16 research outputs found

    Substance Abuse Among Children and Adolescents

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    Understanding caregiver acceptance of screening for family substance use in pediatric clinics serving economically disadvantaged children.

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    Children of parents with substance use disorders are at greater risk for mental and physical health co-morbidities. Despite guidelines, pediatricians rarely screen for substance use in the family/household, citing fear of offending parents. The objectives of this study were to examine (1) caregiver acceptance of pediatricians screening for family/household substance use during well-child visits, (2) prevalence of family/household substance use, and (3) the association between family/household substance use and trust in their child\u27s pediatrician. Methods: This cross-sectional study surveyed adult caregivers presenting a child for medical care at two urban pediatric outpatient clinics using a brief anonymous computer-based survey. The primary outcome measured the acceptability of pediatrician screening for family/household substance use. Substance use and concerns about use in the family/household were also assessed. Results: Adult caregivers (n = 271) surveyed were mean age 35 years, 73% mothers, 90% African American, and 85% on Medicaid. Over half (51%) of caregivers reported substance use by someone in the family/household, most commonly cigarettes (38%), followed by alcohol (19%) and marijuana (10%). Sixty-one percent of caregivers who reported family substance use expressed concern about the use of this substance. The majority (87%) agreed it is appropriate for pediatricians to ask caregivers about family/household substance use. No differences were found between caregivers who did and did not report substance use in their family/household. Caregivers with concerning substance use in their family/household were less likely to trust their pediatrician [OR = 0.21, 95%CI: 0.05, 0.85] Conclusions: Caregivers endorsed acceptance of universal screening for substance use, including illicit substances, and substance use disorders in the family/household during well-child visits. Pediatricians are trusted professionals with expertise in communicating with parents to maximize the health of their patients; assessing family history of substance use and substance use disorders is a natural extension of their role

    Adolescence as a Critical Stage in the MCH Life Course Model: Commentary for the Leadership Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH) Interdisciplinary Training Program Projects

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    The Life Course Perspective (LCP), or Model, is now a guiding framework in Maternal and Child Health (MCH) activities, including training, supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration's Maternal and Child Health Bureau. As generally applied, the LCP tends to focus on pre- through post-natal stages, infancy and early childhood, with less attention paid to adolescents as either the "maternal" or "child" elements of MCH discourse. Adolescence is a distinct developmental period with unique opportunities for the development of health, competence and capacity and not merely a transitional phase between childhood and adulthood. Adequately addressing adolescents' emergent and ongoing health needs requires well-trained and specialized professionals who recognize the unique role of this developmental period in the LCP