27 research outputs found

    Anesthesia for Intraocular Surgery in Rabbits

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    The purpose of the study was to assess a ketamine/xylazine combination along with retrobulbar block using  4% lignocaine HCl for performing intraocular surgery in rabbits. To do so ten healthy adult New Zealand  White rabbits aged 1.5-2 years of either sex weighing 2-3 kgs were selected for unilateral cataract extraction  by phacoemulsification . Xylazine HCl was used as preanesthetic at a dose rate of 5 mg/kg, i.m., followed  by Ketamine HCl at a dose rate of 35mg/kg, i.m. A retro bulbar block was performed with 4% lignocaine  HCL. The anesthetic depth was judged by ear pinching reflex. The time for onset and duration of anesthesia  was found to be 7±0.5 minutes and 35.5±1.2 minutes respectively. A central eyeball fixation following  retro bulbar block was obtained in all the cases. The mean values recorded before induction of anesthesia  and during anesthesia of rectal temperature (38.090C±0.2 vs. 37.290C±0.2), heart rate in beats per minute  (276±1.2 vs.272±1.1), arterial blood pH (7.35±0.02 vs. 7.32±0.02), bicarbonate (16.2±1.2 vs. 20.3±1.8),  PaCo2 (26.09±2.3 vs. 27.52±2.3) and PaO2 (84.79±1.9 vs. 80.39±1.1) did not vary significantly (P>0.05).  Recovery was smooth and complete in 32.5±2.8 minutes. Conclusion: the anesthetic regimen provides adequate condition for conducting intraocular surgery in rabbits.

    Non-mulberry Silk Fibroin Biomaterial for Corneal Regeneration

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    Successful repair of a damaged corneal surface is a great challenge and may require the use of a scaffold that supports cell growth and differentiation. Amniotic membrane is currently used for this purpose, in spite of its limitations. A thin transparent silk fibroin film from non-mulberry Antheraea mylitta (Am) has been developed which offers to be a promising alternative. The silk scaffolds provide sufficient rigidity for easy handling, the scaffolds support the sprouting, migration, attachment and growth of epithelial cells and keratocytes from rat corneal explants; the cells form a cell sheet, preserve their phenotypes, express cytokeratin3 and vimentin respectively. The films also support growth of limbal stem cell evidenced by expression of ABCG2. The cell growth on the silk film and the amniotic membrane is comparable. The implanted film within the rabbit cornea remains transparent, stable. The clinical examination as well as histology shows absence of any inflammatory response or neovascularization. The corneal surface integrity is maintained; tear formation, intraocular pressure and electroretinography of implanted eyes show no adverse changes. The silk fibroin film from nonmulberry silk worms may be a worthy candidate for use as a corneal scaffold

    Estimating the burden of malaria in pregnancy: a case study from rural Madhya Pradesh, India

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria in pregnancy (MiP) is inadequately researched in India, and the burden is probably much higher than current estimates suggest. This paper models the burden of MiP and associated foetal losses and maternal deaths, in rural Madhya Pradesh, India. METHODS: Number of pregnancies per year was estimated from the number of births and an estimate of pregnancies that end in foetal loss. The prevalence of MiP, risk of foetal loss attributable to MiP and case fatality rate of MiP were obtained from the literature. The estimated total number of pregnancies was multiplied by the appropriate parameter to estimate the number of MiP cases, and foetal loss and maternal deaths attributable to MiP per year. A Monte Carlo simulation sensitivity analysis was done to assess plausibility of various estimates obtained from the literature. The burden of MiP in tribal women was explored by incorporating the variable prevalence of malaria in tribal and non-tribal populations and in forested and non-forested regions within Madhya Pradesh. RESULTS: Estimates of MiP cases in rural Madhya Pradesh based on the model parameter values found in the literature ranged from 183,000-1.5 million per year, with 73,000-629,000 lost foetuses and 1,500-12,600 maternal deaths attributable to MiP. The Monte Carlo simulation gave a more plausible estimate of 220,000 MiP cases per year (inter-quartile range (IQR): 136,000-305,000), 95,800 lost foetuses (IQR: 56,800-147,600) and 1,000 maternal deaths (IQR: 650-1,600). Tribal women living in forested areas bore 30% of the burden of MiP in Madhya Pradesh, while constituting 18% of the population. CONCLUSION: Although the estimates are uncertain, they suggest MiP is a significant public health problem in rural Madhya Pradesh, affecting many thousands of women and that reducing the MiP burden should be a priority

    Pirfenidone nanoparticles improve corneal wound healing and prevent scarring following alkali burn.

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    To evaluate the effects of pirfenidone nanoparticles on corneal re-epithelialization and scarring, major clinical challenges after alkali burn.Effect of pirfenidone on collagen I and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) synthesis by TGFβ induced primary corneal fibroblast cells was evaluated by immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry. Pirfenidone loaded poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles were prepared, characterized and their cellular entry was examined in primary corneal fibroblast cells by fluorescence microscopy. Alkali burn was induced in one eye of Sprague Dawley rats followed by daily topical treatment with free pirfenidone, pirfenidone nanoparticles or vehicle. Corneal re-epithelialization was assessed daily by flourescein dye test; absence of stained area indicated complete re-epithelialization and the time for complete re-epithelialization was determined. Corneal haze was assessed daily for 7 days under slit lamp microscope and graded using a standard method. After 7 days, collagen I deposition in the superficial layer of cornea was examined by immunohistochemistry.Pirfenidone prevented (P<0.05) increase in TGF β induced collagen I and α-SMA synthesis by corneal fibroblasts in a dose dependent manner. Pirfenidone could be loaded successfully within PLGA nanoparticles, which entered the corneal fibroblasts within 5 minutes. Pirfenidone nanoparticles but not free pirfenidone significantly (P<0.05) reduced collagen I level, corneal haze and the time for corneal re-epithelialization following alkali burn.Pirfenidone decreases collagen synthesis and prevents myofibroblast formation. Pirfenidone nanoparticles improve corneal wound healing and prevent fibrosis. Pirfenidone nanoparticles are of potential value in treating corneal chemical burns and other corneal fibrotic diseases

    Molecular characterization of Echinococcus granulosus of Indian animal isolates on the basis of nuclear and mitochondrial genotype

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    Sixty-six isolates of larval stage of Echinococcus granulosus, a known pathogenic parasite of man and animals were collected from cattle, buffalo, sheep, and goats. Single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) for analysis of variation after denaturation of amplicon of intron of actin II (ACTII) revealed six SSCP phenotypes. Intron portion was analyzed considering introns-early and introns-late theories. Isolates belonging to different conformers were further screened for mitochondrial ATPase subunit 6 (ATP6) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit II (nadII) genotypes. Assignment of each isolate to its specific strain was achieved after comparing with standard genotypes of E. granulosus. Variants deduced by nuclear targets did not match with mitochondrial haplotypes. A possible explanation for this observation can be attributed toward interspecific hybridization since cross-fertilization occurs less frequently in hermaphrodite organisms. A phylogenetic tree drawn on the basis of predicted aminoacid sequence of ATP6 and nadII revealed two distinct clusters i.e. E. granulosus sensu stricto and E. ortleppi/ cattle strain (EG5). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of genetic characterization of two distinct ATP6 and nadII genotypes of zoonotic importance living in sympatry

    Excess of Glucocorticoid Induces Cardiac Dysfunction via Activating Angiotensin II Pathway

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    Background: Glucocorticoid is widely used as an anti-inflammatory drug in various diseases however excess of it often causes cardiovascular complications. The present study was undertaken to understand the molecular mechanism of glucocorticoid-induced cardiac dysfunction. Methods: Rats were treated daily with synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone with or without mifepristone or losartan up to 15 days. Hemodynamic parameters were measured by PV-loop method using Millar’s instrument. Cardiac remodelling, fibrosis and oxidative stress were monitored after 15 days. Results: The systolic blood pressure was increased whereas the heart beat and cardiac output (n=6) were decreased by dexamethasone. Dexamethasone caused increase in the heart weight to body weight ratio (P<0.001, n=20), increased level of mRNA of atrial natriuretic peptide and an increased deposition of collagens in the extracellular matrix of the left ventricle which were inhibited by both mifepristone and losartan. The rate of oxygen consumption was decreased in association with increased levels of hypoxia inducible factor

    Analysis of differentially expressed genes in hyperthyroid-induced hypertrophied heart by cDNA microarray

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    Experiments were carried out to identify the altered genes in hyperthyroid rat heart and their influence on the functions of cardiac myocytes. Chronic treatment of rats with 3,5,3_ triiodo-Ç¿-thyronine (T3) resulted in a prominent increase in the size of the left ventricle with increased wall thickness and reduced chamber volume leading to concentric cardiac hypertrophy. The heart weight to body weight ratio (HW/BW) in hyperthyroid rats was increased by about 58% over that of normal rats. Using cDNA microarray comprising 588 genes, we compared the differences in mRNA expression of hyperthyroid and normal rat heart. Based on a threshold of greater than 10% change, about 37 genes were found to be regulated by T3. Further analyses by Western blotting, Northern blotting and real-time quantitative RT-PCR of some of the genes confirmed the microarray results. The T3-altered genes encode various types of proteins related to metabolism, matrix and cytoskeletal structures, growth factors, transcription factors, Ca2+-channels etc. The physiological significance of one of these altered proteins in hyperthyroid heart, insulin-responsive glucose transporter (GLUT) type 4 (GLUT4), was studied in detail. The expression of GLUT4 was drastically reduced in the ventricular tissues of hyperthyroid heart. Insulin-induced glucose uptake in hyperthyroid cardiomyocytes was reduced significantly, indicating the impaired glucose transport in cardiac cells. Interestingly, a few genes such as GLUT4, cytochrome P450 isoforms, superoxide dismutase (SOD), collagens, matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases etc. which had not been reported earlier were found to be altered in hyperthyroid heart. Our results show some new aspects of hyperthyroid heart which will be important in assessing the pathophysiology of hypertrophied cardiomyocytes

    Molecular characterization of Echinococcus granulosus of Indian animal isolates on the basis of nuclear and mitochondrial genotype

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    clusters i.e. E. granulosus sensu stricto and E. ortleppi/ cattle strain (EG5). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of genetic characterization of two distinct ATP6 and nadII genotypes of zoonotic importance living in sympatr