15 research outputs found
Pola Asuh Makan pada Balita dengan Status Gizi Kurang di Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah dan Kalimantan Tengah, Tahun 2011
Latar belakang: Menurut UNICEF, penyebab secara langsung terjadinya kurang gizi pada Balita, adalah konsumsi makanan Balita yang tidak seimbang dan adanya penyakit infeksi, sedangkan faktor tidak langsung diantaranya adalahpola asuh Balita. Metode: Desain penelitian dilakukan secara potong lintang. Penelitian dilakukan selama 10 bulan pada tahun 2011, di tiga provinsi yaitu Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah dan Kalimantan Tengah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara kuantitatif, dengan cara wawancara menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur pada ibu Balita dengan status gizi bawah garis merah (BGM). Pengambilan sampel Balita BGM dilakukan secara purposive, di masing-masing lokasi penelitian. Hasil: Sebagian besar (33,3%) ibu Balita mempunyai tingkat pendidikan sekolah dasar (SD), dan 26,7% tamat SMP dan SMA. Di kabupaten Sumenep terdapat 45,8% ibu Balita berpendidikan tamat SD, sedangkan ibu Balita tamat SMA di kota Semarang dan kabupaten Gunung Mas, berturut-turut sebanyak 38% dan 35,1%. Balita kurang gizi/BGM yang mempunyai ayah dengan tingkat pendidikan tidak tamat sekolah sebanyak 16,7% ada di kabupaten Sumenep, sedangkan di kota Semarang dan kabupaten Gunung Mas sebagian besar ayah Balita berpendidikan tamat SMA yaitu sebanyak 44,8% dan 35,1%. Jenis penyakit yang sering diderita oleh Balita kurang gizi/BGM & gizi buruk di 3 (tiga) lokasi penelitian adalah demam/panas (68,9%), batuk/pilek sebanyak 15,6% dan diare/mencret sebesar 8,9%. Pola makan yang diberikan selain ASI pada anak usia 0–6 bulan meliputi madu, air tajin, susu formula, biskuit bayi, pisang yang dilembutkan, bubur susu, makanan lunak,nasi, sayur, ikan, telur, daging sapi, jajanan dan camilan, dengan alasan agar anak mau makan dan tidak menangis. Kesimpulan: Pola makan yang kurang tepat pada Balita mengakibatkan inisiasi menyusu dini dan pemberianASI ekslusif tidak dapat diterapkan dengan baik dan benar
Zinc and Copper Levels in Patients with Primary Hypertension and Normotension
One of the causes of primary hypertension is an exposure to free radicals. The formation of free radicals in the body can be prevented by taking antioxidants. Zinc and copper are cofactors of endogenous antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. This study aimed to analyze the differences of zinc and copper levels in primary hypertensive and normotensive patients. This was an analytical observational study with cross sectional design and simple random sampling method. Subjects were patients aged 40-70 years at Haji General Hospital consisting of 15 primary hypertensive patients and 15 normotensive individuals (comparison group). Data was collected through interviews and laboratory test of blood samples. Zinc and Copper serum concentrations were measured by AAS. Data were analyzed by chi-square and independent samples t-test. The results showed that the mean levels of zinc and copper in primary hypertensive patients was lower than normotensive. However, statistically there was no difference in zinc serum levels (p=0.852) in the two groups, and there was a significant difference in copper serum levels (p=0.032). It can be concluded that there were differences in copper serum levels between the two groups but not with the levels of zinc
Hubungan Tingkat Stres, Asupan Natrium, Dan Riwayat Makan Dengan Kejadian Stroke
Stroke is a condition of the local neurological disorder that occurs suddenly, causing blood supply into the brain tissue stop and also causing impaired brain function. There are many causal factors that lead to stroke such as age, stress, natrium consumption, and food history. This study aims to analyze the relation between stress level, natrium consumption, and food history with the incidence of stroke in among stroke outpatients aged ≥ 45 years. This is an analytic observational study using case control design in Neural Poly of Airlangga University Hospital. The population of case group was stroke outpatients aged ≥ 45 years while control group was outpatients aged ≥ 45 years who didn't have stroke. The sample was 11 patients for each group and were taken using simple random sampling technique. Relation among variables were analyzed using Chi-Square test. The result of this study showed that there is signifi cant relation between natrium consumption level (p = 0,032; OR = 0,083) and food history (p = 0,003; OR = 45,000) with the incidence of stroke. There is no signifi cant relation between stress level (p = 1,000) with the incidence of stroke. It is necessary to give the information about natrium food source and healthy diet in order to prevent the occurrence of stroke
Hubungan Pola Asuh, Asih, Asah dengan Tumbuh Kembang Balita Usia 13 Tahun
In the first 3 years childhood is rapid growth and development period. Parents have big role for children growth and development. The basicneed for child growth and development are education, love, care pattern. This research is to fi nd the revolution between education, love, carepattern with children growth and development. This research purpose was fi nd the revolution of education pattern consist of nutrition, basichealth treatment, housing, body health, love pattern consist of love, safety, care pattern consist of stimulation with growth and development. The research was analytically observational and data was collected by cross sectional. Population was all of children under fi ve years old in CermeLor Village, Cerme Sub District, Gresik Regency. The sample of this research was children that age 1-3 years and her mother, using samplerandom sampling method and sample were 60 children. Collecting data was carried out by using questionnaire such as family characteristic;children characteristic which age 1-3 years. Education, love, care with using questionnaire, for the growth was measured by using weight perage with WHO-NCHS standard and the development using Pre Screening Questionnaire Test. Data were analyze by Spearman test correlationChi Square. The result showed that were correlation between education pattern, such as nutrition, basic health treatment, housing with growth(p 0.05). There were relation in love pattern with stimulation that can inhunched the growth (p 0.05). The conclusion that can bedraw is there are relation between education, love and care pattern with children growth and development which age 1-3 years. There for itneeded to emphasize the importance of parent role to take education, love, care their son in order to the problem of growth and developmentcan be reduce.Key words: education, love, care pattern, growth and development, children which age 13 year
Kadar Radikal Superoksid (O2-), Nitric Oxide (NO) Dan Asupan Lemak Pada Pasien Hipertensi Dan Tidak Hipertensi
Background: Hypertension closely related to impaired endothelial dependent vasodilation due to a decline in theavailability of nitric oksid (NO) and high fat intake, decreased Nitric Oksid caused due to increased levels ofsuperoksid.Objective: to analyze the differences in the levels of Superoksid Radical (O2-), Nitric oxide (N0) and fat intake inpatients with hypertension and not hypertension .Methods: this research is cross sectional, research amount sampelnya taken at random. 24 respondent patientsconsisting of 12 cases control, and 12 the age of 65 40- tahun.pengambilan samples conducted in outpatient installationregional general hospital Sidoarjo. Done bseline superoksid levels, nitric oxide and recall fat intake.Results: the average rate of Superoksid respondents not hypertension 0.250± 0, 034U/mL, 0,314± 056U/mLhypertension, Average levels of Nitric oksid respondents not hypertension 116,083± 46,962μ M, of which hypertension72,333± 40,51μ M, average consumption of fat respondents not hypertension 41,65± 8, 32gram, 51,52± 6,74gramhypertension . Based on the test results the difference against Superoksid levels of both research groups using a t-testtwo samples are free retrieved the value p < 0,05 (p = 0,004), NO content retrieved the value p < 0,05 (p = 0,023), fatintake obtained the value of p < 0,05 (p = 0,004) which means that there is a meaningful difference in the levels ofSuperoksid, Nitric oxide and the level of fat intake among respondents with no hypertension and hypertension.Conclusion: there is a radical difference in the levels of Superoksid, NO (Nitric Oxide) and fat intake in patients withhypertension and not hypertension
Hubungan Kepuasan Pelayanan Makanan Dengan Tingkat Kecukupan Energi Dan Protein Pasien Di Rumah Sakit Universitas Airlangga Surabaya
Patient's satisfaction is one of success indicator of hospital food service, which affect the level of energy and protein sufficiency of patients. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between food service satisfaction and energy and protein suffi ciency level of patients in Universitas Airlangga Hospital. Thirty-four samples who receive High Energy and Protein diet were chosen using purposive sampling. Patient satisfaction data was collected through interview using a questionnaire and food waste was analyze through observation by Comstock method. Data was processed using chi square test. The result showed that level of energy and protein suffi ciency of most patients are adequate (73.5% and 70.6%) and most patient are satisfi ed with the hospital food service (76.5%). There was a relationship between satisfaction of food service with the level of energy and protein suffi ciency of patients (p = 0.017 and p = 0.031). Patients who were satisfi ed with the food services of hospital has a suffi cient intake of energy and protein. It is needed to restore system of food operation in hospital, especially on the punctuality of food distributionand fl avor of food, considering that those indicator, were source of dissatisfaction
Ketahanan Pangan Dan Coping Strategy Rumah Tangga Urban Farming Pertanian Dan Perikanan Kota Surabaya
Rapid urbanization in urban areas causes dissimilarity of food access in each household. It is become one of urban food security problem. Urban farming is a strategy to improve food access in urban areas. The purpose of this study was to analyze the difference in food security and coping strategy of agriculture and fisheries urban farming households. This observational study used a cross-sectional design. A sample of 62 households were divided into 2 groups: agriculture and fisheries urban farming households. Food security was assessed by United States Household Food Security Survey Module (US-HFSSM) questionnaire while coping strategy was assessed by Reduced Coping Strategy Index (RCSI) questionnaire. The difference of household food security and coping strategy in both groups was analyzed by Chi square test. A total of 64,7% household in agriculture group were in food secured, while 75% households in fishery group were in food insecure with severe hunger degrees. There was no difference of household food security between agriculture and fisheries urban farming group (p = 0,255), although two groups had different in food security status. Most of agriculture urban farming household has RCSI score <14 (65,6%), while the majority of fishery urban farming household has RCSI score ≥ 14 (66,7%). There was a difference of coping strategy between agriculture and fishery urban farming household (p = 0,021). Agriculture urban farming households were secured and rarely do coping strategy compared to fishery urban farming households. Government programs to improve food security should be more focused on groups of fishery urban farming households