6 research outputs found

    Population-Attributable Risks for Ischemic Stroke in a Community in South Brazil: A Case-Control Study

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    Background: Risk factors for ischemic stroke are mostly known, but it is still unclear in most countries, what are their combined population-attributable risk percent (PAR%). In a case-control study the individual odds ratios (ORs) and the individual and combined PAR%, including risk factors not addressed in previous studies were estimated. Methods: Cases and controls were selected from patients attending to an emergency department. Cases were patients aged with 45 years or more with the first episode of ischemic stroke, characterized by a focal neurological deficit or change in the mental status occurring during the previous 24 hours. Controls, matched to cases by age and gender, were selected from patients without neurological complaints. Results: 133 cases and 272 controls were studied. Odds ratios for ischemic stroke were: atrial fibrillation (27.3; CI 95 % 7.5

    Odds ratios (95% CI) for ischemic stroke: results of a logistic regression adjusting for hypertension, diabetes and smoking status.

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    <p>Odds ratios (95% CI) for ischemic stroke: results of a logistic regression adjusting for hypertension, diabetes and smoking status.</p

    Endovascular treatment of a basilar artery dissecting aneurysm Fasciculações benignas responsivas à gabapentina

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    Fasciculations are symptoms present in a broad spectrum of conditions, ranging from normal manifestations to motor neuron diseases. They also represent the main picture of benign fasciculation syndrome. We report a case of such syndrome: a 48-years-old woman complaining about fasciculations for three decades who remained with the symptoms even after the compensation of a disclosed hyperthyroidism. The introduction of gabapentin rendered control of her fasciculations. The available data in the literature about the therapeutic approaches for fasciculations are revised, as long as the rare reports of evolution from patients with "benign" fasciculations to cases of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, underlining the importance of following the patients with fasciculations.Fasciculações são sintomas presentes em um amplo espectro de condições, desde manifestações normais até doenças do neurônio motor. Elas representam também o principal aspecto da síndrome de fasciculações benignas. Relatamos um caso desta síndrome: uma paciente de 48 anos com queixas de fasciculações por três décadas que, mesmo após a compensação de um quadro de hipertireoidismo, permaneceu com os sintomas. A introdução de gabapentina levou a controle das fasciculações. Os dados disponíveis na literatura sobre as abordagens terapêuticas para fasciculações são revisados, assim como os raros relatos de evolução de pacientes com fasciculações "benignas" para casos de esclerose lateral amiotrófica, salientando a importância do seguimento dos pacientes com fasciculações