678 research outputs found

    Predictive Power of Strong Coupling in Theories with Large Distance Modified Gravity

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    We consider theories that modify gravity at cosmological distances, and show that any such theory must exhibit a strong coupling phenomenon, or else it is either inconsistent or is already ruled out by the solar system observations. We show that all the ghost-free theories that modify dynamics of spin-2 graviton on asymptotically flat backgrounds, automatically have this property. Due to the strong coupling effect, modification of the gravitational force is source-dependent, and for lighter sources sets in at shorter distances. This universal feature makes modified gravity theories predictive and potentially testable not only by cosmological observations, but also by precision gravitational measurements at scales much shorter than the current cosmological horizon. We give a simple parametrization of consistent large distance modified gravity theories and their predicted deviations from the Einsteinian metric near the gravitating sources.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, to be published in New Journal of Physic

    Gravity induced neutrino-antineutrino oscillation: CPT and lepton number non-conservation under gravity

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    We introduce a new effect in the neutrino oscillation phase which shows the neutrino-antineutrino oscillation is possible under gravity even if the rest masses of the corresponding eigenstates are same. This is due to CPT violation and possible to demonstrate if the neutrino mass eigenstates are expressed as a combination of neutrino and antineutrino eigenstates, as of the neutral kaon system, with the plausible breaking of lepton number conservation. For Majorana neutrinos, this oscillation is expected to affect significantly the inner edge of neutrino dominated accretion disks around a compact object by influencing the neutrino sphere which controls the accretion dynamics, and then the related type-II supernova evolution and the r-process nucleosynthesis. On the other hand, in early universe, in presence of various lepton number violating processes, this oscillation, we argue, might lead to neutrino asymmetry which resulted baryogenesis from the B-L symmetry by electro-weak sphaleron processes.Comment: 15 pages; Accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    X-ray properties of UV-selected star forming galaxies at z~1 in the Hubble Deep Field North

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    We present an analysis of the X-ray emission from a large sample of ultraviolet (UV) selected, star forming galaxies with 0.74<z<1.32 in the Hubble Deep Field North (HDF-N) region. By excluding all sources with significant detected X-ray emission in the 2 Ms Chandra observation we are able to examine the properties of galaxies for which the emission in both UV and X-ray is expected to be predominantly due to star formation. Stacking the X-ray flux from 216 galaxies in the soft and hard bands produces significant detections. The derived mean 2-10 keV rest-frame luminosity is 2.97+/-0.26x10^(40) erg/s, corresponding to an X-ray derived star formation rate (SFR) of 6.0+/-0.6 Msolar/yr. Comparing the X-ray value with the mean UV derived SFR, uncorrected for attenuation, we find that the average UV attenuation correction factor is \~3. By binning the galaxy sample according to UV magnitude and colour, correlations between UV and X-ray emission are also examined. We find a strong positive correlation between X-ray emission and rest-frame UV emission. A correlation between the ratio of X-ray-to-UV emission and UV colour is also seen, such that L(X)/L(UV) increases for redder galaxies. Given that X-ray emission offers a view of star formation regions that is relatively unaffected by extinction, results such as these can be used to evaluate the effects of dust on the UV emission from high-z galaxies. For instance we derive a relationship for estimating UV attenuation corrections as a function of colour excess. The observed relation is inconsistent with the Calzetti et al. (2000) reddening law which over predicts the range in UV attenuation corrections by a factor of ~100 for the UV selected z~1 galaxies in this sample (abridged).Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Kinematics of Morphologically Selected z~2 Galaxies in the GOODS-N Field

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    We present near-IR spectra of H-alpha emission from 13 galaxies at z~2 in the GOODS-N field. The galaxies were selected primarily because they appear to have elongated morphologies, and slits were aligned with the major axes (as determined from the rest-frame UV emission) of 11 of the 13. If the galaxies are elongated because they are highly inclined, alignment of the slit and major axis should maximize the observed velocity and reveal velocity shear, if present. In spite of this alignment, we see spatially resolved velocity shear in only two galaxies. We show that the seeing makes a large difference in the observed velocity spread of a tilted emission line, and use this information to place limits on the velocity spread of the ionized gas of the galaxies in the sample: we find that all 13 have v_{0.5} < 110 km/s, where v_{0.5} is the velocity shear (half of the velocity range of a tilted emission line) that would be observed under our best seeing conditions of ~0.5". When combined with previous work, our data also indicate that aligning the slit along the major axis does not increase the probability of observing a tilted emission line. We then focus on the one-dimensional velocity dispersion \sigma, which is much less affected by the seeing, and see that the elongated subsample exhibits a significantly lower velocity dispersion than galaxies selected at random from our total H-alpha sample, not higher as one might have expected. We also see some evidence that the elongated galaxies are less reddened than those randomly selected using only UV colors. Both of these results are counter to what would be expected if the elongated galaxies were highly inclined disks. It is at least as likely that the galaxies' elongated morphologies are due to merging subunits.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Direct Detection of Lyman Continuum Emission from Star-forming Galaxies at z~3

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    We present the results of rest-frame UV spectroscopic observations of a sample of 14 z ~ 3 star-forming galaxies in the SSA 22a field. These spectra are characterized by unprecedented depth in the Lyman continuum region. For the first time, we have detected escaping ionizing radiation from individual galaxies at high redshift, with 2 of the 14 objects showing significant emission below the Lyman limit. We also measured the ratio of emergent flux density at 1500 Å to that in the Lyman continuum region, for the individual detections (C49 and D3) and the sample average. If a correction for the average IGM opacity is applied to the spectra of the objects C49 and D3, we find f_(1500)/f_(900,corr,C49) = 4.5 and f_(1500)/f_(900,corr,D3) = 2.9. The average emergent flux density ratio in our sample is = 22, implying an escape fraction ~4.5 times lower than inferred from the composite spectrum from Steidel and coworkers. If this new estimate is representative of LBGs, their contribution to the metagalactic ionizing radiation field is J_ν(900) ~ 2.6 × 10^(-22) ergs s^(-1) cm^(-2) Hz^(-1) sr^(-1), comparable to the contribution of optically selected quasars at the same redshift. The sum of the contributions from galaxies and quasars is consistent with recent estimates of the level of the ionizing background at z ~ 3, inferred from the H I Lyα forest optical depth. There is significant variance among the emergent far-UV spectra in our sample, yet the factors controlling the detection or nondetection of Lyman continuum emission from galaxies are not well determined. Because we do not yet understand the source of this variance, significantly larger samples will be required to obtain robust constraints on the galaxy contribution to the ionizing background at z ~ 3 and beyond