42 research outputs found

    Bronchogenic Cyst in a 13 month Old Child

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    Background Persistent cough ,stridor and respiratory distress are most common symptoms encountered by paediatrician in their daily practices.Although bronchogenic cyst is rare cause of persistent cough but should always be kept in differential diagnosis of respiratory sypmptoms nonresponding to antibiotics and bronchodilators. Case presentation 13 month old baby had history of frequent visits at hospital and treated as case of pneumonia and hyperreactive airway disease.Chest X-ray revealed cystic mass in mediastinum with CT chest confirmed bronchogenic cyst for which patient underwent surgical excision.Histopathology report revealed bronchogenic cyst .After surgical excision patient got stable with stridor got settled. Conclusion Case is being reported to create awareness related to bronchogenic cyst as cause of persistent cough and respiratory distres

    Bronchogenic Cyst in a 13 month Old Child

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    Background Persistent cough ,stridor and respiratory distress are most common symptoms encountered by paediatrician in their daily practices.Although bronchogenic cyst is rare cause of persistent cough but should always be kept in differential diagnosis of respiratory sypmptoms nonresponding to antibiotics and bronchodilators. Case presentation 13 month old baby had history of frequent visits at hospital and treated as case of pneumonia and hyperreactive airway disease.Chest X-ray revealed cystic mass in mediastinum with CT chest confirmed bronchogenic cyst for which patient underwent surgical excision.Histopathology report revealed bronchogenic cyst .After surgical excision patient got stable with stridor got settled. Conclusion Case is being reported to create awareness related to bronchogenic cyst as cause of persistent cough and respiratory distres


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    Pemphigus is a skin disease that can cause a serious damage to human skin. Pemphigus can result in other issues including painful patches and infected blisters, which can result in sepsis, weight loss, and starvation, all of which can be life-threatening, tooth decay and gum disease. Early prediction of Pemphigus may save us from fatal disease. Machine learning has the potential to offer a highly efficient approach for decision-making and precise forecasting. The healthcare sector is experiencing remarkable advancements through the utilization of machine learning techniques. Therefore, to identify Pemphigus using images, we suggested machine learning-based techniques. This proposed system uses a large dataset collected from various web sources to detect Pemphigus. Augmentation has been applied on our dataset using techniques such as zoom, flip, brightness, distortion, magnitude, height, width to enhance the breadth and variety of the dataset and improve model’s performance. Five popular machine learning algorithms has been employed to train and evaluate model, these are K-Nearest Neighbor (referred to as KNN), Decision Tree (DT), Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest (RF), and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Our outcome indicate that the CNN based model outperformed the other algorithms by achieving accuracy of 93% whereas LR, KNN, RF and DT achieved accuracies of 78%, 70%, 85% and 75% respectively.Pęcherzyca to choroba skóry, która może powodować poważne uszkodzenia ludzkiej skóry. Pęcherzyca może powodować inne problemy,  w tym bolesne plamy i zakażone pęcherze, które mogą skutkować sepsą, utratą masy ciała i łaknienia, co może zagrażać życiu, próchnicą zębów i chorób dziąseł. Wczesne wykrycie pęcherzycy może uchronić przed śmiertelną chorobą. Uczenie maszynowe może zaoferować wysoce efektywne podejście do podejmowania decyzji i precyzyjnego prognozowania. Sektor opieki zdrowotnej doświadcza niezwykłych postępów dzięki wykorzystaniu technik uczenia maszynowego. Dlatego do identyfikacji pęcherzycy za pomocą obrazów zaproponowano techniki oparte na uczeniu maszynowym. Proponowany system wykorzystuje duży zbiór danych zebranych z różnych źródeł internetowych do wykrywania pęcherzycy. W zbiorze danych zastosowano augmentację przy użyciu technik takich jak powiększanie, odwracanie, zmiana jasności, zniekształcenie, zmiana wielkości, wysokość i szerokości, aby zwiększyć zakres i różnorodność zbioru danych oraz poprawić wydajność modelu. Do uczenia i oceny modelu wykorzystano pięć popularnych algorytmów uczenia maszynowego, są to: K-Nearest Neighbor (określany jako KNN), drzewo decyzyjne (DT), regresja logistyczna (LR), las losowy (RF) i konwolucyjną sieć neuronowa (CNN). Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że model oparty na CNN był lepszy od innych algorytmów, osiągając dokładność na poziomie 93%, podczas gdy LR, KNN, RF i DT osiągnęły dokładność odpowiednio 78%, 70%, 85% i 75%.

    The Incidence of Obstetrics and Gynecology Cases Returning to Operation Theater due to Postoperative Complications in a Tertiary Care Hospital

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    Introduction: Unexpected return to operation theater carries high rate of morbidity and mortality for patients, in addition to increased hospital stay. A close look at such cases would help in identifying high-risk patients thus improving outcome. The aim of the study was to evaluate the incidence of Obs/Gyn cases returning to OT due to postoperative complications in a tertiary care hospital. Methods: It was a retrospective observational study done at tertiary care hospital settings affiliated with academic center in the UAE. The records of patients were scrutinized, and all booked and non-booked pregnant patients of any age undergoing emergency or elective obstetrics or gynecological procedure from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2020 were enrolled in the study. Relaparotomy was defined as cases opened within same admission and causally associated with previous primary obstetrics or gynecological operation. Result: A total of 21,276 operations were performed from 2016 to 2020. In these 4 years, 33 patients had unexpected return to operation theater making the incidence of re-exploration to 0.15% (33/21,276). There were 16 (48.48%) emergency operations and 17 (51.52%) elective operations previously done on these patients. The most common primary procedure for which re-exploration was done was lower segment caesarean section done in 11 (33.3%) of cases followed by laparoscopic adhesiolysis and myomectomy. Hematoma in the pelvic region and ooze from raw area were the most common per-operative finding in 48.48% of cases. There was no mortality in the abovementioned cases; however, 2 (6.06%) had early acute kidney injury and both recovered from it. Discussion: The incidence of relaparotomy in our hospital is comparable to international literature. Most patients returned to OT within 48 h. Bleeding was the most common indication for laparotomy, and lower segment cesarean section was most common primary operation. This study underscores the need for meticulous hemostasis before closing to avoid return to OT. Conclusion: Return to OT for the right indication saves life. Mortality in such cases may be reduced by earlier detection and treatment of postoperative problems, consideration of relaparotomy, active ICU monitoring, and postoperative care

    Identification of differentially expressed genes in developing cotton fibers (Gossypium hirsutum L) through differential display

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    Cotton fibers are differentiated, non-dividing cells that originate from the epidermal layer of developing ovules. To identify genes involved in cotton fiber development, we performed non-radioactive differential display reverse transcriptase PCR (DDRT-PCR) on the purified mRNA. This technique was tested on mRNA isolated from five different developmental stages of cotton fiber including 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 DPA (days after pollination). The mRNA purified from total RNA was reversibly transcribed using three anchored oligo-dT primers. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of each cDNA preparation was carried out in combination with seven arbitrary primers. The amplified products were resolved on 1% agarose gel containing ethidium bromide. DNA was extracted from seventeen differentially expressed bands and cloned in pTZ57R/T vector. The sequencing and BLAST search analysis indicated that 12 of the differentially expressed genes matched the previously characterized genes, while 3 of them matched the uncharacterized sequences of cotton fiber expressed sequence tags (ESTs) reported previously to be associated with cotton fiber and 2 of the clones had homology with putative proteins. The technique can be used to efficiently identify differentially expressed genes and can be expanded to large scale studies by increasing the number of random decamers

    The Evolution of Telehealth From Pre-COVID-19 Pandemic Through A Hybrid Virtual Care Delivery Model: A Pediatric Hospital’s Journey

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    The COVID-19 pandemic transformed care delivery and influenced telehealth adoption by rehabilitation professionals and their patients. The purpose of this paper is to describe a pediatric health system’s telehealth services pre-pandemic and how those services were scaled during the pandemic. A secondary aim is to provide a roadmap for the operational delivery of telehealth and rehabilitation services, including transition to a hybrid care delivery model. Findings suggested that telehealth can be rapidly scaled to address patient healthcare needs for an early intervention population during a pandemic. Telehealth use during the pandemic helped ensure continuity of care and likely reduced the risk of exposure to patients and staff to the virus. Benefits included enhanced access to care, and savings in time and money for families. Interestingly, as the pandemic declined, the use of telehealth services declined due to patient preference, with many families opting to request a return to in-person care. &nbsp

    Caregivers’ burden among parents of children with Cerebral Palsy

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    Introduction: Caregivers help a person in those actions which cannot be performed by an individual independently; a person’s personal needs, environmental barriers that hinders an individual’s abilities etc. This ultimately puts an increased burden on the caregiver. This study was conducted to determine the levels of caregivers’ burden among the parents of children with cerebral palsy. Material & Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 298 parents of children with cerebral palsy. Non-probability convenience sampling technique was used to collect data from the parents coming to the National Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Islamabad. The parents of children with cerebral palsy who were having auditory, cognitive or visual impairment were excluded from this study. Demographic information form and Caregiver Burden Inventory were used for the data collection. The data was analysed through IBM SPSS version 21 and results were presented in the form of frequency, percentages and mean ± sd with p-value wherever needed. Results: the result of this study showed a greater need for respite and other services for caregivers of children with cerebral palsy. The overall Caregiver Burden Inventory score was 45.19 ± 11.9. Out of the total included participants, 163 (54.33%) participants sometimes needed relief, 116 (36.67%) needed frequent need for relief and other services while 19 (6.33%) of the included parents rarely needed relief and other services. Conclusion: Majority of the caregivers of children with cerebral palsy needed relief and other services (compromise the growth, physical and emotional health and social relationship) to manage caregivers’ burden

    Bioethanol production from urban cellulosic waste employing Alcaligenes faecalis HI-1 isolated from gut of termite Heterotermes indicola

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    This study assessed the potential of termite gut inhabiting bacteria towards bioconversion of cellulosic waste into biofuel. Total seven bacterial isolates from the gut of Heterotermes indicola were isolated. Among all the isolates, HI-1 produced the largest zone upon primary screening.  Untreated paper had more cellulose content (73.03%) than acid (0.5%) treated paper that was used as a lignocellulosic substrate for saccharification. Among all the isolates tested, glucose yield (1.08mg/mL) was high for HI-1 isolate. Several factors were considered for optimizing augmented glucose yield (8.57mg/mL) and growth (8.07×108cfu/mL), such as temperature 37°C, pH 4.5, 5% (w/v) substrate concentration, 6 % bacterial inoculum size, agitation 150 rpm with PEG 0.25 % and Ca2+ ions 0.002 g/L. Overall 8-fold increase in glucose yield was achieved. Enzyme activity of HI-1 showed higher endoglucanase 0.29 ± 0.01 (U/mL/min) and exoglucanase 0.15±0.01 (U/mL/min) activity under optimum conditions, mentioned above. temperature 37°C, pH 4.5, substrate concentration 5%, inoculum size 6%, surfactants PEG 0.01%, ions Ca2+(0.002g/L) and agitation (120 rpm). Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) of hydrolyzed office paper yielded 5.43mg/mL bioethanol. According to 16S rRNA sequence homology, the bacterial isolate H1 was identified as Alcaligenes faecalis. Bioethanol production from office paper untreated waste proved an effective strategy. Bacteria having natural tendency towards cellulosic waste consumption are promising for bioconversion of cellulosic waste to valuable products