145 research outputs found

    Ghanaian perspectives on the present day dynamics of homosexuality

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    Homosexuality has been an issue of controversy since time immemorial, and it elicits various reactions and attitude which are influenced by the type of societies, cultural and moral development or political situation. In recent times there has been serious controversy over the incidence of homosexuality in Ghana, with human rights activists, pro-gay groups and religious and traditional leaders approaching the issue from different angles. This paper presents the various views expressed by stakeholders in the country and the authors’ opinion, based on available evidence and cultural consideration

    Relationship between land use and groundwater quality in six districts in the eastern region of Ghana

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    The chemical quality of groundwater in six district of the eastern region beneath the different types of land use areas of Ghana was examined to evaluate the effects of human activities on groundwater. Analyses indicate that groundwater in the studied area is fresh and generally suitable for most uses. The groundwater is generally characterised by a chemical facies of Ca-HCO3−, Na-Cl and mixed Na–Ca-HCO3 types and is weakly mineralised. Anthropogenic disturbances have had and continue to have an impact on the aquatic ecosystem of Ghana. High concentration of Cl− and TDS were found in wells in high residential areas while the highest levels of Na, Ca, SO42− and NO3− were found in agricultural and high density residential areas. About 50% of boreholes sampled have elevated level of NO3−-N emanating from agricultural runoff

    Risk perception of arsenic exposure from rice intake in a UK population

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    In the UK, consumption of rice and rice-based products is on the rise but, notwithstanding public expressed concerns about such products as an exposure route for arsenic (e.g. BBC News report, 2017“Should I worry about arsenic in my rice?”) there are few, if any published data on public perceptions of risks associated with exposure to arsenic in rice. We therefore aimed to determine the risk perception of arsenic exposure from rice intake and factors that are associated with arsenic knowledge and whether or not this knowledge had an influence on rice consumption and cooking practices. A questionnaire, targeting participation of rice-eating ethnic minorities in Greater Manchester, UK, was administered to 184 participants. A multivariate generalized linear model was used to determine the factors associated with rice consumption behaviour, cooking practices, and risk perception. We show for the first time that the general population did not associate arsenic, which they perceive as toxic to health, with rice consumption. More than half of the participants knew about arsenic as a hazardous substance but less than ten percent knew that rice consumption could be an important route of arsenic exposure. Knowledge of arsenic was significantly lower in Asian/Asian British:Pakistanis (Pakistani) (OR: 0.006; 95% CI:0.00-0.03) and Asian/Asian British:Bangladeshis (Bangladeshi) (OR: 0.064; 95% CI:0.01-0.25) compared to White:English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British (White British). Moreover, Bangladeshis consumed three times more rice (OR: 2.92; 95% CI:1.73-4.93) compared to White British. Overall higher rice consumption was not associated with higher knowledge of the nutritional value of rice. Rinsing rice before cooking, an effective arsenic removal technique, was practised by 93% of the participants, however the most popular cooking method was the use of adequate water (rice to water ratio of 1:2) but not excess water (rice to water ratio of > 1:4), the latter being more effective in removing arsenic. Better education, higher weekly expenditure on food and prior knowledge of arsenic hazard were all significant factors positively influencing a change in behaviour to reduce arsenic exposure from rice intake

    Identification of markers that functionally define a quiescent multiple myeloma cell sub-population surviving bortezomib treatment

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    The mechanisms allowing residual multiple myeloma (MM) cells to persist after bortezomib (Bz) treatment remain unclear. We hypothesized that studying the biology of bortezomib-surviving cells may reveal markers to identify these cells and survival signals to target and kill residual MM cells.We used H2B-GFP label retention, biochemical tools and in vitro and in vivo experiments to characterize growth arrest and the unfolded protein responses in quiescent Bz-surviving cells. We also tested the effect of a demethylating agent, 5-Azacytidine, on Bz-induced quiescence and whether inhibiting the chaperone GRP78/BiP (henceforth GRP78) with a specific toxin induced apoptosis in Bz-surviving cells. Finally, we used MM patient samples to test whether GRP78 levels might associate with disease progression. Statistical analysis employed t-test and Mann-Whitney tests at a 95% confidence.We report that Bz-surviving MM cells in vitro and in vivo enter quiescence characterized by p21(CIP1) upregulation. Bz-surviving MM cells also downregulated CDK6, Ki67 and P-Rb. H2B-GFP label retention showed that Bz-surviving MM cells are either slow-cycling or deeply quiescent. The Bz-induced quiescence was stabilized by low dose (500nM) of 5-azacytidine (Aza) pre-treatment, which also potentiated the initial Bz-induced apoptosis. We also found that expression of GRP78, an unfolded protein response (UPR) survival factor, persisted in MM quiescent cells. Importantly, GRP78 downregulation using a specific SubAB bacterial toxin killed Bz-surviving MM cells. Finally, quantification of Grp78(high)/CD138+ MM cells from patients suggested that high levels correlated with progressive disease.We conclude that Bz-surviving MM cells display a GRP78(HIGH)/p21(HIGH)/CDK6(LOW)/P-Rb(LOW) profile, and these markers may identify quiescent MM cells capable of fueling recurrences. We further conclude that Aza + Bz treatment of MM may represent a novel strategy to delay recurrences by enhancing Bz-induced apoptosis and quiescence stability.Alfred Adomako, Veronica Calvo, Noa Biran, Keren Osman, Ajai Chari, James C Paton, Adrienne W Paton, Kateri Moore, Denis M Schewe, and Julio A Aguirre-Ghis

    Police views of suicidal persons and the law criminalizing attempted suicide in Ghana: A qualitative study with policy implications

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    The penal code of Ghana condemns suicide attempt. The present study sought to explore the views of the police on persons who attempt suicide and the law criminalizing the act. Qualitative in-depth interviews were used to explore the views of 18 officers of the Ghana Police Service. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis technique. Findings showed that the police officers profiled suicide attempters as needy, enigmatic, ignorant, and blameworthy. Majority (n = 14) of them disagreed with the law and suggested a repeal, whereas only four of them agreed with the law. Regardless of their positions on criminalization, they showed an inclination to help, rather than arrest, when confronted with such persons in line of their duty. Educating the police on suicidal behavior may help to deepen their understanding and help improve the way they handle suicidal persons. This may also strengthen police suicide prevention gatekeeping obligations

    Enhancing productivity of farmer-saved seed yam in Ghana: Positive selection and neem leaf powder factors

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    Recycling of diseased and pests infested seed yam ( Dioscorea spp.) has resulted in drastic yield reductions in yam production. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of positive selection on the quality of farmer-saved seed yam and also evaluate the effect of neem leaf powder in managing plant parasitic nematodes damage to yam. Two farming systems namely; Positive selection (PS) and Farmer practice (FP) and two soil amendment regimes; neem leaf powder at 20 g stand-1 (NA20) and no neem amendment (NA0) were tested on one variety of yam (Dente). A 2 x 2 x 1 factorial study, mounted on a randomised complete block design in a split plot arrangement was conducted in four replications. Positive selection occupied main plots; while Farmer practice occupied sub-plots. The study was conducted in eight communities located in two municipalities of Ghana, during 2015-2017. Parameters evaluated included Yam Mosaic Virus incidence and severity, incidence and severity of nematode cracks and galling on yam tubers, plant establishment and yield of yam. It was observed that Yam Mosaic Virus (YMV) disease incidence decreased from 38% in 2016 to 31% in 2017 in PS plots as a result of using virus-free planting materials. However, in FP plots, it increased from 67% in 2016 to 72% in 2017. Neem leaf powder amendment resulted in significantly (P< 0.05) low tuber galling (7%) compared with 40% in unamended plots. Similarly, PS plots yielded 7.7 t ha-1 compared to 5.9 t ha-1 in FP fields. In conclusion, Positive selection out-yielded FP by 30.5%; while PS-neem leaf powder interaction resulted in 38.5% over and above FP without neem amendment.Le recyclage des semences d\u2019igname ( Dioscorea spp.) contamin\ue9es par des maladies et des parasites a entra\ueen\ue9 une r\ue9duction drastique du rendement de la production d\u2019igname. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait de d\ue9terminer l\u2019effet de la s\ue9lection positive sur la qualit\ue9 des semences d\u2019igname conserv\ue9es par les agriculteurs et \ue9galement d\u2019\ue9valuer l\u2019effet de la poudre de feuilles de neem dans la gestion des dommages caus\ue9s par les n\ue9matodes parasites des plantes. Deux syst\ue8mes agricoles \ue0 savoir; S\ue9lection positive (PS) et pratique paysanne (PF) et deux r\ue9gimes d\u2019amendement du sol; De la poudre de feuille de neem \ue0 20 g du stand-1 (NA20) et aucun amendement de neem (NA0) ont \ue9t\ue9 test\ue9s sur une vari\ue9t\ue9 d\u2019igname (Dente). Une \ue9tude factorielle de 2 x 2 x 1, mont\ue9e sur une dispositif en\ua0blocs al\ue9atoires complets dans un arrangement en parcelles divis\ue9es, a \ue9t\ue9 men\ue9e en quatre r\ue9p\ue9titions. S\ue9lection positive occup\ue9e parcelles principales; tandis que la pratique paysanne occupait des sous-parcelles. L\u2019\ue9tude a \ue9t\ue9 men\ue9e dans huit communaut\ue9s situ\ue9es dans deux municipalit\ue9s du Ghana en 2015-2017. Les param\ue8tres \ue9valu\ue9s comprenaient l\u2019incidence et la gravit\ue9 du virus de la mosa\uefque de l\u2019igname, l\u2019incidence et la gravit\ue9 des fissures de n\ue9matode et le grippage des tubercules de l\u2019igname, l\u2019\ue9tablissement de la plante et le rendement de l\u2019igname. Il a \ue9t\ue9 observ\ue9 que l\u2019incidence de la maladie caus\ue9e par le virus de la mosa\uefque \ue0 l\u2019igname (YMV) avait diminu\ue9 de 38% en 2016 \ue0 31% en 2017 dans les parcelles PS gr\ue2ce \ue0 l\u2019utilisation de mat\ue9riel de plantation d\ue9pourvu de virus. Cependant, dans les parcelles de PF, il est pass\ue9 de 67% en 2016 \ue0 72% en 2017. L\u2019amendement de poudre de feuille de Neem a entra\ueen\ue9 une r\ue9duction significative du galles des tubercules (P <0,05) (7%) par rapport \ue0 40% dans les parcelles non modifi\ue9es. De m\ueame, les parcelles de PS ont produit 7,7 t ha-1, contre 5,9 t ha-1 dans les champs de PF. En conclusion, la s\ue9lection positive a eu un rendement sup\ue9rieur de 30,5% \ue0 celui de la PF; tandis que l\u2019interaction de la poudre de feuille PS-neem a eu pour r\ue9sultat 38,5% de plus que FP sans amendement de nee

    Inspired or foolhardy: sensemaking, confidence and entrepreneurs' decision-making.

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of confidence in how both new and experienced entrepreneurs interpret and make sense of their business environment to inform decision-making. We illustrate our conceptual arguments with descriptive results from a large-scale (n = 6289) survey on entrepreneurs' perception of business performance and their decisions taken at a time of uncertainty in an economic downturn. Quantitative findings are stratified along experiential lines to explore heterogeneity in entrepreneurial decision-making and directly inform our conceptual arguments, while qualitative data from open questions are used to explain the role of confidence. Newer entrepreneurs are found to be more optimistic in the face of environmental risk, which impacts on their decision-making and innovative capabilities. However, the more experienced entrepreneurs warily maintain margin and restructure to adapt to environmental changes. Instead of looking directly at the confidence of individuals, we show how confidence impacts sensemaking, and ultimately, decision-making. These insights inform research on the behaviour of novice and experienced entrepreneurs in relation to innovative business activities. Specifically, blanket assumptions on the role of confidence may be misplaced as its impact changes with experience to alter how entrepreneurs make sense of their environment