2,338 research outputs found

    Analisis Timbunan Pelebaran Jalan Simpang Serapat Km-17 Lingkar Utara

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    Jalan lingkar utara adalah daerah yang berjenis tanah rawa atau tanah lunak maka untuk melakukan perkuatan tanah tersebut maka digunakan geotextile dan cerucuk. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah mengetahui tinggi timbunan kritis pada badan jalan, mengetahui daya dukung tanah dengan menggunakan geotextile sebagai bahan pemisah dan cerucuk sebagai perkuatan, mengetahui penurunan yang terjadi pada timbunan badan jalan mengetahui faktor keamanan pada tanah lunak.Daya dukung tanah dikenalkan oleh Prandtl (1921) yang mengembangkan persamaan dari analisis kondisi aliran. Teori ini dikembangkan oleh Terzaghi (1943), Meyerhof (1955), Hansen (1970), Vesic (1975) dan lainnya. paham analisa perhitungan daya dukung tanah lempung dikembangkan para ahli tersebut mengasumsikan tanah lempung dalam keadaan tidak terganggu. Berdasarkan hasil analisis timbunan dapat perhitungan daya dukung tanah di titik lokasi perencanaan ada dua titik pengujian sondir yang berkisar antara. 0-150 kg/cm². Berdasarkan pengamatan di lapangan tinggi timbunan rencana 1.5 m dan perhitungan tinggi timbunan kritis adalah 1.40 m. Perhitungan beban (qo) tinggi timbunan rencana (Hr) = 1,5 m sebesar 3,30 t/m2 > sehingga diperlukan perkuatan dengan daya dukung tanah 8,4 t/m2. Jumlah cerucuk yang diperlukan dalam satu m² adalah 4 batang

    Alasan Konsumen Merasa Jijik terhadap Produk Makanan Tertentu

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    Disgust is approached as a food-related emotion and defined as revulsion at the prospect of oral incorporation of offensive objects. These objects have contamination properties; if they even briefly contact an otherwise acceptable food, they tend to render it inedible. Some customers considered some factors as disgusting. They are the nature of the objects of disgust and they are virtually all of animal origin, the meaning of oral incorporation, the `belief ‘ that people take on the properties of the foods they eat, the nature of the contamination response and its relation to the laws of sympathetic magic (similarity and contagion), and the idea that faeces as the universal and the first disgust object. Disgust is developed after eight years of life. There are a number of life situations in which the weakening of disgusts regularly occurs

    Zinc and Copper Levels in Patients with Primary Hypertension and Normotension

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    One of the causes of primary hypertension is an exposure to free radicals. The formation of free radicals in the body can be prevented by taking antioxidants. Zinc and copper are cofactors of endogenous antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. This study aimed to analyze the differences of zinc and copper levels in primary hypertensive and normotensive patients. This was an analytical observational study with cross sectional design and simple random sampling method. Subjects were patients aged 40-70 years at Haji General Hospital consisting of 15 primary hypertensive patients and 15 normotensive individuals (comparison group). Data was collected through interviews and laboratory test of blood samples. Zinc and Copper serum concentrations were measured by AAS. Data were analyzed by chi-square and independent samples t-test. The results showed that the mean levels of zinc and copper in primary hypertensive patients was lower than normotensive. However, statistically there was no difference in zinc serum levels (p=0.852) in the two groups, and there was a significant difference in copper serum levels (p=0.032). It can be concluded that there were differences in copper serum levels between the two groups but not with the levels of zinc

    Persaingan ,Tak Bisa Dielakkan

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    These article take the position that-e company should look two ways: at the individual customers it has chosen and the specific competitors it intends to beat. Seen another way, focusing only on customers through CRM will help ensure that they are well taken care of and their value recognized. But paying attention to competitors will help ensure that the company itself, its employees, shareholders and others who depend on the organization are also well looked after

    Level of Blood Glucose, Lactose and Dairy Cattle Milk Yield at Different Level of Macro Mineral Supplementation

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of macro mineral supplementation on different levels of glucose, milk lactose, and milk production. This research used 25 milk cows with the first to fifth lactation, whose their body weight, milk production and fat content were relatively similar. There were 5 of macro mineral supplementation levels : 0, 25, 50, 75, 100% above NRC (2001) recommendation, that were Ca, P, Mg, Na, S, dan K each 0.50; 0.30; 0.20; 0.18; 0.20 and 0.90%. Data obtained were analyzed using variance analysis of randomized block design, and to purpose differently of treatment mean using Duncan's Multiple Range Test, and the relation of treatments were analyzed using polynomial orthogonal analysis. Based on result of research showed that supplementation of macro mineral up to 50% above the NRC (2001) recommendation increased blood glucose, milk lactose on the normal range, and milk production,that were each 28.82 mg/100 ml; 5.28 mg/100 ml and 11.513 kg 4% FCM/day/head. Keywords : macro mineral, glucose, lactose, milk productio

    Hubungan antara Persepsi-Keadilan, Kepercayaan dan Komitmen dari Konsumen Pengadu-Keluhan

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    Complaint is a form of consumer complain behavior. Complainants evaluate their complaining experience by their perceived-justice, which will influence their satisfaction, trust and commitment to the firm. This research finds that cellular-phone operator complainant\u27s perceived-justice has the effect on complainant\u27s trust and commitment, with satisfaction as an intervening variable

    Batik Tebo di Kecamatan Tebo Tengah Kabupaten Tebo Provinsi Jambi (Studi Kasus di Sanggar Mursida)

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    Typical Batik Tebo yet well know neven Tebos ociety, because theproblem sare fearedlostits cultural value. This study aimed to describe about thecraft of Batik Tebo which includeforms ofmotive, the meaning containedin themotif, as well astools andmaterials for batik making techniquesin the studioMursida Tebo. The method usedin this researchis descriptive methodqualitatively.Collecting datain this studyis doneby usingthe techni ques of observation,interview sand documentation. Datareviewed andanalyzed byt he stepsof datareduction, data presentation. Data validation was donewith the extensionofobservation, increa sepersistene and triangulation.The results showed that BatikTeboconsists of 11. motif batik bambu runcing, motif batik sialang rajo, motifbatik buah manggis,motif batik rebung nyengum, motif batik serat kayu rengas,motif batik tapak kudo, motif batik bungo tanjung dan buah sawit, motif batiktapak kudo buah sawit, motif batik bungo tanjung,motif batik bungo paku danbuah sawit dan motif batik pawn(koin). Batik technique used is the technique ofbatik yestaining

    Analisis Persepsi Konsumen pada 6 Merek Pakaian Wanita Kasual (Studi pada Wanita Usia 17-39 Tahun, Kelas Menengah Atas di Bandung)

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    Terjadi Perubahan selera berpakaian terutama untuk wanita usia 17-30 tahun dengan kelas sosial atas karena umumnya wanita dengan karakteristik ini yang sedang haus akan informasi demi mendapatkan penampilan terbaik. Wanita muda memiliki keinginan yang lebih besar dibandingkan pria dan anak-anak (Sorger dan Udale, 2006:116) terutama untuk pakaian, asesorieries, sepatu, tas. Diharapkan dengan memiliki tampilan secara utuh mereka tampak lebih fashionable. Untuk dikenakan sehari-hari biasanya wanita mengenakan pakaian kasual. Kasual adalah dress code dimana penekanannya adalah pada Kenyamanan dan ekspresi personal pada situasi yang tidak formal. Bahkan dalam kamus Wikipedia dinyatakan, “Casual generally means anything goes”. Pakaian kasual adalah pakaian yang tidak formal walaupun belakangan banyak yang meng-kasual-kan pakaian formal biasa disebut semi-casual sehingga pakaian casual bisa dipakai dalam situasi formal. Bandung dijadikan kota untuk diteliti karena dari hasil penelitian pendahuluan penduduk Bandung “fashionable”, Bandung merupakan pusat mode Indonesia, banyak designer kenamaan Indonesia lahir dari Bandung dan di Bandung pula banyak pabrik tekstil dan garment untuk memenuhi animo konsumennya. ada 6 merek yang diteliti yaitu Triset, LOGO, C2, Dust, MANGO dan Giordano. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif.Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, kuesioner, observasi dan studi literature. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan teknik convenience sampling. Data yang telah terkumpul diolah dengan mengambil modus (nilai terbanyak). Objek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah wanita muda usia 18-30 tahun kelas menengah atas yang berada di Bandung.Dari penelitian ini didapat kesimpulan profil wanita pengguna pakaian kasual adalah wanita yang peduli penampilan, tidak terlalu peduli merek , suka jalan-jalan ke mall, suka berbelanja pakaian dan referensi pakaian dari majalah atau melihat di toko. Konsumen dalam hal ini responden dalam penelitian ini masih menganggap atribut produk merek luar negeri lebih baik daripada merek dalam negeri. Merek luar negeri masih menjadi acuan ketika membeli pakaian. Positioning merek luar negeri di benak konsumen lebih baik daripada merek lokal