5,212 research outputs found

    Mef2 induction of the immediate early gene Hr38/Nr4a is terminated by Sirt1 to promote ethanol tolerance.

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    Drug naïve animals given a single dose of ethanol show changed responses to subsequent doses, including the development of ethanol tolerance and ethanol preference. These simple forms of behavioral plasticity are due in part to changes in gene expression and neuronal properties. Surprisingly little is known about how ethanol initiates changes in gene expression or what the changes do. Here we demonstrate a role in ethanol plasticity for Hr38, the sole Drosophila homolog of the mammalian Nr4a1/2/3 class of immediate early response transcription factors. Acute ethanol exposure induces transient expression of Hr38 and other immediate early neuronal activity genes. Ethanol activates the Mef2 transcriptional activator to induce Hr38, and the Sirt1 histone/protein deacetylase is required to terminate Hr38 induction. Loss of Hr38 decreases ethanol tolerance and causes precocious but short-lasting ethanol preference. Similarly, reduced Mef2 activity in all neurons or specifically in the mushroom body α/β neurons decreases ethanol tolerance; Sirt1 promotes ethanol tolerance in these same neurons. Genetically decreasing Hr38 expression levels in Sirt1 null mutants restores ethanol tolerance, demonstrating that both induction and termination of Hr38 expression are important for behavioral plasticity to proceed. These data demonstrate that Hr38 functions as an immediate early transcription factor that promotes ethanol behavioral plasticity

    Universal scaling in BCS superconductivity in two dimensions in non-s waves

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    The solutions of a renormalized BCS model are studied in two space dimensions in ss, pp and dd waves for finite-range separable potentials. The gap parameter, the critical temperature TcT_c, the coherence length Îľ\xi and the jump in specific heat at TcT_c as a function of zero-temperature condensation energy exhibit universal scalings. In the weak-coupling limit, the present model yields a small Îľ\xi and large TcT_c appropriate to those for high-TcT_c cuprates. The specific heat, penetration depth and thermal conductivity as a function of temperature show universal scaling in pp and dd waves.Comment: 11 pages, LATEX, 4 postscript figures embedded using eps

    Black soliton in a quasi-one-dimensional trapped fermion-fermion mixture

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    Employing a time-dependent mean-field-hydrodynamic model we study the generation of black solitons in a degenerate fermion-fermion mixture in a cigar-shaped geometry using variational and numerical solutions. The black soliton is found to be the first stationary vibrational excitation of the system and is considered to be a nonlinear continuation of the vibrational excitation of the harmonic oscillator state. We illustrate the stationary nature of the black soliton, by studying different perturbations on it after its formation.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    Convergent variational calculation of positronium-hydrogen-atom scattering lengths

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    We present a convergent variational basis-set calculational scheme for elastic scattering of positronium atom by hydrogen atom in S wave. Highly correlated trial functions with appropriate symmetry are needed for achieving convergence. We report convergent results for scattering lengths in atomic units for both singlet (=3.49±0.20=3.49\pm 0.20) and triplet (=2.46±0.10=2.46\pm 0.10) states.Comment: 11 pages, 1 postscript figure, Accepted in J. Phys. B (Letter

    Two phase transitions in (s+id)-wave Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superconductivity

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    We establish universal behavior in temperature dependencies of some observables in (s+id)(s+id)-wave BCS superconductivity in the presence of a weak ss wave. There also could appear a second second-order phase transition. As temperature is lowered past the usual critical temperature TcT_c, a less ordered superconducting phase is created in dd wave, which changes to a more ordered phase in (s+id)(s+id) wave at Tc1T_{c1} (<Tc< T_c). The presence of two phase transitions manifest in two jumps in specific heat at TcT_c and Tc1T_{c1}. The temperature dependencies of susceptibility, penetration depth, and thermal conductivity also confirm the new phase transition.Comment: 6 pages, 5 post-script figures

    Relativistic Effect on Low-Energy Nucleon-Deuteron Scattering

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    The relativistic effect on differential cross sections, nucleon-to-nucleon and nucleon-to-deuteron polarization transfer coefficients, and the spin correlation function, of nucleon-deuteron elastic scattering is investigated employing several three-dimensional relativistic three-body equations and several nucleon-nucleon potentials. The polarization transfer coefficients are found to be sensitive to the details of the nucleon-nucleon potentials and the relativistic dynamics employed, and prefer trinucleon models with the correct triton binding energy. (To appear in Phys. Rev. C)Comment: pages: 21, LaTex text + 7 ps-figures at the en

    Lattice Discretization in Quantum Scattering

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    The utility of lattice discretization technique is demonstrated for solving nonrelativistic quantum scattering problems and specially for the treatment of ultraviolet divergences in these problems with some potentials singular at the origin in two and three space dimensions. This shows that lattice discretization technique could be a useful tool for the numerical solution of scattering problems in general. The approach is illustrated in the case of the Dirac delta function potential.Comment: 9 page

    Performance of a prototype active veto system using liquid scintillator for a dark matter search experiment

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    We report the performance of an active veto system using a liquid scintillator with NaI(Tl) crystals for use in a dark matter search experiment. When a NaI(Tl) crystal is immersed in the prototype detector, the detector tags 48% of the internal K-40 background in the 0-10 keV energy region. We also determined the tagging efficiency for events at 6-20 keV as 26.5 +/- 1.7% of the total events, which corresponds to 0.76 +/- 0.04 events/keV/kg/day. According to a simulation, approximately 60% of the background events from U, Th, and K radioisotopes in photomultiplier tubes are tagged at energies of 0-10 keV. Full shielding with a 40-cm-thick liquid scintillator can increase the tagging efficiency for both the internal K-40 and external background to approximately 80%.Comment: Submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section

    Run-and-tumble particles with hydrodynamics: sedimentation, trapping and upstream swimming

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    We simulate by lattice Boltzmann the nonequilibrium steady states of run-and-tumble particles (inspired by a minimal model of bacteria), interacting by far-field hydrodynamics, subject to confinement. Under gravity, hydrodynamic interactions barely perturb the steady state found without them, but for particles in a harmonic trap such a state is quite changed if the run length is larger than the confinement length: a self-assembled pump is formed. Particles likewise confined in a narrow channel show a generic upstream flux in Poiseuille flow: chiral swimming is not required
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