128 research outputs found
U.S. Army\u27s Reaction to the Liberation of Concentration Camps: Attempts to Handle the Crises of Displaced Persons from April to October 1945
On April 4, 1945, the United States Army was tasked with something its soldiers never received training for. As the Allies advanced into Nazi-occupied territory, they began uncovering the horrid realities of Hitler’s regime. No blueprint was available for what to do when the soldiers stumbled across concentration camps. Now, in addition to combat, the American soldier’s job consisted of delousing the survivors, and providing medical care, food, and temporary housing. As the summer progressed, another question arose as to what would happen to the displaced persons in the camps. April to October 1945 is a window of time that until recently, has been overlooked in the overall historiography of the Holocaust, but is the key to understanding how the United States handled the displaced persons’ crisis. Although their efforts were not always perfect, the U.S. Army did the best it could at the time with the resources it had. To this end, the U.S. Army deserves applause for how it handled the crises
Paris-Milan : comparer l'intégration européenne dans la production de la ville. Regards croisés sur les questions ferroviaires et d'urbanisme.
Communication ET 2011 Grenobl
De l’aménagement du territoire au réaménagement des terrains de l’État : Politiques et projets de reconversion urbaine du domaine ferroviaire en France et en Italie
Barracks, ports, hospitals, prisons, railway sites are earmarked for many redevelopment projects in European cities. A substantial part of urban regeneration therefore occurs on ‘State places’. This research contributes to explain such an urban restructuring process that reshapes the material base of the State. It questions the reasons and the modalities of the reorganisation of a specific sector, railway firms, in urban areas. The comparative enquiry carried out two countries (Italy and France) and four cities (Milan, Bolzano Paris and Nantes) distinguishes two main factors. On the one hand, urban governments question the way the railway network has occupied central and pericentral urban areas since the 1970s, in relation to their increasing strategic power in urban development. On the other hand, real estate logics and skills have expanded within theses publicly owned firms since the beginning of the 1990s, due to their greater accounting autonomy and their need to face a rising financial pressure. Since then, the reorganisation of the logistical power (i.e. the capacity to order the flows of things and people) of this sector in cities is explained by the adjustment of three main ‘conceptions’ regarding the motives for the redevelopment of urban railway sites: real estate, urban planning, and industrial. This adjustment is carried out through urban redevelopment projects and follows different paths in Italy and France. In Italy, the loose institutional frame regarding railway land handover generates differentiated agreementsbetween operators and urban governments whereas in France processes and outcomes are more homogeneous from one city to another. The double shift from conventional approaches – toward the operator and the material base of the State – sheds light on new relationships between State and urban restructuring.Casernes, ports, hôpitaux, prisons, ou encore sites ferroviaires font l’objet de nombreux projets de reconversion dans les villes européennes. Une part substantielle du renouvellement urbain s’effectue ainsi sur des ‘terrains de l’État’. Cette thèse contribue à expliquer ces restructurations urbaines qui participent également des recompositions de l’État, dans sa dimension matérielle. Elle interroge les raisons et les modalités de la réorganisation de la présence d’un type d’opérateur national, les entreprises ferroviaires, dans l’espace urbain. L’enquête comparative menée sur deux pays (Italie et France) et quatre villes (Milan, Bolzano, Paris et Nantes) identifie deux principaux facteurs explicatifs. D’une part, les gouvernements urbains mettent en cause les modes d’occupation de l’espace urbain par le réseau ferroviaire depuis les années 1970, dans le contexte de leur intervention croissante dans l’aménagement. D’autre part, des logiques et des compétences immobilières se développent au sein des firmes publiques de flux depuis le début des années 1990, dans le contexte de leur autonomisation comptable et de pressions financières accrues. La réorganisation du pouvoir logistique (lacapacité à organiser les flux de choses et de personnes) de ce secteur dans les villes s’explique dès lors par l’ajustement des trois ‘conceptions’ dominantes des raisons de la reconversion des sites ferroviaires, à savoir : immobilière, urbanistique et industrielle. Cet ajustement s’opère dans des projets d’aménagement et s’effectue différemment en Italie et en France. En Italie, le cadre institutionnel plus lâche qui entoure la cession du domaine ferroviaire donne lieu à desaccords différenciés entre opérateurs et gouvernements urbains selon les villes, contrairement au cas français où processus et résultats sont plus homogènes d’une ville à l’autre. Par rapport aux approches existantes sur les relations entre villes et État, le double déplacement proposé dans cette thèse, vers les opérateurs et vers la dimension matérielle de l’État, éclaire de nouvelles relations entre recompositions de l’État et restructurations urbaines.Caserme, porti, ospedali, carceri e siti ferroviari sono all’origine di numerosi progetti di trasformazione urbana nelle città europee. Una parte significativa della rigenerazione urbana si svolge, infatti, su ‘terreni di Stato’. La tesi si pone l’obiettivo di spiegare tali mutazioni dello spazio urbano, che contribuiscono anche alla riconfigurare la dimensione materiale dello Stato. Questa ricerca s’interroga più precisamente sulle cause e sulle modalità della riorganizzazione di un operatore nazionale, le imprese ferroviarie, nello spazio urbano. L’indagine comparativa condotta in due paesi (Italia e Francia) e quattro città (Milano, Bolzano, Parigi e Nantes) permette di identificare due principali fattori esplicativi. Da un lato, i governi locali tendono a mettere in discussione, dagli anni ’70 e nell’ambito di un crescente intervento strategico nella gestione delle trasformazioni urbane, l’occupazione estensiva delle zone centrali e pericentrali da parte della rete ferroviaria. Dall’altro, le imprese pubbliche di trasporto sviluppano dall’interno nuove logiche e competenze immobiliari, nel contesto di più generali processi di autonomizzazione contabile e di riduzione delle risorse che le toccano dagli anni ’90. La riorganizzazione del ‘potere logistico’ (la capacità ad organizzare i flussi di persone e di cose) del settore ferroviario nelle città è dunque spiegata dagli aggiustamenti tra tre diverse accezioni dominanti della riconversione degli scali ferroviari: immobiliare, urbanistica, industriale. Tali aggiustamenti avvengono nei progetti di trasformazione urbana e si svolgono diversamente in Francia e in Italia. In Italia, il quadro istituzionale più labile che regge l’alienazione del demanio ferroviario permette la realizzazione di accordi differenziati, a seconda della città , tra operatori dello Stato e governi locali, mentre in Francia processi e risultati sono più omogenei da una città all’altra. Rispetto ai consueti approcci sulle relazioni fra stato e città , la tesi propone un duplice spostamento analitico – verso gli operatori e sulla dimensione materiale dello Stato – che permette di analizzare nuove relazioni fra trasformazione dello Stato e ristrutturazioni urbane
El juego como estrategia de aprendizaje
https://unadvirtualedu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/ajalfonsomo_unadvirtual_edu_co/EbL5neCpmedAhWV7gs2VfX8BfjZMQMNkyQs3R3VaswSNlA?e=wCbS3lEste proceso investigativo tuvo como objetivo usar el juego de la loterÃa como estrategia de aprendizaje en el tema de fracciones. Investigar sobre el juego fue adecuado ya que permitió comprender que se podÃa comunicar de manera creativa con los estudiantes, la metodologÃa propuesta en este caso se basa principalmente en un enfoque cualitativo centrándose en la comprensión profunda de las experiencias y percepciones de los participantes, bajo los postulados de la investigación acción con enfoque cualitativo, como instrumento se empleó el diario de campo y como técnica la observación participante. La propuesta abordó como tema de investigación la compresión por medio de imágenes y recursos que tenemos a nuestro alcance, debido a su importancia, se comprobó que contribuye de forma significativa fortalecer el proceso de enseñanza de los números fraccionarios de una manera que los estudiantes puedan dar a conocer su creatividad, y de esta manera promover y fortalecer el desarrollo y la construcción para que los estudiantes tuvieran más autonomÃa. En conclusión, se logró determinar que el juego es una herramienta eficaz para mejorar las habilidades en el proceso de aprendizaje de los números fraccionarios en los estudiantes del barrio san Felipe de Paipa Boyacá y se determinó que esta propuesta tiene proyección a futuro.The objective of this research process was to use the lottery game as a learning strategy in the topic of fractions. Researching the game was relevant because it allowed us to understand that it could be communicated creatively with students. The methodology proposed in this case is based mainly on a qualitative approach which is based on the collection of descriptive and numerical data, focusing on the deep understanding of the experiences and perceptions of the participants, under the postulates of action research with a qualitative approach, the field diary was used as an instrument and participant observation as a technique. The proposal addressed the research topic of understanding through images and resources available to us, due to its importance, it was found that it contributes significantly to strengthen the teaching process of fractional numbers so that students can make their creativity known, and thus promote and strengthen the development and construction of children's autonomy. In conclusion, it was determined that the game is an effective tool to improve the skills in the process of teaching fractional numbers in the students of the San Felipe neighborhood of Paipa Boyacá and it was determined that this proposal has future projection
Individual Attitudes and Perceived Efficacy Toward Bystander Intervention Among Childhood Trauma Survivors
â—‰ Childhood abuse and neglect are related to a number of negative outcomes in adulthood, including increased risk for mental health disorders and additional traumatic experiences, poor self-efficacy, and difficulties with interpersonal relationships (Brietzke et al., 2012; Dube et al., 2003; Sachs-Ericsson, Medley, Kendall-Tackett, & Taylor, 2011).
â—‰ Women who have experienced childhood sexual abuse in particular are at greater risk for lower levels of self-efficacy in adulthood (Diehl & Prout, 2002).
â—‰ Because sexual abuse survivors experience low self-efficacy, they might feel less confident with regard to engaging in bystander intervention, even though they want to prevent another victim of sexual assault (Bryant, 2001; Yule & Grych, 2017).
â—‰ Based on this work, we hypothesize that sexual abuse victims will have positive attitudes toward intervening in a risky sexual situation, but they will not feel efficacious enough to do so
Geomorfologia, clima e a morfodinâmica atual na Serra da Aratanha-CE: uma abordagem geral
Os estudos climáticos, relacionados à Geomorfologia, auxiliam no entendimento do relevo terrestre, pois o clima condiciona os processos morfodinâmicos externos. A Serra da Aratanha é um maciço cristalino, situado próximo ao litoral do Ceará, com altitudes de 750 m, estando submetida ao regime de chuvas orográficas. Busca-se nesse trabalho entender a influência do mesoclima de altitude nos processos morfodinâmicos atuais e seus reflexos sobre o modelado. Dessa forma, foi necessária uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a temática, utilização de técnicas de geoprocessamento, levantamento de informações em campo, e elaboração do texto final. O citado maciço apresenta uma forma de crista que derivou de sua evolução cenozoica. Porém, os profundos mantos de intemperismo com argissolos, os eventos gravitacionais de massa como deslizamentos e fluxos, os processos fluviais da rede de drenagem semiperenizada e o intemperismo quÃmico predominante derivam das condições climáticas atuais
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