489 research outputs found

    Development of 2.14 M one sheet canoe (SAMPAN) for pond activities

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    A 2.14 M length overall (LOA) flat bottom modern canoe (Sampan), was designed and constructed using locally available materials. The canoe features include easy construction, portability, least cost, light weight, shallow draft, and easy maneuverability. The light displacement (weight empty) was 25kg, which was less than local canoe of same size. When placed on water a draft of 5.5cm. The capacity of the canoe was 200kg, and the total production cost of N10, 000.00, ($67) which was not beyond the reach of an average fisher folks, or any fish farmer. The canoe was easily maneuvered when propelled by paddling as it floated at a shallow draft; this makes the canoe adequate for use on shallow water bodies such as ponds and reservoirs. The craft, because of its easy maneuverability, can also be used on shallow water bodies for recreational activities such as, sport fishing and canoeing

    Social BIM: Co-creation with shared situational awareness

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    © 2015 The authors. A common data environment (CDE) is a specific requirement for Level 2 BIM in the UK in accordance with BS1192-2007 and PAS1192-2 standards. It is a central repository of BIM data and examples include 4BIM and Autodesk 360. These repositories have some disadvantages:(i) it is after synchronisation or file upload that changes between local and cloud versions of BIM models can be appreciated by remote teams; (ii) there is a cost associated with subscribing to these servers, which could marginalise SMEs wanting to adopt BIM; and (iii) during the design phase, these systems do not permit real-time co-creation capabilities or audiovisual consensus amongst designers. So although these repositories are helpful technologies, it is people who collaborate (not systems) and in the design phase, audio-visual feedback and consensus can augment the collaboration experience and outcomes. With socio-technical input, the quality of BIM data/models generated by team members can be enhanced (and clashes minimised) if visual isolation is eliminated. This research presents a framework and proof-of-concept which redefines Social BIM (SBIM) as a socio-technical mode of BIM that enriches the co-creation process for Levels 2 and 3 BIM. It enables 'shared situational awareness' by empowering remote participants with visual and remote control of BIM models using GoToMeeting as a 'groupware'. The BIM data was hosted by surrogate servers linked to cloud-based storage. A quasi-experiment through a desktop sharing and communication system enabled 14 globally dispersed participants to control the graphical user interface (GUI) of a host PC in the UK running Autodesk Revit. Four audio-visual collaboration protocols were developed and three were tested. Participants interacted via the host PC remotely using computers (which acted as nomadic servers) and with mobile devices. Remote desktop/laptop users had unlimited control of the data in host PC, while real-time audio-visual communication improved the collaboration and co-creation of 3D BIM models. The experience of participants in editing BIM models was a function of internet bandwidth, hardware and operating systems. Unitary optimisation of modelling efforts/outcomes was possible on shared/coordination models. Divisible optimisation of industry-specific tasks (i.e. architectural, engineering and management) by participants was enhanced by feedback which was either on-demand (requested) or just-in-time (spontaneous)

    Design and construction of 2.14 m. LOA (one sheet) flat bottom canoe (punt) for pond activities

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    A 2.14M length overall (LOA) flat bottom canoe (punt), was designed and constructed using locally available materials. The features of the canoe are least cost material, light weight, shallow draft and easy maneuverability. The canoe's light displacement (weight empty) was 28kg, which was less.than local canoe of same size. When placed on water a draft of 5.5cm was achieved which is 14.8% of its depth (37cm). The capacity of the canoe was 200kg, and the total production cost of N8, 700.00 which was, not beyond, the reach of an average fisher folks, or any fish farmer. The canoe was easily maneuvered when propelled by paddling as it floated at a shallow draft; this makes the canoe adequate for use on shallow water bodies such as ponds and reservoirs. Such easily maneuvered craft can also be used on pond or reservoirs for recreation which include, sport fishing, canoein

    Cost Changes in UK Design and Build Projects

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    The UK construction industry has seen many improvements over recent years, however one of the main ongoing issues is cost. Many projects face the problem of exceeding their initial budget resulting in unanticipated additional costs. It is important to avoid the client going over budget as this can ultimately affect the feasibility of a project. This research aim to investigate the factors driving cost changes in design and build projects within the residential sector in the UK construction industry. The gap in knowledge this study intends to contribute, is to investigate and proffer solutions to the causes of variance between contract sum and final account in design and build procurement option in the UK residential building projects. The research began with a brief literature review on different procurement routes and the factors which drive cost changes in construction projects. The findings of the literature review were used as the basis of the positivist research approach. The research used a mixed methodological approach, consisting of a questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews to investigate the research problem. This research identified the design and build procurement route has succeeded in improving overall cost performance of construction projects by allocating the responsibilities of certain additional costs to contractors. However, despite these improvements, cost overruns are still problematic. Regardless of the chosen procurement route, complete design information at tender stage is essential to reducing cost overruns. This research established that subcontractors‟ performance ultimately depends upon the quality of site management. It is recommended to minimise any additional costs to a project, firstly design information should be complete at the time of tender and secondly the construction phase of the project should be managed by suitably qualified and experienced site management team. However, this study was limited to the residential building industry in the UK, hence further studies is highly recommended in developing countries as factors that causes this differences in contract sum and final account may be prioritised differently from the analysis within this study

    Analysis of activity concentrations due to natural radionuclides in the fish of Kainji Lake

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    A study was conducted for natural radioactivity of some fish samples from Kainji Lake, situated between latitudes 9~' 50' - 10~' 57' North and longitudes 4~'25'-4~'45' East, New Bussa, Niger state, Nigeria, using gamma spectroscopy method with Nal(TI) detector. Radioactivity a phenomenon that leads to production of radiations, and radiation is known to trigger or induce cancer. The fish are analyzed to estimate the radioactivity (activity) concentrations due to natural radionuclides (Radium 222(226Ra), Thorium 232(232Th) and Potassium 40 (40K). The obtained result shows that the activity concentration for (226Ra), in all the fish samples collected ranges from 16.06 ~c 0.44 Bqkg-1 to 67.39 ~c 12.34 Bqkg-1 with an average value of 37.22 ~c 4.31 Bqkg-1. That of 232Th, ranges from 42.66 ~c 0.81 Bqkg-1 to 200.6 ~c 10.66 Bqkg-1 and the average value stands at 94.82 ~c 3.82 Bqkg-1. The activity concentration for 40K, ranges between 243.3 ~c 1.56 Bqkg-1 to 384.98 ~c 11.97 Bqkg-1 and the average is 618.2 ~c 26.81 Bqkg-1. This indicated that average daily intake due to natural activity from the fish is valued at 0.999 Bq/day, 2.545Bq/day and 10.31 Bq/day for 226Ra, 232Th and 40K respectively. This shows a promising result, since the activity concentration values for most of the fish are within the acceptable limits. However location Upstream02 (9~'51'.285~AN, 4~'35'.533~AE) and Upstream07 (9~'51'.285~AN, 4~'35'.533~AE) fish, became outliers with significant values of 1 13.10~kSvy-1 and 121.68~kSvy-1 effective dose. This could be attributed to variation in geological formations in the lake as well as the feeding habits of these fish. The work shows that consumers of fish from Kainji Lake have no risk of radioactivity ingestion, even though no amount of radiation is assumed to be totally safe

    Design and construction of a simple boat trailer for Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries Technology, New Bussa

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    A simple boat trailer with an overall length of 4.59m, breathes 1.68m, and weight of 87kg was designed and constructed using locally available metals and scrap materials. The boat trailer was used to tow a boat of 250kg weight through a distance of 14km without affecting the safety and speed of the car. The construction resulted to the production of an open cart that is light and easily maneuvered that one person can move it manually without difficulty. The total production cost was N32, 300 which is affordable in relation to the cost of transporting boats through the use of pick up vans. The boat trailer can be easily maneuvered when coupled to any car or van. This makes it adequate for towing and for safer movement of boats from the school boat yard to any water bodies

    Development of an improved dug canoe for artisanal fisheries

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    A dug canoe similar to the one commonly used by artisanal fisherfolks 4.82M (LOA) was designed and constructed using locally available materials, as an alternative to hardwood that is becoming very scarce. The canoe have least cost, easy construction, adequate stability, light weight and easy maneuverability, as its attributes. The light displacement (weight empty) was 37kg which is light enough in relation to craft of same size commonly used by fishermen. The capacity of the canoe was 210 kg (3 persons) and total production cost of N18,400 which is not beyond the reach of an average fisherfolk. The craft is small and fall among the category of crafts that account for the greater percentage of national fish landing. The canoe also closely resembles the local fishing crafts, hence easy acceptance by local fisherfolk

    Comparative study of the level of bacterial/helminths contamination of vegetables produced from polluted and unpolluted irrigation site of Kano

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    A comparative study was contaminations of five major crops (Lactuca veriso, Darcus carota, Solanum lycopersicum, Phylanthus amarus, Alium cepa) produced from polluted (industrial/residential effluents) Sharada and unpolluted (tube well water)Yarimawa using the method described by FAO, (1979). The result shows that the five crops, produced with polluted water viz, Lactuca veriso, Darcus carota, Solanum lycopersicum Phylanthus amarus, Alium cepa, had mean aerobic plate count of 2.0 x 102 cfu/g, 8.40 x 102 cfu/g , 1.13 x 103 cfu/g , 5.8 x 104 cfu/g cfu/g, 5.7 x 101 cfu/g, respectively, and all the five crops had mean coliform count of 180 MPN/g, while that of unpolluted water had mean aerobic plate count of of 1.22 x 102 cfu/g 5.1 x 102 cfu/g , 1.4 x 102 cfu/g, 1.43 x 102 cfu/g, 1.32 x 101 cfu/g respectively, and had mean coliform count of 30, 21,21, 21 and 21MPN/g respectively. The organisms isolated in all the crops produced with polluted water were E. coli, Salmonella sp, Shigella sp, S. aureus, Ascaris egg, Strongloides and Ancylostoma while E. coli, Shigella sp, S. aureus, wer the organisms isolated in the crops produced with unpolluted water, only Lactuca verosa and Solanum lycopersicum, shows the presence of helmiths in the crops produced with the unpolluted water.Key words: Kano, Bacteria, Helminth, effluent, Yarimawa, Sharad

    Maruca vitrata (Fabricius) [Lepidoptera: Pyralidae] larval population dynamics as affected by intra-row spacing, sowing dates and biopesticides on cowpea

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    The objective of the research was to test the effect of sowing dates, intra-row spacing and biopesticides on the larval population dynamics of M. vitrata in Samaru, Nigeria. The experiment was laid out with biopesticides (B0; control, B1; Neem seeds kernel extract (NKE), B2; Maruca vitrata Multi-nucleopolyhedrosis virus (MaviMNPV) suspension and B3; Cyper diforce (30 g cypermethrin + 250 g dimethoate). The result at 10 WAS showed that varying sowing dates to SD3 significantly (P=.01) reduced mean population of M. vitrata larva in sampled flowers in all the years and the combine. MaviMNPV was effective in reducing pod borer populations (7.22, 6.11 and 6.67) better than NKE (10.19, 5.74 and 7.96) and Cyper diforce (7.41, 8.89 and 8.15). The control significantly recorded the highest mean (11.67, 12.59 and 12.13) population in all the years and the combined. Similarly, varying sowing dates to SD3 significantly reduced mean population (5.56, 5.00 and 5.28) of M. vitrata in cowpea pods sampled 10 WAS better than SD1 and SD2. Statistically similar effect of biopesticides was observed on mean population of M. vitrata, however, the control recorded the highest mean (22.59 and 13.89) in 2015 cropping season and the combined. High cowpea grain yield was obtained in SD2 (337.85, 689.10 and 800.66 kg ha-1) even though statistically similar with SD3 (244.89, 618.10 and 639.68 kg ha-1). Cyper diforce treated plots gave the highest yield of 394.56, 887.69 and 976.51 kg ha-1 during 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons and combine but was statistically at far (P=.01) with NKE and MaviMNPV. The interaction of SD2 and Cyper diforce gave the highest grain yield. The effect of sowing at SD2 and insecticide spray will give a better control of M. vitrata for an increased yield of cowpea in the study area

    Framing Twitter Public Sentiment on Nigerian Government COVID-19 Palliatives Distribution Using Machine Learning

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    Sustainable development plays a vital role in information and communication technology. In times of pandemics such as COVID-19, vulnerable people need help to survive. This help includes the distribution of relief packages and materials by the government with the primary objective of lessening the economic and psychological effects on the citizens affected by disasters such as the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there has not been an efficient way to monitor public funds’ accountability and transparency, especially in developing countries such as Nigeria. The understanding of public emotions by the government on distributed palliatives is important as it would indicate the reach and impact of the distribution exercise. Although several studies on English emotion classification have been conducted, these studies are not portable to a wider inclusive Nigerian case. This is because Informal Nigerian English (Pidgin), which Nigerians widely speak, has quite a different vocabulary from Standard English, thus limiting the applicability of the emotion classification of Standard English machine learning models. An Informal Nigerian English (Pidgin English) emotions dataset is constructed, pre-processed, and annotated. The dataset is then used to classify five emotion classes (anger, sadness, joy, fear, and disgust) on the COVID-19 palliatives and relief aid distribution in Nigeria using standard machine learning (ML) algorithms. Six ML algorithms are used in this study, and a comparative analysis of their performance is conducted. The algorithms are Multinomial Naïve Bayes (MNB), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), Logistics Regression (LR), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), and Decision Tree (DT). The conducted experiments reveal that Support Vector Machine outperforms the remaining classifiers with the highest accuracy of 88%. The “disgust” emotion class surpassed other emotion classes, i.e., sadness, joy, fear, and anger, with the highest number of counts from the classification conducted on the constructed dataset. Additionally, the conducted correlation analysis shows a significant relationship between the emotion classes of “Joy” and “Fear”, which implies that the public is excited about the palliatives’ distribution but afraid of inequality and transparency in the distribution process due to reasons such as corruption. Conclusively, the results from this experiment clearly show that the public emotions on COVID-19 support and relief aid packages’ distribution in Nigeria were not satisfactory, considering that the negative emotions from the public outnumbered the public happiness
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