145 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Screening Methods for the Detection of Urinary Tract

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    Evaluation of Fuel Wood Consumption and Its Implication to Forest Degradation in Agarfa Wereda, South-Eastern Ethiopia

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    This study was conducted with the objective of evaluating fuel wood consumption and its implication to forest degradation in Agarfa wereda. The study has employed purposive sampling technique, in which four kebeles were selected based on their settlement patterns, exploitation of the forests and their proximity of kebeles to the town and forest lands. As a result, 134 households were nominated using the simple random techniques. The study utilized primary data, which were collected through household’s questionnaires, checklists, and participant observations. Results revealed that about 12 mostly preferred tree species were recorded and identified for fuel wood production. the total amounts' fuel woods consumed by the households were estimated at 65.14m3(39,084kg/years).  The multiple linear regressions' model was employed. Occupation, household’s family members and time spent for fuel wood collection significantly positive linear relationship with fuel wood consumption at (p <0.05). From the result, fuel woods were to be the second cause of forest degradation next to Agricultural land expansion. The struggles for forest resource's utilization by agricultural households are not adequate to mitigate the problem of forest in spite of some efforts on part of governmental and nongovernmental organizations in mobilizing the household towards forest conservation. In order to confirm sustain sources of fuel wood it is recommended that the use of improved cooking stoves, providing environmental education, increasing income of households, tree planting, encouraged grooviest farming system, providing an alternative form of energy, strengthening law enforcement on part of the government on those who illegally and indiscriminately exploit forest's products, will encouragingly be reducing down the impact of forest degradation and socio-economic conditions of livelihoods of households of study area. Keywords: Deforestation, Forest degradation, Fuel wood consumption, Household DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/62-03 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Improving Female Students’ Academic Achievements: Special Evidence From 2nd Year Management Department Students of Bonga University, Ethiopia

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    Action Research is a formative study of progress commonly practiced by teachers in schools. It enables a teacher to craft most appropriate strategy within its own teaching environment.  Action research aims to contribute both to the practical concerns of people in an immediate problematic situation and to further the goals of social science simultaneously. This paper is aims to improve the academic performance of female students with special evidence from 2nd year management department of Bonga University. further, factors affecting the academic achievement of female students were examined. Finally, the role of teachers in improving female student academic performance were investigated. In doing so, the researcher adopted interview, focused group discussion and observations as data collection instruments. In addition, the researcher, prepared schedule composed of Proposed plan, action and evaluation for achieving the goals of this project. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean and Paired sample T- test. The finding of this Action research project revealed that; Lack of proper Tutorial class has significant effects on female students’ achievement with average mean of 3.55, followed by lack of pear learning with mean score of 3.40. further, the overall Average Score of female students Before intervention was 3.98. but, After the researcher and course instructor made intervention which described in methodology parts the overall Average Score of female students has increased to 6.65. The researcher recommends the female students to give due consideration for their education and to read cooperatively with their colleagues. Further, Teachers should encourage female students through providing enough and timely tutorials. Finally, Bonga university shall establish female students club that actively serves all female students of the university through preparing training and conferences on which they exchange experiences with each other if possible with other universities female students. Keywords: Action Research; Academic achievement, Female students; Higher Diploma Program DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-25-01 Publication date:September 30th 2021

    Strong convergence for the split common fixed point problems for demicontractive mappings in Hilbert spaces

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    The split common fixed problem (SCFPP) has been intensively studied by numerous author due to its various applications in many physical problem. However, to employ the algorithm for solving such a problem, one needs to know the prior information on the normed of bounded linear operator. Recently, Cui and Wang introduced the new algorithm for solving such a problem which does not needs any prior information on the normed on bounded linear operator and they established the weak convergence results under some mild conditions. It is well-known that in setting of infinite dimensional Hilbert space, the weak convergence does not implies strong convergence. It is the aims of this article to continue studying this problem (SCFPP) and establish the strong convergence result based on the result of Cui and Wang, this will be done for the class of demicontractive mappings. The results presented in this paper, not only extend and improve the result of Cui and Wang, but also extend, improve and generalize several well-known results announced

    A note on the split common fixed point equality problems in Hilbert spaces

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    We study the split common fixed point equality problems (SCFPEP). Furthermore, we formulate and analyse the algorithms for solving this SCFPEP for the finite family of quasi-nonexpansive operators in Hilbert spaces and shows how it unifies and generalizes previously discussed problems. In the end, we give numerical example that illustrates our theoretical results

    Iterative methods for solving split feasibility problem in Hilbert space

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    Based on the recent work of Wang et al. (2012), in this paper, we construct a new algorithm for solving split feasibility problem for the class of total quasi-asymptotically nonexpansive and uniformly τ−Lipschitzian mappings in Hilbert space and prove its strong convergence result. The result presented in this paper, not only extend the result of Wang et al. Wang et al. (2012), but also extend, improve and generalize several well-known results in the literature

    Variational inequality problems for total quasi-asymptotically nonexpansive mapping in Hilbert spaces

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    In this paper, we study variational inequality problems for total quasi-asymptotically nonexpansive and uniformly k-Lipschitzian mappings. Further, we propose an algorithm for solving variational inequality problems and prove the convergence result of the proposed algorithm. The results presented in this paper extend, improve and generalize some recent results announced

    On simple iterative fractional order differential equations

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    In this paper, the simple fractional iterative differential equation will be the focus of study Dβv(s)=vn(s), v(s0)=a. where s0, v0 ∈ I = [0, b], and 0 < β < 1. One class of the iterative fractional differential equations is the simple iterative fractional differential equation. In this paper, the local existence and uniqueness results for the fractional order of degree n of simple iterative fractional differential equation are proven and the solutions found by using power series