1,698 research outputs found


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    Dalam setiap ujaran yang dibuat oleh penutur biasanya terdapat asumsi awal yang tidak diucapkan tapi tetap tersampaikan. Oleh sebab itu, penulis memiliki ketertarikan untuk menguraikan apa yang menjadi asumsi awal penutur yang tidak diucapkan secara langsung pada tuturannya. Dalam Skripsi ini penulis menggunakan judul berita pada website tentang berita dan gossip Kpop bernama allkpop sebagai bahan dari analisis. Judul berita yang digunakan untuk proses analisis lebih tepatnya yaitu judul berita yang ditulis dalam bentuk kalimat tanya. Pentingnya dari analisis ini yaitu untuk mengetahui asumsi yang ada untuk menunjukkan apa fungsi dibalik judul berita tersebut. Untuk mengetahui asumsi penutur, penulis menggunakan teori presupposition. Batasan dalam penelitian ini yaitu penggunaan presupposition triggers yang hanya difokuskan pada salah satu jenis yaitu questions. Tujuan penulisan Skripsi ini adalah untuk menguraikan praanggapan penulis berdasarkan judul berita yang ditulisnya dalam format kalimat tanya. Tujuan lainnya yaitu untuk mengetahui indikasi dari praanggapan yang muncul untuk menunjukkan fungsi dari judul berita yang ditulis dalam format kalimat tanya tersebut. Dalam Skripsi ini data yang digunakan yaitu ujaran atau teks judul berita dengan format kalimat tanya yang diambil dari berita yang diterbitkan pada tanggal antara 20 – 26 Februari 2013. Metode pengambilan sample menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan teori Sudaryanto yaitu simak bebas libat cakap. Dalam menganalisis data tersebut, penulis menggunakan salah satu teori presupposition triggers yaitu questions dari Stephen C. Levinson dan juga teori yang serupa dari George Yule. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa jenis kalimat tanya yang berbeda memiliki praanggapan yang berbeda pula yang juga menimbulkan indikasi yang berbeda. Walaupun begitu, terdapat satu persamaan indikasi yaitu dalam setiap judul berita yang ditulis dalam kalimat tanya memiliki ‘hal’. Berdasarkan praanggapan tersebut, didapat bahwa judul berita tersebut memiliki fungsi tersendiri, yaitu mewakili posisi pembaca, menumbuhkan rasa penasaran pada pembaca, dan menuntun pembaca pada jawaban atas rasa penasaran tersebut. Oleh karena itu, judul berita yang ditulis dalam bentuk kalimat tanya memiliki peranan yang lebih untuk menarik banyak pembaca

    Quantum Coherence and Path-Distinguishability of Two Entangled Particles

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    An interference experiment with entangled particles is theoretically analyzed, where one of the entangled pair (particle 1) goes through a multi-slit before being detected at a fixed detector. In addition, one introduces a mechanism for finding out which of the n slits did particle 1 go through. The other particle of the entangled pair (particle 2) goes in a different direction, and is detected at a variable, spatially separated location. In coincident counting, particle 2 shows n-slit interference. It is shown that the normalized quantum coherence of particle 2, C2\mathcal{C}_2, and the path-distinguishability of particle 1, DQ1\mathcal{D}_{Q1}, are bounded by an inequality DQ1+C21\mathcal{D}_{Q1} + \mathcal{C}_2 \le 1. This is a kind of {\em nonlocal} duality relation, which connects the path distinguishability of one particle to the quantum coherence of the other.Comment: Published versio

    An adaptive quasi harmonic broadcasting scheme with optimal bandwidth requirement

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    The aim of Harmonic Broadcasting protocol is to reduce the bandwidth usage in video-on-demand service where a video is divided into some equal sized segments and every segment is repeatedly transmitted over a number of channels that follows harmonic series for channel bandwidth assignment. As the bandwidth of channels differs from each other and users can join at any time to these multicast channels, they may experience a synchronization problem between download and playback. To deal with this issue, some schemes have been proposed, however, at the cost of additional or wastage of bandwidth or sudden extreme bandwidth requirement. In this paper we present an adaptive quasi harmonic broadcasting scheme (AQHB) which delivers all data segment on time that is the download and playback synchronization problem is eliminated while keeping the bandwidth consumption as same as traditional harmonic broadcasting scheme without cost of any additional or wastage of bandwidth. It also ensures the video server not to increase the channel bandwidth suddenly that is, also eliminates the sudden buffer requirement at the client side. We present several analytical results to exhibit the efficiency of our proposed broadcasting scheme over the existing ones.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), 2013, 6pages, 8 figure

    The Longest Common Subsequence via Generalized Suffix Trees

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    Given two strings S1 and S 2, finding the longest common subsequence (LCS) is a classical problem in computer science. Many algorithms have been proposed to find the longest common subsequence between two strings. The most common and widely used method is the dynamic programming approach, which runs in quadratic time and takes quadratic space. Other algorithms have been introduced later to solve the LCS problem in less time and space. In this work, we present a new algorithm to find the longest common subsequence using the generalized suffix tree and directed acyclic graph.;The Generalized suffix tree (GST) is the combined suffix tree for a set of strings {lcub}S1, S 2, ..., Sn{rcub}. Both the suffix tree and the generalized suffix tree can be calculated in linear time and linear space. One application for generalized suffix tree is to find the longest common substring between two strings. But finding the longest common subsequence is not straight forward using the generalized suffix tree. Here we describe how we can use the GST to find the common substrings between two strings and introduce a new approach to calculate the longest common subsequence (LCS) from the common substrings. This method takes a different view at the LCS problem, shading more light at novel applications of the LCS. We also show how this method can motivate the development of new compression techniques for genome resequencing data

    Transitional Authority in Iraq : Legitimacy, Governance and Potential Contribution to the Progressive Development of International Law

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    This work is intended to accomplish a number of objectives, including, among others: 1. An analyses, syntheses and examination in depth of all the international instruments relating the to formation of a Transitional Authority, the extent of its authority and the ecologies of effective authority. 2. A description of the foundation, legality and procedures undertaken by the Iraqi Transitional Authority; provision of a critical analysis of the same. 3. A suggestion of ways and means of implementation, compliance and enforcement of existing international norms related to Transitional Authorities and recommend modes of developing the jurisprudence in this area of law

    A Privacy-Preserving Method with Flexible Charging Schedules for Electric Vehicles in the Smart Grid

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    The Smart Grid (SG) is an emerging modernized electrical power system with advanced monitoring and control mechanism, and improved faulttolerance. The SG converges traditional power grid with a bidirectional communication and information system into the same infrastructure. Electric Vehicles (EVs), with their energy storage capacity and bidirectional communication capability, are envisioned to be an essential component of the SG. EVs can play the role of distributed energy resources by storing energy in off-peak hours and providing energy to the grid during peak hours or system contingencies. The energy stored by an EV is equivalent to the average energy drawn by multiple residential houses. As a result, simultaneous charging by a large number of EVs can create sudden energy imbalance in the grid. The mismatch between the energy generation and demand can create cascading faults resulting in load shedding. To prevent such situation, EVs are required to pre-schedule charging events at a Charging Station (CS). To efficiently manage a scheduled event, an EV is required to transmit information such as a valid ID, state-of-charge, distance from a CS, location, speed, etc. However, the data transmitted by an EV can be used to reveal information such as the movement of the vehicle, visits to a hospital, time to arrive at office, etc. The transmitted information can be used to create profiles of the owners of the EVs, breaching their location privacy. In the existing literature, it is recommended to use pseudonyms for different transactions by an EV to achieve location privacy. The majority of the works in the literature are based on anonymous authentication mechanism, where missing a charging event by an EV is considered as malicious and the corresponding EV is penalized (e.g., blacklisted). However, missing a charging event may happen due to many valid reasons and flexibility of scheduling can encourage consumer participation. On the other hand, missing charging events results in monetary loss to the CSs. In this thesis, an authentication method is developed to provide anonymity to EVs. The proposed method also addresses the cost-effectiveness of flexibility in charging events for the EVs and the CSs. A network setup that sub-divides a regional area into smaller zones to achieve better privacy, is proposed. A MATLAB simulation is designed to demonstrate the Degree of Anonymity (DoA) achieved in different stages of the proposed method and the optimal number of missed charging events. Additionally, a method to determine sub-division of zones from the simulation results, is studied

    Post-Conflict Justice in Iraq

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    In this article, I analyze the Transitional Authority\u27s approach and initiative regarding post-conflict justice in Iraq. Describing the actions of the authority, I seek to answer three questions: first, did the statute of the special tribunal meet international standards? Second, did the trial of Saddam Hussein serve to satisfy the goals of post-conflict justice? Third, did the Transitional Authority\u27s actions associated with reconstructing the justice system comply with its mandate under international law