20 research outputs found

    Characteristics of membrane feeding assay blood donors and mosquito infections

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    host = id of the host. calib_no = the calibration line number used to convert TTP (time to positivity readouts) from QT-NASBA into gametocyte density. ttp = time to positivity readout from QT-NASBA used to generate gametocyte density estimate. age = age of blood donor. asexual = asexual parasite density of blood donor (estimated using microscopy). no_dissected = number of mosquitoes dissected to determine mosquito infection. no_infected = number of mosquitoes dissected with observable oocyst

    Protection against a malaria challenge by sporozoite inoculation.

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    Contains fulltext : 81826.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: An effective vaccine for malaria is urgently needed. Naturally acquired immunity to malaria develops slowly, and induction of protection in humans can be achieved artificially by the inoculation of radiation-attenuated sporozoites by means of more than 1000 infective mosquito bites. METHODS: We exposed 15 healthy volunteers--with 10 assigned to a vaccine group and 5 assigned to a control group--to bites of mosquitoes once a month for 3 months while they were receiving a prophylactic regimen of chloroquine. The vaccine group was exposed to mosquitoes that were infected with Plasmodium falciparum, and the control group was exposed to mosquitoes that were not infected with the malaria parasite. One month after the discontinuation of chloroquine, protection was assessed by homologous challenge with five mosquitoes infected with P. falciparum. We assessed humoral and cellular responses before vaccination and before the challenge to investigate correlates of protection. RESULTS: All 10 subjects in the vaccine group were protected against a malaria challenge with the infected mosquitoes. In contrast, patent parasitemia (i.e., parasites found in the blood on microscopical examination) developed in all five control subjects. Adverse events were mainly reported by vaccinees after the first immunization and by control subjects after the challenge; no serious adverse events occurred. In this model, we identified the induction of parasite-specific pluripotent effector memory T cells producing interferon-gamma, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and interleukin-2 as a promising immunologic marker of protection. CONCLUSIONS: Protection against a homologous malaria challenge can be induced by the inoculation of intact sporozoites. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00442377.

    Scavenger receptor BI boosts hepatocyte permissiveness to Plasmodium infection.

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    Contains fulltext : 71106.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)Infection of hepatocytes by Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites requires the host tetraspanin CD81. CD81 is also predicted to be a coreceptor, along with scavenger receptor BI (SR-BI), for hepatitis C virus. Using SR-BI-knockout, SR-BI-hypomorphic and SR-BI-transgenic primary hepatocytes, as well as specific SR-BI-blocking antibodies, we demonstrate that SR-BI significantly boosts hepatocyte permissiveness to P. falciparum, P. yoelii, and P. berghei entry and promotes parasite development. We show that SR-BI, but not the low-density lipoprotein receptor, acts as a major cholesterol provider that enhances Plasmodium infection. SR-BI regulates the organization of CD81 at the plasma membrane, mediating an arrangement that is highly permissive to penetration by sporozoites. Concomitantly, SR-BI upregulates the expression of the liver fatty-acid carrier L-FABP, a protein implicated in Plasmodium liver-stage maturation. These findings establish the mechanistic basis of the CD81-dependent Plasmodium sporozoite invasion pathway

    Host scavenger receptor SR-BI plays a dual role in the establishment of malaria parasite liver infection.

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    Contains fulltext : 69981.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)An obligatory step of malaria parasite infection is Plasmodium sporozoite invasion of host hepatocytes, and host lipoprotein clearance pathways have been linked to Plasmodium liver infection. By using RNA interference to screen lipoprotein-related host factors, we show here that the class B, type I scavenger receptor (SR-BI) is the strongest regulator of Plasmodium infection among these factors. Inhibition of SR-BI function reduced P. berghei infection in Huh7 cells, and overexpression of SR-BI led to increased infection. In vivo silencing of liver SR-BI expression in mice and inhibition of SR-BI activity in human primary hepatocytes reduced infection by P. berghei and by P. falciparum, respectively. Heterozygous SR-BI(+/-) mice displayed reduced P. berghei infection rates correlating with liver SR-BI expression levels. Additional analyses revealed that SR-BI plays a dual role in Plasmodium infection, affecting both sporozoite invasion and intracellular parasite development, and may therefore constitute a good target for malaria prophylaxis

    Highly sensitive quantitative real-time PCR for the detection of Plasmodium liver-stage parasite burden following low-dose sporozoite challenge

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    The pre-erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium spp. are increasingly recognised as ideal targets for prophylactic vaccines and drug treatments. Intense research efforts in the last decade have been focused on in vitro culture and in vivo detection and quantification of liver stage parasites to assess the effects of candidate vaccines or drugs. Typically, the onset of blood stage parasitaemia is used as a surrogate endpoint to estimate the efficacy of vaccines and drugs targeting pre-erythrocytic parasite stages in animal models. However, this provides no information on the parasite burden in the liver after vaccination or treatment and therefore does not detect partial efficacy of any vaccine or drug candidates. Herein, we describe a quantitative RT-PCR method adapted to detect and quantitate Plasmodium yoelii liver stages in mice with increased sensitivity even after challenge with as few as 50 cryopreserved sporozoites (corresponding to approximately 5-10 freshly isolated sporozoites). We have validated our quantitative RT-PCR assay according to the MIQE (Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments) guidelines and established high reproducibility and accuracy. Our assay provides a rapid and reproducible assessment of liver stage parasite burden in rodent malaria models, thereby facilitating the evaluation of the efficacy of anti-malarial drugs or prophylactic vaccines with high precision and efficacy