296 research outputs found

    Level of Performance of Students in Tree Crop Seedlings Production Skills in Colleges of Agriculture in North-Eastern Nigeria

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    The study examined the level of performance of students in tree crop seedlings production skills in Colleges of Agriculture in North-Eastern Nigeria. Five objectives and five research questions guided the study. Single-subject A/B research design was used. The population of the study was 924 students from four Colleges of Agriculture in the study area. The sample of the study was 272 respondents drawn using stratified proportionate random sampling technique from the population. A performance work sample test made up of 100 items was used to determine the level of skill performance of students in Colleges of Agriculture in North-Eastern Nigeria. The instrument was validated by five experts drawn from Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi, Federal University Dutse, Jigawa State, College of Agariculture Bauchi and Federal College of Horticulture Dadin Kowa, Gombe State. Reliability was established using test-retest method and Spearman rank order correlation co-efficient which yielded a reliabilty coefficient value of 0.80. The instrument was administered by the researcher with the help of four trained research assistants. Data collected was analyzed using mean and standard deviation  to answer the research questions. The findings of the study revealed that National Diploma (ND) II crop production students have exhibited high skill performance in pre-sowing operations, moderate skill performance in planting operations, high skill performance in nursery management, marketing and transplanting operations. It was recommended that teachers in Colleges of Agriculture should ensure regular practicals, demonstrations and supervision of (ND) II crop production students while conducting practical classes in tree crop seedlings production

    Quality assurances practices, training needs and international students mobility: analysing the nexuses

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    The role of education’s quality in determining international students’ choice of study destination was discussed by several studies. However, it only seems to have gained a huge prominence recently by constituting a theme in the quality management field involving empirical studies.In spite of such prominence the theme does not seems to provide sufficient empirical evidence forging a nexus between quality assurance practices, training needs and international student’s mobility.This research work therefore attempts to fill this gap by examining how the search for quality education and training needs satisfaction play role in international student’s mobility. Six dimensions of quality assurance in education were identified through extensive literature reviewed, three dimensions of training needs were equally revealed by the literature. Nine hypotheses were thus developed using these dimensions with the view to explain the relationship among the variables involved. The primary data for this study was obtained through a cross-sectional survey of International students in University Utara Malaysia with the aid of questionnaires, where a total of 150 respondents were selected randomly.Partial Least Squares (PLS) method was adopted in analysing the collected data with smartPLS 2.0 to determine the relationship involved.The result supported the relationship between organizational needs, Tangibility of facilities, Nature of service delivery and international student’s mobility, while the other six relationships were not supported

    The Use of Mental Spaces in Conceptualization of Hate Speeches

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    This study examines language use in the Facebook status updates of subscribers to determine how human perception or mental images are used to conceptualize statements or utterances as hate speeches. The research, thus, studies the Mental Spaces Theory as a cognitive linguistic model suitable for investigating such derogatory utterances among interlocutors in an emotionally charged context of utterance. In the data analysis, the research found out that the conversation that ensued depicts the feelings of disaffection among the interlocutors. This was triggered by provocative and counter-provocative statements they made against one another’s in-groups. The result indicates that a fundamental factor that is sensitive in every speech situation is how the addressee/receiver perceives and interprets an utterance made by his fellow speaker, using the base space which is the shared assumptions between them, and the space builders which are the neural motor transmitters in his brain that inform his perception and interpretation of the speaker’s utterance. Whether or not his perception holds truth is not shared with the speaker. So, rather than viewing the slur language that ensued as hate speeches, it should be seen as the reflection of the assumptions each interlocutor holds against the other on account of the different ethnic nationalities, religious or political affiliations

    Influence of Entry Grades in Mathematics and Principles of Accounting on Students Performance in Financial Accounting in Nasarawa State Colleges of Education Akwanga, Nigeria

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    This study examines the influence of entry grades in mathematics and principles of accounting on students’ performance in financial accounting in Nasarawa state Colleges of Education Akwanga.  The study had eight objectives and eight null hypotheses.  Developmental research design was adopted for the study. In the test of null hypotheses, documentary records (students’ performance in financial accounting and O’L grades in accounting and mathematics) of all the 115 NCE II Business Education students in the 2011/2012 academic session were used.  Logistic regression was employed to test null hypotheses one to three, while t-test was used to test null hypotheses four to eight. All the hypotheses were tested at significance level of 0.05.  The results of the test revealed among others that entry grades in mathematics and principles of accounting have significant impact on students’ performance in financial accounting. Hence the researcher recommended that credit grades in mathematics and accounting should be emphasized as one of the entry requirements for students opting for business education in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.  This will assist to enhance students’ performance in financial accounting at tertiary institutions. Keywords: Entry grades, Mathematics, Principles of Accounting, Financial Accounting, Performanc

    Modelling the Transmission Dynamics of the Lassa Fever Infection

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    Lassa fever is an acute hemorrhagic zoonotic illness that usually last for days duration occurring mostly in West African countries. Lassa virus being zoonotic means that, transmission of the disease from infected animal to human is possible with the animal reservoir or host being a rodent of the genus Mastomys. Currently, an ongoing outbreak in Nigeria has spread to 19 States of the country. Statistical figures indicated that, out of suspected cases, has been confirmed with deaths of infected persons from Lassa fever in less than two months, giving a case fatality rate of..... More details can be found in the full paper

    Profit Efficiency among Rain-Fed Rice Farmers in Northern Taraba State , Nigeria

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    The study analyzed the profit efficiency of rain-fed rice farmers in Northern zone of Taraba state by collecting data from 156 respondents in 2013. A measure of profit efficiency was provided using stochastic profit frontier and inefficiency model. The results showed that there were high levels of inefficiency in rice production. The mean level of profit efficiency was 59% indicating that 41% of the profit was lost due to a combination of both technical and allocative inefficiencies. The profit inefficiency model showed that age, education, farming experience, household size and access to credit facilities increased the profit efficiency of the respondents. It is therefore, recommended that learning opportunities, farm inputs and credit facilities should be made available to farmers in appropriate time. Keywords: Efficiency, Profit-function, Rice, Taraba State

    Analysis of Mind-Set (Intention and Constraints) of Nigerian Students towards Entrepreneurship in the Country

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    The study examined the mind-set (intention and constraints) of Nigerian students towards entrepreneurship in the country. The study had six objectives and six null hypotheses. The researchers used descriptive design method. The population of the study was six hundred and fourty five (645). Four rating scale structured questionnaires titled Entrepreneurial intention and its constraint in Nigeria (EICN) was used to gather information for this study. Six hundred and fourty five (645) copies of the questionnaires were administered out of which six hundred and two (602) copies representing (93%) were retrieved and  subjected to statistical using SPSS on the basis of which informed conclusions were drawn. Two different statistical methods were employed to analyze data collected. The tools are logistic regression for null hypotheses one and two, while chi-square (X2) was employed to determine null hypotheses three to six. One of the findings of the study shows that the environment in Nigeria is not encouraging students to put into practice their entrepreneurial intention upon graduation. Based on this, it was recommended among others that, government should try and improve on power supply, access roads, markets, security among others. This will help to improve the present enabling environment. Keywords: Skills, Entrepreneurial, Interest, Challenges

    Analytical Effect of Insurgency on Cowpea (Vigna Spp) Production in Potiskum Local Government Area of Yobe State, Nigeria

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    This study analyzed the effect of insurgency on cowpea production in Potiskum Local Government Area of Yobe State, Nigeria. This study is quantitative research where 120 cowpea farmers were randomly interviewed using structured response questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that 35% of the respondents fell within the age bracket of 28-33 years; males constituted 55% and 42% had primary education. The findings further reveaed that 77.50% perceived the effect of insurgency on their livelihood. Majority up to 70.80% of the respondents perceived increase in poverty and job loses respectively. Almost 52.5% of the respondents were affected by the conflicts, then children 21.7%, women 13.3% and adult men 8.3%. 32.50% of the respondents lost their houses, 29.20% lost their livestock, and 16.70% and 13.30% lost their crops and sustained body injuries respectively. Majority up to 67.50% of the respondents suggested that all the methods, 16.70% suggested military action, 6.70% negotiation, 5.0% and 4.20% of the respondents suggested state of emergency and amnesty respectively. Furthermore, the regression analysis revealed that 74% variation in output was accounted by the independent variables in the model. However, educational level, sex and income were significant at p< 0.001, while household size, farm size and distance from farm to homestead were significant at p< 0.05. Chi-square analysis revealed that the variables included in the model such as sex, educational level, age, income and distance from farmlands to homestead were significant at p< 0.05, with the exception of farm size, marital status and farming experience. The study concluded that insurgency exists in the study area and the effects include loss of lives, crops, and destruction of infrastructures, such as schools, telecommunication mast, mosques, churches, markets and houses. The study recommended that education and employment opportunities be provided to the youths in the study area

    Impact Appraisal of Classroom Management (Attendance and Participation) on Performance of Business Education Students in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria

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    The study investigated the impact of class attendance and participation on their academic achievement of business education students in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria. The study has five objectives and five null hypotheses were raised. Descriptive design method was adopted for the study. Two hundred and ninety (290) undergraduate students that registered and sat for Business mathematics, Principles of Business Education and Economics Analysis examinations in 2011/2012 calendar year were used for the study. Self design registers were use for marking students attendance and participations in the classroom activities while performance in the three examinations for the academic year  were used to determined students’ academic achievement. To ensure validity of the instruments, the researchers personally record and handled the two registers while board of examiners in department of vocational and technical education in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria vetted the final copy of the examination questions and the marking schemes. Staff from in the department assisted the researchers in administering the examinations, supervision and collections of the scripts. Collected scripts were marked by the researchers using the drawn marking schemes. Scores obtained in attendance, classroom participation and examinations were recorded and subjected to statistical analysis using regression for test of null hypotheses one and two while independent samples t-tests were used to test null hypotheses three, four and five. All the hypotheses were tested at significant level of 0.05. The study showed a positive significant relationship between attendance and classroom participation on academic achievement of business education students. It was recommended among others that, teachers should try to reduce boredom among students by motivating them to attend and participate in classroom activities. Keywords:  Classroom, Attendance, Participation, Performance, Business Education, Student

    Numerical modelling of copper composite thin films for solar control filter

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    Performance of solar control filter depends strongly on the individual layer thicknesses as well as the quality of their interfaces. In this work, a numerical modeling was designed and implemented to optimize the layer thicknesses of Cu2O/CuS, Cu2O/Cu and CuS/Cu thin films for use as solar control filter using transfer matrix. The result shows that for Cu2O/CuS, with CuS in contact with the substrate, the optimized layer thickness of 110/30nm and for CuS/Cu and Cu2O/Cu with Cu in contact with the substrate, the optimized layer thickness are 110/30nm and 100/30nm, respectively. The model also predicted transmittances of 67% for Cu2O/CuS, 42% for CuS/Cu and 64.5% for Cu2O/Cu at 550nm. A transmittances of 24.9-36.9% of IR radiation for all the films was realized. These results, when compared with previous works indicate the possibility of improvement in the performance of the filters.Keywords: Solar Control Filter, Transfer Matrix, Infrared, Numerical Modeling, Transmittanc
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