11 research outputs found

    Strengthening engineering ecosystems in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    The consortium identified a systemic problem in line with the World Bank and IDRC sources that point to the lack of targeted industry training and research application for students in engineering. The consortium used a scheme that involved the piloting of applied engineering research projects in the following disciplines: ICT, Sanitation (Environment and Waste Management) and Water. A total of 31 student-led pilot projects were piloted, targeting solving critical developmental challenges like improving access to affordable sanitation, water supply, and energy saving while striving for gender equality (United Nations Sustainable Development Goal # 5). It has been found that the current curriculum can be enhanced if students in their final year are encouraged to work in multi-disciplinary groups partnered with the private sector with the aim of addressing specific problems in these institutions

    Perspective Chapter: Validation of SMOS Satellite Soil Moisture Estimates Using Capacitance Probes over the Different Ecological Zones in Northern Ghana

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    Researchers assessed the performance of L2 satellite soil moisture estimates from the European Space Agency’s SMOS satellite using in-situ data from capacitance SM probes. The in-situ measurements are from monitoring stations (at 10, 20, 30 cm depth) at two sites, Yendi and Jirapa in the Northern part of Ghana, West Africa. They are in two different sub-ecological zones of the Savanna in the North of Ghana. These sub-ecological zones are Western Sudan Savanna (Jirapa) and Open Guinea Savanna (Yendi). The correlation between SMOS SM estimates and the in-situ measurements was observed to improve with depth. In addition, the 10 cm depths capacitance probe SM measurements were observed to agree relatively better with the SMOS SM estimates. The L2 SMOS SM estimates performed much better in the dry season compared to the rainfall season for both ascending and descending orbital estimates. The 10 cm depth SM measurements recorded the best RMSE in both the dry and rainfall seasons. The descending dry season RMSE for the two sites ranging between 0.045 and 0.058 m3/m3 was relatively close to the SMOS expected accuracy. However, the RMSE and MBE were observed to deteriorate with depth

    Assessing climate model accuracy and future climate change in Ghana's Savannah regions

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    This study aimed to compare the performance of six regional climate models (RCMs) in simulating observed and projecting future climate in the Savannah zone of Ghana, in order to find suitable methods to improve the accuracy of climate models in the region. The study found that the accuracy of both individual RCMs and their ensemble mean improved with bias correction, but the performance of individual RCMs was dependent on location. The projected change in annual precipitation indicated a general decline in rainfall with variations based on the RCM and location. Projections under representative concentration pathway (RCP) 8.5 were larger than those under RCP 4.5. The mean temperature changes recorded were 1 °C for the 2020s for both RCPs, 1–4 °C for the 2050s under both RCPs, and 1– 4 °C under RCP 4.5, and from 2 to 8 °C for the 2080s. These findings will aid farmers and governments in the West African subregion in making informed decisions and planning cost-effective climate adaptation strategies to reduce the impact of climate change on the ecosystem. The study highlights the importance of accurate climate projections to reduce vulnerability to climate change and the need to improve climate models in projecting climate in the West African subregion

    The Accuracy and Perception of Test-Based Management of Malaria at Private Licensed Chemical Shops in the Middle Belt of Ghana.

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    The sale of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) by private licensed chemical shops (LCS) without testing is contrary to current policy recommendations. This study assessed the accuracy and perception of test-based management of malaria using malaria rapid diagnostic test (mRDT) kits at private LCS in two predominantly rural areas in the middle part of Ghana. Clients presenting at LCS with fever or other signs and symptoms suspected to be malaria in the absence of signs of severe malaria were tested with mRDT by trained attendants and treated based on the national malaria treatment guidelines. Using structured questionnaires, exit interviews were conducted within 48 hours and a follow-up interview on day 7 (±3 days). Focus group discussions and in-depth interviews were also conducted to assess stakeholders' perception on the use of mRDT at LCS. About 79.0% (N = 1,797) of clients reported with a fever. Sixty-six percent (947/1,426) of febrile clients had a positive mRDT result. Eighty-six percent (815/947) of clients with uncomplicated malaria were treated with the recommended ACT. About 97.8% (790/808) of clients with uncomplicated malaria treated with ACT were reported to be well by day 7. However, referral for those with negative mRDT results was very low (4.1%, 27/662). A high proportion of clients with a positive mRDT result received the recommended malaria treatment. Test-based management of malaria by LCS attendants was found to be feasible and acceptable by the community members and other stakeholders. Successful implementation will however require effective referral, supervision and quality control systems

    Designing River Diversion Constructed Wetland for Water Quality Improvement

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    Constructed wetlands are recognized as viable potential technology for reducing pollution load and improving quality of water and wastewater. The use of river diversion wetlands is gaining place for improving quality of river and stream water. However, the design criterion for this category of wetlands has not been fully established, and there is a need to optimize existing approach to enhance operational performance. This chapter presents a step-by-step approach for the design of a typical river diversion constructed wetland intended to remove some pollutants and improve river water quality. The approach focused mainly on water quality objective and outlined simple criteria, guidelines, and model equations for the design procedure of a new river diversion constructed wetland. The design of constructed wetlands is generally an iterative process based on empirical equations. Thus, this approach combines simple equations and procedure for estimating the amount of river water to be diverted for treatment so as to assist the designer in sizing the wetland system. The novel approach presented may be useful to wetland experts as some of the procedures presented are not popular in wetland studies. However, this may improve existing river diversion wetlands’ design and development

    Predicting the impact of climate change and the hydrological response within the Gurara reservoir catchment, Nigeria

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    The 2150 km2 transboundary Gurara Reservoir Catchment in Nigeria was modelled using the Water Evaluation and Planning tool to assess the hydro-climatic variability resulting from climate change and human-induced activities from 1989 to 2019 and projected to the future till 2050. Specifically, the model simulated the historic data set and predicted the future runoff. The initial results revealed that monthly calibration/validation of the model yielded acceptable results with Nash–Sutcliff efficiency (NSE), percent bias (PBIAS), and coefficient of determination (R2) values of 0.72/0.69, 0.72/0.67 and 4.0%/1.0% respectively. Uncertainty was moderately adequate as the model enveloped about 70% of the observed runoff. Future predicted runoffs were modelled for climate ensembles under three different representative concentration pathways (RCP4.5, RCP6.5 and RCP8.5). The RCP projections for all the climate change scenarios showed increasing runoff trends. The model proved efficient in determining the hydrological response of the catchment to potential impacts from climate change and human-induced activities. The model has the potential to be used for further analysis to aid effective water resources planning and management at catchment scale

    Implications of Land Use/Land Cover Changes and Climate Change on Black Volta Basin Future Water Resources in Ghana

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    The Black Volta River basin faces several challenges, which impede the sustainability of its water resources and biodiversity. Climate change coupled with land use/land cover (LULC) change patterns account for most of the observed hydrological changes in the basin. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of changes in the climate and LULC on water resources in the basin, and its effect on the livelihoods of downstream users, particularly regarding water allocations. The water evaluation and planning (WEAP) model was applied to the assessment of runoff and streamflow and the percentage future water demand under climate change scenarios (RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5), as well as the effects of current and future changes on water supply systems. LULC data from 1990 to 2019 were processed to detect the changes in LULC patterns in the basin. The results showed that from 1990 and 2019, the land use classes of settlements/bare ground, open savannah woodland, croplands, and waterbodies increased by 339.5%, 77.4%, 24.4%, and 607%, respectively. Close savannah woodlands, wetlands, and grasslands all decreased by 97%, 99.8%, and 21.2%, respectively. Overall, there was a significant difference in LULC changes. Hence, measures needed to be put in place to curb the changes, as the observed changes posed a serious challenge to the basin’s water resources. The results from the WEAP simulations also indicated that in the future, changes in discharge would be visible in September with ranges between 0.72 × 106 m3 and 1.9 × 106 m3 for RCP 2.6, and 0.65 × 106 m3 and 2.5 × 106 m3 for RCP 8.5, per month. Although the median values illustrate an increase in water availability from river discharge compared with the reference scenario, the uncertainties in future changes largely exceeded the predicted increases. Annual variability of the mean annual flows is projected to decrease over the period in the Black Volta Basin. Therefore, the outcomes of this study will be useful for different stakeholders within the basin in water resources planning and the formulation of appropriate policies for improving land use planning

    Implications of Land Use/Land Cover Changes and Climate Change on Black Volta Basin Future Water Resources in Ghana

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    The Black Volta River basin faces several challenges, which impede the sustainability of its water resources and biodiversity. Climate change coupled with land use/land cover (LULC) change patterns account for most of the observed hydrological changes in the basin. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of changes in the climate and LULC on water resources in the basin, and its effect on the livelihoods of downstream users, particularly regarding water allocations. The water evaluation and planning (WEAP) model was applied to the assessment of runoff and streamflow and the percentage future water demand under climate change scenarios (RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5), as well as the effects of current and future changes on water supply systems. LULC data from 1990 to 2019 were processed to detect the changes in LULC patterns in the basin. The results showed that from 1990 and 2019, the land use classes of settlements/bare ground, open savannah woodland, croplands, and waterbodies increased by 339.5%, 77.4%, 24.4%, and 607%, respectively. Close savannah woodlands, wetlands, and grasslands all decreased by 97%, 99.8%, and 21.2%, respectively. Overall, there was a significant difference in LULC changes. Hence, measures needed to be put in place to curb the changes, as the observed changes posed a serious challenge to the basin’s water resources. The results from the WEAP simulations also indicated that in the future, changes in discharge would be visible in September with ranges between 0.72 × 106 m3 and 1.9 × 106 m3 for RCP 2.6, and 0.65 × 106 m3 and 2.5 × 106 m3 for RCP 8.5, per month. Although the median values illustrate an increase in water availability from river discharge compared with the reference scenario, the uncertainties in future changes largely exceeded the predicted increases. Annual variability of the mean annual flows is projected to decrease over the period in the Black Volta Basin. Therefore, the outcomes of this study will be useful for different stakeholders within the basin in water resources planning and the formulation of appropriate policies for improving land use planning

    Indicators for Sanitation Quality in Low-Income Urban Settlements: Evidence from Kenya, Ghana, and Bangladesh

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    In recent years, shared facilities have contributed substantially to increased access to sanitation in urban areas. While shared sanitation is often the only viable option in densely-populated, low-income urban areas, it is currently considered a “limited" solution by the international community. In this paper, we analyze the conditions under which shared sanitation could be considered of adequate quality and propose a set of indicators associated with sanitation quality to be included in national household surveys. We conducted a survey with 3600 households and 2026 observational spot-checks of shared and individual household toilets in Kisumu (Kenya), Kumasi (Ghana), and Dhaka (Bangladesh). We develop a composite sanitation quality outcome measure based on observational data. Using regression analysis, we identify self-reported indicators that correlate with the spot-checked composite measure and are, therefore, robust with regard to reporting bias. Results show that (pour-) flush toilets are a highly informative indicator for sanitation quality compared to other toilet technologies. In contrast to previous arguments and depending on the context, sharing a toilet has a comparatively lower correlation with sanitation quality. Toilets still show good quality if shared among only 2–3 households. Toilet location and lighting, as well as the presence of a lockable door, are equally strong indicators for sanitation quality and could serve as alternative indicators. The findings suggest that the sanitation service levels defined by the WHO and UNICEF might be reconsidered to better capture the quality of sanitation facilities in low-income urban settlements.ISSN:0303-8300ISSN:1573-092

    Implementation outcomes and strategies for delivering evidence-based hypertension interventions in lower-middle-income countries: Evidence from a multi-country consortium for hypertension control.

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    Guidance on contextually tailored implementation strategies for the prevention, treatment, and control of hypertension is limited in lower-middle income countries (Lower-MIC). To address this limitation, we compiled implementation strategies and accompanying outcomes of evidence-based hypertension interventions currently being implemented in five Lower-MIC. The Global Research on Implementation and Translation Science (GRIT) Coordinating Center (CC) (GRIT-CC) engaged its global network sites at Ghana, Guatemala, India, Kenya, and Vietnam. Purposively sampled implementation science experts completed an electronic survey assessing implementation outcomes, in addition to implementation strategies used in their ongoing hypertension interventions from among 73 strategies within the Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC). Experts rated the strategies based on highest priority to their interventions. We analyzed the data by sorting implementation strategies utilized by sites into one of the nine domains in ERIC and summarized the data using frequencies, proportions, and means. Seventeen implementation experts (52.9% men) participated in the exercise. Of Proctor's implementation outcomes identified across sites, all outcomes except for appropriateness were broadly assessed by three or more countries. Overall, 59 out of 73 (81%) strategies were being utilized in the five countries. The highest priority implementation strategies utilized across all five countries focused on evaluative and iterative strategies (e.g., identification of context specific barriers and facilitators) to delivery of patient- and community-level interventions, while the lowest priority was use of financial and infrastructure change strategies. More capacity building strategies (developing stakeholder interrelationships, training and educating stakeholders, and supporting clinicians) were incorporated into interventions implemented in India and Vietnam than Ghana, Kenya, and Guatemala. Although robust implementation strategies are being used in Lower -MICs, there is minimum use of financial and infrastructure change strategies. Our study contributes to the growing literature that demonstrates the use of Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC) implementation strategies to deliver evidence-based hypertension interventions in Lower-MICs and will inform future cross-country data harmonization activities in resource-constrained settings