299 research outputs found

    Diferencialna politika telesa onkraj pacificiranih tehnoloških prihodnosti

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    By critically analyzing the status and differentiation of bodies and their lives, the author expands the vision of governmentality beyond the West in order to define the body beyond the pacified techno-promises of their emancipation through fragmentation, calculability and programmability. By elaborating the nature, power, and promises of dominant digital technologies and technobodies, the author conceptualizes them in relation to the shift between bio- and necropolitics/power and in relation to violence, (digital) coloniality, and racialization to which bodies are exposed. It is about the normality of violence against the Other, also in relation to the principle of separation of virtual bodies and “surplus flesh,” which increases exponentially with technological development. The author seeks to understand how we have come to the point where techno-objects are humanized, given agency, while the body and life of the Other are dehumanized, deprived of any rights. The article contextualizes and re-politicizes the shifting relations between subject and object, particularly within our forensic contemporaneity.S kritično analizo statusa in razlikovanja teles in njihovih življenj avtorica širi pogled na vladnost onkraj Zahoda, da bi opredelila telo onkraj pacificiranih tehnoloških obljub o njegovi emancipaciji prek fragmentacije, izračunljivosti in programabilnosti. Z elaboracijo narave, oblasti in obljub dominantnih digitalnih tehnologij in tehnoteles jih avtorica konceptualizira v odnosu do premika med bio- in nekropolitiko, bio- in nekromočjo ter v odnosu do nasilja, (digitalne) kolonialnosti in rasizacije, ki so jim ta telesa izpostavljena. Gre za normalnost nasilja nad Drugim, tudi v povezavi s principom ločevanja virtualnih teles in »odvečnega mesa«, ki s tehnološkim razvojem eksponentno narašča. Avtorica skuša razumeti, kako smo prišli do točke, ko so tehnoobjekti počlovečeni, dobijo oblast, medtem ko sta telo in življenje Drugega dehumanizirana, prikrajšana za vse pravice. Članek kontekstualizira in repolitizira spreminjajoča se razmerja med subjektom in objektom, zlasti v naši forenzični sodobnosti

    Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Groundwater Recharge in the West Bank Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

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    Estimating groundwater recharge to aquifer systems is a very important element in assessing the water resources of the West Bank. Of particular interest is the sustainable yield of the aquifers. Previous studies have developed analytical recharge models that are based on the long-term annual rainfall data. These models have been shown to be inadequate and changes over shorter periods, e.g. monthly estimates, must be known in order to study the temporal distribution of recharge. The approach used in this research integrates data derived from satellite images (e.g. land cover, evapotranspiration, rainfall, and digital elevation model) with hydrogeological data in a Geographic Information System (GIS) model to identify and map the surface recharge areas. The Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) is applied to time series of remote sensing MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) level 3 data of reflectance and surface temperature measurements to estimate monthly evapotranspiration; precipitation is derived from the monthly data sets of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM); runoff is given assumed values of 0.75 mm month-1 and 0.4 mm month-1 for the months of January and February, respectively. Recharge is quantified from November until March by applying the water balance method where evapotranspiration estimates and runoff are subtracted from precipitation. Results show good agreement between data reported in the literature and remote sensing-based analysis. Empirical models that are based on long term rainfall measurements suggest recharge values between 800 and 836 MCM yr-1 while the remote sensing based model results estimate recharge to be 700 MCM yr-1. The Western, North-Eastern, and Eastern Aquifer Basins receive 30%, 23%, and 47% of the total calculated recharge while percentages available in the literature provide 49%, 22%, and 29%, respectively. Discrepancies are mainly due to lack of field data, the overestimation of actual evapotranspiration, and underestimation of TRMM precipitation values. The recharge map indicates that the most effective groundwater recharge zones are located in the north and west of the area that is characterised by thick and well developed soil deposits, heavy vegetation, and a sub-humid climate with the potential of significant recharge occurring during the wet season. Some areas in the east include concentration of drainage and stream flows which increase the ability of to recharge the groundwater system. The least effective areas are in the south and south-west region that is more arid with much less recharge, mainly due to its isolated thin soil deposits. A sensitivity analysis was carried out to demonstrate the impact of land cover change on groundwater and natural recharge. The assessment involved the use of land covers of 1994 and 2004 with the same fixed parameters of evapotranspiration, precipitation, drainage, slope, soil, and geology. Results show a decrease in high and intermediate high recharge areas from 40.25 km2 and 2462.25 km2 in year 1994 to 15.5 km2 and 1994 km2 in 2004, respectively. This illustrates the extent of land cover/land use change influence on recharge and calls for integrated plans and strategies to preserve recharge at least at its current rates

    A Diversity-Accuracy Measure for Homogenous Ensemble Selection

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    Several selection methods in the literature are essentially based on an evaluation function that determines whether a model M contributes positively to boost the performances of the whole ensemble. In this paper, we propose a method called DIversity and ACcuracy for Ensemble Selection (DIACES) using an evaluation function based on both diversity and accuracy. The method is applied on homogenous ensembles composed of C4.5 decision trees and based on a hill climbing strategy. This allows selecting ensembles with the best compromise between maximum diversity and minimum error rate. Comparative studies show that in most cases the proposed method generates reduced size ensembles with better performances than usual ensemble simplification methods

    A Review on Prediction of Heart Disease based on Machine Learning and Datamining Techniques

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    Heart is the important organ in human body which supplies blood to all organs of the body. The abnormal situation of heart is considered as heart disease. According to WHO data cardiovascular, respiratory and neonatal conditions are the top three causes of Deaths in the World. In the year 2019 Heart diseases occupies 16%(9 million) of overall deaths happened in World. From two decades there is 4 times increase in the deaths with heart diseases this is because of change in life style, lack of physical activity, food habits, obesity ,stress, cholesterol ,high blood pressure and diabetes.so there is a need  to work on prediction of heart diseases to save many lives because prediction is the only way to prevent the disease. In this paper we will discuss about existing algorithms and existing work done in different machine learning and datamining techniques, which are concentrated more on the classification and prediction. main objective is to evaluate the performance of these algorithms and identify the most accurate and efficient approach for diagnosing heart diseases. Some of the machine learning and data mining techniques are Artificial Neural Network(ANN),Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, SVM(Support Vector Machine),k-Nearest Neighbours (KNN),J48,SMO,Random forest and classification Tree

    Prvi nalaz bogomoljke Hierodula tenuidentata Saussure, 1869 (Mantodea: Mantidae) u Bosni i Hercegovini

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    In this paper the first record of the alien mantis species Hierodula tenuidentata for Bosnia and Herzegovina is provided. This large mantis has considerably expanded its distribution range in Europe in the last years, particularly in Balkan Peninsula. We found several adult specimens on 22nd and 23rd of August 2021 in urban area of Mostar city in the south of the country. This finding confirms the species’ establishment in the western part of Balkan Peninsula and fills the distribution gap along the eastern Adriatic Sea coast.U ovom je radu dan prvi nalaz alohtone bogomoljke Hierodula tenuidentata u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ova velika bogomoljka posljednjih je godina znatno proširila svoj areal u Europi, osobito na Balkanskom poluotoku. Veći broj odraslih primjeraka ove vrste registrirane su 22. i 23. kolovoza 2021. godine u urbanom području grada Mostara. Ovaj nalaz potvrđuje da se H. tenuidentata naselila u zapadnom dijelu Balkanskog poluotoka i nadopunjuju saznanja o njenoj rasprostranjenosti duž istočne obale Jadranskog mora

    IOT devices based improved cryptosystem for secure image sharing

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    The security and integrity of medical data have become major problems for healthcare services applications due to the considerable growth of the internet of things (IoT) in the healthcare industry. For protecting diagnostic text data in medical pictures, this study offers a hybrid security architecture. The suggested model is created by combining a proposed hybrid encryption method with either 2D-Discrete Wavelet Transform 1 Level (2D-DWT-1L) or 2D-DWT-2L steganography. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) algorithms are combined in the proposed hybrid encryption scheme. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) algorithms are combined in the proposed hybrid encryption scheme. The suggested methodology encrypts the secret data first, then uses 2D-DWT-1L or 2D-DWT-2L to conceal the result in a cover picture. To hide varying text sizes, cover pictures in both colour and grayscale are utilized. The results of the experiments demonstrate that the suggested picture steganography approach achieves a reasonable balance of resilience and invisibility, even for messages of various sizes

    Transient warming events and cryogenic

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    Background: The term &#8220;Transient Warming Events&#8221; (TWE) has been used to describe the effects of brief periods of exposure of cryopreserved cells to ambient temperature in the course of retrieving and returning outgoing samples from the same cane. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of multiple TWEs on cryogenically preserved umbilical cord blood units (UCB) at the New Jersey Community Blood Centre using established assays of cell recovery, viability, and clonogenicity. Materials and methods: The UCBs were collected and processed according to the laboratory SOPs from consenting donors. Each UCB was split into two 25 mL samples: an experimental and a control sample. Both samples were frozen using a Controlled Rate Freezer and then stored below &#8211;180°C in the vapour phase of a liquid nitrogen (LN2) freezer. The experimental samples were exposed 10 times to room temperature until the sample reached a target temperature. We tested target temperatures of &#8211;110°C and &#8211;80°C. Finally, both experiment and control samples were simultaneously thawed in a 37°C dry bath. Each sample was tested for Total Nucleated Cell (TNC) count, CD34+ cell count, cell viability, and ability to generate Colony Forming Units (CFU) in a standardized assay. Results: When UCB units were each exposed to 10 TWE to a target temperature of &#8211;110°C, analysis of cell counts showed a 1.5% loss of TNC, 3.5% loss of CD34+ cells, and 2% drop in CFU, with no loss of viability. None of the values between experimental and control was statistically significant. When UCB units were exposed to 10 TWE to a target temperature of &#8211;80°C, the differences between experimental and control samples in the TNC, CD34+ cell count and viability were also not statistically significant. The numbers of CFUs in experimental samples was decreased by 8% compared to control, and reached statistical significance. In the New Jersey Community Blood Centre, removal of a UCB from cryogenic storage takes less than a minute to execute, typical of other UCB storage centres with well planned and executed sample retrieval protocols. It would take three times as long for a 25 ml UCB to reach a target temperature of &#8211;110°C, and five times as long to reach a target temperature of &#8211;80°C. We found no significant degradation of cell function after repeated TWE to target temperatures as high as &#8211;110°C.Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrate that the TWE that UCB units experience in day-to-day sample retrieval activities are not detrimental to the samples that are returned repeatedly to cryogenic storage at the New Jersey Community Blood Centre. This should encourage other centres to conduct their own TWE studies to evaluate the effects of TWEs with each type of cryopreserved tissue and associated methods of storage and retrieval, before considering investing in highly expensive cryostorage units that are designed to minimize TWEs.Wstęp: Określenie Transient Warming Events (TWEs) oznacza krótkie okresy ekspozycji zamrożonych komórek na temperaturę otoczenia, w trakcie rutynowych czynności laboratoryjnych. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu wielokrotnych TWEs na wybrane parametry zamrożonych jednostek krwi pępowinowej (UCB) przechowywanych w New Jersey Community Blood Center (NJCBC). Wykorzystano znane metody oceny i odzysku komórek, ich żywotności i zdolności klonogennych. Materiał i metody: Jednostki UCB pobierano za zgodą dawców i poddawano preparatyce zgodnie z obowiązującymi procedurami (SOP, standard operating procedures). Każdą z nich dzielono na dwie 25-mililitrowe próbki, mrożono w urządzeniu do kontrolowanego zamrażania i przechowywano < &#8211;180°C. Próbki badane poddawano 10-krotnej ekspozycji na temperaturę pokojową, aż do uzyskania temperatur docelowych (&#8211;110°C , &#8211;80°C). Próbki kontrolne przechowywano w stałej temperaturze poniżej &#8211;180°C. Następnie próbki badane i kontrolne rozmrażano równocześnie w urządzeniu do suchego rozmrażania w temperaturze 37°C. W każdej próbce oceniano całkowitą liczbę komórek jądrzastych (TNC, total nucleated cell count), liczbę komórek CD34+, żywotność komórek oraz liczbę jednostek tworzących kolonie (CFU, colony forming units). Wyniki: W próbkach poddanych 10-krotnemu działaniu temperatury pokojowej aż do osiągnięcia docelowej temperatury &#8211;110°C stwierdzono 1,5-procentowe zmniejszenie TNC, 3,5-procentowe zmniejszenie liczby komórek CD34+ oraz 2-procentowe zmniejszenie całkowitej liczby CFU. Nie zaobserwowano strat w żywotności komórek. Różnice między próbkami badanymi a kontrolnymi w zakresie badanych parametrów nie były statystycznie istotne. Różnice pomiędzy próbkami badanymi poddanymi 10-krotnemu działaniu temperatury pokojowej, aż do osiągnięcia temperatury &#8211;80°C a próbkami kontrolnymi również nie były statystycznie istotne pod względem liczby TNC, liczby komórek CD34+ i żywotności; całkowita liczba CFU w próbkach badanych była niższa o 8%, co było statystycznie istotne. W NJCBC jednorazowa ekspozycja jednostek UCB na temperaturę pokojową nie przekracza 1 min, a uzyskanie temperatury &#8211;110°C trwa około 3,5 minuty. Wnioski: Wyniki naszych badań wykazują, że wielokrotna, kontrolowana ekspozycja zamrożonych jednostek UCB w trakcie rutynowych czynności laboratoryjnych, nie wywiera szkodliwego wpływu na jakość biologiczną preparatów. Uzyskane przez nas wyniki powinny zachęcić inne ośrodki do prowadzenia własnych badań nad wpływem TWE na jakość poszczególnych rodzajów komórek przechowywanych w stanie zamrożenia oraz stosowanych metod zamrażania i rozmrażania. Dopiero wówczas można podejmować decyzje o zakupie wysoce specjalistycznego sprzętu chłodniczego z zamiarem obniżenia liczby TW

    Pengaruh Green Word-of-Mouth, Green Awareness, dan Perceived Behavioral Control terhadap Green Purchase Intention pada Konsumen Love Beauty And Planet dengan Attitude sebagai Variabel Mediasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh green word-of-mouth, green awareness, dan perceived behavioral control terhadap green purchase intention pada konsumen Love Beauty and Planet dengan attitude sebagai variabel mediasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat di Pulau Jawa yang mengetahui atau tertarik dengan produk Love Beauty and Planet. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 284 responden yang diambil menggunakan metode probability sampling. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) diolah dengan software AMOS menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Green Word-of-Mouth berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Green Purchase Intention. (2) Green Awareness berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Green Purchase Intention. (3) Perceived Behavioral Control berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Green Purchase Intention. (4) Green Word-of-Mouth berpengaruh negatif terhadap Attitude. (5) Green Awareness berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Attitude. (6) Perceived Behavioral Control berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Attitude. (7) Attitude berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Green Purchase Intention. (8) Attitude dapat memediasi Green Word-of-Mouth terhadap Green Purchase Intention secara signifikan. (9) Attitude dapat memediasi Green Awareness terhadap Green Purchase Intention secara signifikan. (10) Attitude dapat memediasi Perceived Behavioral Control terhadap Green Purchase Intention secara signifikan

    Faire de la GRH un levier d'innovation dans une PME : le cas des Deux-Ponts

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    Human Resources Management (HRM) often appears through informal practices in small and medium enterprises (SME) which do not consider it as an integral function in their structure. HRM is not perceived as a source of value creation but rather like a burden, whereas on a strategic plan, it is likely to create a competitive advantage for these companies which would enable them to differentiate. SME are essentially focused on innovation, critical measure to survive in this harsh economic context. These companies seem to put into action a dichotomy between innovation and HRM which are indeed not incompatible on the contrary. This combination could co-exist in which HRM would be a lever of innovation in a Grenoble SME.La gestion des ressources humaines (GRH) se traduit souvent par des pratiques informelles dans les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) qui n’en font pas une fonction à part entière dans leur structure. Elle n’est pas considérée comme une source de création de valeur mais plutôt comme une charge bien que sur le plan stratégique, elle est susceptible de créer un avantage concurrentiel pour ces entreprises qui leur permettrait de se différencier. Les PME sont davantage focalisées sur l’innovation qui leur apparaît être primordiale pour survivre dans ce contexte économique défavorable. Elles semblent observer une dichotomie entre l’innovation et la GRH qui ne sont pourtant pas incompatibles bien au contraire, ce duo pourrait faire bon ménage dans ces entreprises où la GRH jouerait le rôle de levier d’innovation au sein d’une PME grenobloise

    Evaluasi Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah Medis Padat di UPT Puskesmas Teluk Lingga Kabupaten Kutai Timur

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    Puskesmas merupakan salah satu fasilitas kesehatan yang menghasilkan sampah medis padat. Permasalahan akan muncul jika limbah medis tersebut tidak diolah sesuai standar kesehatan seperti munculnya penyakit kulit dan terjadinya pencemaran lingkungan sekitar fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan. Pengelolaan sampah medis padat yang berasal dari puskesmas harus sesuai dengan peraturan menteri kesehatan nomor 18 tahun 2020. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi sistem pengelolaan sampah medis padat di UPT Puskesmas Teluk Lingga Kabupaten Kutai Timur. Metode penelitian ini yaitu penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  proses pemilihan, pewadahan, pengangkutan, penyimpanan sementara, dan pengolahan eksternal telah memenuhi standar sesuai Peraturan menteri kesehatan No. 18 Tahun 2020 dan Peraturan rmenteri lingkungan hidup dan kehutanan No 56 Tahun 2015. Adapun untuk tahapan pengolahan internal masih perlu untuk dimaksimalkan agar dapat memenuhi standar. Dalam meningkatkan pengolahan internal secara insenerasi dan non insenerasi maka Puskesmas Teluk Lingga perlu memaksimalkan pengadaan peralatan pengolahan sampah medis