48 research outputs found

    Compliance with the WHO strategy of test, treat and track for malaria control at Bosomtwi District in Ghana

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    Background: We reviewed malaria morbidity data to assess compliance to malaria T3 strategy in Bosomtwi District, Ashanti Region, Ghana.Design: The study was descriptive secondary data analysisSetting: Bosomtwi DistrictData source: District Health Information Management Systems (DHIMS2)Main outcome: Proportion of recorded cases tested, proportion of tested cases treated and proportion of cases trackedResults: Data for suspected and tested malaria cases was complete for only 3 years (2014-2016). Malaria testing reduced from 84.4% in 2015 to 76.8% in 2016 (national average 77.3%; regional average 70%). The proportion of untested but treated malaria cases declined from 46.3% in 2015 to 4.9% in 2016. Proportion of confirmed malaria cases put on antimalarial drugs was highest in 2016 at 63.9%. Pramso sub-district although home to largest facility in the district, under prescribed antimalarial drugs. Reports generated on malaria showed information on only confirmed suspected cases, under five, and above five malaria mortalities. The district did not determine their malaria thresholds.Conclusion: The malaria-testing rate in the Bosomtwi District is higher than the regional average and close to the national average. About a third of confirmed malaria cases missed getting appropriate antimalarial drugs. Limited analysis on malaria data reduced the information required to inform policy.Keywords: Malaria, Test, Treat and Track (T3), DHIMS2, Bosomtwi, Ghana.Funding: Author GO was fully sponsored by President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI)-CDC CoAg 6NU2GGH00187

    Poliovirus neutralizing antibody levels among individuals in three regions of Ghana

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    Introduction: Ghana was declared polio-free in 2015 after the last polio case in 2008. We determined the poliovirus neutralizing antibody levels among individuals to identify possible immunity gaps.Methods: A cross-sectional, hospital-based study was undertaken in Northern, Ashanti and Greater Accra regions of Ghana. Individuals referred for haematology at the teaching hospitals’ laboratories were invited to participate in our study. Neutralizing-antibody titers to poliovirus serotypes 1,2 & 3 were assayed by WHO-standards. Antibody titers of ≥8 were considered protective. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were conducted on subject characteristics to assess potential factors for failure to seroconvert. P-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.Results: Poliovirus (PV) neutralizing-antibody serotypes 1, 2 and 3 were detected in 86.0% (264/307), 84% (258/307) and 75% (230/307) of samples respectively. 60.1% (185/307) were seropositive for the three poliovirus serotypes. Neutralizing poliovirus antibodies for PV1 and PV2 were higher than for PV3. Seroprevalence of poliovirus-neutralizingantibodies among males (PV1=51.9%, PV2= 51.6% and PV3= 52.6%) were higher than in females. Seroprevalence rates of poliovirus-neutralizing antibodies (PV1, PV2, and PV3) were highest in the Northern region (90%, 81%, and 77%). Poliovirus neutralizing-antibodies (PV1and PV2) decreased with age [p< 0.001]. Low seroprevalence ofpoliovirus-neutralizing antibodies was significantly associated with low school attendance of mothers (p<0.001).Conclusion: Our study population has some protection from polio. However, immunity appears to be lower with a higher age or low Mother’s education. This may suggest the need for young-adult booster-dose to minimize the risk of wild poliovirus infection.Keywords: poliomyelitis, seroprevalence, neutralizing antibodies, polio-immunity, GhanaFunding: WHO Country Office Ghana

    Evaluation of viral haemorrhagic fever surveillance system with focus on Ebola virus disease, Bawku municipality- Upper East Region, Ghana, 2011- 2015

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    Background: We evaluated the Viral haemorrhagic fever (VHF) surveillance system from 2011 to 2015 in the Bawku Municipality, Upper East region, Ghana to determine whether the goals of the surveillance system are being met and to assess the performance of the system attributes.Design: Descriptive secondary data analysis.Setting: Bawku MunicipalityData Source: Review VHF surveillance records, interviewed community-based surveillance volunteers (CBSVs) and reviewed vital events registers. We also assessed the system attributes by reviewing records and interviewing key stakeholders involved in VHF surveillance system with focus on Ebola using checklist and semi structured questionnaire developed based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines.Main outcome measure: System attributes of the VHF surveillance systemResults: Population under surveillance was 105,849. The system required detail information about suspected cases. However, it had a simple and clear standard case definitions, and was well integrated with the IDSR. There is a regular and timely flow of information. The system captured 155 suspected cases nationwide from 2011 to 2015 and all tested negative. Of these, Upper East Region reported 10 suspected cases including 4 suspected cases from Bawku Municipality.Conclusion: The VHF surveillance system achieved its objectives. However, poor data quality, inadequately trained surveillance officers, and inadequate financial support are threats to the effectiveness of the system.Keywords: Viral haemorrhagic fever, surveillance system evaluation, attributes, Bawku Municipality, GhanaFunding: This work was supported by Ghana Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (GFELTP), University of Ghan

    Progress towards eliminating tuberculosis in Ga West Municipality, Ghana: analysis of tuberculosis surveillance data, 2017

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    Objective: To assess the progress made towards the actualization of the 80% reduction in incident cases, monitor trends and to assess the quality of GWM TB surveillance data from 2012 to 2016.Design: The study was descriptive secondary data analysisData Source: Tuberculosis cases recorded in the District Health Information Management Systems (DHIMS) and municipal TB registers. The Municipal TB Coordinator was interviewed for clarification on the data. A TB patient was defined as one who coughed persistently for two weeks or more.Main outcome measure: Trend of TB cases in Ga West MunicipalityResults: A total of 441 TB cases were registered of which 68.9% were smear positive. Males were (67%). Age group 35-44 years were the most affected (28.6%). The incidence rose from 21.5 (2012) to 41.6 (2015). The 2016 incidence was 40.7 (± 5.63) per 100,000 population. This is significantly different from the current national incidence of 156 (p < 0.05). Data was 95% complete. Discrepancies existed between data in registers compared to the DHIMS but were not statistically significant.Conclusion: The 80% reduction in incident cases target may not be attained by the GWM due to the rising number of incident cases. However, data quality is good.Keywords: Tuberculosis, data analysis, DHIMS 2, tuberculosis, incident casesFunding: The study was funded by the author

    Direct observation of outpatient management of malaria in a rural ghanaian district

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    Introduction: in Ghana, malaria continues to top outpatient morbidities; accounting for about 40% of all attendances. Effective case-management is key to its control. We evaluated case-management practices of uncomplicated malaria in Kwahu South District (KSD) health facilities to determine their conformity to guidelines. Methods: we conducted a cross sectional survey at all public health facilities in three randomly selected sub-districts in KSD. A non-participatory observation of suspected malaria consultations was conducted. Suspected malaria was defined as any person with fever (by history or measured axillary temperature > or equal 37.5 oC) presenting at the selected health facilities between 19th and 29th April 2013. Findings were expressed as frequencies, relative frequencies, mean (± standard deviation) and median. Results: of 70 clinical observations involving 10 prescribers in six health facilities, 40 (57.1%) were females and 16 (22.9%) were below five years. Median age was 18 years (interquartile range: 5-33). Overall, 63 (90.0%) suspected case-patients had diagnostic tests. Two (3.6%) were treated presumptively. All 31 confirmed and 10 (33.3%) of the test negative case-patients received Artemisinin-based Combination Therapies (ACTs). However, only 12 (27.9%) of the 43 case-patients treated with ACT received Artesunate-Amodiaquine (AA). Only three (18.8%) of the under-fives were examined for non-malarial causes of fever. Mean number of drugs per patient was 3.7 drugs (± 1.1). Only 45 (64.3%) patients received at least one counseling message. Conclusion: conformity of malaria case-management practices to guidelines in KSD was suboptimal. Apart from high rate of diagnostic testing and ACT use, prescription of AA, physical examination and counseling needed improvement

    Assessing malaria control in the Kassena-Nankana district of northern Ghana through repeated surveys using the RBM tools

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    BACKGROUND: The goal of Roll Back Malaria (RBM) is to reduce malaria morbidity and mortality by 50% by the year 2010, and still further thereafter until the disease becomes no more a threat to public health. To contribute to the monitoring and evaluation process of this goal, two surveys were carried out in 2000 and 2003 in households and health facilities in the Kassena-Nankana district, northern Ghana using the RBM-WHO/AFRO monitoring and evaluation tools for malaria control activities. METHODS: Data were collected from mothers/caretakers on signs/symptoms of the most recent malaria attack for their under five year old children; the management actions that they took and their perception of health services provided at the health facilities, bednet use, antenatal attendance and place of delivery for the most recent pregnancy, malaria prophylaxis during their last pregnancy. Community health workers and herbalist/traditional healers were also interviewed about the types of health services they provide to community members. RESULTS: The results revealed a significant improvement in knowledge among mothers/caretakers over the three-year period; this affected caretakers' initial management of illnesses of their young children. The management in terms of the type and dosage of drugs used also improved significantly (p < 0.0001) over the period. Reported insecticide-treated bed net use among children under-five years and pregnant women significantly increased between 2000 and 2003 (p < 0.0001). Health professionals had improved on adoption of their quality of care roles. The intensification of malaria control activities and awareness creation in this district over a three year period had started demonstrating positive results towards reducing malaria disease burden. CONCLUSION: Periodic performance assessments through surveys as described and prompt feedback of results to stakeholders in the locality serves as a catalyst to improving malaria control in malaria-endemic countries

    Secondary analysis of snake bite data in the Western Region of Ghana: 2006- 2010

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    Background: A snake bite is an injury caused by a bite from a snake, often resulting in puncture wounds, amputations and sometimes envenomation. Envenoming resulting from snake bite is a particularly important public health problem in rural areas of tropical and sub-tropical countries in Africa. This paper reports the incidence of snake bites and its associated mortality in the Western Region of Ghana.Method: The study was a descriptive cross-sectional review of 2006 - 2010 snake bite secondary data generated by the Western Regional Health Information Office in Ghana. Data was extracted from the District Health Information Management System (DHIMS) database. Data was managed and analyzed using SPSS Version 16.0. Univariate analyses were expressed as percentages and graphs.Results: The year 2009 recorded the highest incidence of Snake bites in the Western Region with Juabeso district recording the highest incidence of snake bites over the study period. Over the period about 55% of the incidence was between 50 – 100 per 100,000 population. The total number of snake bites recorded in the region for the period was 7,275, of which 52% (3,776) were males. About 60% of the patients were of the age group 15-49 years. A total of 12 reported snake bite deaths were recorded, of which 67% were men. This study recommends to the Districts Health Directorates in the Western Region to regularly organize community education on snake bite and the use of protective clothing by the farmers.Funding: None declaredKeywords: Snake bite, Envenomation, Incidence, District Health Information Management System, Western Region, Ghan

    Evaluation of the measles surveillance system of the Ga West Municipality, Ghana, 2017

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    Introduction: Over 140,000 people globally died from measles in 2018; most of which occurred in developing countries. In Ghana, measles is one of the diseases earmarked for elimination in the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) strategy. The measles surveillance system seeks to monitor trends, detect outbreaks and report in a timely manner. In order to improve upon the performance of the Ga West Municipal Measles surveillance system, it was evaluated with the aim of determining its effectiveness. Methods: We used CDC updated guidelines for surveillance system evaluation to assess system attributes. Measles surveillance data from 2012 – 2016 were abstracted from the DHIMS. Case investigation forms, weekly and monthly IDSR reporting forms were reviewed to validate abstracted data. Key surveillance officers were interviewed on system operations. Data was analyzed descriptively to generate frequencies and relative frequencies. Results: The system operated with a reasonable number of disease variables and case definition was simple to apply. The system was found to be integrated with the national IDSR. Government facilities across all seven sub-districts, owned and contributed data to the system. Of the 48 suspected case-patients, 39 (81.0%) were investigated; none of which was positive giving a Predictive value positive (PVP) of 0%. Majority of facilities (though privately owned) did not contribute data to the system. All tested samples were received at the laboratory within the stipulated three (3) days. The system was stable with available case base forms. Over 56% (22/39) of the samples tested had no vaccination records. Data is used to guide routine and supplementary immunization activities. Conclusion: Ga west Municipal measles surveillance system is simple, flexible and generally acceptable. It is sensitive, timely, stable but with low representativeness. It is therefore effective. Municipal health officials have been sensitized on private sector participation and need for quality and timely data

    Uncommon mixed outbreak of pneumococcal and meningococcal meningitis in Jirapa District, Upper West Region, Ghana, 2016

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    Objective: The Jirapa District in Ghana falls within the African meningitis belt where over 500 million people are at risk of epidemic meningitis. The district suffered an outbreak of Neisseria meningitides, W (NMW) in 2012 and a mixed outbreak of Streptococcus pneumonia and NMW in early 2016. We investigated the outbreak to identify the source, causative agents, and magnitude and assess health facility preparedness and propose control measures.Design and Setting: We conducted a descriptive study in all sub-districts of Jirapa, between 28th February to10th April 2016. We reviewed records at health facilities, assessed health facility preparedness, searched for cases, traced contacts of case to administer chemoprophylaxis and collect CSF for laboratory analysis. Data were entered in Microsoft excel cleaned, and exported to stata-13 for analysis by person place and time.Results: A total 233 meningitis cases were reported with mean age of 22.4years and standard deviation 21.6. Males were (57%), females (43%) and 60.8% were less than 19 years. Attack rate of meningitis was 214/100,000 with case fatality rate (CFR) of 12.4% (29/233). Causative agents were NMW (69.5%) and streptococcus pneumonia (27.1%), mainly serotype STN1 and H. influenza (3.4%). The index case had travel history to dollar power, close to Tain District which is the epicentre for the 2016 meningitis outbreak in Ghana.Conclusion: The Jirapa district experienced a mixed outbreak of streptococcal and meningococcal meningitis in early 2016, facilitated by migration. Active surveillance and mass vaccination with multivalent vaccines is required to protect the population.Funding: Ghana Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programme (GFELTP)Keywords: Meningitis, outbreak, surveillance, Jirapa, CS

    Foodborne disease outbreak in a resource-limited setting: a tale of missed opportunities and implications for response

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    Introduction: Foodborne diseases (FBD) have emerged as a major public health problem worldwide. Though the global burden of FBD is currently unknown, foodborne diarrhoeal diseases kill 1.9 million children globally every year. On 25th September 2014, health authorities in Eastern Region of Ghana were alerted of a suspected FBD outbreak involving patrons of a community food joint. We investigated to determine the magnitude, source and implement control and preventive measures. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted. We reviewed medical records for data on demographics and clinical features. A suspected foodborne disease was any person in the affected community with abdominal pain, vomiting and or diarrhea between 25th and 30th September 2014 and had eaten from the food joint. We conducted active case search, descriptive data analysis and calculated food specific attack rate ratios (ARR) and their corresponding 95% confidence intervals. Results: Of 43 case-patients, 44.2% (19/43) were males; median age was 19 years (interquartile range: 17-24 years). Overall attack rate was 43.4% (43/99) with no fatality. Case counts rose sharply for four hours to a peak and fell to baseline levels after 12 hours .Compared to those who ate other food items, patrons who ate “waakye” and “shitor” were more likely to develop foodborne disease [ARR=4.1 (95% CI=1.09-15.63)]. Food samples and specimens from case-patients were unavailable for testing. Laboratory diagnostic capacity was also weak. Conclusion: A point source FBD outbreak linked to probable contaminated “waakye” and or “shitor” occurred. Missed opportunities for definitive diagnosis highlighted the need for strengthening local response capacity.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2