16 research outputs found

    Comparison of Gamma Irradiated and Raw Lignite in Bioliquefaction Process by Fungus T5

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    The bioliquefaction of coal is a processing technology for converting solid coal to liquid oil at ambient temperature by helping microorganism. The pretreated of lignite is important to decrease the hydrofobic of lignite surface. One of pretreated method was irradiation by gamma rays. Aim of this research was to compare the gamma irradiated lignite and raw lignite in bioliquefaction process by selected fungus T5. The fungus was identified by molecular method using 18S rDNA. Treatments were A (MSS + gamma irradiated lignite 5% + T5) and B (MSS + raw lignite 5% + T5) and culture type was sub-merged. The parameters observed were colonization, bacterial and fungal enumeration, identify of dominant bacteria using 16S rDNA and characterization of bioliquefaction product by UV-Vis spectroscopy dan gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GCMS). The results showed that fungus T5 belongs to Ascomycota, Trichoderma asperellum. Fungus has the ability to growth and liquefy gamma irradiated and raw lignite. Bacteria were detected in raw lignite treatment and dominant bacteria were identified as Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus thuringensis. UV-Vis analysis showed that boliquefaction product mainly contained naphtacene, naphthalene, and anthracene for gamma irradiated lignite, but anthracene and benzene for raw lignite. For GCMS analysis, 22 and 38 compounds were identified for gamma irradiated and raw lignite. Both treatment had different number of hydrocarbon, i.e. C6 – C35 (A) and C10 – C35 (B) and dominated by aromatic acids, aliphatic and phenylethers. Percent area of gasoline (C7 – C11) and diesel (C10 – C24) fractions on the treatment B was 7.23% and 62.35%, while in treatment A was 7.22% and 44.27%. Based on the results, pretreated of lignite by gamma irradiation could be increased the bioliquefaction product.Received: 5 December 2011; Revised: 21 May 2012; Accepted: 11 June 201

    Strategi Pengembangan Usahatani Kopi Arabika (Kasus pada Petani Kopi di Desa Suntenjaya Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Provinsi Jawa Barat)

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    Coffee is an important export commodity for Indonesia, which is able to contribute a sizeable foreign exchange. West Bandung Regency is a regency in West Java province which have significant potential for the development of Arabica coffee commodity. Suntenjaya village, Lembang district is one of the Arabica coffee-producing areas in West Bandung regency. However, there are some obstacles in the development of arabica coffee farming including land resources utilization, harvest and post-harvest, quality and institutional aspects. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate business development strategies that can be applied arabica coffee farmers. Data and information needed were primary data and secondary data. Data were analyzed using SWOT analysis and QSPM. The study concluded that in order to help farmers in developing a business, there are several strategies a priority that can be conducted, that is develop the processing of product, improve technical skills of farming to increase product quality, empowerment of farmer to further improve the business, increasing access to capital, optimize of farming business land, optimizing production capacity and maintain marketing network

    Comparison of Gamma Irradiated and Raw Lignite in Bioliquefaction Process by Fungus T5

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    The bioliquefaction of coal is a processing technology for converting solid coal to liquid oil at ambient temperature by helping microorganism. The pretreated of lignite is important to decrease the hydrofobic of lignite surface. One of pretreated method was irradiation by gamma rays. Aim of this research was to compare the gamma irradiated lignite and raw lignite in bioliquefaction process by selected fungus T5. The fungus was identified by molecular method using 18S rDNA. Treatments were A (MSS + gamma irradiated lignite 5% + T5) and B (MSS + raw lignite 5% + T5) and culture type was sub-merged. The parameters observed were colonization, bacterial and fungal enumeration, identify of dominant bacteria using 16S rDNA and characterization of bioliquefaction product by UV-Vis spectroscopy dan gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GCMS). The results showed that fungus T5 belongs to Ascomycota, Trichoderma asperellum. Fungus has the ability to growth and liquefy gamma irradiated and raw lignite. Bacteria were detected in raw lignite treatment and dominant bacteria were identified as Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus thuringensis. UV-Vis analysis showed that boliquefaction product mainly contained naphtacene, naphthalene, and anthracene for gamma irradiated lignite, but anthracene and benzene for raw lignite. For GCMS analysis, 22 and 38 compounds were identified for gamma irradiated and raw lignite. Both treatment had different number of hydrocarbon, i.e. C6 – C35 (A) and C10 – C35 (B) and dominated by aromatic acids, aliphatic and phenylethers. Percent area of gasoline (C7 – C11) and diesel (C10 – C24) fractions on the treatment B was 7.23% and 62.35%, while in treatment A was 7.22% and 44.27%. Based on the results, pretreated of lignite by gamma irradiation could be increased the bioliquefaction product.Received: 5 December 2011; Revised: 21 May 2012; Accepted: 11 June 201

    Pemanfaatan Urea sebagai Sumber Nitrogen pada Biosolubisasi Batubara oleh Trichoderma SP.

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    Lignite coal was found abundant in Indonesia, but USAge for this type of coal was still relatively low. Economic value of coal increases when it is solubilized. Biosolubilization of coal by utilize of microbes produces compounds equivalent to petroleum. In this research, effect of urea on lignite biosolubilization by Trichoderma sp. was examined. Method of this research consisted of spore inoculum preparation, biosolubilization lignite coal with a variety of treatment that consists of treatment A (MSS + sucrose 1% + coal 5% + urea), and treatment B (MSS + sucrose 1% + coal 5%). Results showed that the addition of urea supported lignit coal biosolubilization by Trichoderma sp. based on increase in medium pH, concentration of phenolic and conjugated aromatic compounds, and activity of extracellular enzyme. In addition, result of product characterization using GCMS revealed compounds equivalent to 13,60%, 26,20% and 90,8% respectively for gasoline, kerosene and diesel components. Those confirmed that urea can be used as an alternative nitrogen source to support Trichoderma sp. in lignit biosolubilization producing petroleum compounds

    Biosolubilisasi Batubara Lignit: Aktivitas Enzim MNP, LAC dan LIP Isolat Kapang Indigenus Batubara

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    Biosolubilisasi batubara adalah proses pencairan batubara dengan memanfaatkan mikroorganisme. Salah satu faktor konversi padatan batubara menjadi cairan adalah aktivitas enzim. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas enzim 4 isolat kapang (kode B2, B3, B4 dan B5) hasil isolasi dari batubara selama proses biosolubilisasi. Biosolubilisasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan medium MSS+ (MSS + sukrosa 0,1% + ekstrak ragi 0,01% + 5% lignit) dan inkubasi dilakukan pada suhu ruang dan agitasi 150 rpm. Parameter yang diamati meliputi aktivitas enzim (MnP, Lac, LiP dan esterase). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keempat kapang mampu tumbuh dalam media yang mengandung batubara dengan tingkat solubilisasi yang berbeda. Proses biosolubilisasi batubara keempat isolat kapang hanya melibatkan enzim ekstraselular LiP dan MnP serta esterase, sedangkan lakase tidak terdeteksi. Aktivitas enzim MnP tertinggi pada isolat kapang dari batubara terjadi pada isolat B4 sebesar 0,56 IU/ml pada hari ke-14 dan LiP sebesar 0,42 IU/ml pada ke-21. Aktivitas enzim esterase isolat-isolat kapang hasil isolasi dari batubara memiliki pola yang berbeda dalam menghidrolisis FDA, tetapi semua isolat mencapai puncak tertinggi pada hari ke-28 dengan kisaran 7,48 – 12,17 µg. Aktivitas enzim esterase isolat-isolat kapang hasil isolasi dari batubara memiliki pola yang berbeda dalam menghidrolisis FDA, tetapi semua isolat mencapai puncak tertinggi pada hari ke-28 dengan kisaran 7,48 – 12,17 µg

    Karakterisasi Produk Biosolubilisasi Lignit Oleh Kapang Indigenus Dari Tanah Pertambangan Batubara Di Sumatera Selatan

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    Characterization of Lignite Biosolubilization Products by Indigenous Moulds from Soil ofCoal Mining in South Sumatera. Biosolubilization of coal is a potential technology of convertingsolid coal to liquid fuel and chemicals at ambient condition. Our previous research hassuccessfully isolated four moulds from soil at coal mining - South Sumatera and has potency aslignite biosolubilization agent, i.e. T1, T2, T4, T5. The objective of this research was to characterizeof lignite biosolubilization products by four isolates. The method used was sub-mergedculture. Cultivation medium was MSS+ (minimal salt + sucrose 0,1% + yeast extract 0,01% +lignite 5 %). Incubation was conducted at room temperature for 28 days. The result showed thatall indigenos moulds have different ability in lignite biosolubilization. The highestbiosolubilization occurred after 7 days of incubation belonging to T1 isolate. However, GC-MSanalysis showed the largest percentage of hydrocarbon compound which equivalent to gasolineand diesel was T5 after 7 days of incubation

    Karakterisasi Produk Biosolubilisasi Batubara Oleh Kapang T4 Hasil Isolasi dari Tanah Pertambangan Tanjung Enim Sumatera Selatan

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    Biosolubilisasi batubara adalah teknologi yang memiliki potensi untuk mengubah batubara padatmenjadi bahan bakar cair/senyawa kimia dengan bantuan mikroorganisme. Tujuan dari penelitianini adalah untuk mengkarakterisasi produk biosolubilisasi batubara oleh kapang T4 hasil isolasidari tanah di area pertambangan batubara Tanjung Enim Sumatera Selatan. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa terjadi interaksi antara kapang T4 dengan batubara yang dilihat dari adanyakolonisasi miselia di permukaan batubara. Kadar asam humat mengalami peningkatan hingga harike-7, sedangkan kadar asam fulvat terus meningkat hingga hari ke-28. Analisa gugus fungsibatubara hasil biosolubilisasi dengan FTIR memperlihatkan terjadinya perubahan strukturbatubara yang didominasi oleh penurunan serapan C=C aromatic dan C-O fenolik.. Karakterisasiproduk biosolubilisasi batubara oleh kapang T4 dengan GC-MS menunjukkan terbentuknyasenyawa-senyawa baru dan senyawa yang mengalami peningkatan antara lain naftalena dansenyawa alkana rantai pendek


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    The diversity of the bacterial communities supported by culturing and capturing through 0.2 m-pore-size filter was studied. The Pancuran 7 hot spring has temperature at around 52°C and pH 7. Community fingerprint analysis by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of the PCR-amplified highly variable V9 region of the 16S rRNA gene from the domain Bacteria was performed. Three distinct DGGE bands have been analyzed for phylogenetic relationship. The 16S rDNA sequence fragment analysis of these bands revealed a high relationship with Bacillus group, two of them have a high similarity with Anoxybacillus sp. and one of the single colony that grown at ½ LB medium closely related to Geobacillus lituanicus

    Bacterial Community Analysis of Gedongsongo Hot Spring : Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis

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    The bacterial communities from one of hot spring at Gedongsongo (WGS2) Ambarawa, Central Java, Indonesia; was investigated by molecular analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene. Two minimal media, MM1 and MM2 were used for growth of aerobic microbial communities. Cultures media were combined by filtration through 0.2-µm-pore-size filter for total genomic DNA extraction. The DNA that was exctracted both from cells of filtration and cultures have been well characterized as microbial chromosomal DNA and used as PCR template. Partial 16S rRNA gene sequences were PCR amplified using one primer set. One primer complements a region conserved among members of the domain Bacteria (Eschericia coli positions 1055 to 1070. The other primer is based on a universally conserved region (E.coli positions 1392 to 1406 and incorporates a 40-base GC clamp. These primers amplified a 323-bp section of the 16S rRNA genes. The amplicons were separated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) for community analysis. The DGGE profiles showed that there were three distinct bands, but only two of them that represent the predominant bacteria