164 research outputs found

    Tutti Frutti - Best said in an Inverness accent: A sociolinguistic variationist study of phonological variation and change in Inverness

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    I denne masteroppgaven har det blitt forsket på språkendring og -variasjon i Inverness, en liten by i det skotske høylandet. Denne sosiolingvistiske studien har særlig fokusert på å avdekke lingvistiske mønstre som korrelerer med de sosiale variablene alder, kjønn og stil. Studien har sett på realisasjonen av fem konsonantvariabler, (l), (th), (wh), (r) og (t). Hovedfokuset har vært å undersøke om de tradisjonelle variantene av disse variablene blir erstattet av varianter med større geografisk utbredelse. Dette har blitt implementert ved bruk av auditorisk analyse og taleopptak av 18 informanter fra Inverness, tilhørende tre forskjellige generasjoner, har blitt analysert. Tidligere sosiolingvistisk forskning i Skottland har vist at tradisjonelle skotske trekk som uttalen [ʍ] for ortografisk wh og bruken av enten [r] eller [ɾ], særlig i intervokalisk posisjon, er recessive. Tendensen er at disse stereotypiske skotske trekkene blir erstattet av [w] og [ɹ], varianter som er assosiert med Anglo-engelsk. Det har òg blitt vist at fonologiske varianter som har sin opprinnelse i arbeiderklassedialekten i London nå er til stede i det fonologiske repertoaret til arbeiderklasseungdom i flere byer i det skotske lavlandet. Dette er varianter som [f] for [θ] i ord som thing og south, bruken av [ʔ] for intervokalisk /t/ samt en vokalisert realisering av postvokalisk /l/. Et av forskningsspørsmålene i denne masteroppgaven adresserer derfor nettopp dette. Målet har vært å finne ut om disse ikke-tradisjonelle konsonantvariantene forekommer i Inverness engelsk, til tross for Inverness sin perifere posisjon i forhold til London. Kort oppsummert viser alle variablene i denne studien tegn til at de er i endring. Endringene og variasjonsmønstrene som har kommet frem indikerer at de tradisjonelle skotske variantene blir erstattet av ikke-tradisjonelle trekk, men også at det, særlig blant den eldre generasjonen, fortsatt er trekk assosiert med skotsk som er betraktet som standard. Lite sosiolingvistisk forskning har blitt gjennomført i det skotske høylandet, og målet med denne oppgaven er å bidra til bedre forståelse av den lingvistiske situasjonen i Skottlands nordligste by.Engelsk mastergradsoppgaveENG35

    A prospective study of the relationship between prediagnostic Human Papillomavirus seropositivity and HPV DNA in subsequent cervical carcinomas

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    Several prospective studies with invasive carcinoma as endpoint have supported Human Papillomavirus as a cause of cervical carcinoma. However, the largest study used seroepidemiology and did not analyse presence of Human Papillomavirus DNA in the subsequent tumour. Linkage of serum bank registries and cancer registries had identified 196 women with a registered cervical carcinoma after donation of a serum sample. For the present study, biopsies for 127 cases could be located, verified to contain invasive carcinoma and be amplified by PCR. Three control women who had remained alive and without cervical carcinoma during an equal length of follow-up had been matched to each of the case women and tested for HPV antibodies. Presence of Human Papillomavirus DNA in the tumours was analysed by general primer and type specific PCR. HPV16-seropositive women had a relative risk of 4.4 (95% CI: 2.2–8.8) to develop cervical carcinoma carrying HPV16 DNA. By contrast, there was no excess risk for Human Papillomavirus 16-seropositive women to develop cervical carcinoma devoid of HPV16 DNA. Prediagnostic HPV16 seropositivity was strongly correlated with later HPV16 DNA positivity of the tumour (P<0.001) and prediagnostic HPV18 seropositivity correlated with HPV18 DNA in the tumour (P<0.03). The link between prediagnostic seropositivity and type of viral DNA in the cancer implies that the carcinogenic effect of infection with these viruses is dependent on persistent presence of type-specific viral DNA

    External validation of the Scandinavian guidelines for management of minimal, mild and moderate head injuries in children

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    © 2018 The Author(s). Background: Clinical decision rules (CDRs) aid in the management of children with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Recently, the Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee (SNC) has published practical, evidence-based guidelines for children with Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scores of 9-15. This study aims to validate these guidelines and to compare them with other CDRs. Methods: A large prospective cohort of children (< 18 years) with TBI of all severities, from ten Australian and New Zealand hospitals, was used to assess the SNC guidelines. Firstly, a validation study was performed according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the SNC guideline. Secondly, we compared the accuracy of SNC, CATCH, CHALICE and PECARN CDRs in patients with GCS 13-15 only. Diagnostic accuracy was calculated for outcome measures of need for neurosurgery, clinically important TBI (ciTBI) and brain injury on CT. Results: The SNC guideline could be applied to 19,007/20,137 of patients (94.4%) in the validation process. The frequency of ciTBI decreased significantly with stratification by decreasing risk according to the SNC guideline. Sensitivities for the detection of neurosurgery, ciTBI and brain injury on CT were 100.0% (95% CI 89.1-100.0; 32/32), 97.8% (94.5-99.4; 179/183) and 95% (95% CI 91.6-97.2; 262/276), respectively, with a CT/admission rate of 42% (mandatory CT rate of 5%, 18% CT or admission and 19% only admission). Four patients with ciTBI were missed; none needed specific intervention. In the homogenous comparison cohort of 18,913 children, the SNC guideline performed similar to the PECARN CDR, when compared with the other CDRs. Conclusion: The SNC guideline showed a high accuracy in a large external validation cohort and compares well with published CDRs for the management of paediatric TBI

    Aktiv og deltakande i eige liv

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    Denne oppgåva tar sikte på å finne ut korleis sjukepleiaren kan sikre at brukaren sin autonomi vert ivaretatt gjennom rehabiliteringsprosessen i kvardagsrehabilitering. Det som kjem fram i oppgåva er det einskilde ved heimen og korleis dette kan bidra til ein styrke i autonomien, men og avgrense den. Vidare kjem informasjon til både brukar og pårørande fram som sentralt i forskinga, både i forhold til effekt og forståing. Sjukepleiaren har eit viktig ansvar med å sikre at det individuelle i rehabiliteringsprosessen vert ivaretatt. Motivasjon og meistring har ei sentral rolle. Sjukepleiaren må balansere brukarmedverknad, mot sitt faglege ansvar og samtidig ta omsyn til aldringsprosessen. Ho må skape ein god relasjon og likeverdig dialog for å fremje brukarens rett til å ta eigne val

    Landscapes of Technology Transfer : Swedish Ironmakers in India 1860–1864

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    In the early 1860s three Swedes, Nils Wilhelm Mitander,Julius Ramsay and Gustaf Wittenström, were engaged by theBritish to build and run charcoal-based ironworks in India.These works, the Burwai Iron Works of the British Government inthe case of Mitander and the privately owned Kumaon Iron Worksin the case of Ramsay and Wittenström, were both to bebased on the most modern European technology. The projects werepioneering in Indian ironmaking. The ambitions were high andstakes big, but after only a few years the projects were closedand the Swedes returned home.Landscapes of Technology Transferpresents a detailedstudy of the Kumaon and Burwai Iron Works, from their firstconception to their final closure. The investigation isbasically empirical and a fundamental question is: Why were theworks never brought into full and continuous production? The ironworks projects should be considered as processes oftechnology transfer rather than fully fledged and completedtransfers. In spite of this lack of success, or maybe becauseof it, the history of the ironworks and the Swedes also forms afruitful case to put other questions of wide relevance. Itexposes workings and effects of colonialism and offers anexplanation of the late development of India's iron and steelindustry and analyses of the complex totality forming theprerequisites for a successful transfer of technology. The longtraditions of bloomery ironmaking in India and ismarginalisation is also discussed. Landscapes of Technology Transferis a comprehensiveempirical study. From a local and individual perspective ittraces lines of connection across boundaries of time andgeography. The historical landscapes of technology transfer aredescribed in their cultural, social, economic and politicaldimensions and the thesis underlines the importance of a closeacquaintance with local settings and conditions, where historyis manifested in a physical presence. The remains of theironworks and theirlocal landscapes in present-day India areused as a central source for writing their histories. There isalso a strong emphasis on the use of photographs and drawingsas sources. The outcome of the projects was the result of the interplaybetween the local and the global, between a diversity ofconcrete factors influencing the construction of the works andtheir running and their colonial character. The studyemphasises the importance of technological systems andnetworks, both on a micro and a macro level. On a local leveldemanding logistics, a sometimes adverse climate, theprocurement of charcoal and iron ore in sufficient quantitiesand the build up of knowledge of ironmaking posed serious butnot insurmountable difficulties. Most obstacles were overcomealready during the first few years of the 1860s, the period ofthe Swedes, but to put the works into full and continuousproduction would have needed perseverance and purposefulefforts to support and protect the iron production, at leastduring an initial period. In the end the position of India as acolonial dependency, subjected to the primacy of Britishinterests, set the limits of the projects. Key words:History of technology, industrial heritagestudies, industrial archaeology, technology transfer,diffusion, technological systems, landscapes of technology,iron and steel, charcoal iron, direct and indirect ironmaking,bloomeries, 19th century, industrial history,industrialisation, de-industrialisation, underdevelopment,colonialism, India, Sweden, Great Britain, global history,annales.Qc 20170119</p

    Om skrivande i naturorienterande ämnen : "Hon skrev upp vad vi skulle ha med på labbrapporten och sen så skrev vi det. Så var det inte så mycket mer än så."

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    I kapitlet diskuteras en undersökning om elevers skrivande i naturorienterande ämnen, hur texterna ser ut och hur eleverna talar om de texter de skrivit. Resultaten diskuteras i relation till sådant som ämnesspråk och förståelse

    Aldrig i livet!

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    Affisch för teaterföreställningen Aldrig i lifvet! på Åbo Svenska Teater 13.4.189

    The human right to mental healthcare : Bridging the rights-gap for women subjected to sexual violence

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    Sexual violence against women is not only a serious public health problem of epidemic proportions, it’s also a violation of women’s human rights. The devastating consequences of these events on women’s health have been widely documented. The overarching purpose of this thesis is therefore to explore why public healthcare facilities around the world often fail to provide victims of sexual violence with mental healthcare of good quality that is available, accessible and acceptable. In order to investigate this, the legal grounds of specialized healthcare for victims of sexual violence was documented. Secondly, an exploration of whether the Swedish healthcare system provides victims of sexual violence with access to the highest attainable standard of mental healthcare was carried out. Lastly, the history of violence against women was explored in order to identify reasons for why the right to mental healthcare often fail to work in practice for female victims of sexual violence despite apparent agreements. Also, constructive suggestions are put forth regarding what governments can do to provide victims of sexual violence with access to the highest attainable standard of mental healthcare. An interdisciplinary approach of political sociology was used to illustrate the multiple dimensions of human rights. The findings suggest that the right to mental health is an integrated part of the right to health and thus a fundamental right for all human beings. However, the results indicate that the right to mental healthcare for women who have been subjected to sexual violence is not available, accessible and of good quality within the Swedish healthcare system. The study concludes that one of the main barriers to make the right to mental healthcare accessible for this group of patients is the lack of an officially recognized name that include the many different syndromes these women suffer. Findings are discussed in relation to previous research.  