189 research outputs found

    Giovani con background migratorio. Percorsi di multiculturalità nella scuola italiana

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    Young People with Migrant Background: Multicultural Paths in Italian School. Migration is an import field of geographical analysis. The article focuses on the paths of multiculturalism within the Italian educational model. In particular, the author will propose some considerations about children with a migrant background (both nationals and non-nationals) distribution among the different degrees of education. These issues provide an overview of the presence of pupils across the country and the characteristics of the families of origin. Finally, the document explores opportunities and constraints associated with current dynamics and shows the difficulties in learning that migrant children face in school and highlights how influences the integration of a significant and structural component of the population can take place

    Sustainable and quality tourism along Saint Martin of Tours route in the rural area of Pavia

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    Between the end of the first millennium and the beginning of the second, the practice of pilgrimage took on increasing importance (Cohen, 1992) and Via Francigena, Camino de Santiago and other routes became channels of communication for the realization of the cultural unit that characterized Europe in the Middle Ages (Dallari, Trono, 2006). Although in recent centuries routes to sacred sites begun to lessen in their importance, due to the advanced secularization of time that remodelled lifestyle patterns, visions and perspectives, in the last few decades the changes taking place in the tourist sector have given new models of holiday and people rediscover spiritual historical and cultural meanings. From 1987 the EU programme \u201cCrossroads of Europe (COE)\u201d listed 29 cultural itineraries and the Council of Europe stated that \u201cthere has been a significant growth in religious tourism in recent years, particularly with a resurgence of pilgrimage to important shrines and a growth in more general spiritual tourism\u201d and \u201cthe religious motive often means that pilgrims travel along specific routes to visit a number of shrines or even to complete lengthy itineraries\u201d (Morazzoni, Boiocchi, 2013). The aim of our paper is to contribute to the analysis of the methods for promoting sustainable and quality tourism along European Cultural Routes. In particular, the study will focus on a specific religious itinerary, the Saint Martin of Tours Route, and territory, the North-Italian rural area around Pavia. The city was recognized in 2012 by European Commission as an example of Crossroads in cultural and religious routes and will attend in 2015 the presidency of the European Cultural Route of Saint Martin of Tours. The methodology of the research bases on a descriptive approach in the fields of human and tourism geography, with an emphasis on the concepts of territory and landscape, local systems and networks, using a deductive reasoning (Dematteis and Governa, 2005; Raffestin, 2005). The study will use data collected by internet surveys and by interviews to representatives of local operator that carry on marketing projects. As result, we will try to identify traditional and innovative marketing projects about Saint Martin of Tours Route for promoting the touristic products and their possible implementation in connection with the event Milan Expo 2015, which will be only 40 km far from Pavia and its surrounding

    Religious Tourism and Italian Sacred Mounts: experiences of networking and co-operation at a UNESCO site

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    A Sacred Mount is a historical holy site and former pilgrimage attraction. It is a devotional complex located on a mountain and composed of a series of chapels and shrines in which scenes from the life of Christ, the Virgin Mary or the Saints are represented through paintings and sculptures. In 2003 the Sacred Mounts of Piedmont and Lombardy were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List being considered as representative of something that can be understood, in part, through visitor interactions with the areas in which they are located. The visitors to Sacred Mounts are: tourists for whom the journey is strictly for cultural purposes, pilgrims who visit the site and share a spiritual quest or religious devotion in order to obtain spiritual benefits and/or find the sources of their faith, and tourists who visit the sacred place on their way to other destinations by chance or out of curiosity. Sacred Mounts are important destinations for religious tourism that can be defined as "local pilgrimage centres", not because of their cultural and religious values, but because of visitors\u2019 flows. However, these holy places are not mass destinations, but their cultural, artistic and religious importance is well-known. Based on exploratory investigation, this article describes the numbers and kinds of visitors to the Sacred Mounts of Piedmont and Lombardy and the projects of preservation being undertaken to maintain cultural and environmental values. The research, in particular, try to evaluate the experiences of networking and co-operation in the UNESCO site, with a focus on the 2015 Milan International Expo. The article increases the knowledge on the themes of holy sites and cultural heritage and it has the role to link between the national and international researches

    Religious Tourism and Italian Sacred Mounts: experiences of networking and co-operation at a UNESCO site

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    A Sacred Mount is a historical holy site and former pilgrimage attraction. It is a devotional complex located on a mountain, and composed of a series of chapels and shrines in which scenes from the life of Christ, the Virgin Mary or the saints are represented through paintings and sculptures. In 2003 the Sacred Mounts of Piedmont and Lombardy were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List being considered as representative of something that can be understood, in part, through visitor interactions with the areas in which they are located (see Di Giovine, 2009:208). The visitors to Sacred Mounts are: tourists for whom the journey is strictly for cultural purposes, pilgrims who visit the site and share a spiritual quest or religious devotion in order to obtain spiritual benefits and/or find the sources of their faith, and tourists who visit the sacred place on their way to other destinations by chance or out of curiosity (see Afferni et al., 2011). Sacred Mounts are important destinations for religious tourism that can be defined as ‘local pilgrimage centres’, not because of their cultural and religious values, but because of visitors’ flows. However these holy places are not mass destinations, but their cultural, artistic and religious importance is well-known. Based on exploratory investigation, this article describes the numbers and kinds of visitors to the Sacred Mounts of Piedmont and Lombardy and the projects of preservation being undertaken to maintain cultural and environmental values. The research, in particular, try to evaluate the experiences of networking and co-operation in the UNESCO site, with a focus on the 2015 Milan International Expo

    Migrazioni e Mobilità umana: approfondimenti e percorsi attuali

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    Il paesaggio e i suoi simboli. L\u2019affermazione dell\u2019Europa\u201cmade in China\u201d. Riflessioni a margine dell\u2019Expo 2010

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    Prendendo spunto dall\u2019articolo di Giuliana Andreotti, l\u2019autore propone una lettura per immagini del paesaggio urbano e dei suoi simboli. In particolare vengono presentate immagini di citt\ue0 dallo stile europeo ma \u201cmade in China\u201d e alcune riflessioni a margine dell\u2019Expo 2010 di Shanghai

    Religious tourism and seduction: the case of Sacred Mount of Varallo

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    Since 2003 the Sacred Mount of Varallo is included in the World Heritage List of UNESCO because it represents a successful integration of architecture and fine art into a landscape of great beauty for spiritual reasons. As the other Sacred Mounts of Piemonte and Lombardia (Italy), it represents a place in witch all visitors (tourist or pilgrims) couldn\u2019t resist the attraction of and environment full of spiritual and natural seduction. According to these characteristics, the paper aims to define who visits the Sacred Mount of Varallo and which experiences he/she is looking for. In this way we try to understand how a classical religious tourism destination could seduce the third millennium tourist. The research methodology is based both on official statistical data, and on a questionnaire delivered to visitors

    Il post-evento: prospettive per i futuri urbani

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    Un evento pu\uf2 essere definito \u201cgrande\u201d o \u201cmega\u201d non solo per le sue dimensioni o per la quantit\ue0 di visitatori che riesce ad attrarre, ma anche per la sua unicit\ue0 e l\u2019ampia diffusione internazionale attraverso i media. La citt\ue0 che ospita un grande evento si trova di fronte a molte opportunit\ue0, ma anche molti problemi da gestire. Le esperienze delle citt\ue0 sono diverse: alcune sono di successo, altri rappresentano fallimenti. L\u2019articolo evidenzia le implicazioni generali di un grande evento e attraverso un\u2019analisi condotta a scala internazionale si concentra sulla gestione della sua \u201ceredit\ue0\u201d nel lungo termine