symptoms of patients with non-categorized IBS. Nevertheless, when IBS patients were recategorized to subgroups according to their main symptoms, evaluation of the efficacy of the probiotic on some individual items in the symptom list reached the significance level. Prospective clinical trials are recommended to confirm our findings. RESULTS: sixty eight subjects (49) were males. Mean±SD age of the participants was 38±13.3 years. 49(35.3) of the patients were diarrhea-predominant. The total scores showed no significant difference between the intervention vs. control group(-6.7±6.8 vs. -6.7±6.5, respectively; p=0.95); neither did any of the questionnaire items any significant alterations in the two groups. After stratification of patients based on their IBS type, diarrhea-predominant patients showed a positive response to the probiotic improving their sleep (p=0.05 and 0.03 at weeks 2 and 6, respectively). Patients with constipation-predominant IBS showed no response to the probiotic; while patients with diarrhea-constipation mixed IBS showed unfavorable response to the probiotic in the need for strain to pass a motion compared to the placebo (p=0.03 and 0.02 at weeks 4 and 6, respectively)