116 research outputs found

    Punishment in the shari'ah: its educational implications for the development of akhlaq

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    This article discusses the educational implication of punishment in Islamic education

    Islamic paradigms for women’s education and their roles to bring up Tawhidic ummah (Believed Nation)

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    From the Islamic perspective, man and woman are not come to this world accidentally without any mission and purpose in his life. This principle is clearly laid down in the Qur’an: “Did you think that We had created you in play (without any purpose), and that you would not be brought back to Us?” This verse makes the point that man and woman have to realise that their existence in this worldly life is very precious. Hence, education is crucial for every individual Muslim whether man and woman concerned with a comprehensive development in order to achieve a successful life in this world and salvation in the Hereafter. Education are crucial ways in which to know and believe in Allah, the effective means to develop good character and the right way to cope with worldly life. This evidence shows that from the very beginning of the revelation, Islam has been very concerned about knowledge and education rather than any other aspects; “Iqra’” It means that from the Islamic point of view, the development of intellectual and good moral qualities through divine guidance constituted the foremost programme existing in human. This means that education is mainly to develop man and woman to seek virtue in accordance with the Din al-Islam which has no conflict with human’s worldly life. Education system may lead an individual toward the full extent of his potentialities and abilities in gaining knowledge by conforming to good moral values as well as legal precepts. If we refer to the Hadith, “Every new-born child is born in a state of fitrah. Then his parents make him a Jew, a Christian or a Magian, just as an animal born intact. Do you observe any among them that are maimed (at birth)?,” which signifies that the parent’s role and their responsibility for transmitting the knowledge of tawhid is crucial, as well as for feeding, clothing etc. This means that Muslim parents particularly woman may inculcate the way of the Sunnah, such as the recitation of supplications (duca’), during the activities of feeding, clothing and so on, the recognition of halal and haram in these activities and the cultivation of other aspects of education. These are the roles and ways of woman bringing up her children. The effects of this education may lead Muslims to deal with their knowledge for the benefit of themselves and for others in accordance with the teaching of Islam which is concerned with the development of the whole range of human faculties, both physical and spiritual, and the development of society of balanced growth. Indeed, this atmosphere may enable every individual Muslim voluntarily to surrender himself to Allah whole-heartedly and maintain his dignity and superiority as a servant and vicegerent of Allah in this world and further, to attain felicity and prosperity in the Hereafter. This concept paper attempts to examine and discuss the efforts how woman’s education is important and how she able to play her roles to facilitate this type of education to bring up Tawhidic Umma

    Islamic paradigms for women’s education and their roles to bring up Tawhidic Ummah

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    From the Islamic perspective, man and woman are not come to this world accidentally without any mission and purpose in his life. This principle is clearly laid down in the Qur’an: “Did you think that We had created you in play (without any purpose), and that you would not be brought back to Us?” This verse makes the point that man and woman have to realise that their existence in this worldly life is very precious. In addition, he or she has a particular mission and vision, duties and messages, which need to be performed in both his life in this world and the life to come in the Hereafter because he or she will be returned to his/her Lord to face the consequences of his actions. Hence, education is crucial for every individual Muslim whether man and woman concerned with a comprehensive development in order to achieve a successful life in this world and salvation in the Hereafter. Education are crucial ways in which to know and believe in Allah, the effective means to develop good character and the right way to cope with worldly life. This evidence shows that from the very beginning of the revelation, Islam has been very concerned about knowledge and education rather than any other aspects; “Iqra’” It means that from the Islamic point of view, the development of intellectual and good moral qualities through divine guidance constituted the foremost programme existing in human. This means that education is mainly to develop man and woman to seek virtue in accordance with the Din al-Islam which has no conflict with human’s worldly life. Education system may lead an individual toward the full extent of his potentialities and abilities in gaining knowledge by conforming to good moral values as well as legal precepts. If we refer to the Hadith, “Every new-born child is born in a state of fitrah. Then his parents make him a Jew, a Christian or a Magian, just as an animal born intact. Do you observe any among them that are maimed (at birth)?,” which signifies that the parent’s role and their responsibility for transmitting the knowledge of tawhid is crucial, as well as for feeding, clothing etc. This means that Muslim parents particularly woman may inculcate the way of the Sunnah, such as the recitation of supplications (duca’), during the activities of feeding, clothing and so on, the recognition of halal and haram in these activities and the cultivation of other aspects of education. These are the roles and ways of woman bringing up her children. This deliberation may give a picture of the nature of education, which takes its aim from beyond the excellence of the intellect. The effects of this education may lead Muslims to deal with their knowledge for the benefit of themselves and for others in accordance with the teaching of Islam which is concerned with the development of the whole range of human faculties, both physical and spiritual, and the development of society of balanced growth. Indeed, this atmosphere may enable every individual Muslim voluntarily to surrender himself to Allah whole-heartedly and maintain his dignity and superiority as a servant and vicegerent of Allah in this world and further, to attain felicity and prosperity in the Hereafter. This concept paper attempts to examine and discuss the efforts how woman’s education is important and how she able to play her roles to facilitate this type of education to bring up Tawhidic Ummah

    Man's nature and his potentialities towards a good moral quality

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    Islam teaches man to believe in Allah and to follow His guidance and Laws in order to achieve peace of mind and heart then have a character that aims for perfection.In this way man be able to maintain and harmonise his personality with other people and the living system in society. Also man by his fitrah has a great potential to be come good. Allah has implanted into him the fitrah ready to accept truth and perform goodness. However this feature and quality of man is subject to change because of his freewill, the influence of environment and his inner nature.This article attempt to discuss on how his readiness to be good and ability to be bad, man physically and spiritually can be educated and developed through divine guidance in order to promote a good moral quality

    Understanding punishment in Islamic Law from the educational perspective

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    The key feature of Din-al-Islam is to guide people and preserve justice for every individual in society. The Islamic educational process is considered crucial to promote husnul khuluq (good character) and condemn sinful deeds. Apart from this, the Sharicah (Islamic law) seeks to create harmony between members of society. The punishment which is a component of the Sharicah (Islamic law) is also intended to maintain harmony in a society by means of deterring and reforming the offender. Nevertheless, the process of tarbiyyah Islamiyyah (Islamic education) is given the priority compared to the punishment, where punishment is considered as a last resort.This book shows the long process of tarbiyyah Islamiyyah (Islamic education) which is considered crucial in an individual’s life in order to develop and inculcate husnul khuluq (good character). If men are nurtured through this process and able to embed it in their life, punishment seems to be unnecessary. If one persists in committing crime, this book explains that punishment in Islam may play the role of discouraging, controlling and precluding the transgression and reforming the criminal

    Sin and crime: an Islamic educational perspective

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    Man's life is never morally neutral because he can be involved in either good or evil.This dual ability is deeply ingrained within him. Man may be driven to on of them either inner motives or outside influences.He has to recognise and distinguish between what is good and bad for him on the basis of his freewill and his intelligent. Therefore he who purifies himself with goodness will achieve a successful, and the reverse of that could happen if he chooses to corrupt himself. This article attempt to discuss the crucial point to be understood in the issue of crime in Islam is that no inherited tendencies bind in a man to become a criminal.Actually a criminal voluntarily follows his lust and this way of luring, which is schemed by shaitan, is direct cause of his involvement in sin and crime

    Student’s perceptions towards the teaching and learning of jawi (Arabic letter) under j-QAF programme: a case study at selected government primary schools in the District of Hulu Selangor.

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    In Malaysian Educational System, Islamic Education is one of the core subject offered in the primary schools for Muslim students. Anyhow, studies have shown that they are weak in Jawi skills (writing and reading Arabic letter). Therefore, the Ministry of Education, Malaysia has designed special programme called jQAF to enhance student’s ability in Jawi, Qur’an, Arabic and Fard ‘Ain. Thus, this study attempts to investigate the teaching strategies applied by Islamic Education teachers in teaching Jawi. The researcher has conducted a case study using self-constructed questionnaires. The respondents comprised of 255 year six students from the selected Government Primary Schools in the district of Hulu Selangor. A descriptive analysis was employed to provide meanings to the data. This simple descriptive statistical analysis includes percentages, frequencies and means. The findings revealed that there are several methods applied by teachers in teaching Jawi. It was also found that students have positive perceptions towards Jawi subject. Generally, this study provides useful insights that can be benefited by J-QAF teachers and the Ministry of Education

    Guided faith and leadership development in Risale-i Nur

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    Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s interpretations of the religion lead to a cogent writing of the masterpiece Risale-i Nur. It guides and enlightens the people to be cautious on the use of freedom and its protection with clear definition on the liberty limits. It has identified that permission or approval of unlawful maltreatment proved as hurdle to progress. The Risale-i Nur validates that all lives, on all levels, are interrelated. interconnected and interdependent, like concentric or intersecting circles. Development is never wavered and uncompromised with misery, dishonesty, hostility, disdained fraternity, cruelty, and greed. Pillars of Faith cannot be erected on shear imagination, but can challenge the universe by showing care, tolerance, and honesty. Heart disposition and sensation cannot be captured in any real form other than through displayed quality of humanity. Cultural ability should elegantly handle errors, attempts and failures, humbly confirms the validity of leadership with no arrogance thereby evolving a prominent community originated on a communal moral charter that comprises reverence and attention for the public veracity, rights, economic justice, and peace. The absence of integrity in the modern material architype is the motive for the chaotic transformations carried out by explanations of science and technology, understood as the key drivers to failing environmental obliteration. Islam aids as an incredible force to defend human self-respect, provide assurance and maintain world peace. Risale-i Nur authenticates that all lives at all levels, are interrelated. interconnected and interdependent, like concentric or intersecting circles; while materialistic development is always compromised with misery, dishonesty, hostility, disdained fraternity, cruelty, and greed

    تأثير القيادة التحويلية في تحسين الأداء الوظيفي دراسة تحليلية لآراء القيادات الأكاديمية في جامعة تكريت

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    هدفت الدراسة إلى معرفة أثر القيادة التحويلية في تحسين الأداء الوظيفي من خلال دراسة آراء القيادات الإدارية في رئاسة جامعة تكريت وللمتغيرين المستقل القيادة التحويلية (التأثير المثالي/ الدافعية الألهامية/الاعتبارات الفردية) والمتغير التابع الاداء الوظيفي (الدافعية/القدرات/الادراك) ولتحقيق هذا الهدف تم استخدام المنهج الوصفي التحليلي بواسطة الاستبيان التي صممت لهذا الهدف والتي جمعت آراء كل من (عمداء الكليات ومعاونيهم ورؤساء الأقسام) لتمثيل مجتمع الدراسة البالغ عددهم (109) فرداً. وقد استخدمت الدراسة أسلوب المسح الشامل لجمع البيانات. وقد اعتمد الباحث في تصميمها على المصادر العلمية والدراسات السابقة وان اهم النتائج التي توصل البحث اليها وجود أثر ذو دلالة احصائية لأبعاد القيادة التحويلية على أبعاد الأداء الوظيفي في جامعة تكريت، وكانت اهم التوصيات بتعزيز الاهتمام بأبعاد القيادة التحويلية لزيادة الأداء الوظيفي لرئاسة جامعة تكريت وتعزيز اهتمام القيادة العليا بالإبداع والابتكار بهدف تحقيق الرقي والنمو للجامعة قيد الدراسة