12 research outputs found

    Myc IHC on whole section CRCs from 2004, confirming TMA findings.

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    <p>Panel A: Kaplan Meier curves showing superior overall survival of CRCs with MYC over-expression compared to myc negative CRCs (Log Rank test p<0.01); Panel B: Univariable Cox regression analysis showing MYC over-expression significantly correlated with improved overall survival [hazard ratio = 0.30 (95%CI = 0.15–0.60), p<0.01].</p

    Clinical and pathological characteristics of 1421 consecutive CRC patients (2004–2009).

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    <p>*Reports on the significance of differences between myc positive and negative groups for each variable, using either Pearson chi-square test (with continuity correction for 2×2 tables) for categorical variables or Mann-Whitney U test for age.</p

    Haematoxylin & eosin (A, C) and BAP1 immunohistochemistry (B, D) stained sections from the sole pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patient who expressed loss of nuclear BAP1.

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    <p>In this case, the exocrine cells (solid arrows) clearly lacked the brown BAP1 staining, and the non-neoplastic endothelial cells serve as the internal positive controls (hollow arrows). Magnifications: A, B 100x; C, D 400x.</p