9 research outputs found

    Impact of down-regulation of starch branching enzyme IIb in rice by artificial microRNA- and hairpin RNA-mediated RNA silencing

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    The inactivation of starch branching IIb (SBEIIb) in rice is traditionally associated with elevated apparent amylose content, increased peak gelatinization temperature, and a decreased proportion of short amylopectin branches. To elucidate further the structural and functional role of this enzyme, the phenotypic effects of down-regulating SBEIIb expression in rice endosperm were characterized by artificial microRNA (amiRNA) and hairpin RNA (hp-RNA) gene silencing. The results showed that RNA silencing of SBEIIb expression in rice grains did not affect the expression of other major isoforms of starch branching enzymes or starch synthases. Structural analyses of debranched starch showed that the doubling of apparent amylose content was not due to an increase in the relative proportion of amylose chains but instead was due to significantly elevated levels of long amylopectin and intermediate chains. Rices altered by the amiRNA technique produced a more extreme starch phenotype than those modified using the hp-RNA technique, with a greater increase in the proportion of long amylopectin and intermediate chains. The more pronounced starch structural modifications produced in the amiRNA lines led to more severe alterations in starch granule morphology and crystallinity as well as digestibility of freshly cooked grains. The potential role of attenuating SBEIIb expression in generating starch with elevated levels of resistant starch and lower glycaemic index is discussed

    Maintaining the yield of edible rice in a warming world

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    High temperature increases the amount of chalk in rice (Oryza sativa L.) grains, which causes grains to break during polishing, lowering the amount of rice for consumption. Here, we examined the effect of elevated temperature on substrate supply to the panicle, the capacity of the panicle to produce edible grains, and underlying factors affecting yield of edible grain in two varieties. During grain-filling, substrate supply followed a bell shaped curve, and high temperature significantly shortened supply time. The rate of grain-filling did not change and paddy yield fell in both varieties. In high temperature, yield loss in IR8 was due to lighter grains relative to those grown in cool temperature, but in IR60, it was due to the early sacrifice of 30% of the spikelets. The yield of edible rice was zero for IR8 and similar to 60% for IR60 for the high temperature treatments, and 100% for IR60 and 70% for IR8 in the cool temperature. IR60 differs from IR8 in regulation of substrate supply, architecture of the panicles and the capacity of the panicles to alter sink size in response to the stress and these factors may be responsible for the difference in edible rice in the two varieties

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