104 research outputs found

    Consumer protection regarding halal food in Malaysian and English law

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    The thesis will explore consumer protection in respect of the abuse of halal food law in Malaysia. It will argue that the protection of halal food consumers is not sufficient to protect consumers in Malaysia. It will identify potential halal food-law infringements in the areas of certifications, false labelling, adulteration of halal food, improper slaughtering practices, questionable hygiene, and misrepresentation of halal.This thesis will investigate the current legal framework of halal food by identifying the potential violation of law, and consequently, will explore possible remedies and legal protection in cases where there is halal food abuse in Malaysia. This thesis will also consider the issue of private remedies for consumers who suffer as a result of food abuses and will explore compensation as a remedy for the nuisance caused. In addition, it will explore the adequacy of administrative measures to address halal food issues in Malaysia and identify whether these measures are capable of preventing legal abuses and holding traders to account. The competent authorities who enforce halal standards face problems and difficulties in providing a sufficient level of policing. This thesis will explore the criminal remedies provided by Malaysian law to deal with halal food abuse.While the problems in Malaysia and the United Kingdom may be similar, there are differences in how both countries deal with halal food issues. This thesis seeks to identify practices and solutions provided by English law which may be implemented in Malaysia to offer increased or more effective protection and to prevent halal food infringement.This thesis will suggest that the law in Malaysia requires modification in order to improve consumer protection. It will indicate a need for effective implementation of legal and enforcement measures in Malaysia. Any consequences of the lack of resources will also be identified.The thesis will conclude by providing recommendations on the implementation of a set of rules and compliance measures that will effectively contribute towards improving consumer protection vis-à-vis halal food in Malaysia

    Financial Technology: An Overview on Shariah and Legal Implication

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    Technological progress affects many things and practices in today’s life. In addition to the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic, it leads to a more open and almost comprehensive use of technology. This effect also occurs in the financial aspect. The emergence of various forms of technology-based transactions also has implications for legislation and sharia. This study was conducted qualitatively through the analysis of literature and legal sources from selected countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia. The study found that there is a law that has been drafted to regulate this aspect as well as a fatwa issued to lay the foundation for this transaction from a contractual point of view according to the Syariah perspective. However, further research still needs to be done considering that various forms of innovation involve transactions that have taken place and each of them requires clarification from a legal point of view as well as jurisprudence adaptation. Keywords: financial technology, Shariah, legal, implicatio


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    Industri makanan halal  merupakan satu  pasaran yang belum sepenuhnya diterokai dan ianya mempunyai potensi yang sangat baik pada masa hadapan. Ini disokong oleh pertambahan masyarakat Islam dunia yang dianggarkan berjumlah seramai 1,599,500,000 pada tahun 2010 dan dijangka meningkat sehingga 2,761,480,000 pada tahun 2050 (Berdasarkan dapatan Pusat Kajian Pew, USA) dengan  nilai pasaran halal semasa dianggarkan mencecah USD 2.3 billion. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat beberapa isu yang dibangkitkan dalam industri makanan halal samada di peringkat domestik mahupun antarabangsa terutamanya berkaitan dengan penyalahgunaan label halal dan kesalahan-kesalahan lain yang berhubung kait dengannya. Di Malaysia, persoalan yang timbul, sama ada tindakan sewajarnya dikenakan terhadap pengeluar produk yang menyalahgunakan label halal kerana kebanyakan tindakan yang di ambil oleh pihak yang berotoriti lebih kepada tindakan pentadbiran. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji peranan JAKIM dan JAIN dalam penyalahgunaan label halal berdasarkan kepada peruntukan-peruntukan dan manual halal seperti Standard Halal Malaysia MS1500:2009 dan Manual Halal Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) bagi melihat pelaksanaan tindakan pentadbiran oleh pihak yang mempunyai otoriti dalam pelabelan halal. Analisis dokumen digunakan untuk menghasilkan dapatan, dan hasil dapatan ini diharapkan dapat mendidik pengeluar produk agar lebih bertanggungjawab dalam mengeluarkan produk halal bagi kemaslahatan penggun

    The Effect of Mixing Time and Mixing Sequence during Processing on the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Keropok Lekor

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    The common practice of mixing in keropok lekor processing is carried out continuously to produce a homogenize batter with no specific time and sequence established yet. The goal of the work was to study the effect of different mixing time and sequence (intermittent and continuous) against the physicochemical and sensory properties of keropok lekor.  The  keropok lekor batter was mixed for 6, 12 or 18 min non-stop for the continuous mixing, while  the  intermittent mixing was carried out for 6  min  (2  min  mix and 2  min break),  12  min  (4  min  mix and 2  min break),  and  18  min  (6  min  mix and 2  min break).  The  intermittent  mixing  for  6  min  was the best method among all the treatments, where the results  for  the  moisture  content  (56.60±2.20),  protein  content  (10.23±1.21),  water  holding  capacity  (83.33±11.02),  linear  expansion  (5.86±2.32),  cooking  yield  (107.15±0.60),  lightness, redness and yellowness (colour), hardness, cohesiveness, springiness and chewiness (texture profile analysis) and  sensory  evaluation  scores were equivalent (p>0.05) or better (p<0.05) than the  continuous mixing or longer time of treatments.  This indicates that shorter time of mixing (6 min) with intermittent mixing sequence is sufficient to produce a good quality and homogenized dough of keropok lekor

    Determination of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium in Soil and Plant Due to Husbandry Farming in Parit Rasipan Drainage System

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    Nutrient flow into waterways and soils has rapidly causing eutrophication, which causes ecological instability, dissolved oxygen (DO) depletion, extinction of aquatic species, and perhaps public health risks. Therefore, this study focuses on the determination of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) in soil and plants in the Parit Rasipan drainage system due to the livestock farming area. The water quality of the drainage system is being monitored. Soil and plant at the study area have been collected by grid sampling method at 4 sampling points on wet and dry seasons for N determination using APHA 4500 NORG-B and PK using US EPA 6010B (ICP OES) methods, respectively. In addition, water quality has been monitored in situ for pH, DO, and temperature by a HI 98192 HANNA multiparameter instrument, while water samples were collected and analyzed for selected parameters including total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) using the HACH DR6000 Spectrophotometer and potassium (K) by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The results of this study show that the concentrations of TN (3380–6290 mg/kg), TP (450-820 mg / kg) and K (381–931 mg/kg) in the soil are classified as moderate to very high. Due to the high concentration, TN (5270–6870 mg/kg), TP (262-769 mg / kg) and K (10200–16200 mg/kg) concentrations in plants are also high. For water quality monitoring, the data shows (pH 6.1-6.4), (DO 0.8–1.1 mg/L), and (temperature 26.6-29.2˚C) both in wet and dry seasons. The concentrations of TN, TP and K (average ± s.d) concentrations in water during the wet season are (TN 43 ± 1mg/L), (TP 0.4 ± 1mg/L) and (K 3.9 ± 0.2mg/L) while during the dry season are (TN 49 ± 1mg/L), (TP 0.7 ± 1mg/L) and (K 4.2 ± 0.2mg/L). In conclusion, from the analysis of the results, the Parit Rasipan drainage system has a high level of NPK in both the wet and dry seasons due to the livestock activities in the area

    The effect of mixing time and mixing sequence during processing on the physicochemical and sensory properties of keropok lekor

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    The common practice of mixing in keropok lekor processing is carried out continuously to produce a homogenize batter with no specific time and sequence established yet. The goal of the work was to study the effect of different mixing time and sequence (intermittent and continuous) against the physicochemical and sensory properties of keropok lekor. The keropok lekor batter was mixed for 6, 12 or 18 min non-stop for the continuous mixing, while the intermittent mixing was carried out for 6 min (2 min mix and 2 min break), 12 min (4 min mix and 2 min break), and 18 min (6 min mix and 2 min break). The intermittent mixing for 6 min was the best method among all the treatments, where the results for the moisture content (56.60±2.20), protein content (10.23±1.21), water holding capacity (83.33±11.02), linear expansion (5.86±2.32), cooking yield (107.15±0.60), lightness, redness and yellowness (colour), hardness, cohesiveness, springiness and chewiness (texture profile analysis) and sensory evaluation scores were equivalent (p>0.05) or better (p<0.05) than the continuous mixing or longer time of treatments. This indicates that shorter time of mixing (6 min) with intermittent mixing sequence is sufficient to produce a good quality and homogenized dough of keropok lekor

    Outcomes of chair based exercise with progressive resistance training on physical performances among older adults: a preliminary study

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    Enhancement of physical function had been shown in older adults who actively participate in physical activities, particularly in the form of aerobic training with addition of progressive resistance training (PRT). However, it is quite challenging and risky for most older adults to exercise in standing position without any support. Chair Based Exercise (CBE) is an alternative mode of exercise for older adult to facilitate exercise participation and increase safety. Its effect when combined with resistance training is unknown to date. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the outcome of CBE with PRT on physical performances among older adults. A total of 18 older adults (13 females (72%)) and 5 males (28%)), aged 60 to 83 years with mean age (SD) 72.67 (6.17) years completed the study. All subjects performed CBE with PRT intervention twice weekly for 8 weeks, with individually-tailored exercise progressions. Pre and post measurements of physical performance were performed using Six MinutesWalk Test (6MWT), Five Times Sit to Stand (FTSTS) and Hand Grip Strength (HGS) test. Significant improvement in 6MWT (p < .001), HGS Right hand (p = .043), HGS Left hand (p < .001), FTSTS (p < .001) was shown after the eight-week intervention. Adding PRT into seated exercises results in further improvement in physical performance of older adults. CBE-PRT may be recommended as an exercise routine for older adults living in the community

    Analisis pengkategorian spesis haiwan menerusi Kitab Kifāyah Al-Muhtadī Karya Syeikh Muhammad Nur Al-Faṭānī: perspektif Halal dan Zoologi

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    Karya Melayu klasik yang dikarang oleh para ilmuwan Islam terdahulu merupakan khazanah bernilai yang merangkumi pelbagai disiplin ilmu seperti tauhid, ibadat, muamalat, jinayat dan munakahat. Kitab Kifayah al-Muhtadi yang dikarang oleh Syeikh Muhammad Nur al-Fathani menjadi antara sumber rujukan para ilmuwan kontemporari dalam mengetahui hukum makanan, termasuklah status haiwan yang halal dan haram. Walau bagaimanapun, masih terdapat beberapa istilah yang kurang jelas maksudnya disebabkan oleh penggunaan istilah klasik, serta sesetengahnya jarang didengari oleh masyarakat kini. Justeru, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti kaedah pengkategorian haiwan halal dan haram yang terdapat di dalam kitab Kifayah al-Muhtadi, menganalisis istilah-istilah haiwan yang terdapat dalam karya tersebut dan menterjemahkannya ke dalam istilah moden yang bertepatan dengan ilmu sains haiwan dan zoologi. Metodologi kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif menggunakan kaedah dokumentasi dan dianalisis secara tekstual/kandungan terhadap setiap spesies haiwan yang telah dinyatakan dalam karya tersebut. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat 66 spesies haiwan halal dan haram yang dinyatakan di dalam kitab tersebut, merangkumi empat kategori haiwan seperti: 1) binatang laut, 2) binatang darat 3) burung, dan 4) lain-lain kategori. Antara ruang penambah baikan yang perlu dilakukan adalah mencari definisi atau istilah yang lebih tepat bagi setiap spesis haiwan yang dinyatakan

    Consumer Protection of Halal Products in Malaysia: A Literature Highlight

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    AbstractThe halal industry is a highly potential market of the future that has not been fully explored. This is supported by the growing number of world's Muslim community estimated to increase to 1.8 billion by 2011 with current halal market value estimated to reach USD2.3 billion. However, there are some issues regarding the halal industry either domestically or internationally, particularly in relation to the abuse of halal logo and other offenses relating to the halal logo. The question is arised whether the rights of Muslims were fully protected under the relevant laws and their lawfully rights if these laws were not adhered to? The objective of this article is to examine a preamble to the highlight of consumer protection in Malaysia and its application. The research methodology is by documentations analysis based on literature review and the outcome of this writing would be an improvement in consumer protection and consumer's comprehension in matters related to halal products, to protect and educate consumers, and to educate producers to be more vigilant and responsible for the manufacture of their products

    Balancing act

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    Birds are always associated with symbols of freedom. This sentiment originates from the fact that birds are anatomically designed to fly and are able to manipulate space in 3 dimensions; sidewards, front to back, and up and down. Artistic impression of birds usually depicts flying movements and aerodynamic forms. Bird-themed arts often assert elements of flight patterns and graceful postures of birds perching