805 research outputs found

    Faculty Members Quality of Work Life in Kashan University of Medical Sciences in 2012

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    Background: Quality of work life (QWL) is one of the most important factors for motivating humans and improving work. As one of the main assets for a university, faculty members should have a good QWL. However, few studies have been done concerning the QWL in faculty members and there are differing results from these previous reports. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the faculty members’ QWL in the Kashan University of Medical Sciences. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 65 faculty members of the Kashan University of Medical Sciences during 2012. Faculty members were randomly selected from a list that was prepared through the Kashan University of Medical Sciences website. The data-gathering instruments consisted of two parts. The first part consisted of questions concerning demographic information, while the second part was the Walton’s quality of work life questionnaire. For statistical analyses, t-tests and one-way analyses of variance were used. Results: The subjects consisted of 64.6% men, 33.8% were in the medical college, 43.1% lived in a personal house, and 43.1% were instructors. The results of the study showed that faculty members’ overall QWL was 72.98 ± 9.62. No significant differences were observed between the subjects' mean QWL with regard to place of work, scientific ranking, and living location. Conclusions: QWL has an important impact on attracting and retaining employees, thus, it is necessary to pay greater attention to the faculty members’ QWL

    Epidemiology of Patients With Multiple Trauma and the Quality of Their Prehospital Respiration Management in Kashan, Iran: Six Months Assessment

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    Background: Respiration management is an important and critical issue in prehospital transportation phase of multiple trauma patients. However, the quality of this important care has not been assessed in Iran Emergency Medical Services’ (EMS). Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate the quality of prehospital respiration management in patients with multiple trauma, referred to the Shahid Beheshti Trauma Center, Kashan, Iran. Patients and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the first six months of 2013. All the 400 patients with multiple trauma, transferred by EMS to the Shahid Beheshti Medical Center, were recruited. The study instrument was a checklist, which was completed through observation. Descriptive statistics were presented. Results: Out of all included individuals, 301 were males (75.2%) and 99 were females (24.8%). The most common mechanism of trauma was traffic accident (87.25%). Furthermore, 71.7% of the patients were injured in head and neck and chest areas. The quality of consciousness monitoring and airway management was desirable in 95% of the cases. However, the quality of monitoring patients’ respiration was only desirable in 42% of the cases. Only 18.6% of the patients received oxygen therapy during prehospital transportation. Conclusions: The quality of monitoring patients’ respiration and oxygen therapy was undesirable in most patients with multiple trauma. Therefore, the EMS workers should be retrained to apply proper respiration management in patients with multiple trauma

    The Quality of Pre-hospital Circulatory Management in Patients With Multiple Trauma Referred to the Trauma Center of Shahid Beheshti Hospital in Kashan, Iran, in the First Six Months of 2013

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    Background: Circulatory management is a critical issue in pre-hospital transportation phase of multiple trauma patients. However, the quality of this important care did not receive enough attention. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the quality of pre-hospital circulatory management in patients with multiple trauma. Patients and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in 2013. The study population consisted of all patients with multiple trauma who had been transferred by emergency medical services (EMS) to the central trauma department in Kashan Shahid Beheshti medical center, Kashan, Iran. We recruited a convenience sample of 400 patients with multiple trauma. Data were collected using the circulatory assessment questionnaire and controlling hemorrhage (CAQCH) that were designed by the researchers and were described by using frequency tabulations, central tendency measures, and variability indices. The chi-square test was used to analyze the data. Results: The study sample consisted of 263 males (75.2%); 57.75% had lower levels of education and 28.75% were workers. The most common mechanism of trauma was traffic accident (85.4%). We found that the quality of circulatory management was unfavorable in 61% of the cases. A significant relationship was observed between the quality of circulatory management and type of trauma and staff’s employment status. Conclusions: The quality of pre-hospital circulatory management provided to patients with multiple trauma was unfavorable. Therefore, establishment of in-service training programs on circulatory management is recommended

    Ginger Essence Effect on Nausea and Vomiting After Open and Laparoscopic Nephrectomies

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    Background: Some studies reported that ginger was effective in prevention or treatment of post-surgical nausea and vomiting; however, there are controversies. In addition, no study compared the effects of ginger on nausea and vomiting after open and laparoscopic nephrectomies. Objectives: The current study aimed to compare the effect of ginger essence on nausea and vomiting after open versus laparoscopic nephrectomies. Patients and Methods: A randomized, placebo trial was conducted on two groups of patients, 50 open and 50 laparoscopic nephrectomy. Half of the subjects in each group received ginger essence and the other half received placebo. Using a visual analogue scale the severity of nausea was assessed every 15 minutes for the first two post-operative hours and the sixth hour. Frequency of vomiting was counted until the sixth hour. The placebo subgroups were treated similarly. Descriptive statistics were employed. Chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests, paired and independent samples t-test and repeated measure analysis of variance were used to analyze the data. Results: Repeated measure analysis of variance showed that the type of surgery and the type of intervention as factors had significant effects on the nausea severity scores in the nine successive measurements (P < 0.001). In the first two post-operative hours, the mean vomiting episodes was 2.92 ± 0.70 in the subjects who underwent open surgery and received placebo while it was 0.16 ± 0.37 in patients with the same surgery but receiving ginger essence (P = 0.001). The mean vomiting episodes was 6.0 ± 1.33 in the subjects who underwent laparoscopic surgery and received placebo while it was 1.39 ± 0.78 in patients with the same surgery but receiving ginger essence (P = 0.001). Conclusions: Using ginger essence was effective in reducing nausea and vomiting not only in the subjects who underwent open nephrectomy but also in the subjects of laparoscopic nephrectomy. Using ginger essence is suggested as a complementary remedy to prevent and treat post-operative nausea and vomiting in patients with nephrectomy

    Predictors of Prehospital Delay in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction in Kashan City

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    Background: The prehospital delay might result in death in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the prehospital delay and its related factors in patients with AMI admitted to Kashan’s Shahid Beheshti Hospital. Patients and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 117 patients with AMI in the second half of 2013. The interval between the onset of symptoms and arrival at the hospital was noted and in cases of delay, the factors leading to the delay were investigated using a questionnaire. The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed through content validity method and its internal consistency was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Chi-square test, odds ratio, and logistic regression analysis were used in data analysis. Results: The median delay was 129 minutes (mean ± SD, 240.44 ± 295.30). Overall, 32.5% of patients were admitted within 90 minutes of symptom onset. The long distance between living locations to the hospital was the most common cause of delay to hospital admission (31.7%). Significant associations were observed between the delay time and location of residency (P = 0.00) and type of transportation vehicle (P = 0.003). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the location of residency and type of transportation vehicle could significantly predict the delay time in patients with AMI (P = 0.039 and 0.036, respectively). Conclusions: The delay time from symptom onset to hospital admission was high in patients with AMI. It is necessary to create emergency medical system (EMS) stations in suburbs and train the public on the importance of quick contact with the EMS when the symptoms of an AMI are observed

    Does the Boltzmann principle need a dynamical correction?

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    In an attempt to derive thermodynamics from classical mechanics, an approximate expression for the equilibrium temperature of a finite system has been derived [M. Bianucci, R. Mannella, B. J. West, and P. Grigolini, Phys. Rev. E 51, 3002 (1995)] which differs from the one that follows from the Boltzmann principle S = k log (Omega(E)) via the thermodynamic relation 1/T= dS/dE by additional terms of "dynamical" character, which are argued to correct and generalize the Boltzmann principle for small systems (here Omega(E) is the area of the constant-energy surface). In the present work, the underlying definition of temperature in the Fokker-Planck formalism of Bianucci et al. is investigated and shown to coincide with an approximate form of the equipartition temperature. Its exact form, however, is strictly related to the "volume" entropy S = k log (Phi(E)) via the thermodynamic relation above for systems of any number of degrees of freedom (Phi(E) is the phase space volume enclosed by the constant-energy surface). This observation explains and clarifies the numerical results of Bianucci et al. and shows that a dynamical correction for either the temperature or the entropy is unnecessary, at least within the class of systems considered by those authors. Explicit analytical and numerical results for a particle coupled to a small chain (N~10) of quartic oscillators are also provided to further illustrate these facts.Comment: REVTeX 4, 10 pages, 2 figures. Accepted to J. Stat. Phy

    Implementasi Program Desa Vokasi di Kota Semarang

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    Village vocational program is a program that is published by the government in efforts to reduce poverty by providing training to the public in accordance with the existing potential region. Village vocational programs in Semarang has been implemented starting in 2009 conducted by the Education Department of Semarang with a number of activities until the year 2013 amounted to 70 activities in 14 villages. Vocational Education Research Program Implementation village in Semarang is motivated still high levels of poverty in the city of Semarang. This study used qualitative research methods. The sample in this research were taken from three villages in Semarang namely in Wonolopo Village, Village Jomblang and Village Plombokan with each village used samples of 2 activities. Analysis of data using evalusai the performance of activities in accordance with the reporting guidelines for preparation of the government accountability. The phenomenon of research in the form of the factors that affect the implementation, achievement of the respective program of activities and constraints experienced in the implementation of the program. Implementation Program of Vocational Village in Semarang, there are two factors that affect the implementation of that factor and the role of inter-organizational coordination and program resources. Village of Vocational Achievement Program in Semarang for 95,525% and according to the statutes assessment program results are at levels very successful. Obstacles in the implementation of the program is the lack of capital to run the program after the training, the difficulty of marketing, lack of commitment from members continue to pioneer training results and error nature uasaha election activities. Advice given is, (1) Should the budget for business capital so it can be improved; (2) The assistance to the group after training; (3) Selected activities should be able to be observed again adapted to the conditions that exist in the community, the environment in the community, and the interests of society

    SmartHeLP: Smartphone-based Hemoglobin Level Prediction Using an Artificial Neural Network

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    Blood hemoglobin level (Hgb) measurement has a vital role in the diagnosis, evaluation, and management of numerous diseases. We describe the use of smartphone video imaging and an artificial neural network (ANN) system to estimate Hgb levels non-invasively. We recorded 10 second-300 frame fingertip videos using a smartphone in 75 adults. Red, green, and blue pixel intensities were estimated for each of 100 area blocks in each frame and the patterns across the 300 frames were described. ANN was then used to develop a model using the extracted video features to predict hemoglobin levels. In our study sample, with patients 20-56 years of age, and gold standard hemoglobin levels of 7.6 to 13.5 g/dL., we observed a 0.93 rank order of correlation between model and gold standard hemoglobin levels. Moreover, we identified specific regions of interest in the video images which reduced the required feature space

    Eco-biology of Mastacembelus pancalus (Ham.) and their distribution in different water bodies

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    The eco-biological of the spiny eel, Mastacembelus pailcalus in the river Padma, adjacent flood plains and ponds were influenced by various physico-chemical factors such as water temperature, water transparency, pH, dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide and alkalinity. Flood plain areas are the best habitat for the M. pancalus with maximum abundance
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