17 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Suplementasi Serat Galaktomanan Ampas Kelapa terhadap Penghambatan Kenaikan Kadar Kolesterol Darah

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    The high level of blood cholesterol is one of the risk factor for artherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. The number of people suffering from cardiovascular disease as the consequence of their life style, particularly in the city. On the other hand, it was reported that dietary fiber supplementation could inhibit the increase of the blood cholesterol level. One of these dietary fibers known as galactomannan found sufficiently in the residue of coconut kernel. This study was to prove the effect cif this dietary fiber supplementation to the increased level of the blood cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDJ), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and triglyceride, in the rabbit experiment. The result of the study shown that the effect of supplemention of galactomannan dietary fiber of the coconut kernel to the cholesterol level was in the form of isolated galactomanan. In 26 days, the isolated galactomannan reduced the cholesterol level by 12 mg/dl (p=0.069), 10 mg/dl (p=0.231) of the LDL, and 7 mg/dl (p=0.138) of the triglyceride. The HDL level raised 1 mgldl (p=0.021). The inhihitation raises significantly when the supplemetation was continued for 52 days. There were an increase of 24 mg/dl (p=0.010) for cholesterol, 15 mg/dl for HDL (p=0.045), 18 mg/dl (p=0.015) for triglyceride. Whereas the increase of the HDL level remained in 1 mg/dl (p=0.032). The conclusion of this study was that the effect of supplemention of galactomannan dietary fiber contained in the coconut kernel to the cholesterol, trigliseride was in the form of the isolated galactomannan. It could he suggested that the isolated galactomannan produced from the residue of coconut kernel was becoming an alternative food supplementation for reducing the cholesterol level of hyperlipidemia

    Fermentasi Cair Ampas Kelapa Sawit dan Kapang Rhizopus Oligosporus untuk Menghasilkan Asam Lemak Omega-3

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    Background:The utilization of Rhizopus oligosporus to produce fatty acid omega-3 in liquid substrate has been conducted widely. The content of fat in the palm oil waste in the amount of 5.56/100 gram still has potential to produce fatty acid omega-3. The solid fermentation of tofu waste with R. oligosporus could increase the content of fatty acid up to 34.4% and palm oil waste could increase up to 61.57%. Methods: Sample is collected from the industry of palm-oil. The palm-oil waste is considered as a substrate, and the mold used is R.oligosporus. The waste product is formulated by adding urea and sucrose. In this case, urea is used as the source of N (nitrogen) and sucrose is used as the source of C (carbon). The substrate with nitrogen is called as low-carbon treatment and the substrate with carbon is called as high-carbon treatment. For the controlle we did not add anything. Fermentation is conducted within 7 days on the shaker at room temperature. The product of fermentation was analyzed for the Water, Ash, Fat, and Fatty-Acid Omega-3 contents. Results: This research shows that the water content of the fermentation product decreased and ash content increased. This happened both in the low-carbon treatment and in the high-carbon treatment. The content of fat after fermentation in controlle treatment increased by 6.44%. However, in the low-carbon treatment fermentation, the fat content decreased by 31.14% from the original content. In the high-carbon treatment fermentation, the fat content increased by 31.67%. The content of saturated-fatty acids produced in the high-carbon treatment and low-carbon treatment are as follows: Capric acid (10:0) and lauric acid (12:0) decreased and myristic acid (14:0), palmitic acid (16:0) and stearic acid (18:0) increased, except the myristic-acid in high-carbon treatment decreased . The content of unsaturated-fatty acid in controlle and high-carbon treatment: Oleic acid (18:1), linoleic acid (18:2) and linolenic (18:3) increased. However, all fatty acid in low-carbon treatment decreased, except the linolenic-acid. The conclusion: The fermentation of palm-oil waste with Rhizopus oligosporus mold could increase the content of fat and produce fatty acid omega-3. In addition, the high-carbon substrat could increase the production of unsaturated-fatty acid. Submit : 19-12-2011 Review : 08-03-2012 Review : 12 -03-2012 revisi : 174-2012 56 Keywords: liquefied-fermentation, waste product of palm oil, R.oligosporus, fatty acid 0mega-3 Abstrak Latar belakang: Pemanfaatan kapang Rhizopus. oligosporus untuk menghasilkan asam lemak omega-3 pada substrat cair telah banyak dilakukan. Kandungan lemak ampas kelapa sawit 5,56 gram/100 gram masih berpotensi untuk menghasilkan asam lemak omega-3. Fermentasi padat pada substrat ampas tahu dan ampas kelapa sawit dengan kapang Rhizopus. oligosporus dapat meningkatkan kadar lemak: ampas tahu 34,4%, sedangkan pada substrat ampas kelapa sawit dengan formula tinggi karbon, kadar lemak meningkat 61,57%. Metoda: Sampel ampas sawit diambil dari pabrik industri minyak sawit. Pada penelitian ini ampas sawit dipakai sebagai substrat fermentasi dan kapang yang digunakan adalah R.oligosporus. Untuk bahan suplemen digunakan urea dan sukrosa Kontrol adalah ampas-sawit tanpa suplemen, sedangkan perlakuan ampas sawit ditambahkan urea sebagai sumber Nitrogen(N) dan ampas sawit ditambah sukrosa sebagai sumber Karbon(C). Penambahan sumber N sebagai substrat rendah karbon dan sumber C sebagai substrat tinggi karbon. Fermentasi dilakukan selama 7 hari diatas shaker pada suhu ruang. Produk hasil fermentasi dilakukan analisis: kadar air; abu, lemak, dan asam lemak omega-3. Hasil penelitian: Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kadar air produk hasil fermentasi menurun pada kontrol dan semua perlakuan. Kadar abu meningkat untuk semua perlakuan. Kandungan lemak pada ampas kontrol dan ampas-sukrosa meningkat 6,43% dan 31,67%, sedang substrat ampas-urea menurun 31,14%. Kandungan asam lemak jenuh; asam kaprat (10:0) dan laurat (12:0) menurun, sedangkan untuk asam miristat (14:0), palmitat (16:0), dan stearat (18:0) meningkat. Kandungan asam lemak tidak jenuh pada substrat ampas kontrol dan ampas-sukrosa: oleat (18:1), linoleat (18:2), dan linolenat (18:3) semua meningkat, sedangkan substrat ampas-urea untuk oleat (18:1) dan linolenat (18:3) menurun, kecuali linoleat (18:2) meningkat. Asam palmitoleat (16:1) tidak terdeteksi. Kesimpulan: Fermentasi cair ampas kelapa sawit dengan kapang Rhizopus oligosporus dapat meningkatkan kandungan lemak dan menghasilkan asam lemak omega-3. Selain itu, substrat tinggi karbon dapat meningkatkan produksi asam lemak tidak jenuh. Kata kunci: fermentasi cair, ampas sawit, R oligosporus, asam lemak omega-

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Ampas Kelapa Sawit sebagai Substrat untuk Sintesis Zat Gizi melalui Fermentasi Kapang Rhizopus Oligosporus (Uses Of The Waste Of Palm Residue AS Substrate For Synthesizing Some Nutrients Through Rhizopus Oligosporus Fermentation)

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    Background: The residue of palm seeds is the by-products of palm oil. This waste still contains palm oil which can be used as sources of carbon for fermentation in producing the useful substances. Objective: Use of the palm oil residue as the substrate fermentation for the mould of Rhizopus oligosporus. Methods: The residue of palm seeds were treated by adding urea, sucrose and fish oil for the growth of mould. The mould of R.oligosporus was used as mix culture which is used in the fermented soybean. The fermentation was carried out for 3 days in the incubator at 37o C. Product of fermentation were analyzed for the content of water, ash, protein, fat, and fibres. Results: The results indicated the water content of all substrate were changed. The substrate without added nutrient as the control and substrate added urea decreased 29.06 and 11.35 percent, substrate addition of sucrose and fish oil were increasing respectively 26.38 and 19.81 percent. The ash content were increasing for the all substrates, were 79.43; 85.02; 32.97 and 6.06 percent respectively for substrate without addition , substrate with added fish oil, sucrose, urea. The protein contents increased 85.34 and 71.58 percent for substrate without addition, and substrate added fish oil. The highest fat content was in the substrate added sucrose, and 313.09 percent decreasing for the substrate added fish oil. Conclusion: The residue of palm seeds could be used as the substrate fermentation of Rhizopus oligosporus to increase the content of fat after addition of sucrose as the growth supplementation

    Pengujian Aktivitas Antibakterial Pada Tempe Terhadap Bakteri Penyebab Diare

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    Tempe adalah bahan makanan yang sudah populer di Indonesia. Selain sumber zat gizi yang bernilai tinggi, tempe juga diduga mempunyai khasiat lain.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari daya hambat zat antibakterial dalam tempe terhadap beberapa jenis bakteri termasuk bakteri penyebab diare.Pada prinsipnya dalam penelitian ini dipelajari pengaruh penambahan ekstrak tempe terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri. Jenis bakteri penguji diambil dua jenis gram-positif dan empat jenis gram-negatif. Tempe sebagai sumber zat antibakterial, berupa tempe yang dibuat dengan menggunakan Rhizopus oligosporus dalam bentuk biakan murni, USAr dan laru; dua jenis yang terakhir ini dibeli dari pedagang tempe. Pengukuran pertumbuhan bakteri dilakukan dengan menggunakan Spectronic-20, Bausch dan Lomb.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam tempe yang dibuat dengan biakan murni terdapat zat antibakterial yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri.Dihasilkannya zat antibakterial tersebut pada proses fermentasi, sangat dipengaruhi oleh kemurnian jenis kapang dan media tempat pertumbuhan kapang

    Pengaruh Tempe Dalam Mengurangi Risiko Terhadap Diare Akibat Infeksi Bakteri Enteropatogen Escherisia Coli

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    Pengembangan Inokulum Untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Gizi Tempe

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    Inokulum tempe yang lazim digunakan di Indonesia mengandung Rhizopus Sp. Penelitian terdahulu menemukan dua jenis bakteri penghasil vitamin B12, yaitu Citrobacter freundil dan Klebsiella pneumoniae, dan dua jenis bakteri penghasil Faktor-2, yaitu Corynebacterium Sp dan Micrococcus luteus dari air rendaman kedelai. Dalam penelitian ini dibuat inokulum tempe yang merupakan campuran kapang Rhizopus oligosporus dan masing-masing bakteri Klebsiella pneumoniae atau Citrobacter freundii mampu meningkatkan kadar vitamin B12 di dalam tempe lebih dari 100%. Inokulum campuran Rhizopus oligosporus dan Corynebacterium Sp atau Micrococcus luteus tidak menunjukkan adanya kandungan antioksidan Faktor-2 di dalam tempe

    Impact of COVID-19 on cardiovascular testing in the United States versus the rest of the world

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    Objectives: This study sought to quantify and compare the decline in volumes of cardiovascular procedures between the United States and non-US institutions during the early phase of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the care of many non-COVID-19 illnesses. Reductions in diagnostic cardiovascular testing around the world have led to concerns over the implications of reduced testing for cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality. Methods: Data were submitted to the INCAPS-COVID (International Atomic Energy Agency Non-Invasive Cardiology Protocols Study of COVID-19), a multinational registry comprising 909 institutions in 108 countries (including 155 facilities in 40 U.S. states), assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on volumes of diagnostic cardiovascular procedures. Data were obtained for April 2020 and compared with volumes of baseline procedures from March 2019. We compared laboratory characteristics, practices, and procedure volumes between U.S. and non-U.S. facilities and between U.S. geographic regions and identified factors associated with volume reduction in the United States. Results: Reductions in the volumes of procedures in the United States were similar to those in non-U.S. facilities (68% vs. 63%, respectively; p = 0.237), although U.S. facilities reported greater reductions in invasive coronary angiography (69% vs. 53%, respectively; p < 0.001). Significantly more U.S. facilities reported increased use of telehealth and patient screening measures than non-U.S. facilities, such as temperature checks, symptom screenings, and COVID-19 testing. Reductions in volumes of procedures differed between U.S. regions, with larger declines observed in the Northeast (76%) and Midwest (74%) than in the South (62%) and West (44%). Prevalence of COVID-19, staff redeployments, outpatient centers, and urban centers were associated with greater reductions in volume in U.S. facilities in a multivariable analysis. Conclusions: We observed marked reductions in U.S. cardiovascular testing in the early phase of the pandemic and significant variability between U.S. regions. The association between reductions of volumes and COVID-19 prevalence in the United States highlighted the need for proactive efforts to maintain access to cardiovascular testing in areas most affected by outbreaks of COVID-19 infection

    The Application of Text Compression to Short Message Service Using Huffman Table

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    Short Message Service (SMS) is a way of sending short messages in a quick and relatively cheap price. However, besides easiness provided, these SMSs limit the number of characters that can be sent by users. A message sent via SMS, has a maximum capacity of 140 bytes. This causes a person who wants to send a message long enough, consists of a number of characters will have difficulty. Although it is delivered, the message must be assembled into a number of SMS based on maximum capacity. Several ways can be performed to overcome this, one of them by doing compression. By using Huffman table an application text compression on SMS is made in order to compress and decompress when sending and receiving message. This application is made by J2ME and will run on mobile phones based on MIDP 2.0. The results of this study SMS text compression application with Huffman table overall is able to perform the compression process of an SMS text with an average compression ratio of 28.73%