4,052 research outputs found
Land Transportation Effects on Manufacture and Regional Economy of Sumatra of Indonesia
The study aimed to determine the effect simultaneously between land transportation and manufacturing industry on economic improvement An explanation research was conducted to obtain the causal relationship between land transportation and manufacture. The data used in this study were off secondary sources and time series data forms from 2006-2015 data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Labuhan Batu Regency. Regression analysis was applied the mathematical relationship between the output variable or dependent (Y) with one or several input / independent variables (X). The mathematical relationship is used as a regression model that is used to predict or predict the output value (Y) based on a particular input value (X). The results of this study indicated that simultaneously the land transportation variable and manufacturing industry have a positive and significant effect on the economic improvement variable. The results obtained a tcount value of 3.599. Thus tcount is greater than t table (3.241> 1.894); then H0 is rejected HA is accepted, meaning that partially there is a positive and significant influence between land transportation and economic improvement. The results obtained a tcount of 0.112. Thus tcount is greater than t table (0.112 <1.894) then H0 is accepted HA is rejected, meaning that partially there is no positive and significant influence between the manufacturing industry on economic improvement
IMPLEMENTASI SISTEM ASURANSI JIWA KONVENSIONAL DAN SYARIAH (Studi di AJB Bumiputera 1912 Kantor Cabang Asuransi Perorangan Magelang dan AJB Bumiputera 1912 Kantor Cabang Syariah Surakarta)
KONVENSIONAL DAN SYARIAH (Studi di AJB Bumiputera 1912 Kantor
Cabang Asuransi Perorangan Magelang dan AJB Bumiputera 1912 Kantor
Cabang Syariah Surakarta). Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sebelas Maret
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah pelaksanaan dan
kelebihan serta kekurangan sistem asuransi konvensional dan syariah yang ada di
AJB Bumiputera 1912.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum empiris atau sosiologis yang
bersifat deskriptif, mengkaji mengenai palaksanaan sistem asuransi konvensional
dan syariah yang diterapkan oleh AJB Bumiputera 1912. Jenis data penelitian
yang digunakan meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan
sumber data penelitian yang digunakan yaitu wawancara dan studi kepustakaan.
Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan sistem asuransi
konvensional adalah sistem transfer of risk, maka terjadi pula transfer of fund
yaitu pemindahan dana dari tertanggung kepada penanggung. Sebagai
konsekwensinya kepemilikan dana berpindah, dari nasabah kepada perusahaan
asuransi. Pelaksanaan sistem asuransi syariah merupakan sharing of risk atau
saling menanggung risiko. Kelebihan dalam asuransi konvensinal adalah
kejelasan dalam pemberian santunan atau jaminan sedangkan kelemahannya
adalah tidak adanya pemisahan antara dana perusahaan dengan dana nasabah.
Kelebihan asuransi syariah adalah menggunakan prinsip-prinsip syariah sehingga
terhindar dari praktik maumalat yang menyimpang, sedangkan kekurangannya
adalah keuntungannya yang kecil karena asuransi syariah tidak bertujuan
Kata Kunci : asuransi konvensional , asuransi syariah
Kewenangan Daerah dalam Membuat Perjanjian Internasional di Indonesia
As an independent sovereign nation Indonesia has been actively involved in International relations and entered into International agreements with other countries, both bilateral and multilateral. Along with the developments that occur not only countries that can enter into International agreements but local governments have the authority in entering into International agreements with foreign parties. The method used in this research is normative law research. This study uses the legislation approach. The result of the research shows that Law Number 24 Year 2000 gives the regional authority to make International agreement, as regulated in Article 5. In addition, the regional authority in making International agreement is regulated in Law Number 12 Year 2008 regarding Regional Government. Mechanism of making International agreement by region, local government in this case that is Governor, Regent, or Mayor first ask opinion and consideration to DPRD to plan International agreement making.
Keywords: Regional Authority, International Agreement
Sebagai negara merdeka yang berdaulat Indonesia telah aktif berperan dalam pergaulan hubungan Internasional dan mengadakan perjanjian-perjanjian Internasional dengan negara-negara lain, baik yang bersifat bilateral maupun multilateral. Seiring perkembangan yang terjadi bukan hanya negara saja yang dapat mengadakan perjanjian Internasional namun pemerintah daerah mempunyai kewenangan dalam mengadakan perjanjian Internasional dengan pihak luar negeri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Perundang-undangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2000 memberikan kewenangan kepada daerah untuk membuat perjanjian Internasional, hal tersebut diatur dalam Pasal 5. Selain itu kewenangan daerah dalam membuat perjanjian Internasional diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2008 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah. Mekanisme pembuatan perjanjian Internasional oleh daerah, pemerintah daerah dalam hal ini yaitu Gubernur, Bupati, atau Walikota terlebih dahulu meminta pendapat dan pertimbangan kepada DPRD terhadap rencana pembuatan perjanjian Internasional.
Kata Kunci: Kewenangan Daerah, Perjanjian Internasiona
Konsep Giri dan Gimu yang Tercermin dalam Drama Freeter, Ie Wo Kau Karya Sutradara Kono Keita dan Joho Hidenori
Society is a group of people who created a culture. In a culture there is reciprocity norm that someone should help those who have helped him. In Japan, it's called giri and gimu. Giri and gimu many contained in the literature. In this anlysis, the aouthor use a television drama because drama has a different form from novels or short stories. Drama that used is a family drama titled Freeter, Ie Wo Kau. This drama tells the story of a freeter that trying hard to restore his mother's smile who was ill. To find giri and gimu in Freeter, Ie Wo Kau drama, the author uses the theory of antropological literature by examining the interaction based on figures in the form of images and conversations, as well as using the theory of mise en scene as the supporting theory. The purpose of this study was to describe the giri and gimu concept that reflected in the drama Freeter, Ie Wo Kau. Result of this study indicate that this drama have giri to the world, giri to the name, gimu nnmu and gimu koo. Giri to the world contained in the Seiichi for Noriko and Seiji for Ooetsu. Giri to the name contained in the name of Ayako, Seiji and Chiba. Gimu koo contained in Seiji and Sumiko for his family. Gimu ninmu contained in Chiba and workers. For subsequent studies suggester to extend the analysis with a different approach and issues. Hopefully, this research can help learners and enthusiasts of Japanese culture to understand Japanese culture, particularly the concept of reciprocation
All sky CMB map from cosmic strings integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect
By actively distorting the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) over our past
light cone, cosmic strings are unavoidable sources of non-Gaussianity.
Developing optimal estimators able to disambiguate a string signal from the
primordial type of non-Gaussianity requires calibration over synthetic full sky
CMB maps, which till now had been numerically unachievable at the resolution of
modern experiments. In this paper, we provide the first high resolution full
sky CMB map of the temperature anisotropies induced by a network of cosmic
strings since the recombination. The map has about 200 million sub-arcminute
pixels in the healpix format which is the standard in use for CMB analyses
(Nside=4096). This premiere required about 800,000 cpu hours; it has been
generated by using a massively parallel ray tracing method piercing through a
thousands of state of art Nambu-Goto cosmic string numerical simulations which
pave the comoving volume between the observer and the last scattering surface.
We explicitly show how this map corrects previous results derived in the flat
sky approximation, while remaining completely compatible at the smallest
scales.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, uses RevTeX. References added, matches published
The effect of a scanning flat fold mirror on a CMB B-mode experiment
We investigate the possibility of using a flat-fold beam steering mirror for
a CMB B-mode experiment. An aluminium flat-fold mirror is found to add
0.075% polarization, which varies in a scan synchronous way. Time-domain
simulations of a realistic scanning pattern are performed, and the effect on
the power-spectrum illustrated and a possible method of correction applied.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Rev Sci Ins
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