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    Balita merupakan salah satu aset bangsa yang tidak ternilai, sehingga harus mendapat perhatian khususnya pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya. Namun demikian, kondisi balita di Indonesia pada umumnya dan dibeberapa daerah, kasus gizi kurang maupun gizi buruk masih menunjukkan angka yang memprihatinkan. Penggunaan media pada penyuluhan kesehatan akan membantu memperjelas informasi yang disampaikan, karena dapat lebih menarik, lebih interaktif, dapat mengatasi batasan ruang, waktu, dan indra manusia. Maka perlu untuk memberi intervensi melalui edukasi dengan menggunakan media video untuk meningkatkan keterampilan kader dalam penimbangan balita. Metode. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian Quasi Eksperimental, yaitu menggunakan kelompok perlakuan (eksperimen) dan adanya kelompok pembanding (kontrol). Variabel independent pada penelitian ini yaitu edukasi tentang Penimbangan Balita dengan media video dan variable dependent pada penelitian ini yaitu tingkat keterampilan kader. Dianalisis dengan Analisa statistic menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil. Berdasarkan output “Test Statistics†dikatakan bahwa nilai Asymp.Sig.(2-tailend) sebesar (0.033) dimana 0.033 < 0.05 . Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa “Hipotesis diterimaâ€, dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa ada perbedaan hasil antara kelompok perlakuan dengan kelompok kontrol. Karena ada perbedaan yang signifikan maka dapat dikatakan bahwa “ada pengaruh Penggunaan Media Video Terhadap Keterampilan Kader Dalam Penimbangan Balita.Â

    Evaluasi program pemberian MP-ASI bubuk instan dan biskuit di Kota Mataram, Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Lombok Timur dan Bengkulu Utara tahun 2007

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    Background: Increasing number of poor families leads to higher prevalence of malnourishment and malnutrition. The prevalence of malnutrition in children under five based on weight/age at the Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat and Bengkulu 2005 was above the national target. An effort made by the government to minimize the prevalence of malnourishment/ malnutrition is through the distribution of individual complementary breastfeeding for infants and children of 6-24 months old from poor families. The program had been implemented since 2003-2005 and there were problems of its implementation. In 2007 the program was re-implemented through the program of instant powder and biscuit complementary breastfeeding distribution but its achievement has never been evaluated.Objective: To evaluate the achievement of instant powder and biscuit complementary breastfeeding program at Mataram Municipality, District of Lombok Barat, Lombok Timur, and Bengkulu Utara 2007.Method: The study was observational with pre and posttest design using descriptive, analytical, quantitative, qualitative, and explorative approaches. Subjects were managers of complementary breastfeeding program at provincial, district/ municipal level, health centers, villages/integrated service post and program target. Variables of input, process, output and outcome were obtained through observation, filling in questionnaires, indepth interview, and secondary data recording. Data were analyzed descriptively, analytically, and qualitatively.Result: In the aspect of input, only human resources that was quantitavely adequate, and so were technical guideline at Lombok Timur, Complementary breastfeeding packages relevant with the quantity proposed at Bengkulu Utara. Budget for socialization and program guidebook at Bengkulu Utara were not available. Distribution method was relevant with the guidebook. In the aspect of process, planning was irrelevant with the guidebook; storage was 43.8% relevant with the requirement; distribution was 31.3% relevant with the schedule, quantity and types; monitoring was relevant with the schedule of integrated service post. In the aspect of output, the program was 78.8% relevant with target; 32.5% relevant with quantity; 95.6% could improve weight gain (p < 0.05). In the aspect of outcome: the program could overcome and prevent the prevalence of malnutrition, malnourishment and sustain good nutrition status as much as 55.6% and the result of Z-score statistical test was p < 0.05.Conclusion: Achievement of instant powder and biscuit complementary breastfeeding program in aspect of input was average at three districts/municipality and good at District of Lombok Timur and poor at District of Bengkulu Utara; in aspect of output was poor at three districts/municipality and average at District of Bengkulu Utara; in aspect of outcome was poor at all districts/municipality. There was difference in average weight target before and after the supply of complementary breastfeeding. There was difference in average Z score target before and after the supply of complementary breastfeeding

    Pemberdayaan Kader Remaja Melalui Komunitas Milenial Sadar Kesehatan dalam Upaya Implementasi Keluarga Sehat Bebas Stunting di Desa Jatisela Kecamatan Gunungsari Kabupaten Lombok Barat

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    ABSTRAK Stunting masih menjadi masalah di Indonesia, termasuk dalam triple burden dengan masalah wasting dan obesitas. Pemberdayaan masyarakat sebagai bentuk intervensi secara tidak langsung dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan perubahan perilaku. Kecamatan Gunungsari merupakan daerah lokus untuk penanganan stunting di wilayah Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Perlu berbagai upaya untuk mengatasi masalah stunting dengan edukasi gizi untuk pemberdayaan remaja untuk dapat menjadi kader milenial, sehingga dapat menjadi agen perubahan di lingkungan setempat. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan di Desa Jatisela Kabupaten Lombok Barat pada bulan Juli 2023. Kegiatan terdiri dari pelatihan antropometri dan pemberian edukasi gizi seimbang. Peserta kegiatan ini adalah remaja yang berusia 15-18 tahun yang mewakili semua dusun di wilayah Desa jatisela. Edukasi gizi Mengenai materi gizi remaja, ibu hamil dan gizi ibu menyusui dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan kader remaja dari 51% dan menjadi 79%. Hasil penilaian keterampilan Menggunakan alat ukur tinggi badan, panjang badan dan pengukuran berat badan menjadi terampil menggunakan alat untuk semua peserta. Rekomendasi kegiatan tindak lanjut adalah memberikan kesempatan kepada para peserta untuk ikut dalam proses pemberian edukasi dan pengukuran antropometri kepada para kader remaja milenial dengan tujuan untuk screening atau penapisan dini terhadap kejadian stunting. Kata Kunci: Antropometri, Edukasi Gizi, Remaja, Pemberdayaan  ABSTRACT Stunting is still a problem in Indonesia, including the triple burden of wasting and obesity. Community empowerment as a form of intervention can indirectly increase understanding and change behavior. Gunungsari District is the locus area for handling stunting in the West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. Various efforts are needed to overcome the stunting problem with nutritional education to empower teenagers to become millennial cadres, so that they can become agents of change in the local environment. This community service activity was carried out in Jatisela Village, West Lombok Regency in July 2023. The activity consisted of anthropometry training and providing balanced nutrition education. Participants in this activity are teenagers aged 15-18 years who represent all hamlets in the Jatisela Village area. Nutrition education regarding adolescent nutrition, pregnant mothers and breastfeeding mothers' nutrition can increase knowledge of adolescent cadres from 51% to 79%. The results of the skill assessment using height, body length and weight measurement tools have become skilled in using tools for all participants. The recommendation for follow-up activities is to provide opportunities for participants to take part in the process of providing education and anthropometric measurements to millennial youth cadres with the aim of screening or early screening for stunting incidents.s. Keywords: Anthropometry, Nutrition Education, Teenager, Empowermen

    Early Marriage as a Risk Factor for Anemia and Low Birth Weight During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Early marriage has a risk impact on the fetus and pregnant women. This triggers anemia and chronic lack of energy in the mother and has an impact on the growth of the fetus and children born with low birth weight. Law Number 16 of 2019 stipulates a basic age of 19 years for marriage for both men and women. This study is a community based cross-sectional study conducted in April 2022. Random sampling was used to select 117 samples. Data on the baby's weight, anemia, and mother's arm circumference were obtained from the 2019-2021 Health Center cohort data. Socio-demographics were collected using a structured questionnaire. Babies born to mothers aged 19 years and under were used as research subjects. The results confirm that the covid 19 pandemic, place of residence, education level, and work status are related to the incidence of early marriage in women. Education level has a significant impact on changes in birth weight in mothers who early marriage during the Covid-19 with p-value&lt;0,05. There was no significant relationship found that women who were married at the age of 19 and under had a risk of suffering from anemia, chronic lack of energy and low birth weight with p-value&gt;0,05. Education level has a significant impact on changes in birth weight in mothers who early marriage during the Covid-19. The use of other samples as controls may be needed at the time of further research so that the results obtained become a comparison of intervention cases